Conan's new show is even more sad and depressing than his previous dying talk show...

Conan's new show is even more sad and depressing than his previous dying talk show. What will he do after the studio finally pulls the plug on him?

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join the grand tour

>Being forced to do 2 TWO fucking podcasts alongside his 15 minutes "talk show"

Wew, better hang it up Conny boy. The point the bow gracefuly is far gone but still.

I hate to see it come to this but I think America needs to have the conversation about putting him to sleep. I just hate to see him suffer like this.

Netflix or Amazon will give him a job.

tried listening to the first episode but it just doesn't work without video i'm afraid.

His show on Netflix where he travels around to different countries is kino. He should do a whole series where he's like Anthony Bourdain traveling all over.

Conan meme'd himself so fucking hard with his retarded childhood dream of wanting THE tonight show instead of staying in late night as a golden legend.

Not to mention going to TBS of all things. A movement wich will be studied for eons to come as one of the most retarded decisions in showbiz and even then a justifiable reason may not be found yet. This is so fucking sad i loved you Conan, why.

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He was offered that but he decided to downsize his show and die stumbling instead of pivoting into travelkino.

>His show on Netflix where he travels around to different countries is kino.
isnt that just taken from his talk show? or has he done more travel shows separately for netflix?

go back to the simpsons

But what was he supposed to do? Not take the tonight show? Back in those days it was the big destination for comedians.

I don't know could be, i haven't watched his TBS show.


Used to love him back in the 90s when he just fucked around at 12am memeing around with his drummer and largely keeping his political slidings to himself or at least presenting them in a tasteful manner.

Now he's as bad as John Oliver or Trevor Noah

it went all down hill once the actual year 2000 came and went

he should become a twitch streamer, since clueless gamer was so popular.

I guess no else really cared for it but I liked that Serious Jibber Jabber thing he did a while back.

I cared, i was hoping his podcast was basicaly a rebranded revival but dissapointingly it wasn't.

I think its fine, I'm enjoying it.

Yeah, it's not the same. The Jibber Jabber thing was closer to something like Charlie Rose but with comedians. The hour long interview with Martin Short is fantastic. Or The Simpsons round table that's like 4 hours long.

The podcasts are really good though.


I'd pay good money for a torrent of his entire 90s stuff, when's that site of his with the old episodes gonna launch? so far I only see 1 episode.

DESU i actually like the new format...its not as forced as the old show was getting and they feel more free to get weirder with the comedy bits. The fact there's only one guest means they can be more selective with who they bring on versus the pressure of having to fill in slots with people doing meaningless press tours

Never liked the musical guest stuff, I'd always turn off the tv and go to sleep.

He was talking it up on his new podcast saying he's going to break away from the formula and make it more casual. The only difference is that he's wearing a fucking jacket. The scripted jokes are still just as bad as ever. Conan is at his best when he's improvising, I don't know why he keeps allowing himself to get held down by the decades old and outdated late night formula.

What happened to the archive of all of Conan's Late Night shows we were promised? It was supposed to be online by February.

>thought they were going to ease off the awful interviews and have more on location type stuff which Conan has always been best at
>lolnope cut everything and now it's just 90% interviews
Oh no. Why did he think this was a good idea?

A ton of old clips on youtube. No full episodes though.

I forgot entirely about that, they were making sucha big deal that they going to have it ready to go with the revised show.

But muh Carson

going to tbs was a smart decision
he got full creative control of his show and was able to executive produce a number of shows on the network

Conan pls go.
Into retirement.

see cant dry hair viualizing one1

>He got to fade in obscurity and work in a bunch of flops


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wrong image lol

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2? i know there's the friend one but what's the other one?

I don't get why he's still wearing a suit except he switched his suit jacket for something more trendy

>there's a world where Trump is Reagan and Conan is Johnny Carson

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In that, it's just a collection of specials he did for his TBS show already.

Didn't he help write The Simpsons movie?

The needs a friend one reminds me of the old show sometimes and how funny he is. Not sure if it's extra layers of focus group filters tbs has him going through or just an out of steam production team he has on the show, but something is seriously physically wrong over there now.


Chris Rock had a good take on this. Several years ago he went on Howard Stern and talked about all of this and in his opinion the controversy with Leno and Conan was all due to Conan being a writer, not a comedian. In Rock's view a comedian would have been too suspicious and paranoid to let anything like that happen. I remember before when it was announced, before Conan moved onto the Tonight Show, that Leno would do his old show at the 10pm timeslot and the news anchor commented that Conan should be talking to his attorneys.

watching on tbs is like having to go shopping in a k-mart vs just ordering off amazon

He’ll start streaming on Twitch.

Those two guys aren’t even comparable you fuckin halfwit retard. Enjoy your 5-10 shift at taco bell

thats actually a great idea


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>cable ratings are worse than network ratings

>can't even beat jamal ginsberg in the same slot
>heh, if he wasn't on cable he'd totally be dominating

Go to be, coco.

The problem is that Leno backstabbed him, creating a fate accompli situation where Conan was set up to fail.

The 30 minute show is even worse than the previous 1 hour show.
He just has shit writers. You can feel the pain he emits at every show.
At a least he can make a kino travel show once he gets canned.

>He just has shit writers.

Leno wrote all his own monologues. He didn't rely on a team of zoomer writers. If Conan was a true patrician he wouldn't have to rely on writers.

How the fuck is Fallon #1? Nuke America.

Conan is busy doing a bunch of other shit.

Jesus, he can't even beat Carson Daly.

Didn't he just film himself going to Australia?

Return to Ireland , Learn his native language and farm the land , and pray for war

He brought this up on Jerry's Getting Coffee show. That as soon as Leno got the same show almost right before his Tonight Show, he should have known something was wrong.

He's #2.

Lots of celebrities on their way out are doing podcasts/youtube channels now.

He's not on his way out fuck off

And all of them suck

carson is done this year and being replaced by a poo-in-loo v-logger. have the zooms finally won??

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Here's how Conan has done since going to 30 mins for those who want to see. Numbers were good at the start but quickly fell again back to his pre-30 min levels.

Fallon is first, shows are rated on their 18-49 demos and ad saleability, less so than their viewership number.

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He can always move to Haiti.

Absolutely seething

Doesn't make him any less right about his assessment.

>grand tour

your mom's house is unironically good


Based JCVD is still a draw.

I was reading an article a few days ago, and in it, he said that he considered leaving the Tonight Show his "bow out" moment, and everything after has just been bonus.

I miss the band ;_;

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I could have nothing but a full archive of 90s/early-00s Conan and Howard Stern, and be entertained for the rest of my life.

Fabio and Mr. T were my favorite guests. Just two guys who showed up to have fun, I don't ever remember them promoting anything.

The onions rotted his teeth

Fuck Conan. He threw Norm under the bus after decades of material Norm gave him.

Fuck that Swedish German too.


I don’t think I’ve met a single person that hates based jean claude

Uhh sauce?

Literally every single one of those aren’t just bad, but fucking horrible on an embarrassing level. Late Night talk shows died with Craig.

Conan cancelled Norm’s appearance shortly after Fallon did.

Then Richter started supporting Twitter comments that bashed Norm.

It wasn’t good but the later episodes get a lot better. It’s honestly great because he has time and he’s not trying too hard. A great joke will just effortlessly come out and catch you off guard. Conan can also get deep without trying to look like he’s smart, too.

Richter is seriously the biggest faggot ive ever seen on twitter... and thats saying something.

pro-life baby gonna seethe? I get your parents wish they got abortions too.

lol his whole rant about louis ck was the gayest shit i ever witnessed "soooo tired of straight white dudes thinking theyre edgy by punching down and othering soooo not cool blah blah faggy sjw buzzwords*

actual tweet: "You know what’s the worst, most boring kind of comedy? The kind where older white men are angry that older white men can’t do or say whatever the fuck they want anymore."

holy christ what a faggot

Remember when Conan was briefly somewhat kinda liked?

Give Jay Leno his slot.

Fuck y'all fags, Andy is funny as shit

remember when people used to think Jay Leno was the worst thing to ever happen to late night tv? Compared to the current line-up of unfunny fags beating us over their head with the same predictably woke takes on every show hes a fucking genius.

Yeah, 2000-2007 was peak Conan.

Do Americans stay up that late

the state of superboomers

Dennis Miller's HBO show (lasted from the 90s into early 2000s) was the last good late night show, especially any of the episodes with Norm

>those 18-49 numbers

lol tv is doomed

It’s 4:30 am and I’m still awake

Why are people so negative about conan?

Because he talks shit about their Emperor Trump

He's harvard.

>be the only talk show host on air who's actually funny
>get the lowest ratings

Yanks were a mistake

pick up a 3 pound bag of coke and 20 hookers.
so you know, the usual saturday night faire.

Because he went from being one of the most genuinely funny dudes on network tv, into a burned out cable host who makes political jokes to try and stay relevant with his contemporaries.

That and he screwed over the based crimson chin to steal the tonight show.

Comedians are supposed to say whatever they want. 1st amendment protections.

Does he though?

>daily show
>75% of the viewership is literal boomers

what went so wrong

The retarded boomer CEOs think zoomers will flock to the late show because "youtube is cool right?"

>That and he screwed over the based crimson chin to steal the tonight show.

>based crimson chin
The fuck? Only literal boomers like that scumbag leno. fuck off my board, grandpa

gap isn't as big on youtube, but he's still behind

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lots of mma guys hate him for some reason

>show. What will he do after the studio finally pulls the plug on him?

He belonfganon Reddit oytnmhennersbyoytneb
Youthbe red



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How the fuck does Fallon even has a job

I had a box full of them, all from 1995-1997 or so, with a bit of red shoe diaries mixed in there because teenager. Nothing will ever compete with pre trump derangement syndrome conan and andy. max weinberg will always be a legend.

I miss the set the most. It was comfy as fuck.

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WTF the show is only 30 minutes now? Horrible.

>A humorist celebrating comedy being bound and gagged because "muh feefees"

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Yes it's sad
Such a talent wasted and for what?

joel and his creepy gay asian man fetish was always good for a laugh too. lol imagine that flying today? getting laughs from a man because hes intos weird gay stuff? *adopts gay twitter libfag voice* UMM THAT TYPE OF COMEDY IS TOTALLY PUNCHING DOWN CONAN, NOT COOL BRUH!

He’s non-confrontational which makes him easy to work with for networks. His humour is bland, boomers love him because he’s the ideal grandson they never had, and he’s an advertisers wet dream.

remember the Andy's Little Sister skits? Young Amy Poehler in pigtails jonesing for a bonesing from conan.

Like what?

He needs Pimpbot, oh wait NBC owns well as the dozens of other bits he did while he was there forcing him to completely invent new stuff in his 50s.
What a fucking dummy for leaving NBC.

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Man, who the fucks watch Jimmy Fallon

It seems so weird that NBC would keep some kind of deathgrip on shit like pimpbot and masturbating bear. What exactly are they going to do with them?

Keep them away from Conan.

Truth. The best bit of late would be his podcast with Bill Burr, and even then it was Burr who made it entertaining. There's a part where he talks about "4s wanting to be 10s" and it's so spot on yet Conan is so shocked and disagrees. Man's cucked.

i hear its popular with seniors in florida.
Jimmy's grandma said she likes it when he went to perform at her nursing home.

Pretty much the only thing that'll save him at this point.

Norm and Conan were so good together:
Too bad Conan turned his back on true comedy to become a humorless SJW.

he did it to himself, he flew too close to the sun

you write like a retard. this isnn't reddit.

>Late Night talk shows died with Craig.
Based i unironically learnt to talk to girls watching craig being a chad on tv

I just watched it and it was great . I skipped Mexico and Haiti episodes tho

Wait, what? Conan's on Netflix?

Just his travel specials.

Conan without borders . Or something like that

Is the 18-49 demographic for TV that small? I doubt most of the remainder are people under 18 too, so old people account for like 80%

I think some people got confused by the numbers.

18-49 ratings are not a percentage of that demographic in relation to the views. (17% of 1 million viewers)

The 18-49 rating is a percentage of total number of people in the US (with access to that network) who fall under that bracket, who are actively watching the program.

So 47% of Americans 18-49 with active access to NBC have watched Fallon on average this season. The rest most likely fall under the 12-17 demo and 50+ demo.

Jay Leno does a car show on YouTube and its already better than conie. Conie should've know his role and stick to 12:35am

Leno did nothing wrong.

Conan was given an opportunity for a great timeslot to get carried by even Leno to keep him going and still fucked it up, he's just not that entertaining. Seriously why would Conan have had LOWER ratings from having the previous popular guy on before him? That's something done to help new shows, not hurt them.

He used to have one of the best shows around. Then he got the Tonight Show and people that hadn't seen him for a while tuned in to find he was just sorta dull.

Make the show more political.

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>not 3000

Look at this zoomer

They're preparing the masturbating bear cinematic universe


How was best Conan guest?

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Conan was never good.
Can't monologue.
Can't act.
Can't interview.
Can't do remote pieces on the street without 5 great comedy writers behind the camera screaming suggestions at him.
Modeled the behavior of the wacky-wilted-wimpy-wuvvable basedboy for a generation of dipshits

Jeff Goldblum is overrated. He's a half senile old creep who the reddit crowd thinks is so urbane and witty.

with the money he has he does not have to do anything

His humor is stuck in the 1990s.

Additionally, he's completely out of touch with pop culture, which is what all these night show hosts depend on.

Not fake laughing or sounding smug is enough to guarantee a top spot between show hosts.

Suck Israel cock

But they didn't really give Conan much of a chance. He lasted like less than a year.

There was a reason why Conan only replaced him after Leno "retired"

He got paid enough money to not be on TV that he never has to work again.

Leno is insufferable. Conan should had taken Letterman's place instead of Colbert.

Timothy Olyphant

The entire point of the fiasco is that NBC knew that Leno would be washed up and deeply unprofitable by the time he was actually ready to retire/be forced out, but Conan wasn't going to wait around until then, so they asked Leno to fuck off a few years early so they wouldn't have to go find another host to eventually replace him. Leno agreed, and then four years later told NBC "lol I'm going to ABC" (to take Kimmel's job, which is why he shit on him so hard during the controversy).

NBC didn't want this, so they gave him a 10 pm show five nights a week. They knew the ratings would suck, but figured it would be more profitable since they no longer had to produce five separate 10PM dramas. The ratings actually sucked so hard though that individual TV stations threatened to stop showing NBC programming entirely, but Leno's contract was massive and ironclad, so they couldn't just fire him either. Thats where the whole "move the Tonight Show for a half hour of Leno" thing came in

Anyways, when Leno came back, NBC realized that their original rationale for replacing him was still true: Leno was expensive and washed-up. They didn't renew his contract and he got replaced by Fallon, who was wildly more successful than either Jay or Conan had been in 15 years. This time nobody else wanted him and he couldn't argue that his successor was doing a worse job, so he just had to take it and go do his car show

Doesn't he own a production company? He's always wanted to do more work behind the scenes.

He still wants to work though, trying to craft his perfect show with what he is given.

Clueless gamer is getting ruined by too much celeb influence and not enough Aaron

I've seen masturbating bear on the TBS show, the fuck you talking about.

That was very funny.

RIP basic cable band :(

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His ratings were shit.

A lot of shows get shelved after just a couple episodes when the ratings are dismal, they instead were letting him hang on far longer and ended up helping him with Leno's show to lead him in.

Conan's problem was that people did not want to watch him. The reason he'd done so well previously was Conan had a timeslot on his previous network that was even later, he had little competition. Then suddenly he's paired against other late night shows and flounders.

He should have agreed to the 12:05 timeslot. It probably wouldn't have worked out long-term and they would have gotten rid of Leno again to fix it, not Conan.

t. Jay Leno

Conan's show was down about 500k in viewers (2.5m vs 3 for Leno), but was up significantly in the 18-49 demographic that ad sales are based on, and cheaper to produce.

Leno's 10 PM show was so godawful that it almost destroyed NBC. Individual stations across the country preempted it for fucking infomercials and told the studio execs to fuck off when told to stop. Thats what prompted the need to move Leno, not Conan's ratings.

Maybe you're thinking of Steven Seagal?

>ended up helping him with Leno's show to lead him in
>Conan had a timeslot on his previous network that was even later
>previous network

Are you a dumb zoomer who can't remember 2010 or a foreigner completely unfamiliar with American tv?

They ruined Clueless Gamer by adding Celebs. It was fine with Aaron explaining the game to Conan and Conan making jokes.

Nigga, Leno had a show before Conan in the same area. Leno's show was so bad that affiliates wanted to go back to having infomercials as a lead-in. Then, Leno wanted to move back to to his time slot, but as a pity gift give Conan the "Tonight Show" title. Conan didn't want to be blamed for "Tonight" not being on at 11 and left.

As for Conan, he was popular with 18-35 year olds-- especially high school and college kids. In hindsight, he should've just gone to Fox while his career was hot.

In 2060 those characters are going to be doing golf commentary on the US Open

It was a fuck you to Conan. The entire thing was so embarrassing to NBC that all the execs thought their careers were over and NBC ended up purging any reminder of Conan's existence following his departure.

By the time Fallon took over in 2014, everyone involved had been fired and replaced, so they started including Conan in tributes to past Tonight Show hosts in the run-up to his debut and apparently NBC even released the rights to Conan's backlog for that new service

Call me a zoomer but I'd love this

Hot take: he was never funny

thats a sperg-twisted understanding of what happened. Leno WANTED to retire from the Tonight Show and was still huge in the ratings. But Leno is known as a workaholic and everyone suspected he would only pop-up doing something (ex. Jay Leno's Garage) if offered a large paycheck. With that, NBC crapped it's pants trying to keep Leno to themselves so they offered him the primetime show. Theory was folks would watch Leno at 10PM, catch local News at 11, then Conan at 11:30. What happened was (literal) Boomers would watch Leno then turn off the TV and went to bed and Zoomers watch everything VOD online. Also, NBC came to the realization how much of Tonight Show's ratings were happenstance of folks who fell asleep during their local news. Ended up with no one watching Conan and especially the local News. The "no one watching local news" put a lot of affiliates into dire straights.

Did his viewership go up or down after he went full TDS?

podcasts do better numbers... conan what did you do to yourself
doesn't he have any honest friends? is he delusional?

he was the only source for non-hackey, non-sitcom comedy. no youtube, comcentral was just standup mtv videos. him and letterman.

women love him, their boyfriends tolerate him, and on the production side he's a worker and a grinder. typical snl.
but he's a raging alcoholic, and that's going to be an issue as he gets older.

he should go back to writing

much better

>everyone watching is really old

also yeah conan is fucked

richter is talking about his dick

Literally this

I wish Timothy Olyphant was a guest every time

Gary Shandling.

>What will he do after the studio finally pulls the plug on him?
Full time Conan Travel and Remotes

Alright alright Yea Forums I'll help conan out, here is the idea (at least phase 1) :

The Conan and Andy Tales (sounds gay but we'll find something better later)

Each episode is about Conan and Andy travelling to a different state
in america. In each episode, they try some of the food, visit the famous shit that's there and in each episode they do that with a celebrity.



Andy picks a celebrity, Conan picks a celebrity and they compete in different games (finding clues or some shit like that who gives a fuck).

Of course you're gonna ask "well what's in it for the celebrities", we'll have to find a way to plug their movie or tv show or music, this is actually the only weakness of this plan.

Now phase 2 is actually even BETTER.

The greater Conan and Andy Tales (even gayer)

Each episode, a new country and a new celebrity (if possible a foreigner but most jokes would be difficult to translate so I don't really know about this one).

There you have it, I just saved Conan.

Conan's remotes are the only thing worth watching late night talk shows are a dying boomer meme.

Has he had Norm on again since that went down?

Serious Jibber Jabber is 100% certified kinögraphy and everyone on Yea Forums is a faggot for refusing to watch it

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Norm himself cancelled that. Also we've known Andy is a faggot but his opinion is irrelevant anyway so his corner seething doesn't matter.

Good ol' no loyalty Richter, reminder that CK was a writer with them when the Conan show started and Conan himself has decided to gracefuly keep to himself instead of fueling anything.

I seriously don't understand why Conan keeps taking pity on him. He never should've taken him back after his solo attempt was a gigantic failure.

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The actual truth right here

Have him take over the simpsons i say!

Absolute mega patrician.

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I've made a mission of downloading every full episode of Letterman's Late Night show from the 80s and 90s. Only have about two hundred total, though. I would kill to have Conan's be easily accessible too. The guy on Youtube Don Giller has every Letterman episode archived but probably will never share the whole thing

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>Norm himself cancelled that.

Yeah. Norm canceled his only cable tv appearance during the critical week he was promoting the premier of his Netflix show, the show upon which the future of himself, his aged and infirm mother and retard son depend.

Because he had the sniffles.

I for one am happy that the sidekicks wife is happy about keeping classic guests away.

He says so on the Ron Bennington interview.

>I would kill to have Conan's be easily accessible too
it's strange but I swear they announced last year that every Conan episode ever would be available on their website but I haven't seen anything on the website. Anyone know?

He should really just do those travel specials now.

His clips with norm are all over YouTube

Carson doesn't do anything. Have you watched that ```show```?
>bunch of random clips stitched together
>no studio
>no audience
>voice over from Carson
>music act at the end
>interview in the middle

You mean a celebrity said something untruthful and insincere to keep getting work?

Why, I never!

>such a horrible host that a shitton of guests had to repeat their anecdotes whenever they were booked again, because he has no good questions and wants to play the mouth organ instead.
Morgan Freeman, Robin Williams, Michael Caine, list goes on and on. He also made fun of Trump. Why? Because a fugly fat orange guy is pathetic and easy to make fun of.
You would hate him if he was still on air


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Extremely stilted and prepared acting. Not talking about his movies, I mean his appearances on Conan. Horrible all around. Burr is the only reason to watch Conan.
And Rickles was the only reason for me to watch Craig.

> The Peacock network announced last month that “Last Call with Carson Daly” would end its run after 17 years and 2000 episodes.

17 years, 2000 episodes -- and didn't watch a single minute of any of them.

Feels good, bro.

Watch Carson Daly's show and report back after you fell asleep watching that. Carson sucks.

Kek at least invinte the guy to pass the torch to the celebration or some shit, this just looks like happy grave stomping.

He does everything over a phone or whatever. He has basically a clip show. Daly is a horribe host and his show is horrific. Why are you sucking his dick now?

I'm not sucking it i'm just saying that it's funny to have other 2 hosts for the announcement and not the guy that's giving up the job. It's been customary do do that.

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No it hasn't especially for a show like Daly's. Watch his garbage before you defend him first.
>no studio, desk or whatever to pass the torch
He obviously doesn't care, but don't let me stop you getting offended on his behalf

which is weird since virtually all comedians I hear on podcasts and even their specails seem to adore Louis (I don't like him mind you) and say he's the funniest and nicest guy around and can't wait for him to come back

Leno is THE boomer host

Conan hates video games though

Do you think Conan has fucked his female assistant?

This whole thread is really starting to make me hate Andy and Conan (although my /pol/ack side is helping a bit).

Ew, man.