Can you even look at her the same way now?

Can you even look at her the same way now?

Attached: Aunt-Becky-Full-House.jpg (1396x786, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the pre school episode will never be the same


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man can you imagine the stank on that cunt?

why not? what happened?

>Please, Jesse, have mercy.

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She ran a university scam to help dumb rich kids fake credentials to get into top universities

Yes she's just a dumb actress why not?

sounds completely irrelevant to my life
could she wear any less sexy undies?

She was so hot in that scene. My childhood fap scene before the internet.

can't look at this show the same anymore either

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makes me respect her more desu

I want to see Mike Adriano throat fuck her

bitch got a giant head

was she arrested like william h macys wife though?

that's not the only giant thing she has, if you catch my drift
Can we stop the hate and talk about her amazing filmography and skills on bikes for a moment?

If you think this is irrelevant to your life you haven’t been paying attention to trumps America

whatever happened to predictability?

>sounds completely irrelevant to my life
I envy you.

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The best thing about this scene was always the song.

I bet her pussy is warmer than most

Hey, don't you badmouth Rad. It's crap but don't you badmouth it.

I was going to shitpost that I thought OP was Becky, but then it actually was. I guess I'm not as faceblind as I thought

Fight me.

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So will this become a common thing, celebrities getting caught for this? I honestly thought this was pretty common practice.

>rich kids cheating with money to get into college is illegal
>blacks and hispanics cheating with affirmative action to get in is policy

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Wasn't really a bad mouth (as far as Yea Forums goes). Plus, that song is dope. But I shall bad mouth Rad as well: Bill Allen always looks weird; even as a kid.

Yes. Of course I can. You all are naive and/or delusional if you don't think that the rich and powerful in this country use that influence to bend the rules in their favor every single day. How is she any different? Because she got caught doing it?

And of all of the "celebrity scandals," at least she was doing it to try and help her kids. There are much worse things that she and the others could have been caught doing. Is anyone here unironically upset or "outraged" by this news, or is this just another one of those things that we're told we should be upset about?

How did I get to living here?
Somebody tell me please!

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its not just celebs. some UT coach was fired for the same shit

>I honestly thought this was pretty common practice.
Typically they don't have to bribe coaches to fake recruiting their kids onto the team, or pay someone to do the schoolwork and SATs for them, they just buy a new building for the school and their kid gets in. These kids just happened to be genuinely dumb and lazy, whereas most celeb's kids are basically competent.

Same america its always been dingus

Next you're going to tell me immigrants fleeing their country to improve the lives of their kids is immoral

I know, buddy, I know.

was it called being rich

Shhhh user

This so much - both ends of the spectrum are equally unqualified

Exactly, whats the point in having money if you cant do this stuff?

No, but putting your problems on others and straining an already shakey system is.

>Glad we're paying for that education so you can watch tv and not do homework

Oh no no no


Who cares . College is a status symbol to these people. They dont need it. It's not like her kids will be stuck working wage jobs because they didn't go to college. It's completely normal in the world they live in.

Literally every single rich person on this planet has greased the palms of college entrance officials.

so what, she put "african american" on their application?

this is what cracks me up the most. It's USC. It's a good school, no doubt. But there's better state schools in Washington for fucks sake. With that kind of money you should've been sending her to Stanford or Cal Tec. At least. Why not go the extra mile for an Ivy league school at that point then?

That's what I don't understand. They don't need college so why do they pay for this shit?

It just exposes the fact that anyone can get a degree if they have enough money. Doesn't even matter if you're retarded. Then again people shpuldnt be mad at the rich when colleges pay for stupid ass niggers with the IQ of 50 to attend.

The best thing about the scam is that the rich parents who bribed officials actually would have their kids take fake easy entrance exams to make them FEEL like they actually aced them and earned admission

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well like he said its all about status.

a completely foreign concept on this site cause absolutely nobody gives a fuck.

no, she killed millions!

along with photoshopping the kids' faces on bodies of actual athletes to make it seem the kids did anything other than sit on their ass and watch TV

they wanted a party school, not a book learnin school

The college system needs to burn. What else is new, besides this crone being a dumber twat than anyone thought?

they wanted to fuck football and basketball players

Typical Hollywood liberal. Screeching about "equality" in full virtue signaling mode at all times, while living a 5-Star luxury life in which the little people rules don't apply to them.

Hypocrisy wouldn't exist without liberals.

Why? Who cares, honestly... Rich people do shit like this all the time.

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Fucking babies?


I don't know what to think.

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Haha, she was legit turned on by Spader that entire movie. That was a weird but fun movie that had the most severe tonal shifts ever. Figures with the director I guess.

Yep. She got out on bail for one million though

I just assume they're all vapid entitled trash.

This was written by Jake Gyllenhaal's dad

I cant even

500k and your daughter still has to whore herself out to remain in school.

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The scheme was reliant on corrupt coaches, and in USC's case, a corrupt assistant AD. The guy running this shit probably didn't have a strong enough connect.

Goodness. She got a brick in there?

It’s important after you get busted bribing your way into college to let a sixty year old University functionary who somehow has a super yacht to fuck your brains out. I’m sure this has nothing to do with her current enrollment status.

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thát shit holy shit

Society is really just about who has the most nepotistic connections and money, isn't it.

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no, that's for men. for women is who spread the legs the widest

>just now realizing this
based retarded zoomer

Honestly why does anyone give a fuck? If it wasnt this particular scam the rich kids would have gotten in another way. Millions of other ways to get what you want. New locker room for the girls soccer team, maybe a parking garage, that old lecture hall? Renovated in Felicitys name. Nothing new to see here

Your'e dumb if you read that post as an act of realisation and not a passive request of affirmation from peers.

vapid white bitch gets whats coming to her for once

Well yeah she's still hot and all she did was do what's best for her child.

Anyone feel like they'll somehow end up with a successful reality show out all of this? The cynic in me says yes because shits a circus.


>college entrance officials.
AKA Jews

>t. lazy faggot

The greatest dance scene in film history is ruined for ever!

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who gives a shit, all rich people do shady shit like this, shes just one of the few that was caught. yet that empire liar will get a free pass and still get work because DUH BLUUUAK MAN DINDU NUFFIN IT WAS WHITEY WHO MADE HIM DO IT

You only pay 10% of the total bail. (Which is $100,000, but still..)

Sweet, I found the movie

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anyone who wastes money on college today is a retard, you can learn anything you want for free now on the internet dummies!! lol lookit me i saved all this money now im making lots of money owning 5 yachts and doing all kinds of cool rich guy things like hanging out on Yea Forums and drinking all the beers i want!!! #RICHLYFE

she didn’t run it, just used it

everyone realizes Full House was always total shit, correct?

>Can you even look at her the same way now?
I always looked her with a boner,so yes,yes I can.

Yeah but it was a cute show with cute girls we watched as kids

With 500k you could put some toppings on those hotdogs.
I'm talking the good mustard,probably even some onions,and the occasional pickle.
Maybe I'm just a dreamer,go ahead and call me a romantic,but in my perfect world most of those hotdogs would have a pickle,and me and that kot would just survey our property and know that all is just and right in the world.
God bless hotdogs,and God bless America.

Aunt Becky was the first adult woman I was attracted to. I was weirded out because she was a grownup and I only liked girls my age until then.

To save knowledge itself.

I'm completely out of the loop with this girl, give me the quick rundown.

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>Want your child to go to a good college
>Pay extra money for her to get in college to make up for poor grades
>Go to jail

"Land of the free" everyone.

>nothing should be illegal, brah

>pay bribes
>commit fraud
>have the balls to call it a charitable donation for tax purposes

Literally only third world shitholes consider this kind of thing not free.

not when it was on TGIF

“Muh keeds” is NEVER an argument, Pablo.

James Spader was a bizarrely statuesque motherfucker back in the day. Nigga look like a character from Reign: The Conqueror.

Yesterdays news :3

forgot about that
one of the kids couldn't even figure out how to fill out the college application fucking hell

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well when you have retarded children you get desperate.

>those asian kids that sued Harvard because of affirmative action
>this shit happens
lmao how embarrassing is that?

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Gimme the mutha-fuhkin breefcase

ten years later the same people explain to you how you just have to work hard, network and be good with people to have success and get rich

t. I cant count all the conversations I had with rich people about how they are all successful because of their hard work
without any exception there is always a "my parents loaned/gifted me a five digit sum" in those stories
it is all so tiresome sometimes

clearly they wanted USC but why not have that bitch SAT prep a bit.... 500k haha

>study a bit
>get into USC
its not that hard

Rich people get their kids into college by making "donations," rich people control politics through "contributions."

That's the way the oligarchy has always functioned.

See this is the part I don't get. If you're running a scam to get dumb celebrity kids into school, why would you use athletics, the most visible part of universities, to do it?

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It was weird when Harvard sent me a flyer to apply when I was looking for colleges. I don't even live in the same state as them or even sent my info. to them. They were one of maybe two schools that did that. Felt really sketchy if you ask me. I am especially glad I didn't appy after all this stuff.

They send that stuff out based on your PSAT scores

she nice

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Flat chest and your nipples are almost on the sides of your torso ..... Holy shit

honestly the only surprising thing is that they actually got arrested

Not exactly, she was allowed to surrender herself, not like William H Macy's wife who was staring down the barrel of a gun while making breakfast.

why are her tits so small and wide and bad
it should be illegal for girls to not have at least double d's

Imagine catching a RICO for USC

oh my goodness

Even better, she put "rich white girl"

>so why do they pay for this shit?
to fuck college girls

>did i think she wasnt the kinda bitch to pay for her kid's way in life, school, whatever....

No. I did not think that stupid shit. Still see her the same way: some old bitch I'd still fuck.

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I will always love aunt Becky. I don't really care that she paid to have her slutty daughters get into USC or even view her differently. That is par for the course bros.

>She ran a university scam to help dumb rich kids fake credentials to get into top universities


No shit?

people always compete against those on the same rank. if you're poor and have a degree and I'm making sick bank then I win. but if we both make sick bank then suddenly your degree gives you status over me. can't have that, so I have to get a degree as well.


so what rich people have been doing since the dawn of time? who can possibly be shocked by this?

This time there's credible proof of scamming.

that's the kind of van a serial killer would drive

She must have been an abject retard is all I can assume.

I work in tech in California and have run across graduates of various CA state schools and just couldn't fathom how they made it through. I wouldn't trust a couple of these people to run a copier much less a division. Now I know, it's pay to win.

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I admire her more now

Typical white girl figure, right here.

The only reason for going to these expensive schools is the status symbol of doing it, there's no greater amount of learning they're achieving.

So you can get in on lower SAT and ACT scores. Imagine that. Spending this kind of cash and still not having the confidence the person you're paying will get a high enough score. People usually don't check up on the volleyball, crew and sailing team like they do football and basketball.

I have not thought about her since full house and will probably never think about her again.

Seattle style (with cream cheese) or you know where you can stuff these hotdogs.
The last time I saw her I wasn't getting a boner so there's that.

Getting in to American colleges is already pay2win. Their sin was simply being direct about it.