Sci fi is dea

>sci fi is dea..
>china: "hold my rice bro""

Attached: The Wandering Earth.jpg (2000x1041, 1.08M)

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Na, they will pull it from theaters like the other movie they did and make never exist, like china, it never existed!

With the greatness of Ghost in The Shell and Legend of the galactic Heroes, is it any doubt that Japan, if not Asia, can do science fiction as well as if not better than the West?

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Nobody ever thought Sci-Fi was dead though, you mega chink.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
What happens here?

Only if it's animated

Muslims who resist Chinese control
Also partially disputed with India

China recently arrested over a million people of a specific ethnic group and put them in literal concentration camps. It's like 1930's Germany, except nobody cares.

>China recently arrested over a million people of a specific ethnic group and put them in literal concentration camps
is there proof of this?

I can’t watch for Amazon’s The 3 Body Problem series!!

(and that's a good thing)

LoGH didn't ever linger on the science fiction aspects of the setting, I'm not sure I'd set it up as a sci-fi great rather than the military epic it succeeded at being.

>Also partially disputed with India
Go look at a map pls

Are you serious?


how is this proof?
do we have video?

fucking google it if you want to know more man I'm not gonna spoon feed you, next buy a plane ticket to inspect the camps just to be 1000% sure

China will have a 50% larger economy than the US in the next 15 years. They will be the dominant power worldwide. God bless them. I hope they continue to crush muzzies and SJWs.

>authoritarianism is good
keep licking that boot

lets watch as you claim I'm a usa or israel shill lol

People who post this stuff don't really get it. Nobody cares about this shit but the government who censors it. People post this stuff against on Chinese sites to get the government to shut it down. The CCP censors Chinese people, Chinese people don't enjoy being censored.

>China will have a 50% larger economy than the US in the next 15 years.
lol paper tiger

yeah man so based, I love 24/7 surveillance and social credit systems and hyper capitalism.

Bru Lay when?

Shills trying to get out in front of being called a shill is always worth a laff. Nice try tho.

>lets watch as you claim I'm a usa or israel shill lol

You repeat yourself, mutt.

Your days of poisoning the world with your degeneracy are over.

hyper capitalism would be good, it's not capitalism is there's no competition due to state monopoly

Fortunately you get to have the 24/7 surveillance and hypercapitalism with none of the benefits. The NSA knows everything about you but it only matters if you want to run for office or be an activist. If you get mugged, lol too fucking bad

If you had the technology to move the entire goddamn planet, why not spend it on generational arks instead?
It would probably cost far fewer resources and take much less time.
You could make arks big enough to fit hundreds of millions of people with the materials it took to just make one single 'earth engine'.

Attached: 8b1.png (1126x845, 666K)

>hyper capitalism
why are brainwashed bootlickers so stupid?

>"I'm not the shill, you are"
>is literally shilling for one of the most authoritarian shitholes on earth

>Your days of poisoning the world with your degeneracy are over.

but authoritarianism is based and redpilled and democracy is for cucks

>it's not capitalism is there's no competition due to state monopoly

dumb niggers dont understand

central banking and government control of markets is not capitalism

Oh no... authoritarianism! I'm so scared! Quaking in my boots! Authoritarians! Please New York Times! Save me!

I love the taste of boots and getting fucked in the ass too!!!

Attached: 0fc[1].gif (350x263, 976K)

LoGH is 90% just politics and 10% science fiction.
If I recall correctly the only really scifi thing about it are the space ships and the weapons. It only ever comes to play in the action scenes.

this guy is so woke he can't detect sarcasm

>interstellar but with guns and insectoids
Absolute fucking trash

This movie was good but it needed better editing. The plot is well known in China but they really should have "bookended" the movie with the ending scene that explains the premise. Also I think that they cut the third astronaut out of the movie becuase he was Iranian (?) Just speculating because he had an Iranian name. Maybe the world isn't ready for the Russo-Sino-Iranian axis to save the world lol

>He unironically wants to live in a cage and be fed rations
Look at this unironic leftist baby.

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>hyper capitalism

China's economic system is literally Lenin's New Economy Policy taken to its logical conclusions.

Is that why Britain promised China it wouldn't take its new aircraft carrier past Singapore?

Look, I understand what you're feeling right now. If you're a Westerner, you've never even considered what life would be like in a world where you weren't the top dog, where other powers could forcibly extradite people on your soil and get away with it, or where they could put military bases on your borders. But this is your future now. You aren't special anymore, and you will need to accept it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10-19-50-29-14.png (720x1520, 222K)

Post your actual FUCKING face when the jews are behind China's rise to the top and they'll be in charge as usual

>I love the taste of Lucifer's cock!
Dictatorship is the true system.

Lel I'd prefer to live in a highrise in Shanghai and eat caviar and wear Supreme or whatever the fuck is going in China yes.

You'll never take me alive. There's more people that opposes dictators than dickless worms like you. We will fucking crush any fucking power hungry manlet and piss on his grave

>this guy is so woke he can't detect sarcasm
this guy is so woke he can't detect sarcasm

>I understand what you're feeling right now.
laughing at you for thinking your paper tiger will achieve anything
people there live like garbage, it's just a shithole with high production rates
thanks for making all our cheap crap though lol

it's literally just capitalism but with a one party government

Only way to beat god is to go to hell. I'm sure you'll show him who's boss.

And you think China has the benefits? Are you insane?

Been there, they love money. And no one loves more money than the chinese government

>>I love the taste of Lucifer's cock
but you literally do
>Lel I'd prefer to live in a highrise in Shanghai and eat caviar
But you won't lol the rich elites get to do that
statistically if you were chinese you would be a poor serf that isn't even allowed to own property
imagine actually defending this system when better places like taiwan and japan are right around the corner

absolute cuck

>he thinks God likes bugs
He's on our side. When the time comes, I'll make sure to send a prayer for you, while I headshot kikes and chinks

>it's literally just capitalism
>massive amounts of government intervention
>massive amounts of state owned industry
>extremely powerful and extremely active central bank which completely distorts economic production

cool capitalism bro

ANyway I actually did see this movie and I was pretty happy with it. It was confusing for sure and there was too much going on, and it didn't achieve all it was capable of, but what I really liked was that it was a big sci-fi that actually had a big idea behind it. I didn't realize how much I missed this kind of thing in Interstellar and Gravity etc. until I saw Wandering Earth. It's such a massive undertaking and it really is interesting to think about. It feels like it has a point. Interstellar takes a massive sci-fi story and turns it into a message about Love or something that could fit in a hallmark card.

I didn't say anything about bugs you schizo. I was talking about government systems in general.

Eh those places aren't that great compared to Da Big C.

China's economy doubled three times in the last three decades. Only twice in history has an economy doubled in a decade: Britain during the industrial revolution, and the U.S. at the end of the 19th century. They only did it once each, not three consecutive times. Think about this for a second. That means China now has eight times more capital than it did in 1990. You're blinded by ideology (and perhaps envy or fear). China is going to be a literal planetary hegemon and there is nothing the West can do about it.

China stopped being stereotypically socialist in the 70s...
You do know that, right?
It's capitalist nightmare now.

>extremely powerful and extremely active central bank which completely distorts economic production

sounds like America.

>inb4 the federal reserve isn't "active"

its mere existence kills the dollar's purchasing power and puts the nation further into debt.

The world is going to end in the mid 20s user. China's rise doesn't matter.

This was bretty gud, effects were a little cheesy on the smaller scale stuff but mostly looked solid. My favorite character was the comic relief half-Australian, he was ridiculous but enjoyable

I've worked at BGI.

No serious person in China thinks the U.S. or Europe will be able to compete with it in a generation or so. The technology gap is basically closed. It's not a question of "if" China can beat U.S. It's a question of when the West will realize it's no longer in charge.

Hard truth.

they're a fuckton better
you wont get run over in the street in those places and have everyone just ignore you
they actually have the rule of law in taiwan, south korea and japan
>China's economy doubled three times in the last three decades.
So did countless other paper tigers.
The only thing propping up China is USA having the world reserve currency, once that goes away china is fucked

>That means China now has eight times more capital than it did in 1990
So what?
We have more technology now, it's much easier for countries to start as third world stoneage shitholes and turn into industrialized economies within a few years now
think about it

>rice farmers make two dollars a month instead of one
>oh fuck the West is done!
LMAO you think China or Russia or Iran or Venezuela could do anything against the biggest fucking army on the planet? Normal people prefer capitalism, with all of its flaws. Maybe it has something to do with communists and leftists being fucking unbearable losers. If the communist axis starts pushing the USA won't back down and if shit hits the fan we'll either go nuclear or 90% of the world will back a full scale USA invasion of Asia. None of this matters as the environment will collapse in less than 20 years


>socialist country allows some market activity
>they're capitalist now
you're a fucking moron
Call them "capitalist" all you want, it's still an extremely unfree market which is what capitalism is about.

>sounds like America.
I agree but china is much worse.

>Millions of chinese are able to leave abject poverty
>Country is quickly becoming the largest economic force in the world
>American companies are being bought by china left and right
>Western products have to appeal to chinese audiences because they are an economic force
wow the horrors of capitalism i can't even believe it

lol paper tiger
USA will always beat china militarily.
They will always have the bigger military.

Except the people shilling all the chink shit here work for movie studios or are just shills, not "regular people."

That's the point.

I honestly can't tell if you're describing china or america

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Hence all media (usually movies) portray them as garbo systems.
Fact is authoritarian governments suck. History and current events are perfect sources of evidence.

USA does this but china is much worse

>LMAO you think China or Russia or Iran or Venezuela could do anything against the biggest fucking army on the planet?
Why would China fight against its own army?

Attached: Militaries.png (1026x204, 16K)

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>Millions of chinese are able to leave abject poverty
And millions of other are forced into abject poverty.

>Country is quickly becoming the largest economic force in the world
You must be reading news from 4 years ago, lmao.

>American companies are being bought by china left and right
Yea, nah, that happened a couple times, mostly to dead or dying companies.

>Western products have to appeal to chinese audiences because they are an economic force
Just as the Chinese have been trying to pander to American audiences. Huh, who'da thunk.

haha ok

This is all this kike's fault.
We shouldn't have opened up with China.
We shouldn't have had the USA have the world reserve currency.

All of this could have been avoided.
Fuck this kike.

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Nah, it's all cyber now. China could shut down the U.S. military by flipping a switch. Probably wasn't smart to spend all those decades obsessing with brown people instead of making stuff, but there you go.

Millions of Chinese weren't forced into abject poverty. In fact China has almost eliminated abject poverty. The number of people living in poverty in China has decreased from 700 million to almost 0.

>Not true capitalism
Are you conservative or just an unfortunate American stereotype

Are you actually looking forward to these midgets ruling the world? They'd burn it to the ashes if it meant they can make smaller microchips. They don't give a single fuck about the environment, animals, humans, or anything. If the planet is fucked now you can't even imagine how it would be if these creatures were running the show

I could send you like 30 separate links to show it to you, but it's a lot easier if you just google it yourself.

>China could shut down the U.S. military by flipping a switch.
lmao ok bro

Attached: costanza.jpg (225x225, 7K)

The US couldn't beat Vietnamese rice farmers. Their country is too browned. It's like Brazil now.

If you watched the movie in the OP you would know better.

Yes, at least they're not Jews.

>to almost 0

13% of their population still subsists on 1.25$ a day.

No one in America has been paid that since the 1920's.

Well if the newspaper mans says so.

>Are you conservative
I'm a free market white nationalist.

Ohhh lol you're one of those braindead socialists that thinks there are only 2 economic options, socialism or capitalism and that there is no such thing as a free market.
What a simple minded retard.
Look at this image and kill yourself.

Attached: 0000.png (627x479, 135K)

>if you watch this propaganda that shows them in a positive light you would know better

there was a news report on tv the other night that said "china and india have planted millions of trees!" meant to make people think positively about them, when really 90% of the plastic in the oceans come from china and india.

To show me what? That America exemplifies every single point you just made against China? I already know that buddy I don't need to see any articles.

>The US couldn't beat Vietnamese rice farmers.

Paris Peace Accords. Look it up. You'll be less embarrassed about how stupid and uneducated you are in the future.

why can't these shitholes just implement free markets?

Is it their genetics? Are they just too stupid to have free markets and fucking property rights?

No they don't. I just looked it up

Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population)
1.4% 2014 .7% 2015

>That America exemplifies every single point you just made against China?
The complete opposite actually, seeing as China is nothing like the US. Socialists just like to say that as a way of attacking capitalism.

You think numbers matter? One million bugs backed by one million pajeets would get crushed by two DEVGRU units

These two are derivative from western sci-fi

Don't listen to this if you're a Westerner. You will hang yourself in horror at China's might. You are so fucked.

Does it show them in a positive light? It shows them in a certain kind of light, for sure. But it's mostly a story about how China envisions civilization responding to an existential threat.

Still better than Muslims.

>Too brown
First you people blamed the commies for getting American ass kicked, now it's the minority group.
the heights of your delusion really know no boundaries.

They are more like cross-pollinated from Western Sci-fi. It's frankly stupid to try and claim credit for Ghost in the Shell and LOGH. You didn't make them, and never would have.

Nature respects strength, not compassion. The West had both once. Now it just has compassion. Strength will win. Sorry, that's Darwinism for you.

Torrent / DD where ?

What kind of tankie mental gymnastics does it take to be like this?

China is allowed to make movies? I thought theyd be shot for was muh state.

China Uncensored is literally fake news made by cultists. The numbers are black and white. China has virtually eliminated extreme poverty. Accept it.

>liking chinese shit

Jews and muslims at least protect their own. The chinese literally don't care about anything, they lack most human qualities. It's gonna be a fucking shitshow, luckily it won't last long

It's called China used to be a country of rural peasants and was direly impoverished only 40 years ago. Poverty has been reduced to an almost staggering degree. This is an indisputable fact about China-- haters don't ignore it, they just claim that it was the fault of Western people trading with them in global markets and not government policy.

>White supremacist by another name
That's even worse, at least conservatives have a brain and can sometimes be reasonable.

Strength without compassion makes you hit the wall faster than Chloe Moretz

>China Uncensored is literally fake news made by cultists.
Holy shit there's no denying it.
You're literally funded by china's 50 cent army.
Kill yourself you absolute subhuman.

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>falun gong is a cult
How brainwashed do you have to be by the chinese government to believe this?

>low IQ retard has no argument whatsoever
You're just fucking crying that you have no argument.
There is no "capitalist" or "socialist" countries, this is extremely simplistic inaccurate thinking by low IQ morons.
There are only counties with degrees of economic freedom.
Turns out the more economic freedom(read: capitalism) a country is, the better off it's citizens.

Most of the Chinese businessmen in Shenzhen and elsewhere don't want to know how powerful the country is getting, and how fast it is rising, because they worry they'll scare the West into stopping them before they're strong enough to "vassalize" (using their word) the West. They look down on Westerners like crazy, liberal whites especially.

kek, stay mad, chinklet


>Dosen't know what a mixed market is
You have to go back, storm-tosser.

>virtually eliminated extreme poverty
>there's around 80+ million people in China still living on less than 1.90 a day


Who cares if the chinese aren't poor anymore? In average they're dumb as fuck and completely soulless, money can only get you so far. They can import as many cuck europeans to develop for them and can colonize africa but their human capital is non existent. The USA became a superpower not only because of economic reasons, its culture has dominated the world since the 50's and it'll continue to do so. If you think it makes any difference that hollywood movies are paid by chinks instead of kikes then you're dumb as shit

I didn't believe it until I saw Shen Yun. After you see that show you really can't deny it.

I'd rather China buys all the companies and property in my country than let the Jews rule us via banking while promoting open borders to destroy us from within because they're scared of any country being monoethnic except their own.

In 2015 there were. In 2018 that number was 10 million. These are the trends.

>>Dosen't know what a mixed market is
I literally just describes examples of mixed markets.
There you go again with your incredibly simplistic and retarded thinking.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet you drooling leftist shitstain?

they have disputed kashmir with india, nothing to do with uygur muzzie scum

Based on inflation, the 1.90 figure is more accurately described as anyone living under 2.12$ a day is living in abject poverty.

So try again.

>Shen Yun
some theatrical group? lol
you're an idiot
the entire reason it's so popular in china is because the fucking chinese government used to PROMOTE IT before they randomly decided it was bad LMAO

china is like looney tunes land

>bro, having my country destroyed by multiculturalism is totally fine as long as they are chinese
oh boy

>we have to choose between a bipolar Idiocracy or a totalitarian corporatist state

The numbers are always given in terms of various "poverty lines" set by the world bank which of course adjust for inflation. The government under Xi Jinping has set poverty reduction as its major goal and they keep drilling in it. I'm sorry man poverty keeps going down in China. The country does keep making more money. It's just a fact.


Wow, you sure must be a fan of the jews to constantly talk about them and glamorize them.


I never said that, and even if I had Chinks are objectively better than the third world shits the Jews are forcing upon us.

>I literally gave you an example of mixed market
>Looks posts and sees that you have done nothing of the sort.
You're an idiot and China is a mixed market.

How about growing a dick and fighting back? Too much trouble?

>capital flight like crazy
>ridiculous investment in property development slowing down
>trying hard to make a system of transporting oil ether by land or navy
>gonna get fucked if theres a navel blockade stopping fuel ttansport
I kinda feel bad for these insect people

The director's name is Frant Gwo

Shen Yun is a Falun Gong troupe. How did you know China Uncensored was run by Falun Gong when I said "cult" but not know that?

These are slight decreases in poverty, most of the world is experiencing it.
Don't make it seem like the chinese government is acting towards poverty reduction.

This all ignores the fact that chinese people would have living standards on par with china or taiwan if they had simply implemented free markets and property rights a few decades ago

>which of course is adjust for inflation
Except your statistic wasn't. So, again....Try again.

>poverty seems to be going down in china
By increased wages? Yes, but that doesn't mean they have good, decent, or even half decent wages. You can fake a decrease in poverty by incrementally increasing wages where people are still making almost nothing and barely able to afford food itself.

I work part time and I make more than around 800 million people in China who are classified as "low income."

>dude just declare war on America lmao

>I'm a free market white nationalist.
oxymoron, markets know no borders.

>I never said that, and even if I had Chinks are objectively better than the third world shits the Jews are forcing upon us.
At least we would be able to throw out the nonwhites, you can't throw out chinese global hegemony.

>>Looks posts and sees that you have done nothing of the sort.
I stated countries have "degrees of economic freedom", technically all countries have "mixed markets", it's just that some are far to the extreme of economic freedom or lack of economic freedom.
The world isn't as simple as your leftist talk shows, user.

>You're an idiot and China is a mixed market.
>yeah bro, it's that simple, I only work with simple terms like capitalism, socialism and mixed market, anything else is heresy

The statistic was adjusted for inflation because the statistic is given in terms of poverty line. Also economists have found a solution to this problem of price-differences between countries through a metric called PPP or purchasing power parity, which equates money in a country to the cost of a "basket" of goods in that country. It turns out that in terms of PPP China has also continually improved. I don't know why you are denying this.

Based China.
We should all do our part and racemix with qt Chinese girls.

>Shen Yun is a Falun Gong troupe.
Okay so what?
What is your point?

>How did you know China Uncensored was run by Falun Gong when I said "cult" but not know that?
Because it's literally the argument of all the 50 cent army insects in the youtube comments section of their videos lol

>be the leader of a free market white nationalist nation
>implement free markets
>but close the borders to immigration

Wow, that was extremely easy, it's almost as if your argument held no water.

No wonder the West has no future when defeatist coward like you exist.

Pic related is the future of yellow fever fags
>chinese are so vile that you actively seek out gay drug orgies
>die from inserting meth up your anus

Attached: 1551631163120.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Uh the point was that I saw Shen Yun and that is what convinced me they were a cult. It's REALLY weird.

I really wish America let Japan control a large part of China after WW2.

Would have solved a lot of problems.

Im looking forward to that kino

You forgot
>watch as companies go elsewhere to take advantage of juan/pajeet/chang's cheap labor

The whole Racist Capitalism ideology is so cringeworthy and uniquely American. Americans on /pol/ are so fucking dumb lol

>Uh the point was that I saw Shen Yun and that is what convinced me they were a cult.
Because they do fancy shows?
It's just a religion like any other. Of course some of the shit they say is going to be nonsense but in free countries we don't throw people in prison camps for believing dumb things.
The only reason china prosecutes fg is because they consider it a threat against their power.
They do the same to christians.

Dumb stormfag.
Dubious 4chin pol infographic of Degrees of economic freedom =/= mixed market vs alternatives.

>dumb amerimutt NEETS talking about geopolitics as if they knew anything
Some of the posts ITT are fucking embarrassing

No, they’re turbojews on steroids

No it's not. If you saw that show you wouldn't think so. I walked into Shen Yun not knowing it was Falun Gong and thinking it was just some cultural performance that cost way too much money. I was in a certain sense made uneasy after walking out of the theater and basically speechless. I looked it up online afterwards and discovered that I was far from alone in this feeling. Turns out the show is run by a cult.

Will this movie be released outside of China?

>Dumb stormfag.
This isn't an argument AHAHAHAHAHA

>Dubious 4chin pol infographic
The fucking world bank is a pol infographic?
HAHAHAHA Pathetic.

How are you this dumb you don't know what economic freedom is?

Leftists like yourself have low IQ, you're literally too dumb to understand complex subjects like this.

>mixed market
Saying mixed market doesn't describe anything.
The USA is a mixed market, Sweden is a mixed market, China is a mixed market.

Wow thanks, I got almost zero information about any of these countries.

Falun gong is closer to scientology than christianity

>The whole Racist Capitalism ideology
You mean the ideology that built the united states until 1965?


>Americans on /pol/ are so fucking dumb lol
yeah what retards, wanting high living standards and their a country for their own people

Well put kek

It was being shown at some AMC cinemas when it came out in early February

>No it's not.
It's just a cult to you because you've read too much chink propaganda.
All religions believe retarded shit and can be described as a cult.
You'd find the same thing if you went to a mormon theatrical show.

Either way we shouldn't be attacking them or harvesting their organs, obviously.

Falun Gong doesn't abuse it's members like scientology.
China however abuses fg members for simple because they consider it a threat.



Attached: Jackiechan+is+hated+in+china+because+he+promotes+government+which+_dc5270c645a81cee35b2e74123ddd0e7. (625x570, 201K)

why seethe so much about this, /pol/fag? It's not like you're ever going to do anything about it, nor anyone else. Your dream utopia will never happen lmao. Better brush up on your spanish.

Armenian shill

what obvious samefaggotry lol

>why seethe so much about this, /pol/fag?
Projecting much lol?
You got btfo and now you're just coping.
Time to close the tab.

Good job you found me out.

Been living in China since 2013. Never heard of social credit.
I think it was just bad reporting by the Wall Street Journal.

millions of chinese cannot even fly or take trains because of this retarded system
you're a liar

>Been living in China since 2013.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

go back to haunting your ghost cities you stupid chink

It's better for him to be here than harassing preteens at his phone accessory mall kiosk

china is the totalitarian state the uk wishes it could be


OK yea I've seen the wechat and alipay ratings on my friends' phones before and it does seem a bit excessive but Chinese people don't really complain about privacy issues.
The people restricted from flights etc are usually Uighyrs up in Xinjiang. They're generally not trustworthy people. Some have ties to Al-Qaeda.

>but Chinese people don't really complain about privacy issues.
because they'll go to fucking prison if they complain
holy shit you're a dumb insect

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They post it specifically BECAUSE they get it, shill. China is a rich history of short booms followed by brutal and terrible busts. You better fucking figure that out while you can.

ask about the sesame score, you tard. It's going completely mandatory next year.

>these digits

Damn you, Kek!

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Werent the uighyrs the one that start war all the time with china of antiquity

If so what a bunch of dickheads


Went to an Ivy buddy.

Not the same guys but they're scum nonetheless.

Theyre syrian "refugees"""" of the east

This but unironically.

>Went to an Ivy buddy.
Who cares?
You were dumb enough to live in china like an animal and are totally fine with an authoritarian government completely controlling your life.
What a waste.

dam sun

>Falun Gong doesn't abuse it's members like scientology.
It's not powerful/rich enough to get away with it. They brainwash and scam tons of people out of their money like many cults do though.

>there are people here right now that will never be on Yea Forums again when china does away with vpns
china ain't so bad after all!

Ethnic Chinese here. I would rather live in a transparent totalitarian state than a pozzed crypto-totalitarian one like the U.S., where giant corporations push for your race's extermination (I assume you're white).

>thinks falun gong isn't a cult just because the chinese targeted them
falun gong as it originally was is basically dead. the commies kill it. the shit with the dancing you see here in the states is 100% a cult.

>They brainwash and scam tons of people out of their money like many cults do though.

If they actually did they should be tried in a court of law?
Oh wait, china has no rule of law and just makes shit up as they go along, which results in millions dead.
Anyone defending the CPP is clearly a sociopath.


>I would rather live in a transparent totalitarian state
Of course you would because your genetics make you into a mindless fucking drone.

uh oh lmao

>where giant corporations push for your race's extermination
it's cute that you think this is where the multicult stems from
fucking subhuman

also china is embarrassing multicult, the only reason it's not effecting them is they have so many people

you bootlicking cumdrinker

define cult, they're a religion I guess
What china does is much worse you would have to agree, no?




Im white and i rather live in china. The food sucks in france

Are you suggesting that China's govt and corporations would be teaming up to genocide the Han majority if the population weren't so big? Bullshit. We aren't like whites.

>being this mad that the chinaman was right

What's going on with that escalator?

>Are you suggesting that China's govt and corporations would be teaming up to genocide the Han majority if the population weren't so big?
uhhhh, american companies aren't trying to literally genocide whites, they just want mass immigration to make money

Then why did he get btfo?

>china .webm's haven't been posted

What the fuck? I thought this was a china thread?



None that you would believe, but my Aunt got suckered in and gave them most of my doormat Uncle's life savings. My cousin got sent to their cult school but thankfully he's not retarded and got out.

To clarify, I'm only talking about the US branch. I definitely don't agree with China's violent suppression of what amounted to a new-age magical healing cult. Here in the states they seem to be a mix of Jehova's Witness and wannabe Scientology.

>uhhhh, american companies aren't trying to literally genocide whites, they just want mass immigration to make money

Doesn't look that way, but I will take your word for it. In any case, our system is flawed but way better than most Western ones.

torrent when?

>None that you would believe, but my Aunt got suckered in and gave them most of my doormat Uncle's life savings. My cousin got sent to their cult school but thankfully he's not retarded and got out.
don't believe it
this could be a small sect of fg
even if it is true, my point still stands
china is much worse

>I definitely don't agree with China's violent suppression of what amounted to a new-age magical healing cult
This is all I wanted to know.
Anyway I'm going to sleep now.

The West is just scared of how united the Chinese people are. 1.4bn strong and all act with a single purpose. To increase the power of the Eastern Dragon.

Fuck I'd be scared too..

they all enjoy being slaves, it's fucked

there's something genetically different about east asians than white people man

>Ghost in the Shell
>machine has a soul
>at all
>artificial being not made by God has a soul
>at all
>somehow Western/Abrahamic
>not Shinto as fuck
Read a book, plebe.




good thing we're allies with 1.34b indians

2040 is the year whites become the minority in the US. Mark it on your calendars woohoo!

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>hold my gutter oil sweet and sour chicken

But seriously, movie looks fine
How long does it take for chinese flicks to be pirated properly? 3 months?

Waiting warmly for the adventures of fucked up medic robot.

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America never intended to "beat" Vietnam. Vietnam was nothing more that a testing ground for if the Cold War went hot. There's a reason China and Russia both shit their pants in mutual terror when the test results came back.

>the people responsible for banning the people that talked about the banning of people talking about banning have been banned

China. So advanced and cultured they have to rely on centuries old music in order to convey emotion.


Attached: V5sl.gif (500x276, 499K)

Remember the 80s when everyone was afraid Japan would rule the world? Oh right. you weren;t born back then. Nothing is new under the sun.

I'm in Beijing right now and outside the sky is blue.

>There's a reason China and Russia both shit their pants in mutual terror when the test results came back.

Explain further?

Figured china would have a bigger reserve system, that's pretty surprising imo

>America Never intended to "be BTFO" in Vietnam.
Fixed it for you

Came here to say this, I haven't read the books but I read the synopsis and it could be incredible if they pull it off.

Blade Runner original and 2049: hold my beer

america has no paramilitary? they have the largest paramilitary in the world.

the world is ruled by the jews, not any nation.

China would make great movies if their shitty government collapsed.

A century of terror, genocide, and tons of lost generations to tell stories about

Damn I wish I could remember how to read. 3 body problem is sitting on my shelf collecting dust.

Hopefully Amazon doesn't fuck it up. They have lots of great source material to work from and should ask themselves why such material rarely arises from domestic sources anymore.

>the west had both once
>literally genocided across the globe
>call own crusade and genocide "the white man's burden"

>3 body problem is sitting on my shelf collecting dust

It's not that good, I read all three.

It's the best Chinese sci-fi I have ever read, but it's still only a solid 6.5/10. Nearly everything in the book is not new idea, like the Dark Forrest for example, but I think they were new to Chinese readers so it was taken as revolutionary.

It's not bad, it's worth reading. That's about as kind as I can be.

I watched it and must say chinks act better than japs or gooks.

it was pretty kino
the main boy actor was trash though

Sci-Fi is Dystopia now. Fury Road was one of the best Science Fiction movies in a long time.
If we are talking about space operatic - those are dead hopes for the future.