>amerimutts invade Africa even though nobody asked them >want to kidnap a bunch of people >instead of conducting a covert mission with a few people start blasting Ride of the Valkyries and fly in with 50 gunships making their approach known hours in advance >everyone starts acting retarded as soon as the mission begins >one of the copters is shot down >HURRR LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND >order all your troops go save one dude who survived the crash, losing dozens of men in process >another copter tries to fly in and is also shot down >HURRR LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND >order all your troops go save this copter too, losing even more men >eventually realise that shit is fucked beyond repair and ask local military to bail them out with entire army
"not leaving people behind" is not a viable tactic during fucking war. The funniest bit of the movie is when they literally just forget two dudes behind.
Carter Gutierrez
im a great actor
Nathan Barnes
Get fucked, pussy. War isn’t like your stupid ass video games.
They didn't though. They accomplished the mission and literally survived being trapped inside an entire city of hostiles trying to kill them 24/7. They killed hundreds of the skinnies.
They didn't forget them. Those two guys forgot to fall back to humvees. Actually, I'm not sure that part actually even happened in real life.
Colton Rivera
Yes and they also won Vietnam and wars in middle east. Kek, you guys are so bad at war that you lose to sheep herders and rice farmers with 18th century tech.
>they mowed down hundreds of starving women and children Based
Josiah Ortiz
Last time I checked, machetes can still cut human flesh.
Dominic Morales
>ask local military to bail them out with entire army >a U.S. division and the U.N. is the somalian military
yuropoors everybody
Caleb Torres
Half your population will kill itself and the other half would die just from trying to get off their obese asses. What a shitty excuse
Alexander Turner
I can come back home after dying overseas? Sweet
Landon Jenkins
>killed over 1000 jungle bunnies in the process
honestly whats the problem
Owen Rivera
I hope in 15 years there's a Venezuelan sequel where the americunts get killed.
Caleb Sanchez
Why do you hate America?
Robert White
They also had to change the protagonists name because the real life guy ended up being caught with a bunch of child porn or something on his computer
Kayden Harris
>Spc. Grimes, played by Ewan McGregor, is a fictional character, though given his administrative position and penchant for coffee, he is unabashedly based on the real-life Ranger clerk Spc. John Stebbins, who was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the battle. However, Stebbins was convicted in 2000 for child molestation and is currently serving a 30-year prison term. As a result, the Pentagon apparently pressured screenwriters to alter his name in the film, although a spokeswoman for the movie defended the change as "a creative decision made by the producers."
>Europe >third world Pick one. Your country is on fire and eating itself alive, people starving and major cities without drinking water. Mass murders weekly, crazy religious and uneducated people very common place.
>John Stebbins...was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the battle > Stebbins was convicted in 2000 for child molestation and is currently serving a 30-year prison term
oh for fuck's sake. you can't trust anyone
David Mitchell
No one shot grenades into the building you fucking weirdo.
I always wish that one day the president will decide "you know what, fuck all this theater shit" and pull all US troops out of every other country on earth. Why do we have to help everyone else? If it isn't happening on our territory or in our country we shouldn't even get involved militarily.
>police will respond And if their commanding officer is a Jew, they’ll hunker down outside the building and wait for the pops to stop.
Brody Sullivan
irl I think it was the malays that answered the us distress signal lmao imagine having to rely on those junglejungle people for help holy shit i'm dying here
Tyler Wilson
You dense motherfucker call that helping?
Benjamin Foster
I think in such a situation you'd be shocked by the number of Americans complaining about what's probably best summed up as a loss of "empire". *You're* obviously not one and neither am I but for the most part we're a meddling people.
Dominic Powell
He actually thinks US soldiers go to third world shitholes to help the locals out. Wow
Anthony Morgan
>Mate, everyone outside of America hates America. then why does every turd under the sun want to go there
Charles Harris
oh no, he had ilegal pixels combinations
Eli Taylor
30 years? for touching some girl? boomers really did a number on this country
Brody Jackson
no need to, the kikes are already replacing you
James Cox
>Ranger clerk did he have the same training as regular Rangers or was he just pushing pencils?
Blake King
I hope that president enjoys his convertible ride in Dallas.
Grayson Campbell
Jaxson Gutierrez
He fucked his daughter. At the time she was 6.
Christian Peterson
Yea but they left the pilot guy to become a prisoner.
We do actually have ops in places where we are purely there to help out the local military, and all the weapons we do have are for self defense. Stop meming
Without Jews and Asians, average American IQ would be well below the retardation line.
Michael Morales
>nobody asked They literally begged us non-stop, 24/7, for over a century >want to kidnap a bunch of people Yeah, they wanted to steal their magical nigger blood
Gavin Morris
>help Planting niggers jiggabooing to the '''rhytms''' of hiphop and selling carboard box tasting burgers is not helping.
Owen Gonzalez
They make up 4% of the country, you mouth-breather.
Gavin Moore
>le JFK was anti-war European education
Levi Bailey
Which should tell you something about the quality of the rest
Carson Evans
This. Her get assassinated thought. Afghanistan was for the Sackler family and their beloved opium, troops forced to guard the fields, forbidden from damaging them, and having to hear little boys get fucked in the ass by Afghan military officers and tolerate it.
Josiah Ross
>nobody asked them The UN did The UN specifically asked the US to intervene you fucking retard
Gavin Martin
Americans are posturing cowards.
Matthew Hall
>pakis and Malaysians had to save their asses while the mutts play cowboys
Joseph Carter
They hate us because they ain't us.
Benjamin Fisher
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Europe is so excited that the based Africans btfo America that they are frantically importing millions of Africans to protect Europe from the burger menace