This image ruined capeshit for me. You see a real soldier standing next to a guy who pretends to be one...

This image ruined capeshit for me. You see a real soldier standing next to a guy who pretends to be one. The latter gets paid millions and is beloved by tens of millions, all because he's good looking and plays a role in some fun movies. He didn't have to go through the trials and peril that the former did, he just showed up at some agent's door one day and said "ain't I pretty." Indeed he was. Now, whenever I see Captain America, I just think about this pampered model swinging his arms at computer generated enemies. My mind then turns to images of real battlefields, real death, real consequences and I lose all immersion in the movie.

Attached: soldier and actor.jpg (1242x1656, 310K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah but ones a captain and the other is just some lil lieutenant

Attached: 1552607916361.jpg (479x720, 54K)

Being a movie superstar takes a much more rare combination of talent and physical traits. Any retard can be a soldier.

The guy's wearing camo. That doesn't mean he's a hero. Any fucking dumbass can join the military. Very few of them ever actually face danger. You think some grunt in the military provides as much value as an actor in a movie that is watched by millions of people? Suck his fucking dick if you want the army guy to feel appreciated.

how many percent of the army is actual infantry? probably in the single digits, how many of those in infantry see actual danger rather than some shooting happened near them so they wait for the Air Force to blow up a hill 5 miles away? you Americans are so fucking weird about your army, they're off in some dessert running security, why don't Americans suck off British, Australian or German soldiers if doing security in the Middle East keeps America safe?

Well, if it makes you feel any better user, the CGI is a depiction of how it would like if people had superpowers they could use for murder.

Like in Ironman 3, where flame people breathed fire at people to incinerate them and make them slowly die of 2nd/3rd degree burns from dehydration and infection, while they spend every single day in agony from the burn wounds, which is one of the most painful types of injuries imaginable, just remind yourself that the fire "superpower" was insignificant/inconsequential compared to the mass napalm campaigns carried out in ww2/Vietman which saw millions of people die in aforementioned most painful form of death imaginable.

Then remind yourself how lucky you were to show up, via being born, and in country and time peroid where you don't have incendiaries raining down on you from an enemy you can't even see, 30,000 feet above you, let alone strike back at.

And then realize, that in that context, you're mr pretty "captain america" actor who gets a pampered life simply for showing up and applying minimal effort, while other people who did nothing wrong, aside from being born in the wrong place and time, have everything they loved and toiled for torn from them via flames from the heavens (aka hellfire) before dying one of the most painful deaths imaginable.

Attached: summarywar.gif (659x609, 2.07M)

This is not specifically about the guy in the OP pic, it's about soldiers who have seen combat, just like Captain America did in the movies.

Hey moron, in the entertainment industry you get paid in relation to how much money you bring in. People love Will Smith and Tom Cruise so they'll flock to their movies and spend a ton of money. Infantrymen are a dime a dozen in the eyes of the military

Thanks for reinforcing my point.
You're missing the point.

Why are you watching comic book movies in the first place, 99% are complete shit to begin with

99% of all movies are complete shit


top kek

Why is Captain America hugging the bad guys?

Fuck the military lol

Little fucks like you are why I feel we should have mandatory service for all. Yeah not every job is constant combat and dying but the Army is an organization and we need more than guns and muscle to win a war and support a nation.

While you pretend my job is less honorable than an Infantryman I’ll revel in the fact at least I actually DO serve instead of being a whiny little nothing

What's the 1%?


The Dark Knight and Blade

Yeah that’s what I would reply with too it I just got absolutely decimated.

Save face and run along.

and then you remember most of the active duty soldiers out there are "in the rear with the gear" and don't see actual combat

does anyone have his covington tweet

Sucking dick at base while real men are fighting. You sure got me


>rare combination of talent and physical traits

Don't make me laugh. You suck jew dick. Period.

Attached: hollywood jew, Casting Couch weinstein.jpg (640x480, 84K)

Wars are becoming far too complex to fight. Infantry is no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT.

nice bait

More like getting my dick sucked by all these fit, horny support MOS girls.

But don’t worry you keep posting >tfw no gf

More like one is a retarded grunt fighting for Israel on our tax dollars and the other is a retarded grunt for Jewish Hollywood acting for basedboy's allowances or good husband points.

>Any fucking dumbass can join the military

You couldn't. 75% of the Tide Pod generation is disqualified for being fat, mentally ill and having low IQ.

lmao you're basically a mailman

I always thought I could kick ass in the army if I didn't smoke so much weed

Amen, brother

There is no computer in MIT able to hold conquered position.

>This image ruined military for me. You see a real successful man standing next to a guy who pretends to be one. The former is beloved by tens of millions, all because he worked hard all his life, beat all odds of becoming a hollywood star and plays an iconic role in a movie that inspires millions of people. He honed his talents and worked tirelessly all his life to get where he is, and the other just showed up at some recruiter's door one day and said "where do I sign?" Indeed he did. Now, whenever I see some POG, I just think about this pampered "soldier" eating an MRE at a supply depot. My mind then turns to images of real battlefields where Captain America fought, real death, real consequences and I lose myself in the movie.

Attached: academy award make up.jpg (870x790, 277K)

Those two have a real battle going on between them: finding out who sucks more jewish dick.

True, but with drones becoming more prominent these fatass, retarded zoomers can still participate while eating Pods at a control booth

well our society values entertainment above all so actors are overpaid as a result. what can you do.

This. Look at who we voted to be President.

I see you user, topkek

Why do American soldiers need their names written on their uniforms? Is it in case they forget what they're called?

You really can't be THIS braindead...

no it's because the US military can afford custom nametags for each soldier, unlike your country's piss poor peasant army

I love Captain America, but Chris Evans is so fucking cringy to me. Fucking beta max.

>You suck jew dick
Imagine saying some shit like this while defending the zionist Amerijew soldiers. Both Chris Evans and that soldier work for (((them))), but at least Chris gets to be a multi millionaire with all his limbs.

It's true though. You're going through a phase of perspective common to teenagers

Go to bed Chris.

Do people in your country even have names?

>he just showed up at some agent's door one day and said "ain't I pretty." Indeed he was.
fucking kek

Attached: k9shzKe.jpg (273x750, 61K)

Wow, this guy needs to be Jotaro.

>implying being in the military is honorable

Like 99% of soldiers never see action. It's a big state-run welfare program. The entitlement from it is unbearable. Good job, you went to boy scout camp is an abusive boomer scout leader and learned how to shoot a gun. Look at all of those marketable skills! Fuck off, the military hasn't done anything worthwhile since Korea.

Who else stoppeped watching movies/shows entirely because of this? I hate fucking hollywood, actors, all of them. It's just insignificant bullshit.
Now I only lurk on Yea Forums for real life kinos threads.

>win wars

Against whom?

military worship is such cringe
most soldiers are lazy burnouts

Meatbags will only be there to take the heat in the event that Killbot #23523 chucks HE into an orphanage by mistake or something. You need someone to court martial if that happens, the programmers are too white collar/valuable and sticking the bot itself in the dock would look retarded so Pvt Cleatus will have to take the heat but they'll have very little actual control.

Everything is moving from human-in-the-loop (i.e. the drone asks permission prior to each action) to human-on-the-loop i.e. the killbot will perform the entire mission by itself, the meatbag's only job will be to sit there watching it with their hand on a kill-switch in case it starts targeting civilians or committing some other unauthorized warcrime.

Realistically future soldiers will only exist for public relations, so the military doesn't get swallowed by a shitstorm caused by bleeding hearts who don't like the idea of the Sandnigger-Mangler 3000 performing patrols on it own and slaughtering a bunch of jihadis without a "moral agent" there to take the blame and for them to wag their fingers and shout "baby-killer" at. Don't need much in the way of IQ or physical conditioning for that.

Attached: 1551917733922.gif (800x336, 3.66M)

i mean, to a point.
most in the military are just pencil pushers who realistically never see combat of any kind.
since this is Yea Forums, watch jarhead. it's a pretty realistic depiction of what the military is.

>Look at all of those marketable skills!
I'm generally critical of the military but you can truthfully learn some marketable skills in it if you're not a complete retard.

>die for israel goy you'll be a hero
fuck off

>tfw in military for 10 years
>most of that time spent at a backwater post
>now can be a chill welfare NEET living off wagie cucks taxes

Attached: 1552117011469.gif (633x758, 14K)

stop acting tough id kick you ass you little truck driver

>. The latter gets paid millions and is beloved by tens of millions, all because he's good looking and plays a role in some fun movies.
Dude, as an 1812 USMC, gtfo. That's a lt in the Army, he hasn't done shit. The guy gets paid like a king and he hasn't done anything(look at the cammies!!!!). The military is bunk, FUCK capeshit.
For real though, infantry Marines and Navy Seals are the real deal, not sure about the Army SF.
t. your welcome for the tank support in Fallujah and Haditha

Attached: 1552520723937.webm (1000x562, 2.92M)

i work as a contractor at a base, i'm surprised how laid back everything is

one last thing...

Attached: getrecktfaggot.png (380x349, 77K)

What's the sauce on that gif man? I want to watch whatever that is now lol

thanks for your service bro

Soldiers don't deserve respect in modern America.

Doesn't Chris Evans get mad panic attacks and shit on drumpff?
Is anyone based anymore?

It's only a short movie/trailer unfortunately, called 'Keloid'.

Attached: Keloid - A Short Film by BLR.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

Real soldiers are faggots though.

I think Chris Evans is fully aware he's not a real soldier OP. That's why he's at the base meeting those troops to show his own respect for them. Soldiers like entertainment and movies too y'know. Do you also hate Gary Sinese because he wasn't an actual Lt. in Vietnam?

The last war America won was WWII.

Trillions of dollars sunk for literally nothing

Oh no he's a rational thinker.

MURICA won in Vietnam and Korea too since the goal was to contain communism

You're not fighting for freedom or america. You're a worthless fucking faggot and I hope you and your friends die.

huh hell yea man thanks, here's a you and a gif

Attached: CarltonDancePepe.gif (400x502, 269K)

one will entertain billions of people through out time
the other will kill some brown people in the desert IF he's lucky

Seething pog

>*dumps reddit gold into your fedora*
Dotn spend it all in one place

I don't necessarily agree with this, but if it assrapes commies like then i'm in

movies aren't real, zoomer

but they didn't contain communism in vietnam, the south got taken

>hates transgenders and homos
>hate soldiers supporting freedom

Holy shit what do you guys like/support?

You're salty about something. See a therapist. The dude (the actor) is just doing his job, just like anyone else.

Are you saying you only realized all that after seeing that image? Like, before that, you thought super heroes were real? Wtf

Yea Forums has no principles. The Democrats get accused of anti-Semitism and suddenly they're all over Jewish cock.

Not trannies

That's true about every actor who's played a soldier though, zoomer

Yes, doctor, I'm sorry, doctor. I'll be sure to never speak ill of Marvel or Disney again.

Not John Cena or the Drill Instructor from Full Metal Jacket

Being an IED magnet isn't all that hard or impressive

The bts cameraman did a better job than the actual d.o.p

You don’t have to the leave the fob to get hit by a rocket or gunfire

Attached: 28F6D9AA-BF95-43A6-BE2C-3B7BF400BFA2.jpg (640x623, 120K)

I was in the Marines for 8 years. I was deployed for 5 of them. I never once faced real danger. This is true for 80% (or more) of the armed forces. Most vets like to play up what they actually did. Any loser can finish bootcamp. Stop exaggerating and romanticizing the military. Only a select few are warriors.

I hate shaky cam. The Winter Soldier could have been perfect, but they had to get lazy with the action scenes.

Okay sweaty don't me cut off handicap funds

I believe it. You certainly type like you’re handicapped

Anyone noticed hes doing an RDJ and standing on his toes?

>Wheelchair bound cuck hands typed this.
Ty for stepping on a landmine for Isreal sweaty

They do it to hide the fact that the actors cant fight. Thats why they should cast asians in all cape films

Fuck off, bug

You’re welcome sonny. Thanks to me you get to live off of neetbux instead of being sent to a country that would decapitate you for being half a tard

Ty for giving me freebux and letting me fuck your wife while you were getting your shit pushed in by goat herders.

>fuck your wife

Are you even capable of speaking to a woman?

>Ok guys cancel every movie that features a soldier character, ever! We don't want to trigger this incel snowflake!

I'm not an SJW, faggot. I know the difference from abstaining and prohibiting.

It's hard to hold a conversation when I'm throat fucking her.

He should ask Israel for a rise. But he is Happy to kill kids for a ration of crayons

>American youth increasingly Marxist
Wow great job heroes

I like that the ugly retard in cameo will likely be killed or if he lives, will be poor and unhappy.


Blame greedy conservitards that want everthing for themselves

Listen little neet. How about I invite you over and show you how a real man fucks? I don’t mind if you watch and you might learn a thing or two about how to be a real man... it might even cure your incelness.

I’d offer a threesome but it would probably end up with me fucking her while you’re in the corner eating a sandwich.

The problem is the army isn't the same as it was during ww2. It's just full of poor uneducated folk who don't have other opportunity.

>dying for Israel

>Baby killer thinks he is Rambo.
Yeah why don't you go get your teeth kicked in by a couple of goat fuckers.

You should thank god for Soldiers like me because we nuked Japan into drawing your fruity little waifus.

So in the new zealand threads you say fuck muzzies but now you defend them?

Can they not cut the uniforms so everyone doesn't look like they have klinefelter's?

Ah yes ty for losing your legs and watching your friends turn to burger meat for Isreal.

Holy shit homo. It’s not about looking stylish it’s about function

Fuck both of them? Especially the soilders because they are probably the biggest cucks on the planet.

>Capitalism ruined capeshit for me.
I understand comrade

Go to sleep, kid

this desu
chris evans probably gyms harder too
plus he has been an actor for ages

Okay grandpa. At least I can sleep peacefully without suffering from tsd because I'm not a two but retard who died fighting in some desert shithole

kino knife flip


It's crazy that all these people don't realize that actors like him are half the reason why anyone worships the military in the first place. The military needs bodies so they give a bunch of money to movies like Transformers and people keep believing all the propaganda.

I mean it's not w/o disadvantages.

-gets panic attacks
-probably depressed

I guess it does make sense having all that extra room when the average miltard is a fatass. Plus there's room for when they shit themselves from fear.

>losing to rice farmers
>a whole generation got PTSD while in Nam
>spat in the faces by losers and hippies at home
American's (((army))) is a joke.

This is copy pasted from reddit right?

Name your country and I bet we beat them or can beat them.

Trust me I know you wont

>real soldier
He's too fat and doesn't have the 1000 yard stare. That pfc looks fresh outta boot camp. Nobody cares.

SF? definitely. the current day average grunt? lol no. I'd bet that half the standard recruits nowadays aren't combat ready or would last a day in a war with equal powers and not just plinking sand niggers

Attached: german army.webm (720x404, 2.8M)

>welfare queen next to a literal artist
US soldiers deserve to die for their kike masters. Jump on a towelhead's IED. Fuck USA and hamburgers. I shit on America. Will not read rest of thread

wow standing next to a murderer like he isn't next to someone who has lost his soul.

then maybe you soldier boys should shut up and learn how to act

>yes goy, join the military and """""support your nation"""""

Both of you are equally retarded

>retard discovered capeshit isn't reality and now needs to cope

Can you name even one succesful actor AND soldier/officer who fought in a war/were decorated for their long duty? There are actors who served in the military, but it always was in their youth, and then they become sucessful as civilians.

Maybe they put you in a shitty battalion because you sucked ass at bootcamp?

Marines are called "crayon eaters" by other branches of the military for a reason. They're not exactly known for their intellectual acumen.

As for being fat, getting /fit/ is actually not that difficult. A year of dedicated lifting already puts you above 80% of all American men. 2 years, and you're practically in the top 10% already.

And about mental illness, just fake being normal. That's what everyone else does. Joining the Marines is really not that big of a challenge. Lie about smoking weed, lie about your medical history, they're really not going to check. They want you too bad to let you go for anything stupid.

>Recruiter promises war, action, and adventure
>Take 4 years
>See literally fucking nothing
>Think you just got unlucky so go back for another 4 years
>Learn the hard way that Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan are all massive fucking countries, and 90% of them are all sandy fucking wastelands
>Learn the hard way that the chances of you being in proximity to actual fucking combat are as infinitesimal as a tv satellite colliding with the goddamn sputnik
>Basically just wasted another 4 years for no goddamn reason when you could've been getting free school or free surgery

real soldiers/officers aren't going to waste their lives "acting". they have real ambitions and serious pursuits that don't include playing pretend in front of a camera.

Long-range drone operations will be liable to electronic warfare. I see a place for humans directing section levels of drones via laser comms
Which means the few infantry remaining will have to be really hot-shit. Won't touch a gun, but that ipad is going to really busy

Evens comes off as a bitch. I'll say it. He ruined Captain America.

Youre wrong with one particular example - Jimmy Stewart was both very successful actor and decorated officer and World war 2 hero, and was on active duty (brigadier general) even in Vietnam war.

Attached: 756254a24d5bbff229da26d2cee27c7e.jpg (600x443, 51K)

>the other will kill some brown people in the desert
Truly making the world a better place.

>American youth increasingly Marxist
source for this my butthurt friend?

>real soldiers/officers
laughing NCO's.png

The filename made me laugh heartily, thanks.

Funny considering the first Captain America movie had these themes as well

dudes probably a pog faggot anyways

>I’d offer a threesome but it would probably end up with me fucking her while you’re in the corner eating a sandwich.

Quality pasta

I'm not in great shape but I absolutely could. Honestly I'm under weight for my height not overweight.

Why would Chris Evans wear a America hat when he hates America?

>Because the military budget isn't big enough
But yeah I agree actors get paid way too
fucking much, it's absolutely absurd. How did it get so bad? They used to be a joke of a profession, they'd be paid in booze and a place to sleep if they were lucky

that's right, you "serve" like a good little slave. Why do you feel you owe your country? Didn't you parents pay taxes, don't you pay taxes on everything you buy. Good goys like you are the reason why we won't enjoy the perks of western civilization for much longer.

>one is a welfare queen killing actual children for the ZOG war kikes
>the other is captain america
I know it's play pretend and I know hollywood is a kike industry as well, but this is a matter where you have to pick the lesser jew.

Attached: 1514864045320.jpg (688x456, 41K)

Yeah if you're a racist, sexist, islamophobic, transphobic, homophobic, niggerphobic, spicphobic, slantphobic, fascist garbage human.

Can any burgers explain why celebrity worship is so common in the US? Even on Yea Forums of all places, people are kissing the ground of a man simply because he pretends to be someone he’s not in front of a camera.

I’m not saying there aren’t varying degrees of celebrity worship elsewhere, but it seems especially ingrained into Americans. To the point where people make careers off of being famous for no reason at all, and nothing else.

right, they'd rather destroy families thousands of miles away rather than entertain these families

idk, but it's worse in Japan with idol culture.

too bad my country is a jew sapatry so you can't even do shit even if you wanted

Like a dog, you might be disillusioned to think you can beat your owner, but we have you on a tight leash.

I stand with you.

Can any burgers explain why veteran worship is so common in the US? Even on Yea Forums of all places, people are kissing the ground of a man simply because he pretends to be someone as a hero when in reality he probably just raped and killed kids overseas.

I’m not saying there aren’t varying degrees of veteran worship elsewhere, but it seems especially ingrained into Americans. To the point where people make careers off of being famous for no reason at all, and nothing else.

that's like asking a retard to explain his way of thinking

Attached: 1551120879517.png (640x770, 688K)

Like the one that defeated you in Nam?

Americans are impulsive and programmable. They are proud to send their kids to Afghanistan to protect opium fields so their broke hometown can be filled with opioids just because of the degree of military worship they're in. Mind you, the irony is that their worship is completely centered on the image surrounding the military, they don't have a military culture at all (unlike, say, Prussia). Just like so many other things, it's all about the image, as expected of a people whose minds are moulded by Hollywood.

The real hilarious part is that it’s actually a trifecta of stupidity and embarrassment that represents America. There’s the actor pretending to be something he’s not, then there’s the slave that goes to fight in wars for other countries’ interests and spilling more human blood and causing conflict in the name of phony ideals, and then there’s the OP who represents the average joe that looks up to either the liar or the murderer and believes they are the height of all that he should aspire to.

May god have mercy on America.

I won’t.

An entire generation lived through Vietnam and saw how veterans were treated like absolute shit when they got home, while it was politicians that sent them to die there.
>To the point where people make careers off of being famous for no reason at all, and nothing else.
Not sure what you're referencing with this.

The draft doesn’t exist anymore fyi

>being famous for being a veteran. Being a veteran an will guarantee almost any job (all job application or benefits even ask you if you are military or defendant of one).
Plus I was just memeing

>being famous for being a veteran.
>Being a veteran an will guarantee almost any job (all job application or benefits even ask you if you are military or defendant of one).

I don't even understand where this shit is coming from.


>tfw 15 years military, 5 more to go

I love reading the "die for israel" comments. Those people must think the military is non stop opening of Saving Private Ryan, people dying everywhere and making hardly any money. Truth is for 99% of the military you are sitting on your ass doing shit for when you get OUT of the military, all the while making sweet bank.

It’s nothing like Vietnam where people were forced to go. Now it’s all voluntary and people choose to go fight in more unnecessary wars and spill more blood. There is no inherent honour or respect earned by any of that. With Vietnam it was a draft so the honour was in serving the country and its laws. Now there is no honour as they are not forced to go. They choose to go.

You cannot have a country without a military.

It's harder to become a movie star than to get D's in high school and join the military

>implying that anyone even knows you exist while in bootcamp

They don't distinguish between good and bad in basic.
>did you pass to standard? Good, get the fuck out of here and report.

They don't make decisions on where and what the military does, it's still a elected official as the commander in chief.

>watching capeshit in the first place
>finally understanding that it doesnt depict real war
Congratulations on breaking the first layer of mass media social conditioning

Personally i had similar enlightenment around 5 years ago, American Sniper and Fury were major factors i think (and the fact that i had taken interest in well researched historical literature). As it stands i have only watched 4 new murrican movies ever since US/UK/Israel propaganda organization received short doc oscar of 2017. Hollywood truly is a fucking pit of snakes without a sliver of humanity.
If anyone is interested on the organization in question.

>thinking a 1st lt actually does anything other than steals your accomplishments and therefore your promotions

Costa Rica and 22 other countries doesnt have army.

Attached: MSF_logo.png (320x314, 35K)

Why do you complain about attractive people being successful in Hollywood and then get pissed if a girl below an 8 is ever on screen?


Fuck off Chris

>Long-range drone operations will be liable to electronic warfare.
Not much more than modern armed forces, if your comms get completely jammed and you can't communicate with any of your teeth units anymore, and they can't communicate or coordinate with each other, you're just as fucked regardless of whether they're beep-boops or flesh-and-blood humans.

This is why there's such a push for autonomous or the euphemistic "semi-autonomous" (i.e. fully autonomous but we keep an eye on it) capabilities in drones; so that if you do temporarily lose contact, the drone will simply continue it's tasking or, hypothetically, be capable of limited adaptive behaviour.

But I agree that short-term, the human infantry capacity of most Western armed forces is likely to be reduced to basically just special forces and an officer cadre trained for civilian interaction and drone-control, so a higher standard of training than modern infantry have.

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>yes goyim die for israel profits

And frankly even the honour you get from fighting for the draft and the law doesn’t outweigh the dishonour of fighting for unjust wars or from spreading violence and death. With agency or without agency being a soldier is a dishonourable business on a net balance.


Attached: 1522577171569.jpg (1026x1193, 186K)

>at least I actually DO serve

serve your jewish masters

Based za warudo poster

>he's enlisted
>couldn't even cross to the dark side of he wanted to

Costa Rica has an agreement to be protected by the US should it be invaded.

>You see a real soldier standing next to a guy who pretends to be one.
Shouldn't this ruin all movies for you?

So is posting on a Cantonese fly fishing board, yet here you are.

But the country still exists and it does proves your statement. If militaries didn’t exist countries would still exist. Your point lost its legs.

Attached: 1445766574241.jpg (384x395, 24K)

>slick sleeve 1st LT
>real soldier


>but muh moved goal posts!
It depends on another country's military in order to exist. Commit sudoku

>fight in zions movies
>fight in zions wars
Not much of a difference

Being a mass murderer for the American empire shouldn't be respected or endorsed.

you have to be good at giving the succ as well as align with the director's fetishes

You need to brush up on your Aristotle if you believe all honours and dishonours are equal. And how people choose to spend their time here is different how you choose, so there is no inherent honour or dishonour in the pure activity or coming here. That determination is based off the context of your activity here.

Nationalistic military propoganda is very important for supporting a countries Army.

Evans is kinda like Goebbels.

Attached: ScreenShot7412.jpg (786x516, 240K)

Nothing has been moved brainlet. The country literally exists without a military. Your argument is demolished.

Dumb commie tranny cuck

Name a single U.S. armed conflict in the past 100 years that involved a direct threat to American freedoms. You literally can't.

>at least I actually DO serve

Attached: nice.png (913x690, 95K)

Stop sucking so much dick

>US Military
O...oh...oh say..say can you s..see...

Attached: us army trap.jpg (1760x3796, 2.4M)

>free surgery

Attached: Ed4LdEW.jpg (243x207, 6K)

>The country literally exists without a military.
If the US military wasn't there it wouldn't. Cry more.

I really, really, REALLY don't think American men go to war over "ideals" and "freedom", any more than you became a construction worker to "improve people's lives" and "build the homeless people's homes".

It's always, always, always for the money. Of course, when I say "always", it's not literally "always"; though I bet there ARE people who join The Marines looking to save the world from terrifying terrorists and antagonizing anarchists, the same way some construction workers join the work force to build homes for the homeless and improve people's lives; but for the most part, they do it because it's a good job. You get paid to eat, sleep, workout, and take orders. You get to see the world and participate in heart-pounding action. You get to shoot guns and kill people. THAT'S why people join.

You think Caesar's men fought under him because he promised them a greater Rome? No. They fought with him because he made them rich and powerful. They fought with him because he guaranteed them war and victory. The very first thing Caesar did when he marched on his own country was raid the treasury. You know why? Because he knew that LOYALTY wouldn't last him forever. His men were only "his men" and long as he kept his promise to pay them. Caesar knew this. Napoleon knew this. Uncle Sam knew this. Now you know it.

America is no different. We don't do it for ideals, freedom, liberation, or righteousness. We do it because out of all 300 MILLION of us, there are going to be young boys fresh out of highschool willing to sign up with the world's most powerful military, because they want to go out in the world and shoot guns at people and come back home with a pocket full of benefits. This isn't new. It's been the same way since as long as warfare has ever existed. I bet a hundred to one that your country has a military too, Nigel Bongistan. A hundred to one that people enlist with your troops because they want good money and veteran benefits too.

Whats the military dudes trade?
Is he actually in the combat arms or is he a clerk?
Where is this?
Has the military dude seen combat?
These are all questions that will affect if i give a shit.

You get laser eye surgery and some other non essential stuff covered if you want it. Depends on what it is.

Kek people still believe this meme, the military is the easiest fucking job in the world I'm paid to do nothing most of the time. While I shitpost on this shithole of a website.

Lmao what about the other 22 countries? And Costa Rica would still exist even if the military didn’t. There’s literally no inherent logic that makes the country depend on the military. Your premise that the nation can only exist with the military needs an aggressor to be part of the equation for it to work. And the military that defends does not have to be mustered by the nation itself as our current reality shows. Hence again on all fronts, a country doesn’t need a military to exist. Try harder brainlet.

What the other user said, but it was also a bit of a joke. You have to wait a super long time for shit like laser eye surgery, and the ex-vet bennies don't really pay for everything if you go under the table. In fact, your veteran benefits pays the most minimal amount if you want to get non-essential surgery done; so much so that you're better off just asking the doctors for 20 bucks.

>Lmao what about the other 22 countries?
Name them my friend. Could be they benefit from a similar arrangement we are already talking about. Seethe harder.


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Money and phony ideals are just as dishonourable. In fact, one can argue phony ideals are less dishonourable because you can excuse them as a byproduct of stupidity, while doing something for money implies you know the consequences of your actions, you don’t aspire to higher ideals, and you still undergo it. So monetary reasons essentially double the dishonour.

Can confirm. Marines are fucking weird. No wonder so many I know end up here.

That arrangement literally says: I don’t need a military to defend my country because some other brainlets will do it for me. A nation does not need a military to exist. Lmao

That's an impressive set of gongs by Brit standards.

>A nation does not need a military to exist.
>needs the US military

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Kek this.

Yeah but Chris Evan is cuter and sexier and that makes him better than that random nobody in every way

A niche use is not an inherent need. Just because nations don’t have space launch facilities doesn’t mean they can’t exist. Because they can just rent one from China or India or US. Food and shelter are inherent needs.

I think you’re the one coping right now with those NPC reply formulas.

>A niche use is not an inherent need.
Goddamn, this level of cope. That goalpost must be heavy.

mandatory service is a waste of time

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Nice counter argument shit for brains. Maybe if you keep using trendy terms like cope and goalpost someone will take you seriously for once.

>it took this long for the pasta to materialize
Damn, what happened to this place?

how do you guys feel about athletes making millions? influencers making millions? it's the same thing. people get paid depending on the marked right?

pasta is old as all fuck

You have no argument to begin with. Costa Rica literally depends on the US. Getting upset won't change that fact.

Yeah keep repeating yourself parrotboy. Your life is a life of slavery. All the best to you and your peabrain.

Based and gaypilled

Americans gotta justify the billions of dollars they waste on guns and toys their citizens never see somehow

It's a requirement to give military personnel some status and respect for their work, if the country you live in runs extensive military intervention campaigns to grab as much oil as possible.

not any retard, i have add and i'd probably make a terrible soldier. i wouldn't be able to pay attention to instructions and i'd blow myself up with a grenade

>oh no, he said something that proved me wrong more than once SAVE ME REDDIT
Damn son, you're making this just too good.

Remember the 6 million.

you'd worship your military too if they kept gas prices that low

>There should be mandatory service for all
>Haha, I'm not dying for Israel. It's the easiest job in the world. I leech off of your taxes while shitposting here

So in the army you're stuck between either dying for Israel or being a welfare queen. Sure sounds respectable.

>real soldier

Try again user

If the soldier was smart, he'd have gone into movies then.

You weren't listening, asshole. EVERYONE does it for money.

EVERYONE, in the history of EVER has ALWAYS done it for shit like money, power, and glory. There are NO phony ideals. There are NO lies. Ask any US Marine, RIGHT FUCKING NOW, why they joined the forces. They will say NOTHING about freedom, liberation, righteousness, or God. It'll almost ALWAYS have to do with paying the bills and being able to shoot people with a gun for a living.

Go back in time and ask one of Napoleon's men why they decided to sign up with his army. Same answer; money, adventure, glory.

Go back in time and ask one of Caesar's legionnaires why they fight for this man, they'll tell you the same too: Money, action, glory.

This is the same for any standing, volunteer military force that's been in service for all of human history, whether that be Hernan Cortes, English Redcoats, Athenian hoplites, American Marines, or your own country's personal military.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you grew up in a nice, middle-class (maybe upper middle-class) family, in some nice, suburban district, or maybe some high-end urban center. You have no idea what war is, who fights in it, who dies in it, who benefits by it, who loves it, and who hates it. You've probably never even been in a fist fight. The concept of aggression and martial prowess are probably foreign concepts to you. You're probably the type who don't understand why people sign up to be boxers and cage fighters, thinking it's a nightmare to be hit and kicked some nights fr a living. You probably see professional athletes getting injured during a game and say to yourself "if that were me, I would have just taken it easy so as to avoid injury".

You just don't GET the extent of competition and aggression that normal adult males have. You're a weak, beta, pussy who fundamentally can't GRASP the idea of fighting for the sake of fighting. Masculinity is a foreign concept to you.

The guy playing the trooper doesn't go to foreign lands to shoot brown people to protect the stock prices of sociopathic oligarchs in the name of "patriotism"

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lmao you kidding me, the closest your average us solider comes to combat is spotting some farmers 1km away, calling in air support then hitting up the on base pizza hut to celebrate

I listened and skimmed over your TL;DR full of ad homs and typical Navy Seal we wuzzing. Doing things for monetary compensation makes it worse for you on a moral scale. Simple as that. No ones being forced to defend themselves from any evil invader when it comes to joining the military in America. You ARE the invaders. Congrats and may god have mercy on your souls.

>this whole post
Have sex.

why are these weirdos in the american armed forces so keen on trying to make it look like theyve been in danger or have "seen shit" for want of better description. like youll find them pretending theybe been under heavy fire when they maybe heard a mortar explode a mile away from the afghan air base they were stationed in

im in the military and have never been anywhere close to being in danger and likely never will; armed forces is a job no need to get melodramatic about it

1. They are dumb (they joined the military after all instead of aspiring for something higher)
2. They have insecurity and power fantasy issues
3. They struggle internally with guilt and depression over their mistaken undertakings and lash out in anger at the world to avoid having to confron it.

basic training is no walk in the park, and you have to pass physical tests and psych evaluations just to get that far, you commie faggot nigger lover

>physical tests and psyche tests

Which check to see you’re not handicapped/obese or mentally retarded. Congrats. I guess that is an accomplishment to Americans lol.

Thank you for your service user. These channel users are just edgy and dont realize the challenges faced by the USA every day

Ho. Ly. Shit. How many times do I have to tell you, you zoomer fucking shit? The military literally has NOTHING to do with morality. US Marines don't give a FUCK about "the other side". British SAS don't give a FUCK about "foreign diplomatic policy". It's ALL about "I want a cool job, and I want to get paid decent amounts of money for it".

Nobody gives a shit about morality when they enlist. They enlist because they want to shoot guns and see the world and get paid for it. They enlist because all you really need to join is a Highschool diploma and the shirt on your back. They enlist because after 8 years, some no-college hick from Fucktown, Alabama can come out with a job lined up in the police academy, 4 free years of college, a bunch of benefits to keep him happy, and the ability to brag and say "Hey, guess what? In Syria and Iraq, I once killed a man."

To put it in dumb people words, I'm going to use a very basic analogy. Girls work for Victoria's Secret because they like the lingerie and prefer the esteem. They don't think about the child labor factories, or the sweatshops, or the animals killed for their pelts. They don't care about the classism inherent in expensive, fruity bras, or the body image wars being fought between thin people and fat people outside their stores. They just want a kickass bra and 50% off on whatever they buy with employee discounts. SAME SHIT FOR MILITARY MEN.

You're some dumb cunt who watches too many videogames and plays too many movies. You're some dumb cunt who asks weird questions in philosophy class to seem smart in front of the professor. You're some dumb cunt who needs to pick up a book and start reading. All that, OR you're some 16 year old faggot. Maybe it's all of the above. Who knows?

If God can forgive the countless wars fought between the Jews, the Romans, the Egyptians, and the Canaanites, I'm pretty sure God can be cool about Syria and Iraq too.

When do you want it?

Now, now, hold on. I never said they got to see any of the actual glory they were promised. I just said it's what the big guy said they'd be getting if they signed up and enlisted.

You sound like a massive faggot.

This, even if it isn’t talent, being butthurt at the disparity in wealth between a specific unique example and some generic grunt is certified brainlet tier thinking.

It is because the universe IS fair that it is random and thus people will exist at both ends of the bell curve. Chris Evans is lucky, every successful person is lucky, the line you draw between luck and skill is meaningless since all skill is dependent on random circumstances anyway. If some genius scientist made billions curing cancer, it is still fundamentally LUCK that let him do that.

Settle down spaz, no one asked for your life story.

This, the military is how white people get welfare. Not that I'm saying that's wrong, since everyone else does, but that's just how it is.

No, but now I'm real interested in yours. Be real with me. Did you come from a rich family in a cushy part of town? Are you a no-life NEET or living off daddy's money? Have you ever taken a history class, extracurricular sport, or been friends with dudes who weren't limp wristed faggots?

Email me the answers, because I'm just dying to know.

Too bad you’re not as interested in making yourself a good person.

>get paid to work out
>get paid technical training
>don't have to pay for rent or food
>health care benefits
>housing allowance which you can pocket
>free college
>make your family proud, gain respect
>socially meaningful job, not a meaningless wageslave to pay bills
>stable employment, retirement potential
>do exciting/unique things if you're lucky and driven
>play your cards right and you have great job prospects coming out
Yeah, there are many things about it that suck, it's hard work and at the end of the day it's just a job, but it's a great opportunity. Especially if you weren't born in an ezmode middle class family. But it can be an overall constructive experience and big payday for many people.

I said email me, you insipid cunt. What am I to do with this scathing reply? Turn it into faggot soup?

>He didn't have to go through the trials and peril that the former did,

Are you forgetting the three day bootcamp the actor had to go through? Those days were grueling,luckily the hotel had a great spa and restaurant otherwise it would be unbearable.

>socially meaningful
>securing drug shipping lines and destabilizing other nations so your nation can profit


Try sticking it up your ass like you do with the rest of your stuff.

He means "a well-respected job that invites praise and allows for social posture", you autist.

Too late, I already turned it into faggot soup. Oh shit, you came with the secret ingredient! Limp-wristed bitch! I almost forgot! Thanks!

>inviting praise from brainlets and immoral goons is socially meaningful

I guess it depends on your definition of meaningful. Some see making the world a better place meaningful. Other see stroking their own egos as meaningful. To each their own I guess (but hopefully you disappear via God’s wrath/karma soon).

get litty

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>too late I already stuck it up my ass haha
You sure got me there bro.

>Some see making the world a better place meaningful
Okay, how are you going to do this? Also, the United States and the rest of its allies have drastically raised the living standard of the world in the last century. Take a look at history and I dare you to find a global power as socially constructive as the UN.

You know, the fact that you're not emailing me has led me to find that I forgot to attach my email. It's cool, you can just use your mom's instead. I'll get the message either way.

Not starting wars and not shedding blood would be a great start. Also, you might want to analyze what might be wrong with lauding a domestic institution’s metrics and statistics on how the external world should look like and how that might not translate into an objective metric for things. Just a tip.

Wowee zowee, look at him go! Which branch of the military was he in when he fucked your gf?

I’m sure that sounded cool in your head

Oh please. You think if the US just backed the fuck down, Russia wouldn't immediately capitalize on our losses? Don't kid yourself, the US is in a state of war. Just because it doesn't seem like it, doesn't make it not true.

>yo momma jokes
>muh cope reply
>navy seal pastas
>le cuck meme
And you wonder why people call you an NPC.

>Sandnigger-Mangler 3000

>muh Russia
Jesus Christ get your shit together America.

Jesus christ, only a literal boomer could get this pissed off about disrespecting the military

>Not starting wars and not shedding blood would be a great start
Yeah man, the USA is totally a belligerent power. No country is saintly, but you need to come back to reality. There has never been a more benevolent global power like the UN. The world is fucked up and there are conflicts, but if the UN wasn't in charge then your life and the lives of billions more would likely be a lot worse. The fact that you're so historically ignorant to the point that you don't even realize how bad things really were before America and its allies stepped up and said "enough" just shows how comfortable and sheltered your life has been.

Swallow more propaganda my good goy

I just KNOW what kind of person you are with the brief, 30 minutes I've interacted with you.

Rich, comfy, daddy's money teen. Videogamer, k-pop fan, j-pop fan, listens to nightcore unironically, uses discord for everything, probably either 16 or 18, thinks he's right about everything despite knowing nothing, refuses exercise because ">tfw too intelligent to lift", considers himself overwhelmingly intelligent despite getting physically and mentally pushed around by punks who never even graduated highschool, hates anyone with a modicum of masculinity and masks his insecurities under a layer of "psssh, I'm too SMART for masculine endeavors!", and lastly, couldn't cook a fish stick if he warmed it in his ass.

Are you fucking dumb? Russia wants control of the middle-east JUST AS BADLY as America. You think we've been trying to make gains there to win hearts and minds? Fuck you, if it's not us, it's them, and I refuse to give it to "them". And yeah, frankly? MUH RUSSIA. Get real, user. They're not here to play baseball with the president and eat popcorn and sing songs. We are COMPETING for resources, land, money, and power. You want it to be the US, or you want it to be "Mr. Ex-KGB, I Eat Your Family"?

Your whore wife cheated on you

I'm 22. I don't disrespect the military. I don't praise the military either, but I'm very real about what they do. Not just our military, but ALL militaries. Projection of force is a real, legitimate, power tool. When a strong-headed country such as Russia and the US collide, negotiations will never fucking work. Both sides want the goods. Both sides will fight for dominance. No one's going home without a bloody lip. This is where the military comes in. You're a dumb fucking zoomie who doesn't know shit. You're also probably a nigger, but I don't really have a problem with that. I just think you're stupid.

No man if we all love each the bad will stop

Just imagine being THIS fucking lame lmao

lmao fucking exactly

>Hurr durr we no need militaries because muh capitalism is EVIL!

*disbands militaries*

>Wtf! Why is Russia and China so powerful now!? Gee, I sure wish the US were the top dogs, because at least they weren't COMPLETE cunts when they were still in charge!

You need force to be in charge. Having a military puts you on the map. If you want to play kings and castles, you NEED a strong military. The thing is, once you start playing, you can't back the fuck out, because too many people's lives are at stake; your citizen's lives, your ally's lives, your military men's lives.

It's sort of a catch. Without a military, you're a weak little country who no one really fucks with, but you have no say in international affairs. Once you get a military, you're a player now, and you always have to be playing, but now you call the shots, and now people have no choice but to listen to you.

So who do you want in charge of the world? You? Or Mr. Vladimir Putin? Exactly. You always go for top dog, and you always fight to keep that position, because the next person that comes along might not be as easy going, or understanding as you.

There, that's your little morality pet you can foster and take care of (). You wanted morality in war? Now you got it. Take care it doesn't shit all over your fucking shoes.

Lmao. Fucking POG, Jesus Christ.

Get a real job you sick fuck and stop dreaming about shooting up mosques.

>low IQ
>stopping military recruitment
Pick one

>lol actors are jew worshippers, now let me praise our glorious fighters for greater israel
I don’t get you

Oh great. So you sit at your barracks all day that are about 100 miles away from your home town, party every night.

Unless your knee deep in Afghanistan getting shot at by ISIS then shut the fuck up. You little barrack babies are an absolute joke.

I know someone who says they were in the Royal Marines.all he fucking did was move down south and get drunk every night.

Oh shit. Is THAT what this is all about? You saw the video and got all sick to your stomach and now you think I'm some big, bad, cis white man, hell bent on doing racist acts of right-wing terrorism for the sole sake of national supremacy?

Dude, get a grip. I'm not your fucking enemy. You ARE acting like a little bitch though, and you ARE acting like a prissy faggot. I'm simply being very real about what the military does. No, they're not some glamorous force for good that only shoots up baby rapers and puppy killers. Yes, they're a very useful force for the projection of power, especially to countries like the United States, who need those projection capabilities to provide stability in shit-fucked hellholes. No, the United States is not in the middle-east on some charity project to restore schools and build hospitals to the poor. Yes, the US is much, much, much, much, MUCH more preferable to China or the Russians being in charge of the mid east.

It's a nuanced issue, you dumb fuck. I'm able to look at it in a multi-faceted way, because I'm smart as fuck and actually paid attention in history. You're a zoomer brainlet, so everything you say is black and white meme shit.

C'mon, man. 90% of the thread agrees with me, because they're similarly not zoomer brainlets. You, and a handful of others are the only ones being retarded in here. Grow up and join the rest of the big boys.

I work for the federal goverment and there is an initiative that basically says that you will not be able to consume any form of entertainment (videogames, movies, etc.) as a US citizen male if you didnt serve time in the army.

I thought it was a joke document when i saw it but then it had all this files and different thesis, commentary, and a lot of complementary files.

Ofc it got rejected but the mere fact of it being considered and discussed made me read it a little and the main reason behind this is how the male population of the USA is getting "spoiled" and just wants instant gratification.

Really interesting stuff desu.

which is unironically harder than being a soldier

The only ones knee deep in anything are the special forces dudes being sent in to see all the action, and possibly some joint operation marines to go along with them. No one else sees any action, and no one else has any fun.

The military is a fucking bore for 95 out of a 100 people.

>some leg 1LT with no deployments
>"a real soldier"

Chris Evan's faggot ass could no doubt beat the piss out of him.


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>Doing things for monetary compensation makes it worse for you on a moral scale.
Why? Why is a job worse than volunteering if it’s the same work?

Agreed. It's basic history, not even some conspiracy meme shit.

Surprise-surprise, when your empire becomes nice and cushy, the citizens get nice and cushy too. Instead of going hard drastic with their entertainment denial plot, they should just use military expenditure to pump more money into school-wide fitness programs and give greater incentive for physical fitness, such as tax breaks for schools that perform above a certain physical fitness standard. It'll also help with inner-city schools, because black and latino schools do pretty well when it comes to athletic marks.

Then, offer further tax breaks for allowing stronger recruitment efforts in schools, which means more and more kids to join the military.

In theory, this should reduce crime, "disenfranchisement", and the money saved on the tax breaks could be used to further develop the schools. A "practice" ASVAB can be given to curious students who are inquisitive about joining the military, and military scholarships can be given to students with an interest in engineering, math, and science, straight after graduation.

In most historical cases, a strong sense of civic duty and military preparation readies a civilian population for the hardships of war (think SS Germany, but without the Nazi ideology). The Nazis had it right with the Hitler Youth programs. Start with the schools, and in no time flat, the nation will be ready for war. They do this in the Middle-East too, and our troops are already seeing how well that works in readying a previously pacified populace into citizens ready to take aim and prepare for war.

t. I have no idea what happens at bootcamp or in the military in general

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Well fuck if I know, I'm just a civilian. I have heard stories about fat camp for fat recruits and shit though. It comes to reason that shitty recruits would all be stuck in a "bad company", far away from where they could do the most damage to themselves.

Americans are jokes of the world

that's a fucking stupid idea. I'm glad civilians don't make these decisions.

>muh morality
His whole point is that no one signing up to join the military cares about that shit, you dumbass.

That's not a bad fucking idea, you fuck. If you act retarded, you get sent to some outpost in the middle of fucking nowhere. If you distinguish yourself, then you get sent closer to where the turmoil is. It's basic fucking military organization, you dull aspie. Be honest, are you a pog or not?