Damn, this is one good fucking poster.
Damn, this is one good fucking poster
Other urls found in this thread:
>Cap front and center
That's more like it. Give your best character some more goddamn screentime and a proper sendoff so I can jump ship from this fucking franchise already.
fuck off this isn't a movie poster board
The fuck is Thor looking at? Clearly the focus of attention is top left, but Thor is gazing right, and Bald Lady can't seem to stop staring at her spear.
looks kinda gay
>dead characters on the poster
woah spoilers asshole
looks cheap and sterile like the entire franchise
Marvel is 4th largest after 1 fucking movie that barely opened.
Truly, easy mode.
Don't make me post it again
>Brie Larson same size as Thor and Cap
NOPE. fuck this
Are your eyes okay? I never knew about this side effect of autism
I already forgot who turned into dust. Anyone not on the poster is gone, right?
Shuri is not on here this is fucking racist
Mostly, but like he said, no Shuri. I'm surprised they're keeping so much under wraps, but im sure next month's trailer will spoil the rest of it
Did so many Guardians turn to dust? Chris Pratt died?
Yes, every Guardian except Rocket
>it's another ensemble cropped at the waist arranged like a bouquet of flowers poster
If Thanos blew his load and destroyed the gauntlet and basically is just at Hulk level strength now how is he a major threat anymore?
Based trash panda.
>All of the women except Cunt Marvel are holding weapons to do something
>she's just sticking her boobs out
She doesn't need weapons to fight the patriarchy, shitlord
i dont watch superhero faggotry, whos the random bald black woman? i assume its from that african superhero movie right? if so, why is she in the poster but not the actual superhero?
>Cap front and center
>Iron Man with the biggest face with Thor and Cap coming in second respectively
Thank fucking god
>in mostly blue and orange
ignore the top text
They only put characters on the poster that didn't get SNAPPED at the end of Infinity War. She's basically the only semi-important person from Black Panther still alive.
>Looking aimlessly in a direction with some photoshop effects
The state of marvel shills
Cap is dying isn't he
>no quips from ant man
It's my dream that this entire movie goes without a quip(save for the captain toe fungus one at the end of the trailer). Half the population just died, shit got serious. I want a serious toned action hero movie, where shit is actually on the line.
Will watch opening night. My hopes are there. Low, but present.
well in the trailer i saw ant man was quipping in someone's driveway so good luck
>uh muh female-tards are spoilin muvies uhhhhhhh
Yes, most likely.
I think that’s been pretty obvious since Ultron at a minimum. There’s max power creep in this franchise now and no one is interested in the smaller human level conflicts. Captain Marvel is literally an episode of DBZ and I’m pretty sure Dr Strange is genuinely unbeatable, even when he’s fucking dead and ash he’s only that way because he actively chose to be.
Cap and company just don’t have any place in the universe anymore. At least they can give him a good sendoff and not just have him vegetate and become irrelevant.
They at least sort of attempted to alleviate that in Infinity War, when Cap was able to physically push back Thanos. I think what they're essentially going for is that Cap's true superpower is his will, which could make for a really great final scene for him in Endgame.
Who did it best?
Jesus, Scarlett looks like a complete hag. Why would they use that picture or even make her that big in the first place when her character is irrelevant?
Why is that Black Panther woman on the poster?
Age of Ultron's poster is horrible, that might be why I never bothered watching the movie. Avengers is boring and looks like a fanmade shop. Infinity War is a total clusterfuck. Endgame is the only decent one.
Ant-Man's quips are the best quips. He is also the guy with uplifting optimism.
I want to see Ant Man wreck house.
I want a scene similar to Thor learning he isnt the god of hammers. Antman can really be a formidable foe if he truly tried.
This. He really is underrated, it took 3 Avengers to put him down and changing things in size is a versatile power.
>low hopes
>will watch opening night
this is the kind of shit that guarantees us another 20 marvel flicks
before clicking this I anticipated there would be one obvious standout but really they're all shit wtf
>Cap marvel is the fourth bigger hero
First that fucking trailer, now this.
What trailer
Honestly this. It's hollywood shit. Selling their faces as a product, looking all compiled and overly stylized. Idk, maybe Im wrong cause I like pic related.
Honestly, gonna go with the first one. It's not good, but it's got soul, unlike the others.
hey man, I haven't seen any other marvel movie except infinity war
I pirate the filler crap
poster looks like shit because it's one giant purple cast
fuck people and their shitty opinions
better question is why are both of his eyes fine now
Marvel needs to realize that their best move is to put Cap in the center of all of their promotional material. He has that genuine hero look that people get hyped for, the shield is extremely iconic and aesthetically appealing, plus Chris Evans is practically an action figure come to life.
Well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore after Endgame.
>Hawkeye always relegated to the bottom left corner
Poor dude. I bet Renner regrets picking IW over Mission Cruisekino and then getting cut out of the movie in the end.
Did you literally not watch Infinity War? He gets the cybernetic eye from Rocket. You can even see in the poster that one of his eyes is brown while the other is blue.
why's there so many white ppl
>Cap front and center
>Based Thor second largest spread after Iron Man
>Captain Feminism not as prominent as I thought
Pretty good poster.
I like it but that deviantart tier THanos insertion is really fucking bad and Thor and that black woman as fucking up the orientation.
I.W. Iron man looks so badass.
Too much clutter. And MCU really loves to keep their tradition of subpar posters going.
They have like literal billions for this and this is what they come up? Disgusting.
Which is really unfortunate because he's right in the sweet spot for entertaining power levels. He's strong enough to do crazy shit like kick a truck at someone, but still grounded enough for you empathize with what it must be like for him in a fight. The two ends of the spectrum are Black Widow and Hawkeye tier, who are just boring regular people who can kick and shoot a bow, or Hulk/Thor tier where you have no connection to what that must be like so watching them throw cars around or blast people with lightning is really hard to relate to so it loses some of its scope.
Watching characters fly around and shoot lazers at things is really boring action.
>ap and company just don’t have any place in the universe anymore. At least they can give him a good sendoff and not just have him vegetate and become irrelevant.
This. It was so cringy seeing Natasha practice shooting with her gun. As if she'll do anything, other than kicking fodder.
IW would be best if they cut out about half the people. Look at those small fucking dudes just hanging out in the back, ridiculous.
I'm watching opening night because I know its going to be spoiled and this is going to be my last real run with the Marvel crap.
Serious? He looks goofy as hell. Like they just photoshoped his head in, which looks bigger then the body btw
Not so fast, marvelcuck
>imposible angle for his head
t. brain missing
>Not the European poster
can't wait to see Captain Marvel show them how much better she is at everything and beat thanos.
Willing to bet it ends with Captain America handing the badge of team leader over to her.
''Hey, good thing there's still another Captain around''
What are they all looking at?
Which is wrong, because its Tony's sendoff movie.
yurop got the same shit posters
I think Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk and maybe Iron man is going to die if this leak is true
Iron Man reached the end of his arc a long time ago and now that we got Captain Marvel I think they want to swap out the "leader" of the group
Also it seems Robert Downey Jr. is done with the role?
>Doctor strange in the corner despite being a major player in IW
Tfw he super kicks a guy off the ship in Winter Soldier
Thanos has the biggest face, however.
This is it. Last Marvel before full on jumping ship to DC. Well, we still have AntMan, Strange and Spiderman. But Phase 4 is looking like a complete disaster
When the poser dropped this morning. The SJW Marxist finatics, going apeshit because she's in the movie but not being featured on the poster. So Disney being the cowards that they are these days caved to phony outrage once more
So much le reddit cringe in one post
They made Karen smaller and instead decided to make Cheadle's twin brother bigger
She was already on the poster, her name wasn’t.
Black Panther is their most popular movie at the moment, but they can’t put him on the poster since it would be a “spoiler” that he’s not staying dead.
iron man dies
thor dies
capt dies
yeah thats what I meant
These dubs
While I appreciate all the white people front and center, it's the poster of every marvel movie ever, but this time with 14 characters. Nothing special.
>4 of these shitty movies
i didn't even know there were more than 1
so this is the power of marvel
>”SHIT GUYS we have too many white men on the fucking Endgame poster, there’s only one black man and two women what do we DO!?!?”
>”UHHHHHH...slap Okoye on there”
>”The bald bitch from Black Panther”
>”Okay but why”
>”Just fucking do it”
You need to have sex
Shuri turned to dust, you can see her profile in first trailer when Ruffalo is looking up who is gone
Iron Man was the first MCU movie and he was Thanos’sbiggest match though
His nanotechnology is borderline god level now
Wait, Bucky was in IW? I don’t even remember him showing up
>everyone complaining about brie being a fag meanwhile chris evan is 10 times worse
how do Yea Forums cope with this
Ant-Man movies weren't good and Strange was okay at best while Homecoming was dogshit.
This poster is aesthetic as fuck
Why can’t the US get cool soulful posters like this instead of “entire cast stands heroically and looks toward top left of poster at nothing” garbage
do u beleve in niggers?
I never liked his politics. He is a full-on SJW but at least he doesn't force feed down our throats as brietard does.
Avengers was so fucking good, how could those other three be such unrelenting hunks of shit?
Marxist traitors the lot of them.
Compared to Captain Mediocre AntMan were classics
>Antman were classics
Classically bad movies.
You should go back and rewatch it without the hype it had at the time. It’s honestly one of the worst Marvel movies.
again compared to Captain Manhate his movies are gold. what are you not getting?
All of Captain America's movies were decent save maybe Civil War which was like a less shit version of Age of Ultron. Paul Rudd couldn't sell the Ant-Man movies if his life depended on it.
That dude probably drowned with his back broken, If he didn't die from the kick itself. Fucking brutal.
Winter soldier was kino
He gets like a minute of screentime
The n-bombs give him a vibranium arm after calling him something vaguely racist and he punches one of those wolf cows
Wait I'm referring to Captain Marvel being dogshit and making Ant-Man look like Citizen Kane. Caps first Movie was good tier but Winter Soldier and Civil War were both top tier. No other MCU comes close to those save for Infinity War.
>taking capeshit seriously
Civil war was dogshit friendo. For me, it's ant man
>Cap front and center
hes ded, jim
>Civil war was dogshit friendo.
This conversation is over
Looks like a cereal box for children. i don't know how people can watch this soulless, braindead shit. Shit visuals, shit cinematography, shit lighting, shit CGI, shit acting, shit writing, shit characters, shit fight scenes, shit music, these movies are all fucking shit.
I’m not gonna lie, aside from Tony, Thor, and Cap, this is a really shitty team roster for the big finale
Why isn't Stark ever an actual alcoholic in any of these films?
Will Danvers ever be an alcoholic or is Disney incapable of bringing an adult story to the table?
have sex
maybe you’ll stop being an ansty edgelord when you’re done
Only morons are alcoholics and neither Stark nor Danvers are morons.
Tony is not the main focus here. His head is in fact that big.
That's incorrect though.
Why no Hulk?
Yeah I don't think I'd ever spark up a conversation with him about politics, but I really enjoy his portrayal of the character and he has the perfect look for him.
The vast majority of Hollywood actors are leftist cunts, but I do not use twitter so I don't get exposed to the opinions of people like Chris Evans, because he's not constantly spreading that shit. Unlike Brie Larson, who can't go 20 minutes without shouting about feminism or white men.
You’re retarded
I lost my virginity at 16. These movies are corporate dogshit that rots your brain. Being a superhero movie doesn't absolve you from making an effort to be good. These movies don't even try to be decent, not in a single aspect. You're wasting your time on something you're getting nothing out of. You're not learning or getting anything emotional, artistic, creative, or lasting from these Chinese churned-out CGIfests. Find a hobby. Watch better movies.
>I lost my virginity at 16
Sure thing buddy, and I’m the CEO of Marvel :)
>Dude actors looking off camera with some basic photoshop neon effects around the edge of their silhouettes lmao
I guess they didn't reach the absolute bottom of the barrel by making it blue and orange but it's still an utterly bland poster
It's literally the same poster as iw.
When was the last time you saw Avengers
It's honestly such a dull fucking movie, I had to keep myself from falling asleep when I happened to see it again on TV a little while ago. Once the initial excitement of them all being in the same room wears off, you realize that there really isn't much of a group dynamic and none of these characters really have much to say to each other. It's probably why Marvel went to the 1-quip-a-minute formula, it's just to fill the dead air that inevitably crops up when you pretend these action figures have personalities
It's incredible how much I enjoy Thor from the comics and yet it seemed that he never got his due diligence in the MCU despite Hemsworth being pretty competent at playing him.
Then Ragnarok happened and introduced actual stakes into the series for the first time ever while still being fun and he got popular.
Now he's just as badass and popular as Cap and Iron Man and I'm pleased with this, especially him showing off his power at nearly soloing Thanos, until of course, Captain Marvel just somehow gets to be better at him than everything simply because she's part Kree or some BS instead of actually having a character arc like he did.
If they really insist on pushing Captain Feminism on everybody then they will kill their own franchise, because not even Cumberbatch's acting and Rudd's charm will carry the non-entity that Brie is.
why? its just a standard capeshit poster they all look like this
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
RDJ, Renner, Pratt and Hemsworth are more right wing leaning but they usually shut up about their politics and just bro it out with people (Pratt can be a bit outspoken, though).
I would enjoy having a beer with any one of them. Evans too, but I would leave politics out of it.
It makes my eyes hurt I love it
I've rewatched about 8 times and I can say at first in 2012 it truly made me think it was amazing and that finally we saw Marvel's heroes in the big screen.
But when you realize analyze the movie and view it without the hype it made, it's a surprisingly "eh" MCU movie.
The plot is average, the dialogue is subpar, the subplots waste too much time/slow the movie's pace, and the only redeeming part is the final fight but even then it's just for viewing for how much CGI action on screen they scan stuff in one scene.
I will say that AOU is a straight piece of shit when compared to it though, makes Avengers feel like Iron Man 1 tier.
I didn't realize we were in the company of the euphoric
Avengers 1 is incredible for it's time simply because of the novelty of seeing all the characters from separate films in one.
As a standalone film though, it's kind of mediocre. Infinity War is by far the best Avengers film.
Don't skip leg day
Looking back retroactively it was pretty shit, it was very clear which characters Joss Whedon liked and which he didn't.
isn't hulk like the strongest avenger and he was already stronger than that
I'm pretty sure Ragnarok confirmed Thor was the strongest Avenger. Also maybe Vision but he's dead, and possibly Captain Miscast but I haven't seen her movie.
Canonically though Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets but I don't know if thats the case with MCU Hulk
I got a few bones to pick with you asshole
Incel detected
You would say that..if you are 10
I'd like a version of this but everyone with their respective helmets/masks on.
AoU and Infinity, but EG is growing on me.
Not fan of Assemble
people who wish posters looked like this are the same people who wish men still wore suits and hats
I like marvel flicks so...
He's the villain, dumbass
In YOUR mortal eyes
I really like that scaled effect they have on cap's suit thats reminiscent of his fishscale armour without being completely retarded.
My thoughts exactly.
Cap always has the most /fa/ suits (except for his Scuba Steve getup in Avengers 2012)
Which is fascinating because if you asked me when The First Avenger was announced I would have said there is no way they'll be able to translate that outfit to screen
Rocket and Nebula are the only ones to have lived.
>Captain Marvel just somehow gets to be better at him than everything simply because she's part Kree or some BS
>Cap, Thor and Iron Man all shown prominently
They're going to die aren't they bros?
>but im sure next month's trailer will spoil the rest of it
user, it comes out in a month. They obviously are avoiding spoilering anything with the trailers because they know it has asses in seats. Must be comfy to have an upcoming movie which everyone knows will be the top grossing movie of all time even with trailers comprised entirely of flashbacks. Good for them, they earned it. Who knows where it goes from here, though.
faige confirmed that CM is stronger than thanos
probably stronger than thanos without the stones though, still unclear.
The trailers for IW had tweaked footage to deliberately mislead the audience
Point is, he's the main antagonist. So of course he has the bigger face
IW and endgame are a millions times better than the first two.
AoU has a much more interesting idea, with the Ultrons and even has The Vision being obscured by the light, but Iron man and Black Widow look so out of place, really sloppy shop job that ruins it.
One is serviceable, after the other three it almost looks like the fake posters people make for clickbait articles and video previews, like they grabbed Thor and Hawkeye from completely different pictures - but still not as bad as Tony's head in the Ultron poster.
I'm really hoping that shot of him in trailer 2 jumping off the pencil in whatever wreckage is that tbqh
I completely agree with you. Captain America and Iron Man occupy the largest positions on that poster, which is exactly how it SHOULD be. Captain America will die in Endgame for sure, since Chris Evans is not renewing his MCU contract. Captain Marvel should fuck off from Endgame. How kino would it be if Rocket is the one to ultimately defeat Thanos in Endgame? Although I'd prefer it if Captain America and Iron Man do the lion's share of the work in defeating/redeeming Thanos. Phase 4 looks like an absolute shitshow with Captain Marvel leading the Nu-Avengers. I think Endgame and Far From Home will be the last MCU movies I ever see.
They should have went with this poster, its kino as fuck
Goku doing anything in this movie was so fucking gay
>le magical angel punch
Fuck you Goku, that's against the rules.
>Evans posts about it on twitter and speaks about it at award shows
>Brie posts about it on twitter and speaks about it at award shows
You're right, he's not as bad as Brie
The Cap Kick is so kino
the poster is better than the finale of the movie. Wish we got a scene like this in AoU where the avengers are just shadowed and over whelmed by robots.
Ms. Marvel (her original name) was intro'd in the first issue as "stronger than Hulk and Thor combined!" on the cover, get over it retard
The Comic Con poster for the first Avengers was also better as well, with each characters part of the poster being a mini-version of their movie
Once again, The Vision being used so kino-ly
Chris Evans is a leftist in the real world, but most Hollywood actors are anyway and at least Chris doesn't force his political opinions down our throats like Brietard Larson does.
Thanos looks emotionally broken.
Black Panther is dead and only his best Kings Guard is alive. So she's on the team.
Why does this trigger sensitive white man babies she'll have 2% of screen time
Ruffalo is a Brie Larson tier leftist as well, and more outspoken than Evans, but the difference is they aren't shitting on random people. They'll whine about trump or whatever but they're not shitting on people solely for the basis of their skin colour/sex and they aren't nearly retarded enough as to piss off the audience of their movies.
Sucks we won't get Comic-Con style poster for Endgame because it comes out before the con.
This is true. Evans and Ruffalo at least know when it's wise for them to shut their mouths from a marketing perspective, Larson doesn't seem to have this ability.
yeah, as soon Brie gets the main role, im going DC, or they change that fuckhead or im not watching their shit.
>picking teams
look at this faggot
>Tony's suit is basically magic now, keeps focusing on previous movies and him having a kid
>Cap has been massively under-utilised and is killed by Thanos in the comics
Thor's probably gonna survive, but Cap and Tony are 100% dead.
All 3 will be replaced by their more diverse versions in the next wave of films anyway
I don't think Thor will die.
I think he will live just so he can lead the remainder of his Asgardians in peace. It will make it all the more bittersweet knowing that he lost almost everyone he ever loved or cared about over the last thousand years because of Thanos but still has to be strong as it is his duty as the King of Asgard to lead hia people.
Thor best Avenger and I personally like his story arc the most, besides perhaps Cap.
They said for all promotional trailers and commercials there isnt gonna be anything shown past the 30 minute mark of the movie.
Looked better before honestly
Damn they adde clash to the avengers?
We dont know that the Gauntlet is completely trashed. Yeah it looks burnt out but it still could have some power left to it. Dude achieved his goal with the weapon he spent countless years searching for, so no reason to always wear it. Plus, even without the Gauntlet Thanos is on par with Hulk in terms of strength and durability but also incredibly smart and focused.
They are the Big 3 of the Avengers in terms of popularity and team cohesion.
>Valkyrie for Thor
>Captain Marvel for Captain America
>Black Panther for Iron Man
They could pull a fast one and make Dr. Strange the leader though. Cumberbatch can carry a scene by himself and will be one if the only good actors left if RDJ, Evans and Hemsworth leave.
Then what do you call the biological weapons she has stored in her boots?
Nova is fucking pissed
you forgot to colour scarjo's red hair
Downey's face is larger tho
American dad is the best and most consistent hero but Memey Man is the most blockbustery
I didn't make this. found it on Twitter
>That boy was raised in barns.
But still all that effort for a drop of blood
Based and redpilled
Posters got better for each movie
Captain Marvel bigger than Hawkeye, Ant-man (when he's regular size), Banner, Rhodie...
Man fuck that shit.
>hulk on infinity war poster
>banner on endgame poster
They arent gonna spoil the big reveal of the whole roster getting un-snapped in the 1/4 of the movie.
isn't she there because she wants to avenge Black Panther?
btw that movie sucked, their killed their one good character
I think this is a safe bet. Definitely tony and cap die. Thor might live but go back to rebuild Asgard or something.
I think Thor will live, Hemsworth said he wants to do more films and they just rebooted his character which everyone loves.
You think in [CURRENT YEAR] the Mouse would give a female character a flaw such as being an alcoholic? All female characters must be without flaws, they must be perfect characters devoid of issues and can only have the best powers and skills even if it makes 0 sense for the characters to actually possess them.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if none of the characters actually died and just got written out some other way
What is thor looking at?
That's exactly what I thought. Holy shit Winter Soldier Cap was awesome. When he picked Bucky up by the neck and then slammed him down....jesus.
Dont forget more of an alcoholic than Tony too
there's no remainder assgardiands, Thanos killed everyone but him
Wrong, he killed only half.
Which doesn't deny the fact it's a bad idea to introduce her now.
Maybe when they face someone more powerful she will fit in.
rewatch Thor: Memerok faggot
He killed everyone in the ship, they're the last few survivors, there's no one left anymore
And Mr Marvel is stronger than the three combined
go cuck somewhere else soiyim
Wrong. He killed only half.
>why is a character whose publication debuted her as stronger than thor, stronger than thor in the movies
>explain why
fuck off
this, once he got desperate you just see that Bucky isn't on his level
she's not stronger tho
Thor got an upgrade in Ragnarok and another upgrade in Avengers
We didn't have this one in France, we had the regular one
Captain America is the weakest of all avengers and almost as dumb as Thor, no idea why people love him
I mean other than patriotism
Why is Brie bigger than Banner?
Scarlett and Arrow man are weaker, but I get your point
Being able to turn herself giant is actually one of Carol Danvers' powers.
Not joking, look it up. She says "Embiggen!"
And Captain America is only supposed to be “peak human” even though he’s able to prevent a helicopter from taking off with his arms.
Power scaling is weird, inconsistent and the movie versions are different from the 616 comics. Until Captain Marvel takes a dying star to the chest she isn’t stronger than Thor
The Hulk movie bombed and they even had to replace him with another actor
He's lucky to even be in the poster
Marvel Cinematic Universe is basically Dragon Ball Z
The fact that Cap defeated Iron Man was also ridiculous
>Bodied Iron Man
>Weakest Avenger
>Team’s tactician and leader
>Almost as dumb as Thor
Thor isn’t even dumb he’s just cocky and a fish out of water in each of his movies. This is clearly bait
>Robert Down-Here Jr. has to be the tallest and biggest
I wonder if that's in his contract.
stupid sexy ironman
Hi the quartering
Here's Robert Downey Jr.'s Twitter avatar.
I don't think he's overly concerned about looking like a big guy.
Cap doesn’t get respect because he can’t fly or shoot lasers but when you factor in he is a canonical genius (the serum affected his brain just like his body) unparalleled fighting skill and his magic frisbee he’s a lot more formidable an opponent. He Bucky and Black Panther are in a separate tier that’s closer to Iron Man than it is to Hawkeye or Black Widow
And then when the ship exploded it killed the other half
>Bodied Ironman
Bucky helped him, they fought dirty. Also Iron Man is a self made man, Captain America is a roidnigger
>Team’s tactician and leader
His tactic always consists on punching first ask questions later
Case in point, Captain America vs Thanos: "Hurr durr, he's stronger than me even without the glove but it doesn't matter, I'll run and try to punch him!"
>Thor isn’t even dumb he’s just cocky
He's a dumb faggot and you know it
Wrong CapM
There was an escape pod.
we all agree this was peak performance right?
Very 2011 video game cover tier.
Ok...but there wasnt. Opening is you seeing the entirety of the shit fucking wrecked and bodies strewn about with the only living people on board that weren't Thanos and crew being Thor, Loki, Heimdall and Hulk.
im talking movie wise
the first cap was better
to this day there's no better villain than red skull
>The Russo brothers have offered a simple solution. "Prior to the start of that scene, escape ships were deployed for Asgardians," Joe Russo explained, "including Valkyrie." He refused to shed any light on the ultimate fate of Korg, but at least this comment suggested Asgardians were able to launch escape pods.
It's weird seeing Ant-Man presented as a serious character.
>I don't think he's overly concerned about looking like a big guy.
You clearly haven't seen his shoes in practically 100% of public appearances.
And Cap wasn’t trying to kill Iron Man, he was trying to stop him from killing his friend. He had the opportunity to take his head off and didn’t.
>Punch first ask questions later
It isn’t though. There are multiple instances of him directing the team where to go and what to do.
He was trying to hold him off from getting to Vision, not punch him to death, and he put up an equal amount of resistance to Thanos as the fucking Hulk.
>Iron Man is a self made man, Captain America is a roidnigger
Ahh yes that armour that does everything for him that he doesn’t even need to be in but the filmmakers put him in anyway because there’s no dramatic tension if he isn’t at any risk, truly a self made man.
Without a doubt the best MCU movie
what a shitty deus ex machina
i'm disappointed the blackyrie isn't dead, that bitch can't act
That just proves my point. His shoes are bright white so that everyone notices them.
Word on the street is he's mandated to do that by Disney because they want their main character to look tall, but he's very open about the fact that he's a manlet.
You mean like that scene in TFA where he was still a manlet but the only one who figured out how to get the flag.
The only retarded characters in the MCU are Quill and Drax
Please. I bet you had no idea she wasn't British.
Only just realised that the last GoG alive is Rocket lmao
>Word on the street
What street? Here? I've never heard that rumor.
>but he's very open about the fact that he's a manlet.
And I've never heard him discuss it once. Source?
Simmer down, incel. He's not as insecure about his height as you seem to be.
i did, she also appears in Westworld
Just as annoying there as she was in Thor Memerok
>Simmer down, incel.
Ooh you're triggered that easily huh? How does it feel defending a manlet celebrity because you're probably a manlet too, then having no sources to back up your bullshit?
>strong black woman in the shadow of weak white girl
Go to bed Robert
Off screen and after the fact dont count and are convenient ass pulls
Of course he is, Chris Evans wants to jump out and has wanted to leave for a long time.
>n-no YOU'RE mad!
Yep, looks like my initial assessment of you was correct.
I'm so glad I grew out of my numale capefag phase. I couldn't imagine caring for this trash anymore.
They're white because white's fashionable. How the fuck are you supposed to hide shoes that are bigger than your goddamn head? He's literally wearing hidden high heeled shoes.
Probably wants the more lucrative Robert Downey Jr model where he has to get paid out the ass for a spot in an individual film as opposed to a set rate for a multi picture deal
>new poster has exactly half number of characters Infinity War poster had
I don't get the heel shoes
rich. famous. attractive.
still needs to wear goofy ass shoes?
>I couldn't imagine caring for this trash anymore.
And yet here you are.
Yikes, the small dog syndrome is off the charts with you, isn't it?
Thanks for telling us about how much you don’t care user
good for you man, when did you get out and who old are you now?
i wonder if he has sex with his shoes on
Why are they all looking up to the left, except for Thor and bald Michonne?
reminder, he's dad was 6'3" and he's like 5'7"
Uh oh, the seething incel has entered what I like to call "Reddit mode."
Short men have short dicks. It's also embarrassing when you're sharing a screen with Chris Hemsworth or Gwyneth Paltrow and you're looking up at their chins.
Who's Reddit now? Also you'll have to speak louder, I can't hear you from aaaaaaaaall the way down there with Robert.
Rewatched IM1 recently, that part when Tony shouts when he almost died because of the suit shutting down was great just because of his great acting.
I think CM has that too when suddenly Brie shouts like she's happy and excited flying at the end of the movie, but that moment was really weird for her character that never acted beyond being a bit smug at some times.
Have sex
This is probably the overall best MCU film, but my favorite moment is from Ragnarök:
>"What are you the god of again?"
>["Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin INTENSIFIES]
>can only type four letters through the tears
To be honest I'm impressed you can even reach the keyboard.
everyone has to wear heels around Hemsworth, dudes a fucking building
That's it. You asked for it. *flies into your ear and starts destroying you from the inside*
They really did just absolutely wipe out all the POC characters save Rhodey. I noticed in their team lineup at the end walking through the compound the only nonwhite there is War Machine and I guess technically Rocket and Nebula if we want to get immersed.
Good luck faggot
There isn't much in there to destroy
>A-anyone that likes capeshit is soi scum!! Numale scum!
Cope harder. The Mouse has legitimately captured the hearts and minds of ordinary people. I know a Chad dudebro that teared up slightly during Infinity War when Thor arrived to save the day. Basically you're bitter af cause your hatred of capeshit means you're excluded from the collective fun and excitement people have anticipating the films, discussing them, seeing them with friends, etc.
>nigger's name not on it
>nigger and Thor both looking off in complete opposite directions
What does it mean?
Thor has always been my absolute favorite Marvel hero period, ever since I was a kid. I even watched The Incredible Hulk Returns movie from the 80's because it had Thor in it and I loved Norse mythology in high school even though the differences were obvious but I was okay with all of that.
Seeing him get shit on in the comics was infuriating.
>I don't think he's overly concerned about looking like a big guy.
>wears fucking platform shoes
You're an idiot. They're not for fashion otherwise he'd be a faggot.
Iron Man 2 had drunk Tony
He's not wearing any shoes in that photo you idiot. This is RDJ in his natural state.
>there is no upcoming Thor movie
>there is a Black Panther 2 in the works but literally any flower eating nigger can become Black Panther, plus the actor is more wooden than Keanu Reeves
They're looking at the light user
In response to the photo you responded to, fucktard. He's crouching down in the tigger suit so he hardly has to look big with nothing to compare him to. You better believe if he could wear platform shoes in that costume without people noticing he would, though.
All actors are short, look at Tom Cruise.
How do you know he's at a children's party? That could just be his casual clothes.
jesus fucking Christ go back to redddit
>Y-you're reddit!
Kys already.
What's any of that got to do with Mel Gibson?
>How do you know he's at a children's party?
Because people don't wear animal costumes in a public place unless they're at a party or scanning the ground for cigarette butts.
>That could just be his casual clothes.
Haha you're so cooky. Almost as cooky as that short faggot Robert Downey Jr.
>antman still looks like shit and cringe
you'd think after the quantom realm Lang would've done something neat with his design
Wow, I didn't realize Okoye was Michonne. Good to see she's getting bigger roles.
>All actors are short
I think it's a safe bet even the ones who aren't tacitly acknowledge how screen acting's dominated by neurotic midgets.
What the fuck is that alien on the bottom right?
Lang isn't a scientist, he's the dude who wears the costume, the one who design it are others.
Also ANTmen Rider is the best.
It was a mistake. They already fixed it.
>defend capeshit with a passion, to the point of wanting people to kill themselves if they don't agree
>"captured the hearts and mind of ordinary people [you]"
Yep you're reddit.
The whole crux of the movie is probably "we have to defeat Thanks before the gauntlet recharges!"
Rocket Raccoon. How new are you?
go back to throwing a fresbo around, monkey
What the fuck is a raccoon?
Also how the fuck do you see a raccoon and your first thought is "alien" and not "raccoon"?
Don't you have to wake up early to put glue your fake nails to those fungus factories you call your big toes, Brie?
I'm explaining the situation as it. You don't have to like Marvel to see that. Screaming that anyone that likes it is reddit or some emasculated soi scum is such laughable cope. My point boils down to 'ordinary people love Marvel films' and you're having a fit a over simple, patently true claim. Pathetic.
>defend capeshit with a passion
Nothing wrong with that.
>>"captured the hearts and mind of ordinary people
You don't have to like it but you're the minority.
You're a fucking idiot. His whole gag is that he insists he isn't a raccoon.
looks like a ripoff of star wars
He's an escape artist, crafty, that's his thing. Why the suit suits him. He could've pulled off a doctor strange in the quantum realm and learned what Janet did in hours to days real-time. Janet, who gained superpowers.
I wasn't even the same guy. Hahaha you fucking idiot you thought I was one person. Oh God. Oh man. Look how retarded you are. You said a wrong thing hahaha.
>expecting anyone on Yea Forums to have watched these movies
We just complain about them.
>Gloats that someone thought two anons were one on an anonymous image board where said anonymity is prized above all else
>could've made her glow
well ain't like this is the last poster
If you prize it so much then why do you browse leddit, dipshit?
Reddit has nice stuff so...
>You don't have to like it but you're the minority.
Just how many people do you think see Marvel movies? Do you actually think most people in the world see them? Or even a 10th? What a retard.
>Just how many people do you think see Marvel movies?
More than the people who claim to hate them, that's for sure.
So I'm the minority in a majority of pleb basedsuckers? Christ how will I ever recover.
What the fuck? I said basedsuckers.
V-very clever user. Your deceit and Jewish subversion has won you the day!
Yeah, I suggest r/VerifiedFeet.
I mean, if that's what you want to believe. Sure, you're redpilled and based or whatever.
Nice cope.
Nice cope.
>Sure, you're redpilled and based or whatever
Stop trying to butter me up. No matter what I won't suck you cock. Not without a ring around my finger and we all know you won't buy me a rock.
Yeah! It's not like post timestamps or limits exist or anything. Your ruse was too perfect.
>No matter what I won't suck you cock
desu, I prefer to do the sucking but okay.
Really? Your posting of anime girls screams heterosexual. You can see why I'd be confused.
>this damage control
And for the record pass owners have low post cooldowns so that excuse doesn't fly.
Anime girls have the best reaction images and don't draw too much attention.
Haha. Not only are you a ban evading moron, you literally admitted to switching to a different device which means that screenshot proves nothing because there's no way you'd have the cookie. MASSIVE self-own.
>Haha. Not only are you a ban evading moron
It sure fooled you, didn't it? Hahahaha oh no.
Cope harder, ban evader. You've been owned.
>gets proven wrong
>likely reports me out of butthurt
Ohnononono. Ahahahaha!
Oh really?
You're an
Don't leave me, animu poster. I loved you. Without you I have nothing.
Simmer down, incel.