Why is the gunblade not used more often in movies...

Why is the gunblade not used more often in movies? Its a very deadly weapon that combines the honor of the blade and the revolver

Attached: Revolver-ffxii.png (505x516, 69K)

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Looks dumb as fuck

The revolver part makes the gun vibrate to cut better

??? I literally cannot conceive of a more badass looking weapon. Imagine using that in combat. You would be unstoppable.

Honestly? People trained in the gun blade field are few and fair between its too expensive to cgi people to be able to use a gun blade so instead they just don’t use it how is this hard to see you should already know this maybe you should be a gun blade wristlet and you can get movie parts as much as you want and then people and can make threads about you

Because it's retarded as fuck to anyone over the age of 13.

So this is the power of bidogams....

Lay it out for me:How is it retarded? It is a gun and a sword all in one. Anyone seeing that would surrender.

I dont think most movies pander to the 12 year old edgy kid demographic

swinging a weapon with that short a handle, with a thick enough blade to have a gun barrel running through it, you could break your wrists it's so unbalanced. the pistol version they had in that godawful ff7 sequel movie are a bit more reasonable, but still ridiculous.

>someone tries to stab you with a knife
>stab them with your superior sword
>someone tries to shoot you
>cut them with your superior gunblade

Looks like you're the retarded one you Chicken-wuss

Why don't movies use autism more often in movies? It's a very deadly weapon that combines the depression of loneliness and retardedness.

>you could break your wrists it's so unbalanced

yeah... if you're a wristlet

it shoots a big knife???

Cuz it's too powerful.


it would be alright if the trigger was lower and angled down

Because they’re super unwieldy, and look goofy, plus the diffuculty in ahaving any decent accuracy would be a joke, so you could increase the handle size and make it gripped by two hands and then you get a bayoneted musket.

Better gunblade coming through...at least this one actually can shoot bullets

Attached: TnoGunblade.png (512x312, 146K)

how is it supposed to work

Post a pic of your face I bet it's dumber

just get a rifle with a bayonet whats the point of this

based spoony poster

look's dumb af

Well, it does have one major advantage over any actually useful weapon. Your opponent wouldn't take you seriously.

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just a normal revolver with the barrel on the side of the blade

it works by the power of weeb faggotry. and I say that growing up playing the game it's from, gunblades are retarded.

Attached: me, dressed casual.jpg (303x566, 24K)

Bayonets are retarded. Thats just a knife this is a giant sword with a gun inside it, not to mention the Gunblade is easily the most aesthetic weapon ever made. If I was presudent I would train our Special Forces in their use

I don't know what you mean, if you called me a spoony bard I'd have got the reference, but just spoony...

>how is it supposed to work
Much like weebs, it doesn't work.

It's cool if it's just a knife. But a full blown sword is retarded. Aiming that shit with one hand would be very difficult as it's so heavy. If you ever need a close quarters weapon a knife is far more effective on one handed firearm. Hell it's more effective on a two handed firearm. Bayonets are more daggers/knifes than swords.

>It fires blanks and the vibrations make it cut better???

stupid nips


what about macegrenades? its just a grenade but you beat people with it

Imagine having a sword without a gun on it. Almost useless at long range.


>he can't remotely control his sword with psychic powers

for me it's the gun arm

Attached: Ff7-barret.png (220x248, 76K)

what do you need a big ass sword for
real life swords are skinny for a reason

You can't dual wield them in a sick slow mo bullet dodging kung fu firefight so it's fucking GAY as hell. Sorry faggot LOL.

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Kek thanks user you’re making my day with this thread


Now that's fucking insanely based, imagine having 2 of those bad boys and mowing down scrubs

How would anyone get close if you had both a gun and a sword? Its fucking impossible.

Most real gunblades are knifes with a gun attachment. There are some swords, but none of them are huge swords like FF8 has.
I guess they served their purpose for a while when guns were a single shot weapon, so you could hack away after shooting.

Attached: gunblade.jpg (640x480, 109K)

>It is a gun and a sword all in one
Not him, but the gun part doesn't fire bullets. From what I remember, it just amplifies the attack when you pull the trigger at the right moment of the attack animation.

Our viking hero built one.

These guys built one, too, but Michael is more entertaining to watch.

Attached: gunblade.jpg (2048x1317, 278K)

>gun morningstar
okay gunblades are dumb but this is based

>This monstrous-looking device is called a mace pistol, although in Henry’s day it was nicknamed the “holy water sprinkler,” or “the king’s walking staff.”
>Now housed in the Royal Armouries in Leeds, England, the weapon was comprised of a pronged mace concealing three gun barrels in its spiked head. Henry apparently had a habit of wandering the streets of London at night brandishing his “walking staff” in order to check that his constables were doing their work properly.
>However, one night he was arrested for carrying a weapon by one of his men who failed to recognize him, and ended up spending a night in a prison cell. When the constable recognized his error the following day, he presumed the king would have him immediately executed—but instead, Henry granted him a handsome raise, and supplied all the prisoners with whom he had spent the night a supply of coal and bread.

Attached: henrysviiiwalkingstaff2.jpg (600x900, 79K)

This would be impossible to aim, it's so top heavy. Dumb as fuck

Maybe (you) can't...

because it makes a shitty sword (poor balance/poor handle)
It also makes a shitty gun (point heavy, odd compromise grip)
Combine the two together also means that you're dependent on a single weapon. If it gets knocked out of your hand now you have no backup.

There's no benefit to it, it's all downside. It makes more sense to have a separate gun and a separate sword with each specialized to what you're trying to use it for.

Why don’t any movies have swords made out of diamond? After all it’s the hardest metal known the man.

Here is a video of gun blades:

I dare you to come to my house and say that

Attached: am7gwr9_700b.jpg (700x525, 92K)

Maybe I can't what, be a fag? I hope not LOL

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What's your address?

civilians aren't allowed WMDs

Attached: IMG_3768.jpg (406x272, 87K)

123 loser street HahhHHAHAHhAhah

>honor of the blade

Attached: Katana.jpg (367x500, 26K)

>now I don't have the right tool for this job so I'll have to improvise
>takes the safety guard off an angle grinder
>wedges it sideways in a vice
>sparks flying directly into him, could burst into flames any second

top lad our michael

Holy shit! I live just up the road from you.

It shoots giant magic energy orbs

>as to fuck anyone over the age of 13

If she's old enough to pee, she's old enough for me.

Completely unrelated but today I forgot how to do the most basic of tasks around my home like laundry and taking out the trash. Not as in forgetting to do them, but literally forgetting HOW to do them.
I'm scared. What is wrong with me?

Attached: Pepe8.png (640x604, 237K)

Don't worry. If they were that important, they would do themselves.


I'm only 27

Because axeguns are more aesthetic

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Trolls begone.
This is a serious thread for powerful weapons.

You recently got married

Because if you're ever going to get that close to something then all you'll ever need is a shotgun.

Attached: arnie terminator 2.webm (1706x720, 741K)

could be a simple partial seizure? Any weird neurological symptom like that is something you should mention to a doctor.

It's a gun that shoots swords

becoz weeb bullshit

A Frank that Franks Franks?

Attached: 1399951793621.jpg (932x1403, 192K)

Real answer: the velocity of a bullet is dependent upon its barrel length. It's why a rifle is so much more powerful than a handgun-- part of it's the powder used, but most of it is the length of the barrel. Longer barrel means more time for the bullet to accelerate from the expanding gases.

Even IF it did fire bullets lethal enough to kill, the kickback would be horrendous and the expanding gases would hurt the user. See any video about the gases from the side of a revolver, they're lethal enough to cut through a finger:


a vibrating blade would only make it harder to cut things

A vibroblade is also the only kind of weapon aside from another lightsaber that can block a lightsaber. What now?

7 Leon Lane, Balamb Garden, Japan.

That’s because they’re made with cortosis fibers woven into the blade. It has nothing to do with the vibrations. Idiot.

yeah man that's why chainsaws are well known for their inability to cut things

I can’t even tell if this is bait anymore. I’m getting to old for this shit.

Chainsaws are aptly named because they cut using the sharp chain on it spinning around. If you've ever used something like a sawzall on pipe you'll know vibration bad.

>you'll know vibration bad.
t. virgin

Just because I don't stuck vibrators up my ass like you does not mean I'm a virgin.

>a vibrating blade would only make it harder to cut things
Then explain this:

Attached: 1552224170623.jpg (600x337, 42K)

Right, because faggots like you prefer the real thing.

I bet you talk to your mother like that after you're done getting pegged by her, don't you, virgin?

You would know, I guess.

I'm 29 and it remains one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen. I am an alcoholic though.

My mother is a paraplegic. I don't think she pegs anyone, user.

>I'm 29 and it remains one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen
How are you posting on Yea Forums if you are blind?
Why do you think they call them "peg legs"?

This is why we need more women leaders.

>Why do you think they call them "peg legs"?
Honestly never heard that before. Does that mean Peg pegs Pete?

Literally why doesn't the US military use these in the field?

>Honestly never heard that before
You've never heard of peg legs before? How the fuck are you on Yea Forums if you don't pirate?

Geneva convention prevents the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Honestly, I'm drunk user. My mother is really paraplegic and I thought you meant peg leg was some actual sexual act or something and it maybe involved crippled women. It's not like that would be surprising.

I would not be surprised either. I'm just spouting nonsense like I always do.

It's okay, user. Comedy is raw and has no limits. I make cripple jokes all the time. Don't pity her. Trust me. Drunk driving and the story just makes her look even shittier. Saging, cheers.

u shoot the gun and it vibrates the blade then it can cut virtually anything and yes it actually works


hoo boy
you're looking for 'prohibits'
asteroid when

I'm writing a new convention. It prevents asteroid impacts.

the added weight of the gun makes it a bad sword and vice versa