>pirates every movie
>"Why doesn't Hollywood make films that appeal to me?"
Pirates every movie
irrefutable argument ive been thinking about how to refute this and i literally cant bro good job youve got me looks like im paying for all movies going forward
I have an idea. start paying for all the movies I wanna watch and I guess hollywood will be great
Maybe I'd pay for them if they were made for me
DVD/BD sales never got any movie a sequel.
Everything revolves around opening weekend and the chinamen.
Not being a chinamen, nor having patience to endure opening weekend crowds, I am in fact doing the industry negligible damage by "pirating everything".
No, goy, first you pay us, then we'll talk about making something for you
>DVD/BD sales never got any movie a sequel.
How can you never have heard of direct-to-video movies?
Then its a Pirate's life for me
>Love movie to death, watch it multiple times in theatre and purchase it on DVD so I can watch it whenever I want and "vote with my wallet".
>Get rewarded with a terrible, forced sequel that completely shits all over the original and ruins the impact of the movie.
to pay to see films in the hopes that more films of the type I would like to see would be to combine a lottery with democracy, two inherently retarded systems.
It's just a sad situation where smart aren't going to pay to see movies so movies aren't made for smart people
Pirating doesnt effect making movies.
I watched BvS in theaters.
this is why music started sucking and this is why movies now suck but there's plenty of oldies to keep me satisfied so I don't bother arguing with capeshitters in public
This is why I'll only watch movies that are over 20 years old. I can cherry pick through all the trash to find the shit that people are still talking about.
>this is why music started sucking
Imagine unironically being an A Wyatt Man charicature
Music started sucking because of Jews.
Fucking this
>tfw films that appeal to me usually flop
It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
>movies start sucking
>pirates shanghai some torrents instead of buying tickets
>studios stop pandering to "pirate demographic" due to perceived lost profits
>movies start sucking more
>ticket price vs entertainment value widens even more
>pirates pirate more
Where does Netflix fall into this whole scheme?
Why would anybody pay $10-$15 to see one movie, one time, when you can pay $9 a month and see as many movies as you want
Netflix only shows garbage movies
They came up with an attractive, legal alternative to TV and movies. This is just me but the entire reason I dropped cable for Netflix was no commercials and they had every season of KotH. Now I just rewatch the same shows over and over, which is what I was doing with cable anyways, but no commercials is still enough to keep me subbed. If there's a new release I want to watch I'll either pirate it or rent it.
I will stop pirating when Hollywood makes something worth paying for, until then arg matey
that's your opinion, but most people would disagree
Then why aren't most people subscribed to Netflix?
Most people piggyback off others accounts.
I mean, it seems like most are. People value things in the weirdest ways though. Some $5 coffee or junk food meal? Yeah sure. $10 for several movies and TV shows a month? Wow I need to think if this is worth it.
Same, but without stopping pirating.
So you think 3.5 billion plus people are using the 139 million accounts on Netflix? Why haven't they noticed?
>buy movie
>watch it a lot
>Mandela Effect happens
>free alternate version?
>139 million accounts
>$11 a month
Because their various plans let you stream from X amount of devices. I let a couple of my buddies make profiles on my account because I had spare profile slots and my plan let's you stream on 4 different devices at once.
Where did you get 3.5 billion plus from? Nobody insinuated EVERYBODY uses Netflix.
Speaking anecdotally, my family uses 1 netflix account for four people. My roommate's family has 1 account for 5 people, and I would imagine the number of people who have a single account to themselves that nobody shares is much lower than the number of accounts multiple people have access to.
You said most people have access to a Netflix account, there are 7.5 billion people which I rounded down to 7 billion for you.
I never said that
>You said most people have access to a Netflix account, there are 7.5 billion people which I rounded down to 7 billion for you.
Most people in the U.S.A., the only country that really matters.
Why would anyone pay $9 to see bad movies?
>direct-to-video movies?
You mean hollywood accounting and money laundering schemes?
>don’t mind me just pirating this car
Shit thread. The old anti-piracy shill threads at least made an effort.
Vicious circle
I don't think piracy has ever been an issue if you pump out good movies. Movies still make a billion, despite computers being easier than ever to maneuver.
How much of that is due to inflation and insane ticket prices though? Last movie I went to it cost me 17 bucks (Canadian) because I was required to pay the 3D premium as they didn't have any standard showings.
Movies such because overseas box office receipts are Hollywood’s main concern, so big names and big explosions take precedent over script and craft. If we all bought theater tickets in place of every pirated movie it wouldn’t even make a dent.
The most pirated movies are Marvel movies.
Music was never good.
>movie comes out, see it in theaters
>make thread saying it's good
>get called a shill nonstop, threads archive after 50 posts
>fast forward 3 months, movie comes out on trackers
>threads have real discussion and say it's good
Every fucking time on Yea Forums