Jazz General - Dilation Micromanager Edition

Episode 11 QRD:
>6:30 The effect of ptsd on the transwoman face.
>9:49 Jeanette would be "devastated if parents said no to surgery because of what happened to Jazz".
>11:11 NOSE
>12:35 Oppression discussion with a great big fat person.
>17:00 Jazz brainstorms a day camp idea for kids.
>27:37 Jazz had "no skin", "looked like a burn victim", says Jeanette during live faceberg discussion.
>39:26 Jeanette: Jazz "doesn't tend to take care of herself, she needs a little bit of pushing", needs micromanagement for dilation.


Jazz Jennings’ Doctor Exposed As Anti-trans, Posted Photos Of Patients’ Body Parts


Attached: Jeanette During Phonecall.jpg (650x533, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS Full Report - FINAL 1.6.17.pdf

This thread is now blessed by this digits, may all trannies kill themselves till the day of the rope.


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Can anyone post the infographic showing that Jazz is sometype of muslim who was adopted by jew parents? I saw it on /pol

What the fuck is dilation?

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These threads make me want to puke but I'm unironically fascinated by this shitshow
Should I actually start watching this or do the threads make it look better and more interesting than it actually is?

It doesn't exist because he's Jewish and they love this kind of fucked up stuff.

>kid wants to cut his dick off
>can't even be arsed to keep open the gash of a snatch

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>Should I actually start watching this
Do et

well damn cause apparently that infographic came from you guys(aka peoples on /tv)

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It's pretty fucking awful. Essentially the hole that was carved in order to make a vagina tends to heal (since it was not meant to be a manufactured vagina). Dilation involves sticking a tube into the hole so that the skin heals around it to look like a real vagina.

It's a little circumstantial, but here goes.

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Yeah but 5 fucking seasons of retarded slice of life... What's the best point to hop in?

imagine being that deranged tranny from the previous thread defending the idea of one-year-old tranny babies.



imagine unironically supporting this satanic-tier shit.

It's on TLC so around 50% of the show is filler.

I just get it all digest in these threads. I'd cringe the fuck out if I even watched 10 seconds of that crap.

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Where's the retarded reactionary boogeymen poster from the last thread

wait for the comfy weekly streams. I would kill myself if I had to watch this on my own.

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just watch the latest ones or start from the *pop*.

we really need a chart to help people who are just starting to enjoy our little lovecraft-lynchian horror blessed by cronenberg himself.

Ho my God good those guys really outdo themselves time after time

>unsnapping a onesie makes you a woman
this is like comedy

This is how bad it really is.

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thanks satan.

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The *pop* is a bit after the surgery? Will probably start around here.

It's pretty bad

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Reminder that this is their latest damage control/cope/derail strategy.
Good job to those anons who purged skylarfags and charliefags and reduced them to memes.
Also remember to pet the anti-tranny doggo, who has been deleted countless times from hazz threads.

Good idea actually

Uh wait. These people are now somehow on the “good” side?


Is there any guy in this thread who didn't wobble around in his mom's heels when they were young? It was fun to walk like a retard

Its been a few minutes so hes probably dilating

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Is it true that The Learning Channel used to have thought provoking shows back in the day?

Attached: The Learning Channel I Am Jazz.jpg (1555x914, 1.1M)

Michael Jackson would be proud

>dick hungry 8 year old lesbians

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imagine being a boy raised a girl because you unsnapped a onesie as a fucking baby, its like this Dr, if you can even call them that completely forgot about the thousands of years where dresses/robes were worn as men, i mean shit maybe the kids just scottish, or trans-scottish as these faggots would say

Alright, thanks fren

Is Jazz autistic? Having a vagina could be his special interest.

>8 years old dick hungry lesbians
wow, not even the most rabid cunny posters here think like this

I want to cleanse this world of trannies so much

You're not a tranny if you don't think literally everyone who so much as glances wants to fuck

The mom is truly sickening. I want to create a timeline showing how the mom has been actively seeking media attention and thrusting jazz into the news since jazz was an infant.

If this isn't grooming then I dunno what is.

Yes, Junkyard Wars was based.

Can somebody make a bingo card out of this?

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nah, I didn't do that or have any impulse to

you're a faggot

you caught me
schedule my castration asap i guess

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>a-ack ack ack ack ack ack ack

"Ack!" Ack ack ack ack; ack ack ack ack. Ack ack ack, ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack ack, ack ack ack ack ack ack ack "ack ack ack."

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Absolutely based and well put

I definitely did this. I put on any shoes I could find in the house, wasn't really any pattern beyond that. Nobody discouraged or encouraged it and I grew out of it pretty quick without feeling ashamed. The fact that children early in development show less differences in behavior shouldn't be surprising if you know a thing about human development. People who take that to mean everyone is the same until society imposes its standards are retarded. Everyone who will read this already knows that though

Hide your face and bear it


No, sounds like your mom loved it though

>Dr. Jess Ting
>Dr. Jessting
>Dr. Jesting
most successful troll in human history

Who is Jazz Jennings?

I spent over an hour on this, please gimme a (you)

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>but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting to dilate

Thankfully trannies are committed to make your job easier by taking half the load themselves

Fucking sucks you turbo nigger

Thanks for the repost, pal


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Snibeti snab

I didnt because I'm not a fag

Based and Burtonpilled

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The concept is good, user

This looks similar to the bot program that sorts what images to use for bot threads on Yea Forums

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it is not enough, we should do what japs do and much more

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So gross, your bladder now scarred
Lookin' like an old tub of lard
Your severed cunt spills poopy farts
Disgusting shit splatters
Regret ope-nin' pelvis this way
Wiping's hard, piss in the hallway
All these turds I hope don't stain
Disgusting shit splatters
Pus I leak from the slimy wound
Many pains from the bubbling womb
Broken guy filmed for TV views
Disgusting shit splatters

Not prepared for what they did
Not prepared for bloody hole
Butt dies slow

So gross, your bladder now scarred
Lookin' like an old tub of lard
Your severed cunt spills poopy farts
Disgusting shit splatters

Not prepared for what they did
Not prepared for bloody hole
Butt dies slow

Regret ope-nin' pelvis this way
Wiping's hard, piss in the hallway
All these turds I hope don't stain
Disgusting shit splatters
Pus I leak from the slimy wound
Many pains from the bubbling womb
Broken guy filmed for TV views
Disgusting shit splatters

Never knew I'd need bidet
Forever say Ahmir is gay
Not prepared for what they did
Not prepared for bloody hole
Ass is torn, yeah-yeah!

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Does anyone else notice this trend, an absolutely unchecked sexual ego among them? It's how a hyper-stereotyped rapist speaks

I am convinced that these mothers are pedophiles and preying on their own children with some cross dressing fetish

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Based samurai

So we've established jazz is a lazy fuck, what happens if he forgets to dilate on schedule? Surely one day is not so bad but it's gonna pile up.

>tfw no qt Skylar gf

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Look at this man’s penis nose

It's ironic how much effort goes into memeing such a lazy person

The wound willl close and he will literally have a smooth bump between his legs, like a grotesque barbie doll

Even the children know something isn't right.

On what grounds could Jazz sue his parents/doctors in the coming years? You know that’s how it will end.

Does the dick chopping and other meat cutting happen in any other countries besides the USA?

>dick hungry 8 year old lesbians

There really is an incalculable amount of mental gymnastics that these people go through to believe their delusions.

will he still be able to piss out of it?

the big hole is basically only for fucking right that can close, but they can still piss out of that 2nd tiny hole or will it be shitbag time?

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All he has to do is demonstrate damages. I'm sure he has grounds on abuse, neglect, and malpractice.
I assume he'll never realize what they did to him and will instead commit suicide

Best case scenario: wound closes up and Jazz loses depth to his fronthole.
Worst case scenario: pic related.

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Ayy lmao

It's an impressive amount of projection that they manage to throw out at anyone who doesn't support their self-destructive lifestyle.

her entire existence is trying to hide her lazy eye

They would have to do another surgery and rerout his urethra to his anus.
He would piss out his ass



Shit is worldwide, Iran does the most operations per year I think.

That's depressing.

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i thought it was illegal to be gay in iran

Being trans is an out from being gay. A "girl" being into guys is fine. They just join the harem and exist for frustrated males sexual relief

it is, but their solution to the gay problem is turning them into trannies, mudslides for some reason are more lenient with trannies then gays

Thailand is a hotspot.

It's also worth considering how many male babies unsnap onesies and end up as perfectly normal males, 5, 10, 15, etc. years later. The ratio of babies who unsnap onesies due to gender dysphoria and ones who unsnap them due to chance, boredom, discomfort, or any other factor had to be like 1 in tens of thousands even conservatively. This whole thing reminds me of some weird manifestation of pareidolia. They make an observation and project their preconceptions and expectations onto it. They're the hammer trying to find a nail in everything. "He chose the pink cookie rather than blue cookie, off with his dick!"

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This has to be a troll

I thought ladyboys were a thing there. They're all chopping their dicks off now?

okay no jokes here, that's just fucking horrible

>bot program

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Honestly, I feel like if Jazz ended killed herself she would end up saving a lot of lives. "Trans" people considering srs would think twice and save untold amounts of suffering.

It's making a comeback in Israel thanks to Jazz's doctor.

Attached: Dr. Bowers in Tel Aviv.png (861x1523, 1.99M)

a nice thought, but you know full well they will blame it on bullying and bury any evidence that it was due to the horror show they put Jazz throught, also


Surgery should really never be used as anything but a last resort or emergency action. It's extremely dangerous, the fact that they push it on little kids is disgusting.

Haven't been in these threads for a bit.
Just wanted to say fuck discord trannies and no one will ever love a tranny. You're all sick fucks. That is all.

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Most trannies are attracted to women

I wanna facefuck Jazz's mom and maybe his sister too.


You better do it in front of Jarron

Based drive-by poster

Imagine forcing this dating pool on a child

>those who hate trans people and just want to butcher someone up do the most operations
fuck that is nightmarish

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no its to rip open the constantly healing flesh, not for it to heal over it. thats why they have to keep doing it


What happens if a tranny that undergoes bottom surgery falls into a coma that lasts several months? Do the nurses dilate him?

>tfw tranny
>know i'm mentally ill, but it was transition or kill myself
>started transitioning years ago before this shit all became mainstream
>pass well enough, just try to live a normal, quiet life
>never demand anyone treat me a certain way or call me by any words they don't want to
>suddenly all this shit kicks off
>psychotics crawling out of the woodwork to mutilate themselves in public
>"women" with beards and pregnant breastfeeding "men"
>now they're going after kids
>if you dare mention anything about it, you're Hitler
>and to make it all worse, i get wrapped up with them by association
They make me sick. If you guys let me help tie their nooses, I'll let you take me out afterward without a fight.

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let me suck your dick, tranny janny

That's a little harsh man

>this autogynephile is such a sicko that, under the guise of pro bono "humanitarian work", he offers free plastic surgery to bring back "sexual pleasure" for victims of FGM
>obviously it's just a way to indulge his fetish through vulnerable women
>the organization that supports this is called "Clitoraid" and is run by "Raelians", a cult that believes Jesus Christ was an alien
>this is not trolling

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they would probably throw in a mesh one or a perforated one (to allow water to touch flesh) they could keep in there indefinitely and every now and then hose it out without removing it


>know i'm mentally ill, but it was transition or kill myself
You picked the wrong option, now fix your mistake

Did Cosmo kill himself yet? Haven't watched that disaster in a long ass time

i hope you find a big dicked bf and live a happy homosexual relationship user, dressed as woman or not.

gently massage my prostate with your dick and i'll let you live your life, but you will be required to join our forces again when we eliminate women

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gotta love /pol/

There's no going back.
Whole generations will be lost to madness. Literal madness.
There's no going back..

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Surgeries like that aren't done on minors.

Islam is the only way out

You're a good man user I'd hug you to make you feel better.


it's like anything. the few ruin the name of the many.

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This shit only started about four years ago. And only idiot americans are falling for it

Why do trannies always have such bad fashion sense?

but Islamic regimes like Iran encourage this for gays, if anything it will just get worse

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It's a punishment for being gay not a reward.

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>pass well enough

(X) Doubt

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took me a while to see it

>jazz was 17 when he got his colonpussy
>even before that he was permanently stuck with a micropenis, meaning that even as a kid he was given the power to castrate and stunt his genitalia
>the current tranny agenda is to lower the age of consent so younger kids can apply for surgery

except this time the ones responsible are "the many". stats show the majority of trannies in the west are fetishistic transvestites, which is why they are using kids to sanitize their image.

can we get some origin story

who molested you and at what age?

I don't
A dress being feminine is a social construct itself, how the fuck is

It's not like it's your fault, constructivism wasn't really anticipated or seen for what it is until it was way too late

Must have felt good taking those leggings off after a long day of wearing them.

Nobody, and I was raised by a single, conservative father who is a great man. But my mother's side of the family is filled with mental illness including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes so I'm 90% sure I got it my sickness passed to me from there.

>the current tranny agenda is to lower the age of consent so younger kids can apply for surgery
>except this time the ones responsible are "the many". stats show the majority of trannies in the west are fetishistic transvestites, which is why they are using kids to sanitize their image.

Holy shit imagine being this delusional

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cheapest shit and its open 24/7

The program used to sort the images for the automated threads. You know, the constant phoney threads posted to increase ad revenue.

he has gone quiet for the most part, but kiwifarms suspects that he ran out of money and had to move back home to live with mum and dad

This is how it should be. If you realllly wanna be a woman, put your money where your mouth is and chop that dick off. And have men fuck you. No more of these attention whoring "trans-lesbians".

What are you trying to say here?

Trannies are in it for pure fucking fetishism so they enact their own fantasies, you can see this on Jazz too, he doesn't wear a bra because he gets aroused by his own saggy tits. Traps had it right a long time ago, they actually try to go for the most feminine aesthetic possible for their bodies and try to get in shape and play the part, trannies are just disgusting and putrid failures.

You sure this isn't someone just having a laugh?

>necrotic cancer pieces in polymicrobial abscess soup

I think they served that at my school. Usually on a Wednesday.

It's not, unfortunately.

>pass well enough

not him but
are you new at these threads?

Lmao this is a good meme desu, even though the leftist generally have shit memes give them credit where credit is due

I can't agree with you that inverted dick is ever an answer

why not shave it and get a wig?

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transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS Full Report - FINAL 1.6.17.pdf
>at least 60% of male trannies are attracted to women
>meaning that the majority of trannies are non-homosexual transsexuals, aka autogynephiles

as for trannies wanting to lower age of consent:


and the list goes on...

I'm naturally feminine and had low levels of estrogen even before HRT, plus I have soft Scandinavian features. I don't think I'm perfect by any means, but it's more than good enough.

if we can't physically remove them from society or send them to a madhouse or deathcamp, effeminate fags LARPing as woman is preferable to disabled castrated men.

Best autists

That's the delusion talking

Extra red lines means extra true

Ehrensaft wouldnt happen to be a jewish last name would it?

I believe there are a lot of people like you that are actually against the clown world that gender activists are imposing onto you, user. Stay stronk.

Alright but consider this

This is false because no lesbian would feel attracted to a person with a penis (trans males). That's why most lesbians are labeled as "terfs" in lgbt spaces

Those "lesbians" must be the women who were married with men who transitioned later and even after years of self-identifying as straight, they are now calling themselves "lesbians" to affirm husband's identity and to cope.

Everytime i see that tranny i ask myself the same question, he's now a "girl" so why don't just get a wig? And i think the answer is, even if he's a girl he's been a guy for so long that the social stigma for men using wigs is still ingrained in his brain, even with nice legs his last neurons can't help but cling to that last battlefield of masculinity that is his bald head.

Yet they also believe its a social construct at the same time. But then twist it to apply 6o biology even though biology completely contradicts them. They are ideological pseudoscientists and the doublethink is profound.

I think this lad might be havin a zoz.

>scadinavian features
except that norseman have strong features and are naturally built like line backers.

Truly it is a great evil and we must confront the lies with truth.

Nords are either superchads or have babyfaces

>scadinavian features

does that mean you're like 6'5"

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i can only speak from anedoctal experience but from the norwegian turists i have met in my country even the ones with babyface were still tall and had the signature linebacker shoulder.

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I'll take "adult human female" and if I have to pick a second one, I'll take the culturally understood feminine body/brain.

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pls listen over 9000 hours in audacity

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I only pick human female, the others are evolutionary failures that do not deserve to live
Perfect description of trannies

Has anybody examined the higher rates of single mothers and the higher rates of trannies in the African American community for a connection?

This is a textbook cult.

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I'm 5'8" and have a bit of a thick chest/ribcage so I guess that gives me broad shoulders too, but not as bad as this chad

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why not just use a cock?

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in awe at the size of this lad, absolute unit

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that nigga just wants to pound her ass lmao

You don't want to know desu senpai

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why does "ok I guess we'll tolerate you" always immediately turn into "we need to constantly celebrate you even though you contribute nothing to society"?

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Ya know, for such a progressive show, I'm confused why anal is so verboten. Jazz and her mom refuse to consider it as an option. Why, because it's unnatural and hurts? I think a neovagina is that x1000000.

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based and incredibly redpilled


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10 years from now people will be saying... I don't get it. What's wrong with this?

there is a moral decay in the west

Is she actually for real though, or is she just taking the piss out of dumbshit parents like Jazz's?

Because anal is degenerate; but a mountain of drugs, multiple surgeries, daily dilation, and a constant oozing from the wound is natural and beautiful.

How long until suicide?

>triple dubs
god is with you, user

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Requesting the one about the infected hairball at the bottom of the woundgina from dialating. That one always gets me hard.

Tits or gtfo

not soon enough

It wont end until the pseudoscientist ideologues in academia are confronted on their collective bullshit and fired for fraud, and the profiteering enablers in psych/medicine lose their licenses.

can you guys post more tranny horror stories

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Actual scientists and academics are being suppressed by this cult of delusion.

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Fucking shit i fucking hate hate hate when /pol/ is right motherfucker fucking fuck

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Definitely troll phenotype

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don't you know? /pol/ is always right.

>israel makes the hormones
wow who would have thought?

>definition of woman
>adult human female
>"radical femimist"
>this is radical


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you walk the path of enlightenment user

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Have you ever misgendered someone, /trek/- I mean /jazz/?

Tfw no terf gf to watch I Am Jazz with

offtopic but i find funny how many far rightwing types in my social circle end up dating radical feminists.

maybe the "enemy of my enemy" shit is really true.

ftm look at nips

What's a TERF?

Its that hard foam stuff that they replace grass with

Change "terf" for "feminist".

Jazz belongs on Yea Forums dummy.

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Great idea user, please do it. its obviously a subtype of Munchausens By Proxy.

Nah there are pro tranny feminists

Yes but if he is meant to represent a right wing guy he wouldn't use the term terf, just feminist would be more fitting.

Queer Theory utterly exposed as pedophilia promoting and BTFO:

youtube.com/watch?v=2u3hmZCsXoE [Open] [Open]

A devastating contribution from the TERF 5th Column (Cordelia Brigade).

Terf is now just a pejorative for any woman who rejects mtf trannies as fellow women

Because it's an attack on our civilization masquerading as a political movement.

A broken clock is right twice a day

go fuck yourself tranny

Are you illiterate?

>tfw no based qt terf gf to kill trannies with on dotr

>nobody posted qt charlie

why? i would ironically fuck that boipussy and i aint even gay.

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That's Taylor Swift

>thinking lesbians exist
10% of lesbians, at best, are true lesbians. Most are just attention whores or autists.

Go join the 40% schizo pedo faggot.

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why can't you accept that you're schizophrenic and get treatment for that instead?

Aren't they sterilized by having their dick and balls chopped?

They don't remove the balls they just move em inside, otherwise where would a tranny store her pee

Who would've known that altering your brain with estrogen has consequences...



Then why didn't you see a psychiatrist? Or you did and this was really the only "treatment" they could come up with?

Holy shit! Is that his mother? That fuckin nose.

It's not enough to try steal womens bodies
They have to have womens illnesses too.
Make way for transwomen with "cervical" cancer


It's like watching a train wreck.

As far as I know, I don't have any symptoms of schizophrenia, although I do now know about successful treatment of gender dysphoria with anti-psychotics. But I've been at this for 7 years now. My body is permanently altered, and getting some cure that makes my brain normal again would just destroy my life and bring me back to wanting to commit suicide. I do enjoy my life now, but if I could go back in time and give myself those anti-psychotics, I absolutely would. All I can do now is live out my life and try to save others.

eww what is that

>All I can do now is live out my life and try to save others.
leave out the saving others part. you've already gone too far down the road of treating an impulse you should have just ignored as somehow legitimate. that you still see yourself as trans instead of as a woman, which is supposed to be the whole point of transitioning, is proof that this is much more about *creating* a sense of identity for you than affirming an identity you already had. forget about all this shit and either just "be" a woman, or be yourself without imposing even the concept of what you are onto others; or be buried alive by this monster that you've created. It was a mistake. It was stupid. Move past it instead of wallowing it, or else you're defining your entire life as an exercise in stupidity and mistake-making.

I read about this in the bible. I think it was in Thessalonians 2 chapter 2.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

You can read the entire chapter here.


they are required to be sterilized when they want to legally change their gender in paper, not when chopping their dick off

I wasn't saying you should do antipsychotics now. Just wanted to know is there another treatment for gender dysphoria.

These threads sure make me feel good about myself. I may be a fucking retard with low income, but at least i'm not some fucked up delusional tranny.

Transitioning is the "treatment" given, and will be the only "treatment" as long as this madness goes unchallenged.

Friendly reminder that most doctors are narcissistic sociopaths that have trouble diagnosing simple things like breast cancer and heart attacks because of their stupidity. Doctors love to say that patients can't diagnose themselves but the reality is google can probably diagnose you better than a doctor. The rate of death from medical mistakes is astounding in this country. Yet doctors adamantly refuse to use machine learning, artificial intelligence, or statistics to improve their practice because they're so set in their ways and they don't want to be replaced by computers. Not to mention the influx of basketball Americans getting into top med schools with a 200 on their MCAT and a degree in African American dance feminism.

The funny thing is Trannys love to talk about how they're radical anarchists communists while they're herding themselves like sheep to take hormones and get medical procedures and plastic surgery for the rest of their life to make capitalists richer. Seriously a Tranny is a jew pharmaceutical CEO's wet dream. They're so desperate for their hormones that they have to take for life that they are willing to inject themselves with DIY hormones. People always wonder why AIDS gets so much more funding when using a condom and not being a gay nigger slut prevents it. The reality (((they))) know they will get rich of AIDS medication rather than curing a disease because it has to be taken for the persons entire life or they will literally die in a month.

>but it was transition or kill myself
Wrong, there's always a third option
Accept yourself

what is the new scoring system on the mcat? i took the mcat in the last year of theo ld system and got a 32, but dropped my application to med school because i decided senior year that i didnt want to do that, it really fucked me up because i thought thats what i wanted to do my whole life and was always super successful academically and it still causes me social stress to this day because all my family/friends thought i would do that. I was depressed for like 2 years, then went and got an mba and a data analytics degree and got a 110k/year job doing management consulting, which seems like a career where i can advance my salary like crazy, but i still feel less successful/outcast from friends who actually went to medschool, who are 4th years now and getting placed into their residencies tomorrow.

My dad ended up dying of bowel cancer, that went diagnosed for 3 years, because his/our GP decided it was hemorrhoids, but didn't bother to do any blood work or tests, not even a simple 'pants off, bend over and spread your cheeks' test.

>charlie is 15
>tries the absolute best to dress and look like a woman
>youthful skin
>caked in makeup
>all the extra shit
I can't believe some retards are actually believing he passes, don't you faggots understand that in a few years it's over for him? Makeup will not cover for his male genes much longer.

WHAT? Can that even be real?

>in a few years it's over for him
it's over for him from the beginning, he looks like a 10 years old pre-pubscente boy and his pp is getting cut out in soon, he will be statistics in no time.

It's the reality of these barbaric surgeries, friendo.

>the way Charlie just ignored all legit arguments and covered his eyes and ears by declaring he's just a kid
>the way that bitch completely ignored all logic and reason and told Charlie he's just becoming that he wants to be

Imagine being the neighbor in this situation, haha.

if only that aussie went on a rampage on a pride center or lgbt organization building instead

I’m an actual Scandinavian Women and we aren’t known for ‘soft features’ you delusional faggot. let’s be real you’re probably not even Scandinavian you just say that to explain away your man height man jaw and big ass man shoulders that are forever wider than your man hips

>one of the kid's legos is pink
>how the fuck did that happen?
>oh well, better cut his dick off.

>dick-hungry 8 year old lesbians
This is some "Boy that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet" CIA code phrase type shit

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A mosque is still a worthy target. Plus it wasn't in America so the gun grabbers here can't use this as propaganda to attack our rights.

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So, Jazz is adopted Palestinian orphan, and now the jews made him switch sex to further humiliate him, truly, this could only be schemed by evil jewish mind.

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he's just a jewish latino fren
a truly cursed mix, la creatura

Do you have eyes? It's clear as day. Brainwashed kids with mothers with malicious personality disorders and munchausen by proxy on one side, adult male pedos who cross dress to get into little girls' locker rooms on the other. It's like a castration version of those mothers who pimped out their kids to Michael Jackson, and SJW version of junkies who sell their babies to child rapists for meth.

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I really wouldn't be shocked if the next mass shooting is at a pride parade. Or some dude realizing he spent his life as a bottom bitch goes postal and shoots up a sex house.

I've wanted for years to go to a con as mootykins complete with my hairy as fuck sasquatch legs to make people cringe but I'm pretty sure I'd just get yaaasss queened if I did that now.

Only adult human female. The others are degenerates and the world is overpopulated as it is.

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I dont understand all this dumb shit. So youre not mature enough to make the decision to drink until youre 21. Drink, vote, or fuck until youre 18. but at 6 you can choose to cut your dick off. what a time to be alive

He looks like a miserable pug lapdog kept by two octogenarian women who stuff it full of candy from a crystal bowl on the table.

>being dickless, hated, and angry at the world
surely they are contemplating how to go out with a bang

We always knew. Jazz looks nothing like his parents.

Right? According to trannies, anyone with common sense and basic knowledge of biology is a radical feminist.

Crazed twitter trannies are calling conservative men "terf" all the time. They're lucky they don't get killed more.

To be fair to the wrestler, she's an ftmwho wants to compete in the male league but because she's on test she's barred from it. But she should be barred from the female league for the same reason

Everytime a 40 comes up, a tranny kills themselves. Please use this power wisely.

Then come out and write a book or at least an article about how current trans hysteria is a mistake and child abuse. You could save children by speaking up. If you're transitioned, the SJWs can't shut you down because you've already won the oppression olympics.

>conservative trans-exclusionary radical feminists
and trannies say they aren't mentally ill.

Was passing, but some of the newer picture people are posting you can really see how manly her frame is, she’s got huge shoulders lmao.

>adult male pedos who cross dress to get into little girls' locker rooms on the other.
True. Link related: jonathanyaniv.org/

>To be fair
How fair is it to let every single last disgusting tranny beat on women? We made extra leagues for women because they're literally the weaker sex, and now we let huge ogre male trannies as well as reverse trannies beat them up, either with their male bodies or with their female bodies pumped full of testosterone. Absolute fucking madness.

context on the pic? how does *any* adult get on a college team? wtf

She would ideally be barred in all leagues for being a juiced ogress. But since this wasn't somehow an option then her failing in the male league is a better option than brutalizing girls in the female league

whats the time for those stream? I would like to watch it live but I figure that with the timezone between the east/west coast and Europe would mean that I wouldn't be able to watch it at the same time as other anons

In his released memo for the attack, he cites creating a Second Civil War in the United States via the anti-gun leftists and pro-second amendment rightists (read: mostly Whites) with further gun control being the impetus for its creation as a major reason he did what he did.

The paramount reason he did it eas because he saw an invading culture completely different from his own, slowly but surely infecting his European heritage and way of life. As such, he saw fit to blow 40 Muslims away in New Zealand of all places, where there isn't even a significant population of them.

I can't agree with the methods or ever justify his actions, but I can see why he did it. It was one grand Aussie shitpost.