
You know whats more annoying than this and the brie shit? The fact they STILL haven't addressed Black Widow (or w/e scarlet johanssens character is called) being able to take on interdimensional aliens, sentient ai, and a bunch of other shit. She is literally just supposed to be a highly trained agent/soldier isn't she? She doesnt have any magic steroid juice like captain america right? Same applies to the guy with the bow (hawkeye?).

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>The fact they STILL haven't addressed Black Widow
I bet you didn’t give a shit when Cap held off Thanos’ fist

>red head black widow

hair color is the only personality she has

She's enhanced. And yes, it's annoying as fuck that they've never addressed this.

No, because Cap is an enhanced super solider. He got knocked the fuck out by Thanos so it's not like he's nearly as strong as Thanos (or Thor or Hulk or Captain Resting Bitch Face). But he has enough strength in the MOVIE universe to hold ONE of Thanos' fists with BOTH of his arms, at least for a moment.

*redhead with blonde tips
what the fuck were they thinking

>because Cap is an enhanced super solider
So is Black Widow, regardless both of them are only peak human tier

>reloads handgun

why are the black actors cast off to the side instead of in the middle

Wait so they really killed off Black Panther? Wtf

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because they're not important

>hits the metal doors with enough force to smash them off the back off the truck
>no injuries except a cough


Wtf superhero movis are not real??

whats Thor looking at?

Are they talking about the black chick?
She's going to kill thanos, isnt she? :(

>both of them are only peak human tier
no, a peak human is a fucking athlete, they're both superior to an athlete
did you miss the part where cap holds a helicopter with his bare hands?

I thought cap got a super duper serum injected, plus that machine with the magic rays to enhance him. Black window just did a shit load of yoga.

What film was this?

Civil War.

they are in fact worst than athletes ,athletes are genetically the elite of the elite , trained soliders are just average joes who achieved their maximum potential.

Which super hero is the black lady?

I'm surprised Thanos never hurled her into the sun!

It’s grown out to indicate the time that has passed since the snap