The end of cinemassacre

its been over 24 hours, and the new nerd ep hasnt even broken a million views.

this is the end.

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I couldn't even watch it. James is a good guy, but his heart isn't in it anymore, and his friends are all disgusting slobs.

It was an alright episode.

Kieran told us he wanted to return to form.
But instead, this and chronologically confused come off as nostalgia pandering.

People have told Erin on Mike's stream that the Kingdom Hearts avgn sucked, and she replied
>then dont watch it
and this was after mike was complaining that the fandom behind avgn wasnt has big pre 2010s

>and his friends are all disgusting slobs.
Seeing all those fatsos around him is really depressing, what happened to cool guys like Bootsy and Kyle Justin?

Shame, because it was pretty good. The more informative ones always are.
> Console reviews
> Nintendo Power
> The GOAT Swordquest

The Kingdom Hearts episode was really bad. It could not be more obvious that James had nothing to do with writing the script. I don't blame the guy for wanting to spend time with his family and work as little as possible, good for him, but I don't enjoy the stuff that Cinemassacre produces anymore. If I ever meet him I'll buy him a beer, but AVGN has completely run its course.

I thought the episode was funny, especially, that Tim Allan comparison.

>gain 10 k new subs every month
>video views goes down more and more

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avgn production has gone down so much, that james doesnt even bother to set proper lighting or dynamic video angles.

Hes literally using the fucking ceiling lights.

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Bootsy got fed up by James and Mike's dilligent autism and Kyle wanted to focus on his solo work and family

>focus on his solo work
that, and that continue his day job as a carpenter. And im pretty sure that james and kyle went to the same college. Which could mean that Kyle was one of those generic
>art school kids with no job prospects
meaning he went to trade school later in life; post avgn

At this point they're just pushing a carcass for nostalgic cash

>"Those aren't my friends!"
Dr. James Rolfe

Remember, subscribe to Cinemassacre

Kyle's done carpentry enough to have become a certified Master carpenter.

I miss Bootsy so much.
The episodes where James and Mike couldn't get past a certain part, Bootsy would just calmly take the controller and finish the job
No boasting, no quips, no hamming it up for the camera. Watching him was the comfiest shit on all of youtube
Guess he's doing music or something now?
I hope he's doing well, and happy

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and thats a good thing

>Bootsy got fed up by James and Mike's dilligent autism

Ironically Cinemassacre's quality has gone downhill and Mike and James no longer have the same passion they used to go into detail and production for their videos but I think it's something personal with Bootsy. I think they might have actually bullied him or something during the Board James series.

these views would be much better on Robot Head anyways.

He doesn't care anymore. He's only doing it for his retarded kid.

>We're further away from the Superman 64 episode than it was from the actual game's release

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Bootsy was lazy

...WHAT did you mean by this?

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Doubt it. Bootsy probably got tired of hanging around adults who's sense of humor is saying shit, fuck, ass ect.

Nerd episodes now are ridiculously soulless.

Yea Forums is the only place that says James is doing badly.
The only place that insists James is freaking out over going bald.
Yeah I'm sure that's accurate. His life must be in shambles over some... hair.

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we've decided to make 2 new episode of AVGN per month, whether James likes it or not. All he has to do is learn the scrip the day before.
we believe this, along with sponsored videos is a great way to prolong the life of the channel and generate revenue

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>Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on NES came out in 1989
>The AVGN review of it was first made in 2004, a 15-year gap
>2004-2019 is also a 15-year gap

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It dosn't surprise me. While the ep was comfy enough it's been clear for a long while that he nor the team at Cinemassacre give a single fuck about anything anymore and people pick this shit up in the videos. Monster Madness is dead, his movie reviews are dead (no that weird rental filled with fats don't count) and more recently they've even killed off James and Mike Mondays and started doing these weird trial things that are just shit. They don't care, so why should people tune in?

yea, thats crazy talk, hes doing just fine

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1989 was a fun year

why does it feel like time is frozen but also keeps going forward at the same time?

Go to bed, James

LHC was turned on in 2008.

That's called mortality.

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I didn't start watching until late 2006/early 07 so therefore he didn't exist until then for me.

I heard bootsy was told to tone it down by Mike and the new management because he'd do a lot of political talk on twitter.

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psssh, think thats the wildest rumor?

I heard that Bootsy managed to get Claire (mikes blonde ex) to sleep with him over a fight, and made mike not even want to
mention him and break up with clair right away

this rumor also has bootsy friends as resources

You must be form Yea Forums if you can't understand why his product is so poor technically and aesthetically.

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Fuck off Ryan

It was actually a funny episode.

this might be the most JUST image of cinemassacre ive seen

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Well maybe I'll give it a shot then. Maybe James actually was creatively involved in this one.

Agreed. I took a chance on it, but I can see why many would pass on it just because it's focused on magazines instead of a videogame.

the fucking production notes are so distracting. Real un-authenticates it

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1st half of the ep is good, then it gets boring.

Shave it, James.

psshhh. I heard bootsy got caught sucking Mike and james booted him out.

shave what?

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Because nothing ever ends now. If AVGN had ended it would be considered a relic of the 2000s. Instead the show just keeps going and we don't notice that it's not the last decade anymore.

He just quit trying

What a cute kid.