>lobotomizing a fully functional man under the guise of "curing" him
is this seriously what they did in the 60s?
Lobotomizing a fully functional man under the guise of "curing" him
Pretty much
You beeeet.
>stop lobotomizing people
>trannies run rampant
Modern medicine was a mistake
>functional man
Did you actually watch the movie?
>cutting off a fully functioning mans dick in order to """cure""" him
>his behavior warranted a lobotomy hurr
fuck off
the 40s-60s was a pretty fucked time for mental health
It was worse before that, when they literally just stabbed women in the head with Ice Picks to cure "hysteria"
>As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman asked Rosemary some questions. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backwards. ... . "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." . ... . When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.
That is fucked up but also kino
did you?
She was just a dyslexic eccentric with ADHD.
explain how that was damaging either to the woman or to society. no, i'm not memeing.
it worked though
The good old days
Haha yeah, now they're just homeless
>”I believe we can help him”
>he runs amock in the ward and she gets bored of cleaning the mess
>makes him a braindead walking vegetable
kinos about this type of villain?
privatization, it just works.
Saddest story ever. Kennedy family is evil.
it was damaging to the woman because it basically lobotomized her, like they did to nicholson in this film. are you daft?
T. Seething hysteric roasty
Eh, only about 50,000 people ever received lobotomies
iirc lobotomies were only fully 'eradicated' in the 80s
Lobotomy was such a cop out. Seriously we should just kill all these fucks. The amount of unhinged homeless in this country is disgusting. I wish Trump would just send out a group of SEALs and have them all snuffed out.
Joe Kennedy let a woman drown to cover up his sex crimes. At least he died slowly from brain cancer, just like McCain and Joe Biden's son.
Mental health institutions are demonised in most every country. Every normie knows the insane power these random people have over you. The fear of being committed is palpable for a lot of people and is a regularly occuring horror trope.
But not much has changed.
He was already braindead. The lobotomy was probably good for him.
Yes. He was an imbecile. Unless you think his behavior was somehow smart, funny, edgy fuck the rules and a defender of the "lol just be yourself a little and you will heal!" doctrine..
That's Ted Kennedy, you troglodyte.
>But not much has changed.
A massive amount has changed. The fucked up places are retirement homes, not mental health facilities. Costs are too high to fuck around or have patient families get complaints.
countdown til they start lobotomizing incels? this guy should go first.
also he belonged in a jail, not in an institution, you absolute retard.
The film was literally about a corrupt mental health institution. The fucking climax is about how the absolute cunt working there drove a patient to fucking suicide and Nicholson's character almost killing her over it. In the final scenes she has mellowed the fuck out and is a better person. The ward is better. She has learnt a lesson.
You dumb fucking zoomer cunt.
She was probably amazing in bed. Maybe if you want to fuck a warm corpse that would be an upgrade but if you've ever banged an ADHD girl you would know what a tragedy this was.
That's so horrific. I wonder if she truly became retarded or if it was a "I have no mouth and I must scream" type thing
mental institutions and prisons are two sides of the same coin
at least with prisons your mind doesn't shatter
You can tell just from this pic what an absolute animal she must have been in bed.
>at least with prisons your mind doesn't shatter
But your anus LOL
She even has freckles. Muh dick.
You would be the first to go
If you want to get rid of all the homeless you have to reopen these places. Reagan shut them all down and threw the crazies out.
You could make a pretty convincing argument for the whole" selling your soul" thing being real using the Kennedy family alone.
They still have more freedoms in prisons than in mental hospitals
Less monitoring when they are in their cells but yeah it's more dangerous
>here's the cure for you're wife's hysteria lad
It was better for everyone back int he day. Especially for the docs if you know what I mean.
Pretty weird to think this was only 50-60 years ago. Lobotomies seem like a medieval concept.
Ironic. Since the "I'm above rules" and "i know better" are clearly cuck symptoms.
Man, the Chappaquiddick movie pissed me off. To think that asshole stayed a senator for the next 4 decades - un-fucking believable.
The science of psychology gained tremendously from advances made in the 50s and 60s. They weren't really performing them past 1950, it's more of a 30s-40s procedure.
Honestly they should bring this back. Think of how many cases of domestic violence and homicide would be solved if incels, raging drunks and junkies were lobotomized.
>Mutilating a fully functioning dick under the guise of curing someone of suicidal tendencies
Is this seriously what they did in the 20s?
>The science of psychology
Does not compute.
lobotomy is fucking retarded. if you want to make someone braindead why not just end their life period? does it somehow make you feel better knowing they have zero brain function but can still shuffle their feet?
>corrupt mental health institution
>how the absolute cunt working there drove a patient to fucking suicide
nicholson dindu nuffin, right?
Jennifer Lawrence and she'll have a much bigger part i the film. And the indian Chief will be LeBron James.
It didn't compute because you were too dumb for post highschool education friendo
A lot has changed, for reasons you already said. Mental hospitals have every media outlet always watching them. The people working higher up record everything the staff do now, patients can talk to human rights workers(forgot what the names of their positions actually were) the problem is they hire anyone for CNA staff and they're mostly all of them are ghetto trash who barely give a shit about their job.
t. Worked at one.
>fully functional
he raped a 14 year old girl and tried to choke his nurse to death
he was violent and a criminal and he belonged in prison. the cucks were the mental institution doctors who let him stay, or even somehow fully believed he was mentally ill.
Yes. Murder is inhumane. Lobotomy isn't the ideal, but if some asshole refuses to shape up and continues to harm others with their anti-social behaviour than fuck 'em.
You can literally program people with simple behaviorist principles, why do you think we stopped doing lobotomies? There are better ways now.
He broke the law, he deserves it.
It's actually closer to 30-40 years. A government investigation in 1977 found that they might be effective. Lobotomies are still done today, albeit a more advanced method
>forcing a man who does not have a mental illness but is obviously a criminal to stay in a ward and lobotomising him rather than go to jail is OK
what are they feeding you?
I don't see the problem with both of them, he acted in the most natural way.
No, because psychology is not and will never be a real science.
It was a problem till Regan came along and closed all the asylums and flooded the streets with mental patients
this is some brainlet mental gymnastics
you do realize lobotomy is basically turning someone into a zombie right?
this is you btw
>because psychology is not and will never be a real science
Is something a brainlet says. Psychology rules your life. Modern society is built on it. You're just a moron who thinks neuroscience is Freud or gender studies.
Bullshit. Alcoholics, junkies, and the mass shooter tyres are a scourge. No one has a solution so drug companies flood society with ssri poison.
Men were cucks back in the day. The law was womens bitch, you couldn't do anything negative to a bitch. It's not like nowadays where you can kill them and wear their skin, women have much less power now.
based Reagan
This. Fuck Reagan and FUCK Geraldo.
Agreed, most of those people didn't deserve to be in an asylum for life and obviously for people with moderate mental problems being chucked into an asylum with genuinely insane people only served to make them more insane
some people have more brain than they need.
SSRI's aren't poison, they're just over-prescribed stopgap solutions to people being indoors, out of shape and programmed by society in ways that your dumbass meatsack wasn't meant for.
So what? Better a zombie than a violent raging scumbag who beats women and kills kids.
>some people have more brain than they need.
You would know.
you throw those people in prison for the rest of their lives or perhaps death penalty depending on the severity of their crimes, not turn them into a vegetable. are you literally lobotomized yourself?
I've actually taken a few courses in cognitive neuroscience. But you're honestly just ignorant. The study of animal behavior is a science, but the study of human behavior and cognition isn't? You have no idea how many proven psychological principles are used to manipulate your behavior on a daily basis.
Why not just kill them then you fucking retard? All they do is take up time, and money? All you can say is muh morals.
>In 1960, at 12 years of age, Dully was submitted by his father and stepmother for a trans-orbital lobotomy, performed by Dr. Freeman. During the procedure, a long, sharp instrument called an orbitoclast was inserted through each of Dully's eye sockets 7 cm (2.75 inches) into his brain.
No, I've never been college, why do you ask?
Why are you so bloodthirsty? Perhaps you need a lobotomy.
Psychology is the reason you're not having a fork shoved in your head for being a retard.
>You would know.
yeah, from talking to you
>lobotomizing people isn't bloodthirsty
get this guy a lobotomy, stat
t. guy who needs a lobotomy
>Icepicking people's brains isn't blood thirsty
M8 that's downright sadistic, a bullet to the head isn't even as bad.
>literally >no u
She was retarded before the lobotomy,
> During her birth, the doctor was not immediately available and the nurse ordered Rose Kennedy to keep her legs closed, forcing the baby's head to stay in the birth canal for two hours. The action resulted in a harmful loss of oxygen.
Pretty much yeah.
you would braindead someone rather than deal justice in a more humane and merciful manner, so i'm prescribing you one lobotomy. pick it up at your local asylum free of charge.
What if your brain dodged the ice pick
These days they can just implant an electrode in your head. It's called Deep Brain Stimulation and it can do a wide variety of things depending on where you place the electrode.
Goddamn that legit sounds like some Hannibal-tier horror stuff
Incel boomer comment
How could anybody believe an immortal soul when just lacking oxygen for two hours can fuck your brain up for life. Human beings are just objects.
It only works on a mass of people, it's not guaranteed to work on an individual. In fact the only thing a psychologist can do for a patient is help him look at things from a different perspective. That's about as much as a psychologist can ever hope to amount to.
You really think I don't know about manipulation? Manipulation generally needs to either work with a mass of people or carefully select its subjects to obtain any relevant effect. The only thing you can do is exploit the specific weaknesses of people, if someone doesn't have those weaknesses the effect can't be replicated. Therefore it's not a real science.
>Ran out of moral arguments and resorts to le cringe
>the retard is doubling down because he run out of stupid things to say
>amoral faggot making moralistic decisions with peoples brains
So why are anti-social people bad ?
seething anti-social junkies begging for a lobotomy
>he unironically keeps these shitty manga images on his computer
I feel pity for you
have you even attempted to make an argument past "murder is inhumane"? you haven't even tried to justify how a lobotomy is less inhumane.
Treating addiction as a crime and not a social issue is the biggest boomer fudd thing you can do
t. someone whos had several lobotomies
If they continuously break the law why aren't they, retard?
Seething christcuck draining the economy because "MUH MORALS" SAD!
this queer is gonna pull a "i was only trolling and pretending to be a mongoloid XD" in a few posts
god works in mysterious ways, user! :^)
Looks like the message of this movie flew over this cuckoo's nest.
>"All I need is weed and Wakanda!"
lady, it's cool of you to do this and all, but facilitated communication isn't real. stop posting these pictures you drew of your braindead son because you think he wants you to. it's time to let go. move on with your life.
>In fact the only thing a psychologist can do for a patient is help him look at things from a different perspective.
No, that's what therapy is.
> if someone doesn't have those weaknesses
Everyone has the same weaknesses by nature of your shared biology. Human behavior is very predictable. This isn't 1910 and we aren't talking about the interpretation of manifest content through psychoanalysis. I bet you can't even name two subfields of psychology.
Fucking Kennedy's deserve all the assassinations.
I’ve never smoked weed and only drink twice a year but we shouldn’t throw people in jail for coke and meth we should legalize drugs and put money into rehab and help
>itt socio/psychopaths try to outsmart a flippant retard.
Therefore medicine isn't science
>Manipulation generally needs to either work with a mass of people or carefully select its subjects to obtain any relevant effect. The only thing you can do is exploit the specific weaknesses of people, if someone doesn't have those weaknesses the effect can't be replicated. Therefore it's not a real science.
Brainlet who hasn't heard of behaviorism right here
That ain't just itt, that's like half the fucking site
get back to me when you can literally control minds with your therapy the way medicine can with biology
how are most people in here socio or psychopaths, when they are clearly against lobotomization which is disgustingly immoral and inhumane, and would prefer to see people in prison or a psych ward rather than becoming living dead? kys
I hope a meth head eats your face you limp wrist faggot.
>he doesn't know about the neoliberal modern prison "reform" system
penology mante
Conditioning is generally more effective than medicine in terms of behavioral modification. You've been watching too many movies. Psychology =/= Therapy.
you don't have to be against lobotomization to say that you are
They won’t because I CC absolute boomer post
>only about 50,000 people were forcibly made retarded
oh yeah totally normal and cool, doesn’t make me sick to my stomach at all!
>abusing and torturing a convict in 2 years for vandalism because you don't like how cool he is
Why doesn't the American justice system believe in rehabilitation, only punishment?
I'm not saying it's not bad, I was taking affront to the user implying that it was done for shit like sniffles and talking back. It wasn't THAT common.
Lmao prison destroys your mind especially our prisons in America
yes well on this website we prefer to take all posts at face value rather than use the pussy exit strategy "well you don't know if he's serious"
Because American prisons at least state ones are owned and make profit off prisoners and want to keep them there. Imagine being thrown in LA county jail for doing coke and being forced into a prison life
I'd rather become an actual living dead zombie than a lobotomy zombie undeath might be cool
my dad once told me "If I ever get to the point where I've lost my senses, I need you to be my big native guy"
had no clue wtf he was talking about until I saw this lmao
Zombies are societies end game.
>be american
>get circumcised at birth
>dr cohen botches circumcision and tells your parents he's going to cut your dick off and raise you as a girl
>grow up feeling there's something not right about your life, feel depressed and restless
>parents take you back to the doctor
>he says you're mentally retarded and the only way to cure it is to cut out part of your brain
>get stuck as a tranny who can't even count or stop shitting themself
Oh say can you see
Medicine can analize a biological element to decide how to act. Psychology can't, especially if the subject isn't willing to cooperate.
What can a psychologist do for someone other than therapy? Gimme an example.
Human behaviour is predicatable, yes. You're repeating what I already said. Is your specific behaviour predictable for me in a specific situation, though? Without previous information I can't reasonably get, unless I was some fucking kind of mentalist. No. Sure, I can predict it by treating you like a generic subject but that's not scientific.
Pour your infinite knowledge onto us, please.
Unironically based
Still better than getting lobotomized out of the gene pool with the internet like in your case
there was an attempt
you should browse without posting for another year or two
They'll chop off your dick today if you say you think youre a woman
i know you should but what should i?
dude ur so funny i bet you get so much pussy
Do you ever wonder how people like bailey jay will be seen in 20-30 years? Will they see him as a relic?
If the West gets out of the death spiral we're in right now we'll look back on these procedures and the doctors who performed them as fucking barbarism, which is what they are. Mutilating mentally ill people is fucking evil.
D'awww. Do they give you postnatal depression?
Fun fact: lobotomies were banned in the Soviet Union in 1950. They never occurred there, despite the authorities later using antipsychotic medication and involuntary commitment to silence dissidents.
the slavs conducting lobotomies lie is literally just american deflection
It varies depending on the place. Some places are still ineffective or inhumane, but they're better than they were 60 years ago. I think Italy has one of the most progressive psychiatric care systems today IIRC
yeah pretty goofy when you think about it, but I'll count nutcases voluntarily paying money to remove themselves from the gene pool as just a triumph of capitalism
You know that even Stalin didn't do that right?
Why is your definition of science "stuff that can do things to people to make them do things"?
t. Zhi Zhu Zhou Wing Wang Chung Bing Bong
I’ve. Ever been to prison we lock up people in solitary for years there is no rehabilitation, the COs torture prisoners , violence is massive, many prisoners have ptsd or mental issues from prison
My dad said the same thing
when you apply your theories to reality and they don't conform to it you're probably not doing science
"Freedoms", when most of the patients are voluntarily there. Harding checked himself out. The only ones who couldn't leave were the "chronics", the ones in the wheelchairs, or McMurphy.
>ssri poison
Oh you're one of those types...
SSRIs aren't perfect but they're a valid option for some people.
I would have killed to see the 64 Broadway run. Kirk Douglas as McMurphy, and Gene Wilder as Billy.
sick burn
Only if you're diagnosed with gender dysphoria and opt to have surgery
I know a couple of guys who previously worked in the worst mental hospital in my state, and it was still miles better than the nightmare world they always show them to be in the movies.
the one my buddies used to work at finally got shut down a few years ago when one patient raped another patient, when it got to its lowest point. Thank god that place is dead now
Need it be said?
yes, but the one in the movie is the far less common method. what really democratized the lobotomy and made it an office procedure is the ice pick lobotomy. if you're interested in psycho surgery read about the guy who invented the transorbital (ice pick) lobotomy
Even the ones that aren't state owned are deliberately cruel because it's just something that feels good to a barbaric instinct.
But the soul is limited by the flesh.
Agree our prisons are China and almost Brazil tier
>when you apply your theories to reality and they don't conform to it
But they do? How do you think marketing works, you brainlet? How do you think media works? The entire modern world has been designed with psychological principles. Psychology has better predictive models of behavior than fucking climatologists, and you trust the fucking forecast, don't you?
>Her reading, writing, spelling, and counting skills were reported to be at a fourth-grade level. She studied but may have felt she disappointed her parents, whom she wanted to please.
Behaviorism and B.F Skinner rule your life. You're too stupid and lack the curiosity to find out what that is.
Roastie btfo
nah, I buy the good-tasting ketchup instead of heinz
sorry to hear about your brain tho
I know more about your brain and how it works than you do.
Nurse Ratched did nothing wrong.
Hell I would have lobotomised all those fuckers.
Yeah and these doctors wouldn't misdiagnose or over-prescribe, right mr. opioid?
prove it
It's not easy to push gender dysphoria, unlike pain meds.
Not what I said.
More like something that can obtain a specific result reliably under different circumstances. And that's being generous.
non sequitur nigger
He's not me, if you didn't notice.
billy didn't deserve it bros
>ywn build a time machine to go back in time to save her
My mum just an heroed herself instead.
Have you tried agreeing with a mentally ill person? Do they normally realize you're gaslighting them, or do they double down on their beliefs?
Depends on the illness and the individual
yes it is? most naive people with problems will latch on to any explanation and solution you give for them, regardless of how absurd it is. you can even give them literal gibberish and if done with enough confidence they'll accept it as correct and act as if though that makes perfect sense
yes, in the case of people who are convinced they are the opposite gender, it's quite common they double down on their beliefs, particularly when doctors repeat it back to them.
Not as non sequitur as my dick is into your ass.
Can confirm. My friend used to be a CNA in a hospice. CNAs are mostly spics, flips, and nogs. From what I'm told the nog CNAs are fucking heartless when dealing with patients.
You realize that there are hundreds of people in prison right now who have been in solitary confinement for years. If that doesn't break you then you were already fucked up to begin with.
Maybe because there's evidence to back up the existence of gender dysphoria as a phenomenon?
there's evidence smoking is healthy for you
Not comparable.
yeah the smoking evidence was better
my favourite though was the evidence that leaded gasoline spewing lead into the environment was not just totally harmless but also perfectly natural. they had to fucking go to the poles to collect hundreds of year old ice samples to demonstrate the concentrations in the air wasn't natural, and that to fight objectively provable harm. imagine when you can't objectively prove exactly how someone's mind is broken, merely come up with hypothesies for it that you can't even properly test because of the ethics.
why, activists could get away with claiming LITERALLY ANYTHING
>merely come up with hypotheses for it that you can't even properly test because of the ethics
There's multiple ways to find information about something if one method isn't ethical. It's obvious that you can't condition someone into thinking they're male or female.
Fucking Retard.
if u think that's bad you should look into the indian's backstory in the book...he basically lost his mind because he saw his father shamed by a drunken white woaman
>It's obvious that you can't condition someone into thinking they're male or female.
You're a straight fucking moron for even posting this shit dude. I can have even a couple of actual retards condition *you* into thinking literally anything, just by having them beat you for long enough.
Not that you would you even have to do that, you'd just have to make them act that way, which is super fucking easy by structuring the incentives perversely enough.
And that's not even getting into evil shit like hypnotherapy, which we know can implant memories in you to make you believe just about anything's happened to you, like that your family repeatedly raped you and made you carry your babies to term only to sacrifice them in a satanic ritual and rape you all over again.
That film had its moments of effective weirdness but was too overly hokey for me.
Be sure to followup on that film with Titicut Follies.
I don't care what ANYBODY says this movie is in my top 4
>I can have even a couple of actual retards condition *you* into thinking literally anything, just by having them beat you for long enough.
>Not that you would you even have to do that, you'd just have to make them act that way, which is super fucking easy by structuring the incentives perversely enough.
That's called coercion/torture. Do you really think that transgender people were tortured into it?
>And that's not even getting into evil shit like hypnotherapy, which we know can implant memories in you to make you believe just about anything's happened to you, like that your family repeatedly raped you and made you carry your babies to term only to sacrifice them in a satanic ritual and rape you all over again.
Are you off your antipsychotics or something?
>you can't be conditioned
>except you literally can
>yeh but that conditioning doesn't count
>Are you off your antipsychotics or something?
end yourself you evil, ignorant piece of garbage. all you do is prey on vulnerable people who can't smell you maliciousness from miles away the way a healthy person can. it would make the world a better place.
know that this is what people really think of you but won't actually say to your face, and that in a place where the leviathan didn't have a monopoly on violence you would've already been ended by who correctly identified you
Are you intentionally being obtuse? Torture can be used to get people to confess to all sorts of things, even if they're false. I thought you'd assume I was talking about methods other than torture.
>Do you really think that transgender people were tortured into it?
An ifunny meme isn't exactly the most reliable source of information on a widely distributed phenomenon.
She was beautiful... Regardless, that's quite heartbreaking. Not surprised Bobby and John never visited her.
there are many subversive methods of bullying, torture and coercion that are used on you, myself and all of us everyday. The younger they prey on you, the more effective the methods, and today, they're actively making people with slightly different mental chemistry go full blown manic and request they get mutilated.
The doctors are not doing their due diligence, whether gender dysphoria is real or not.
>The Witherspoon Institute
Where's your source he/her?
What? That's the group that publishes that website.
I realize
Do you know that it's not a credible source? It's clearly a right wing religious site, and that article's only source is another post on the same site.
Did you know that they gave out a Nobel Prize for the lobotomy? Don't accept that something is good just because it's the consensus. Evaluate it yourself.
i was mad that they didnt include the nurse rachet shirt tearing open scene from the book
Ethics in psychology and psychiatry were much, much less defined and less observed, if you haven't noticed.
holy fuck that's dark
>Lobotomies are still done today, albeit a more advanced method
it's called Netflix
is it a frontal lobotomy or a bottle in front of me?
go to sleep, dad
Why don't you provide a credible source for your argument?
What, like the APA or DSM?
I like the book better, because the Chief's medicated internal monologue makes the whole thing way creepier. The whole "Combine" thing is fantastic.
But if tits are your standard of excellence...
>expecting credible arguments with high quality sources from clueless neets
You realize this board is purely shitposting, right?
I'm not a clueless neet.
Except you are totally wrong about the timings
t.om Waits
Are you trapped in the 60's or something? Especially with advancements in neuroscience
It really isn't
they deserve the kennedy curse tbqh
Of course it is, watch The Mountain
you are worse than a murderer.
you are already lobotomized i see that now
apparently our girl Emma Stone is doing a biopic on Rosemary to BTFO the Kennedys once and for all
oh wait NO FUCK they take everything good away from us