I'm actually happy with Will Smith as Genie, but realistically, who else could have played the character...

I'm actually happy with Will Smith as Genie, but realistically, who else could have played the character? There's a strong preference for someone who can sing and has comedic timing.

Attached: jack_black.png (500x573, 153K)

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Imagine caring about this lmao
it's a fucking kids movie, stop being invested in this shit

>Will Smith literally yelling lyrics of "friend like me"
>can sing

Nigga shut the fuck up
There's a preference for name recognition in this soulless mouse cashgrab, not talent.
>oh I like Will Smith and I know what Aladdin is, I'll take my kids to see this movie

jack black should have gotten best actress for jumanji 2. FACT!!!

Will is a talented rapper.

Sounds like a job for Norm Macdonald then.

Attached: 1537563221109.jpg (669x470, 204K)

There shouldn’t have been s live action movie to begin with

My ideal casting for the role of the Genie would be fucking no one because a live action remake is stupid

Try to convince me he wouldn't have been the perfect genie

Attached: brendan.jpg (500x625, 208K)

You betcha

Attached: E6280A76-5E99-4646-AEE8-882E51E596DB.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Also checked

The Rock should have been the Genie.

actually perfect

Jack Black is one of the last few physical comedians with the same manic energy as Robin Williams. Jim Carrey could have done it too 10 or 15 years ago

Imagine caring about a post lmao
it's a fucking post on 4channel, stop being invested in this shit

oh look, another thread demanding more jack black representation in film


he really wasn't, the writing was hackneyed and his rapping, while flowing well, never really had any singing in it



wicky wicky wild wild where?


>Boy I tell ya the more I learn about this Jafar fella the less I like'em!

Yeah I could see it

I'm a bit conflicted on this. On one hand, Norm is basically opposite to Robin Williams' personality. On the other, I love Norm far too much to not want to see this.

He could wear a large hat or some other similarly funny prop

Attached: bc2.gif (279x344, 776K)

I like it.

Why do some images have these stupid captions at the bottom? What website/app uses them?

Who is the target audience for these films?

I grew up watching them all and couldn't give a fuck about a remake.

why is he such a good voice actor but such a shitty actual actor?