Is this the dumbest moment in Bond history? Jaws falling in love?
Is this the dumbest moment in Bond history? Jaws falling in love?
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I think they were just trying to have fun and not take their franchise so seriously. You could probably learn a lot from this
Dumbest? Probable. Second best would be Moore as a clown.
Somehow when i was a kid i felt sympathy for Jaws and his cute girlfriend. I cried when they went drifting in space forever.
He would split her down the goddamn middle.
i liked it
not dumbest but i always laugh at the bit in Thunderball where they just drive a powerboat right onto a beach filled with people, then walk away from it while some guy pulls it ashore
Moore played bond exactly as he played The Saint, it was all just a big joke to him.
oh jaws doesn't deserve a waifu because op finds it unrealistic!
It's so weird, remembering that she had the braces on, but apparently she didn't? I remember so clearly there being a unifying thing between the two and that's why they saw each other compatible. It could just be my mind mixing her with Amy Adams in Catch Me If You Can. Odd.
Wasn't there a Bond movie with a pigeon doing a really bad double take?
pretty sure she helped jaws out of a crash in the cable car or something similar, it was a love at first sight thing
it only happened because jaws was sick of being a silent bad guy that bond would just kill in the end
what do you call that hairstyle?
The midwestern incel
The dumbest moment in Bond history was casting Craig, the second dumbest being all of the faggots who decided to hate Roger Moore because of internet groupthink
The confused slav
but they landed on earth after having survived reentry
this was it OP
rotten tomatoes REALLY hates his movies
Kananga's death in Live and Let Die.
Baron Samedi not dying makes no sense.
>Jaws falling in love?
Jaws was a lucky lucky bastard
Woah, you can see her nipples.
to this day i'll swear she used to have braces
That movie is so fucking good to, it's a shame it ends to such a retarded way.
She did, I went around looking for girls with braces after seeing her and realizing it was cute. It's the Mondola effect.
Octopussy IIRC. Bond is in a motorized gondola and he takes it up a ramp and wheels pop out so he's driving around the streets in a gondola and the pigeon does a double-take
No this is.
Makes me laugh every time, it looks like Bond is getting pumped up the ass. Also why would the machine have a lightspeed function that is capable of causing it to malfunction.
>ywn be so big that having sex with an ordinary woman is like fucking a little loli in her tite puse
I don't think that's even the dumbest thing in that movie.
fucking kino
the venture bros scene where they parody this is top teir, he spends the scene holding his eyes to look asian
The Asian insect
Oh my god
The Saint was pretty comfy. Wish he stuck with it longer.
If you didn't like this you have no sense of fun whatsoever. Moonraker is great.
That's literally the only reason to watch Moonraker
Even Jaws got a gf. What’s your excuse Yea Forums?
It's not the 70's anymore?
I just know Casino Royale is the best so I dont really care about dated, cheeky retarded stuff
>7 feet tall villain has women listing after him
Haha fiction amirite?
Good thing in real life girls prefer scrawny basement dwellers haha
Looks like you better start down the villain path user. Start little. Murder your neighbors pets. Then move onto bigger shit like robbing old white ladies. Then you'll be a certifiable badboi.
>Is this the dumbest moment in Bond history?
Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist