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the absolute chad and the only white man single handedly saving cable news

Based Tucker. You liberal trannies won't stop him.

chad carlson

How can one man be so based?

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what a schmuck


looks like a jake paul

his family looks like a bunch of retards

>Retarded faggot shill kike thrall who got rekt by that heeb Jon Stewart

Neck yourself you fucking faggots.

seething tranny who'll never have a family HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ffs, this

Is he based? He seems pretty stupid to me. Or at least a pretty stupid populist interviewer who doesn't really care about anything but pushing his own views, basically doing the same stupid shit as liberal presenters.

Don't get me wrong his interviews are often really entertaining and it's fun to see retarded liberals be retarded. He just seems very obvious in his methods.

Yet we know from race statistics that isn't the case.


Looks like young Sheldon before his first Klan meeting.

Carlson is unironically based
t. Marxist
Fuck trannies, jannies and the elite

Know how i know youre lying? Tucker is the only person on TV with actual views, clear and concise, and unique.

His power level is rising with exponential speed. Can he keep getting away with it?

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Why does he make the trannies seeth so much?

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Jon Stewart embarrassed him so badly Tucker got rid of the bow tie and his shitty show on CNN or whatever got canned. Hopefully he loses his show on Fox News, that'd be nice.

>works on the most Zionist news outlet in the world and supports be most Zionist president in history


He had resigned before CNN decided not to renew crossfire. Cope more. TuckNat is the future

>Yeah dude he totally humiliated a 25 year old Tuck more than a decade ago. Things haven't changed since, Lebowitz is so based!!!

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I'm not saying he's lacking in conviction, I'm saying quite the opposite, that he let's his conviction and love of populism cloud his judgement. Focusing on semantics that has no real meaning or value outside of making people look stupid. oversimplifying stuff, asking stupid questions to try and "trap" people. That kinda obvious but ultimately pointless shit that while entertaining, is just kinda stupid.

What's the ONE particular issue with Tucker that makes YOU guys mad at him? Please feel free to chime in, everyone. I personally like him from the little bit of his material that I've seen.

Is he even still relevant after the election? Haven't seen his face in a youtube video in the better part of a year now.

This, he agrees with his socialist guests quite a bit. Meanwhile the rest of the Drupftard Fox News watches clap their burgers when the head cheeto says America will never be socialist.

>nationalist wants whats best for his citizens
The utter shock

seething, cope more

His hate of uh.... big tech corporations.

he doesn't hate white men like he should

>the guy who gets destroyed by Jon Stewart on his own tv show, then proceeds to get visible pissed off, only to get destroyed even further
Good for him though, that he decided to fill the niche of public contrarian, after being a Bush-era shill.

No Jon Stewart just said "IM COMEDIAN YOU CANT CRITICIZE ME!!!"

he looks like a faggot

Tell that to the MAGAtards willing to give billions to a foreign apartheid state while their own citizens don't even have clean drinking water.

Muh 20 year old clips. Yet tucker gives us actual insightful commentary into america and stewart is relegated to drumpf jokes

trannies mad

Look at his ugly tranny wife.

Based Sheldon

lack of purpose

Wow look at Lebowitz go! He totally rekt him all the way into irrelevancey of being the most watched cable news show in 2018.

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Jon Stewart went on to ruin American political discourse, tho.


The newfag generation doesn't know who he really is yet.

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Pretty sure Tucker has explicitly argued against neocon policies, tho.

Tucker is a cucker.

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>this guy said edgy shit on an edgy shock jock show 20 years ago, quick take his job!

kek you can tell Tucker really pissed off the lefties that they're digging this fucking deep to try to oust him. Still, it doesn't matter how many advertisers drop off his show, there will always be more willing to step in for the number one political talk show in the country.

>WTF why would you give money to an apartheid state!!!
cmon bro

No. Fuck trannies and anyone who enables them. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he's a pretty shitty populist interviewer.

>Lebowitz is completely irrelevant and forgotten in 2019
>Tucker is growing in power so much that trannies and numales are doing everything they can to destroy him in 2019

Pretty obvious to see who won in the end.

Genuinely laughed

>search Tucker
>it's all late night 'comedy' shows doing hit pieces on him
>nothing from Tucker or fox news himself

Thanks for cracking down on 'conspiracy theories' google!

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>Yet tucker gives us actual insightful commentary into america and stewart is relegated to drumpf jokes
I havent seen Jon Stewart in anything since his last episode of the Daily Show. I also dont watch Fox news, so Ill have to take your word for it. Given the way you write, Im gonna assume youre a retard though.

Imagine getting your politics from a comedian

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>Tucker Carlson
>insightful commentary

Ok, I must be in a bizzaro world

Also John Stewart made his mark and went out on top

Also we get it you hate Jews.

there was an unpublished tucker interview with some guy who copletly humiliated tucker to the point of him raging and screaming at the guy and cutting the interview short...anyone know whaty im talking about? cant seem to find it

>that Chris Cuomo one
Isn't he supposed to be a newscaster, not a pundit? Same with Don Lemon.

I know, you're implying that the "nationalist" label actually means anything in modern politics, especially when Drumpf uses it.
I wonder what's more important to Americans, their country being turned into a desert or a desert country siphoning money from their taxes. Trick question Israel is always more important.

>went out on top
His show was defiled by a nignog and Drumpf became president, how is that being "on top"?

You talking about Stewart or Tucker?

I lean left and love this guy.

>Ok, I must be in a bizzaro world
Tucker Carlson has argued against foreign interventions/wars in the past couple of years more fervently than anyone else on television desu.

Stewart (Formerly Leibowitz)

Jon Stewart was a pillar of comedy and a pillar of journalism in an era, where disagreeing with the Iraq war, labelled you a traitor. Youd know this, if you werent born after the year 2000.

>Tucker Carlson has argued against foreign interventions/wars in the past couple of years more fervently than anyone else on television desu.
As I stated in my post previously. Good for him to have done a full 180 and found his spine. He used to be a warmonger and Bush shill back in the day.

He was the only person on F*x News to come out against Drumpf's strikes on Syria and they made him take a "vacation" for it.

>pillar of journalism

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>As I stated in my post previously. Good for him to have done a full 180 and found his spine. He used to be a warmonger and Bush shill back in the day.
OK, but I don't care because he's effectively arguing for positions I think are good for Americans now. If he was once a neocon and had his mind changed, then what's wrong with that?

>pillar of journalism
Didn't the Daily Show do tons of deceptive editing for their interviews for the entirety of the show? How is that good journalism?

john stewart did go out on top but has fallen so inestimably in my esteem it does not matter to me. bill o’reilly was right all along.

The only real criticism the dude had for Tucker was 'You work for FOX News and you maybe support socialist policies but you did so after some lefties so you're lame'. I know you want it to still be the 2000s, but it's not. You actually have to meaningfully critique what Tucker is saying right now if you want to own him epic style.

Why do you think libtards want him off air so badly? If he was another neocon like Hannity they wouldn't care. Tucker is a nationalist.


I respect standing up to the Zionist fucks in Israel. But you do realize the whole UN climate change plan is just "give $100 billion a year to China and Africa, no questions asked, and that will fix the environment" right?

Nightmare mode: you actually address what I just said instead of ignoring it and talking about Israel more

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Everyone disagreed with the Iraq war you gay rotting axe wound.

makeup bow tie strong jaw powerful bone structure long curly hair alpha male large penis

Came here to post this, more or less

The speech that Tucker made on the first show of the year was pretty great Network style rant. It's still his pinned tweet so he's still proud of it.


>unironically wore bow-ties
>stopped after jon stewart made fun of him
yeah what a total chad.

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except if you ask anybody not on the internet about that name you'd have to remind them he was "the daily show guy on comedy central".

He stopped wearing a bowtie when he stopped being a libertarian, dumbass

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Tucker is a fucking incel, as his comments show, who entertains and is sucked off by other trump incels

The Dutch guy? That was pretty funny

I can never wrap my head around how many libertarians become fascists

Like, you'd think they would "evolve" to an at least somewhat similar ideology to libertarianism instead of immediately jumping to the one that's 180 degrees diametrically opposed

Hi there zoomer

Actually racists have a lower iq.

A libertarian is a white person who just wants to be left alone in peace.

A fascist is a white person who realizes that he will never be left alone in peace.

>no questions asked
I highly doubt this and I'm not gonna read through that entire webpage.

Niggers all being massive racists themselves drags the average down.

It's like saying "it's proven that playing basketball lowers your IQ"

Freedom comes from a jackboot on the throat of those that would threaten it.

So you trust the UN and their partners in the developing world to fairly and transparently distribute $100 billion a year, forever, in an undefined way that will definitely reduce carbon emissions?

Because that's what the Paris Accords and Kyoto Protocol both demand, and apparently if you object at all you are directly responsible for human extinction

Wow, an edgy and retarded post. Congrats.

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Jon Stewart lost a debate and started cursing. That was an embarrassment for Stewart, not Tuck. Then again, getting triggered and cursing is probably the height of argument to a leftist.

No white racists dipshit. It's probably all the kid fucking and sister fucking and meth

Where are white people being left alone?


they aren't brother, white people are the most oppressed people on the planet amen.

he just came off as a pretentious asshole

>haha I'm too smart to debate you guys
>don't call out my bullshit I'm just a comedian :)

>sucking on the russian cock

lost me there

Don't be obtuse.

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>expecting real journalists to not debase themselves by comparing their profession to the clownery that was TDS is bullshit
This is why you can't win.

He was against bombing Syria and by extension protecting our greatest ally.

it was a fairly smart play. in order to hold him to the same level of credibility they would have to admit that their show is about entertainment rather than news.



>a pillar of journalism
Yeah that's why his brother aka the CFO of the New York Stock Exchange never had to deal with any scrutiny for any of the shit here pulled and most people didn't even know they were related because their actual surname isn't Stewart.

We're the only ones who have been selected for extinction.

In the future everybody in Germany will be Turkish but nobody in Turkey will be German. Everybody in America will be Mexican but there sure won't be any Americans in Mexico. Somalia isn't being repopulated with millions of Swedes, that's for sure, and the Pakistan - England pipeline only goes in one direction too.

Hence we're looking at a future with plenty of Asians, plenty of Arabs, plenty of Latinos, way too many fucking blacks and no whites. "Diversity."

>cucker tarlson
o i am laffin

>Jon Stewart was a pillar of comedy and a pillar of journalism in an era, where disagreeing with the Iraq war, labelled you a traitor. Youd know this, if you werent born after the year 2000.

HAHAHAHA are fucking kidding me? EVERYONE made bush jokes and protested the war. No one was labeled a traitor except maybe the dixie chicks for a whole week or so because thier audience is all rednecks. Maybe if you weren't born in the late 90s you'd know this

Your argument is that Carlson had the upper hand because he confronted Stewart's"hypocrisy" when they're simply not in the same profession. Stewart was right to point that out.

>he believes it
Oh no no no

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>when they're simply not in the same profession
They are though. Jon Stewart was just another asshole news pundit.

I went back to watch that interview and I don't see how it's possible to think Jon Stewart won if you actually listen to what both of them said.

He just had this gay ass smarmy attitude and when he got called out on being a complete hypocrite, he hid behind this veil of "comedy" being an acceptable reason for being intellectually dishonest while projecting a holier than thou attitude on the rest of all collective media. It was more of the same old jewish standards for thee but not for me.

Power Pig hello?

Wow that's a compelling counterpoint, you sure showed me faggot

they are both comedians

Here's the left wingers at the Guardian reporting quite happy that no country will have a white majority by 2050

>asking stupid questions to try and "trap" people
I can see what you mean but the thing is the left is so retarded these days that the questions Tucker asks the guests is genuinely what they believe in. You might think its just for show, they really do believe those things and God help us if they take control

Like you need one, you'll just go back to watching "sweden is being RAPED" videos on youcuck to confirm your worldview. Try leaving your basement in fly-overville, USA.

Oh wait, that'd would require a job.

nothing wrong with learning from mistakes

Honestly I don't care about people posting Trump, Bill O'Reilly or even back with Glenn Beck but something about Tucker Carlson absolutely makes me livid. He's so fucking pretentious and pompous, acting completely like some pseudo intellectual when he spouts off inane and ridiculous arguments that make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER if only people fucking sat for a second and thought to themselves (ya know critical thinking) but that"S TOO FUCKING DIFFICULT for people who never went to college. I think it's the bow tie. Fuck Tucker Carlson, and please don't post pictures of him, it seriously makes my skin red.

>they aren't brother, white people are the most oppressed people on the planet amen.
Why did CNN and other mainstream networks feel very safe condemning a group of white teenagers for smiling at a Native American man with no other context?

nigga I was born in 88

What the fuck is this? What did he do?

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absolutely seething

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So you have nothing to say yet you keep typing posts for some reason

>white teeagers
no amerigoblin is white. If you're any % irish or italian you aren't white.

He cucks on some issues like religion , male genital mutilation (while being completely horrified by female genital mutilation)...and thats pretty much it really that i can remember right now

white privilege

Or German. Only WASPs are white in America.

yup, that's what a family man looks like.

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>it seriously makes my skin red.
yea you didn't need to tell us

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I don't care, they were called white. Your own personal definitions don't matter.

Reminder that Jon Stewart repeatedly visited the White House to receive direct orders from Obama and his staff about what policies he should advocate for and which political enemies he should mock on The Daily Show

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Are you fucking kidding me? He's arguably the most popular he's ever been and the leftists are doing everything they can to get him fired because they are terrified he speaks the truth without hesitation and has a very smart way of handing out redpills without getting himself into trouble

He supports Trump.

The difference between today and Watergate is that Nixon didn't have a massive media machine willing to shill for him incessantly regardless of what he did.

Its a man with his family that he loves, so yeah that's a family man.

>B-but he's just as bad
That doesn't mean Carlson conducts himself as anything other than a "real journalist" and why his shitty show was on an actual news channel instead of a Comedy fucking Central.

This is why you can't win.

>he cucks on some issues like male genital mutilation
source? that would actually be one of the few things he could be in favor of that would actually make me upset with him

Jesus fucking Christ why do "muttposters" always come out of the woodwork to attack white people?

To the homeless street shit covered coasts where brown people drove down wages right?

Dubs confirm. Not that you'll be able to make the scales fall from their eyes, but dubs confirm the truth.

We didn't have a massive media machine willing to hire openly evil people like Sarah Jeong while whinging about racism being on the rise 24/7, either.

As a lite conservative I hate most of the Fox News talking heads for their boomer-tier analysis, Tucker is the only one I find pretty insightful and to the point. Must be why liberals have been attacking him non-stop for a year now. Fuck the rat people trying to silence rather than debate.

>jon stewart
>news pundit

Tucker 2020, not that failure of a man sitting in the White House right now

Ah brown people did that, didn't realize they had so much power. It wasn't the owners or anything, nope.

Who Tuckpilled here??

His show is one of the most popular on fox news. I don't think anyone but Hannity is beating him.

>I was in middle school when 9/11 happened.
fuck off, zoomer.

The difference is the lying press has no more power.

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Yeah. Your greentext is accurate. He's just Rachel Maddow with a studio audience.

the issue is that stewart has the luxury of playing both sides while tucker can't. At that time tds was already well past the point of a goofy satire news show and a full blown leftist news show with some jokes. EVERYONE knew this, they used to advertise that people got thier news from TDS. John acts self righteous and acts like he's a serious pundit all the way until it's not convient for him. That's unfair and he just wasted everyones time by suddenly not countering any of their points while preaching that the pundits who invited him on thier show are bad people. Even if tucker did stoop to his level and say they they are entertainers too it would have been even more useless of a show. They basically let him rant because it would be dead air otherwise

>he sorry guys I'm just a comedian but you guys are supposed to do more than entertain
>ok we are entertainers too, so?

Damn old donnie found a way to post on 4chin XD

>Be a paid shill and spin doctor for years
>Blatantly in the pocket of the Republican party as a mouth piece
>Becomes so calcified in his rhetoric and thinking that even John Stewart, a sheltered shitty New York comedian, could blow him the fuck out
>Have your reputation totally ruined and tarnished, be exposed as the obvious mouthpiece shill that you are
>Decide that Populism instead of towing pure Republican lines will be better for his ratings, speak about Populism.
>Ratings shoot up to higher than they've ever been before

You can usually tell when people are just starting to awaken to politics, or they just entered high-school and are trying to appear politically aware, when they say that Tucker 'Shill To the highest-paying Pill' Carlson is unironically 'based.' You don't understand Tucker's history, because none of you do any actual research.

>Tucker paints hypothetical of Democrat running for president as outright racist, saying Muslims are bad etc etc
>These quotes are taken as proof that Tucker is racist.

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equal blame on rich people using special interest groups and lobbyists to flood the country with low skill workers in order to suppress wages and brown people themselves for coming

how fucking old are you then?

And zoom, away go the goalposts.

Whites aren't being displaced, anyone who says they are is a moron conspiracy theorist, and also whites are only being displaced because of capitalist exploitation, but they're also not being displaced

they weren't willing to admit that they are just entertainers. If they had they might have won the argument but lost their audience.

Quick rundown on what he did wrong?

I've been questioning for ages how fox allows him on when he's questioned the Israel alliance and (((Syria chemical attacks))). I guess this is how why're trying to give him the slip

>the issue is that stewart has the luxury of playing both sides while tucker can't
That's because he's a comedian and he shouldn't be forced to act like a professional journalist. Nor is he under the same ethical and moral requirements for the job. They probably thought this would be their gotcha moment, as if blaming a clown for not taking the stock market seriously. He simply doesn't have to, you do, and throwing a tantrum gets your shitty pundit show cancelled.

You should thank him supplying a outlet to stave off your executions.

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I love tucc

No, fuckface. He's a pundit who uses "I'm a comedian" as a pathetic way to try to cover his ass.

He did nothing wrong whatsoever. It was a total reach, and a pathetic one. This on the heels of those people trying to harass and intimidate his family in public.

can we all just be honest with ourselves and agree Tuck is a racist and is doing his best to bring it into the mainstream?

>the iraqis are underdeveloped stinky apes but imagine if libs were racist man XD

99% of Democrats get their news and politics from comedy shows so it's a pathetic display

The real question is why is everyone obligated to pretend to like or care about black people when clearly nobody actually does

>That's because he's a comedian
So is Hannah Gadsby.

it's the equalivalent of the "I'm only pretending to be retarded" excuse. If nothing you say can be held to you than just shut the fuck up and tell some jokes, don't lecture

But like what did he actually do?

>>Becomes so calcified in his rhetoric and thinking that even John Stewart, a sheltered shitty New York comedian, could blow him the fuck out
I watched the clip.
His complaints seem to be that they are fighting, and representing the parties they are a member of.
As opposed to now
Where everyone is Democrats.

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The only one throwing a tantrum is the comedian that pretends to be a pundit when it’s convenient for him while at the same time morally decries journalistic standards like the world is ending while making no attempts to hold them himself. It’s all very jewish.

Just a quick check of the rating proves you wrong. How few Democrats do you think there are?

Wait, THAT'S the context for Tucker's quote about Iraqis being monkeys?

>purposefully debasing your profession to play gotcha arguments with a comedian
This is why Carlson was fired. Carlson's job wasn't to entertain, it was to inform.

Except lefties get their news from late night. Stop pretending otherwise.

We need to ask ourselves if being rabidly "anti-racist" was ever a good idea when it never placated leftists at all and only led to anti-white racism. I grew up with a really egalitarian mindset in a majority black neighborhood and these days my patience is basically spent, I really don't care if someone is racist as long as they aren't personally and needlessly mean to people, which is all that truly matters.

Yeah, exactly. We went from 'bad debate' to no debate at all, with Jon Stewart leading the charge. His influence objectively made American politics worse.

>I highly doubt this and I'm not gonna read through an entire webpage

that's why they're able to get away with this shit. They can put it up publicly and nobody but contract lawyers will read it anyway.

>muslim countries act like savages
>it’s racist to call them savages

red redpilled and based

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>it's the equalivalent of the "I'm only pretending to be retarded" excuse
That's because he's a comedian, you neanderthalic cunt.

I saw this live.
When I was a teenager I thought Jon Stewart was so badass for doing this, then later when I grew up I realized that all kike lebowitz did was push the left and right into their own hugboxes and make it so people don't actually DEBATE things anymore
This is horrible and is partially responsible for the bullshit political climate we live under today.

I wish Jon Stewart would sneak into Tuckers show, just to watch him freeze like a deer in headlights as he saw the person who utterly destroyed him appear all over again.

They don't. Stop moving the goalposts or you'll get your shitty pundit show off the air.

>That's because he's a comedian
So is Hannah Gadsby.

then ok, let's treat everything he says a joke then

I hope some antifa sperg goes too far and does a Tucker house stunt again - pushing the right into outright genocide of baklava'd pussies.

Every single one of these Captain Marvel watchers need to be turned into vegetables just like this guy.

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>>insightful commentary
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it isn't insightful.

The dutch guy made terrible fucking arguments.
>you're bought and funded unlike me who somehow isn't
>you're a shill for the koch brothers who support open immigration, that's why you are against such things

You keep saying it and I reject it. You're wrong. Get over it.

What are you on about? It's a clear call of demonstration that they are, as Stewart succinctly stated, 'partisan hacks.' Once again, I doubt you've even watched an episode of Crossfire, you have not witnessed its devolution from a useful television show where earnest and sincere politicians from opposing sides came to rigorously discuss their views and reasonings to the shit-flinging it became. Tucker Carlson was/is a net-contributor to the sort of rhetoric and pony-show we get these days.

>A poll released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 21 percent of people aged 18 to 29 cited "The Daily Show" and "Saturday Night Live" as a place where they regularly learned presidential campaign news.
By contrast, 23 percent of the young people mentioned ABC, CBS or NBC's nightly news broadcasts as a source.

Yeah, the quotes are fully in-context, is what I'm saying. Him playing Yea Forums user and accusing the dems of being the real racists while calling Muslims apes is probably why he's getting vacationed next week.

>I can never wrap my head around how many libertarians become fascists
Hi, I'm a libertarian who became a white nationalist with libertarian leanings.

A fuckton of us became this way, maybe /pol/ is to blame.

You can't have free markets without white people and closed borders.

I can't watch it because I know it's going to make my blood boil with all of the bad faith gotcha arguments

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Like under Obama?
>“F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims,” read the headline on a lengthy New York Times story May 18. “The Justice Department used a suspected informant to probe whether Trump campaign aides were making improper contacts with Russia in 2016,” read a story in the May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal.

>So much for those who dismissed charges of Obama administration infiltration of Donald Trump’s campaign as paranoid fantasy. Defenders of the Obama intelligence and law enforcement apparat have had to fall back on the argument that this infiltration was for Trump’s — and the nation’s — own good.

>It’s an argument that evidently didn’t occur to Richard Nixon’s defenders when it became clear that Nixon operatives had burglarized and wiretapped the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in June 1972.

>Until 2016, just about everyone agreed that it was a bad thing for government intelligence or law enforcement agencies to spy — er, use informants — on a political campaign, especially one of the opposition party. Liberals were especially suspicious of the FBI and the CIA. Nowadays they say that anyone questioning their good faith is unpatriotic.
>The crime at the root of Watergate was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC after George McGovern seemed about to win the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, just as the government misconduct in Russiagate was an attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign after Trump clinched its nomination.

>In both cases, the incumbent administration regarded the opposition’s unorthodox nominee as undermining the nation’s long-standing foreign policy and therefore dangerous to the country.

"No debate" unironically is what the alt-right wants when they take this country and turn it into Russia.

Had Carlson followed this genius strategy, maybe he wouldn't have been baited into admitting his journalistic work is shit.

this makes the tranny seethe

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White people are the only group it's okay to be racist against.
We are being invaded and our race destroyed.

Why are lefty lemmings retarded enough to think muslim is a race?

It's where we are right now. Also look at who pulls the levers of censorship right now, faggot.

but is he actually wrong? muslims who live under sharia law basically are primitive apes

Please explain why Zionism is bad

Similarly, it’s hard to figure out what the Obama law enforcement and intelligence folks had to gain by spying. Candidate Trump’s bizarre refusals to criticize Vladimir Putin and Russia were already a political liability, criticized aptly and often by Hillary Clinton and mainstream media.

But neither the Obama informant/spy nor Robert Mueller’s investigation has presented additional evidence of Trump collusion with Russia. None of Mueller’s indictments points in that direction, and Trump’s foreign policy over 16 months has been far less favorable to Russia than Obama’s.

In March 2016, it was conventional wisdom that Trump couldn’t be elected president. But his surprising and persistent strength in the Republican primaries left some doubtful, including the FBI lovebirds who instant messaged their desire for an “insurance policy” against that dreaded eventuality.

Their unease may have owed something to their knowledge of how the Obama Justice Department and FBI had fixed the Hillary Clinton emails case. Clinton wasn’t indicted but was left with a disastrously low 32 percent of voters confident

There are two obvious differences between Watergate and the Obama administration’s infiltration. The Watergate burglars were arrested in flagrante delicto, and their wiretaps never functioned. And neither the FBI nor the CIA fully cooperated with the post-election cover-up.

That’s quite a contrast with the Obama law enforcement and intelligence appointees’ promotion of Christopher Steele’s Clinton campaign-financed dodgy dossier and feeding the mainstream media’s insatiable hunger for Russia collusion stories.

Has an outgoing administration ever worked to delegitimize and dislodge its successor like this? We hear many complaints, some justified, about Donald Trump’s departure from standard political norms. But the greater and more dangerous departure from norms may be that of the Obama officials seeking to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

>posting from a tabloid

Xenophobia goes hand to hand with racism. His pedo comments are worse anyway.

>"No debate" unironically is what the alt-right wants
It's what the left wants.
They refuse to debate and just scream yell and turn violent.
Look what happened when Ben Shapiro asked AOC to debate lol

Child brides are only okay when muslims do it.

good, he learned

that was almost 20 years ago, stop living in the past

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I'm Iraqi and I can tell you some of my countrymen behave much worse than monkeys, especially those from the south and those from Kurdistan. But at the end of the day you Americans are the biggest niggers of all because you killed Saddam while he was keeping the country fed and stable.

>Stop moving the goalposts
Yeah that doesn't mean that dumbass.

Go to an alt-right rally and try to debate and you'll get run over by a car.

Are only outlets which repeat the mainstream media party line, legitimate news sources?
Are you contesting the facts presented in the article?
Isn't the point of posting on an anonymous image board, that you deal with the ideas, presented, and have no opportunity to attack the character of the person presenting the argument, as a means of dismissing the argument?

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That is all media these days. There are no standards whatsoever, you can only read and judge yourself. NYT and WaPo were trying to crucify a 16 year old boy for smiling at an Indian.

My dad works at Nintendo too.

nah, lots right wing faggots actually want to debate because they think they can win

whether or not that’s true is a different story, but lots of them actually want to debate, meanwhile deviating from beliefs imposed by liberal hegemony is like violating religious dogma.

>it's the right who doesn't want debate
Lefties have expressed zero interest in free speech. Everything they don't like is hate that should be banned.

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Child brides are okay as long as Carlson is in the room, joking with the guy with the guy who begged Hulk Hogan to fuck his wife.


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So 1 incident of right wing violence vs hundreds in the past few years alone?

Only James Gunn is allowed to make pedo jokes.

>Go to an alt-right rally and try to debate and you'll get run over by a car.
Those people showed up to punch people not to debate the alt-right.

>Is he based? He seems pretty stupid to me. Or at least a pretty stupid populist interviewer who doesn't really care about anything but pushing his own views, basically doing the same stupid shit as liberal presenters.
yep, that is exactly what we call based & redpilled round here

>Miller v. California
>In the years since Miller, many localities have cracked down on adult theatres and bookstores, as well as nude dancing, through restrictive zoning ordinances and public nudity laws.
>Justices who agreed were ones like Warren and Rehnquist, all conservative.
But nice try. The "liberals hate free speech, look at these left-wing extremist posts!" might work for 15 year olds on /pol/ but it doesn't work for anyone educated in history, political science, or law.

Carlson can be fired too, don't worry. Thanks for setting the precedent with Gunn, by the way. It's getting easier to deplatform the real racists and pedos on the right.

The left has physically attacked the right in america over 600 times since trump was elected.

>It's getting easier to deplatform the real racists and pedos on the right.
I know you cry over him being racist.
but how is tucker a pedo?

This image makes me so inexplicably happy. Discord trannies would never understand

Real anti-establishment of you comrade.

Imagine how great the internet is gonna be when it's just endless pinkhairs agreeing with each other about how great trannies and brown people are

Ironically people like Tucker and Shapiro defended Gunn.

>It's probably all the kid fucking and sister fucking and meth
you really wish this to be true lol

I was born in Baghdad you mutt. Iraq has a lot of savage primitive people who are worse than monkeys, but had a lot of educated people too. Doctors, teachers, nurses. Saddam kept all the savages underground or expelled them and kept the country secure.

Then the Americans march in, murder Saddam, let all the savages back in and give them control over the government and police, and ban anyone with a brain cell from working, getting rid of all the teachers and doctors and academics in the country because "muh Baathists". Then it was open season on all those academics and they were either murdered by radical Islamist militias and forces to flee the country. All the new police were literally militiamen who liked to kill anyone not in the same sect as them

So yes lots of Iraqis behave like monkeys (or worse) but Americans are even bigger monkeys because they let the snakes out of the cage and killed/expelled all the civilised people

Edgy jokes are only okay as long as its a leftist making it

>but Americans are even bigger monkeys because they let the snakes out of the cage
that's only because america is enslaved by israel, most americans are just ignorant retards along for the ride

*have a heart attack

This is why Tucker's move was so clever. Anytime anyone tried to take Stewart to task, he just want all 'Well I'm just a comedian. The fact you're listening to me just shows how crazy you are cuz I'm just a comedian.' Well, here he is on a news show trying to give a newsworthy opinion and Tucker called his bluff: 'Tell me a joke. Make me laugh.' That's why Stewart got so triggered. Either he could voice his opinion seriously and retract past/future 'Just a comedian bro.' Or he had to live up to his word and tell jokes while having his opinion discarded. Tucker boxed him in where he couldn't have it both ways.

Holy mother of cringe. If this comment was made unironically please kill yourself. The man was having a lynching mob climbing over his car when he decided to accelerate.

Pure kino speech

Your a pedo, I get it.

>'Tell me a joke. Make me laugh.'
>this is his brilliant bluff
Boomers are so fucking stupid.

Answer me this. Who is getting censored on the internet, right wing or left wing figures?

Stop saying nigger on twitter and you won't be banned, user. Simple as that.

How does a swede ask a refuge to fuck his wife? He says hello. Now you.

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lol i like how he made a fairly good point about tucker and you took a left turn into jonstewartville like a fucklord hahahaha

There was no Gunn precedent. You and your kind are just modern day Christfags who want the entire world bubblewrapped to protect your faith (or in your case, fee-fees). You're just too much of a sniveling coward to face that truth so you blame it on your conservative boogeyman and pretend you're fighting some noble crusade.

they're hipsters, so "you must have been there first" or you're a poser

No that would be a brilliant 'call.'
Stewart was the one with the 'bluff.'
It's always the guy insulting everyone's intelligence pricing how little he understands.


>not understanding the sense of pride elicited from the image of a successful all white American family in 2019

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You made your bed scourging blue checkmark profiles for oppo material. It's happening to your kind now. Stop seething and lie on it.

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>all white
>2/3 of the family aren't even blonde
Is Tucker Irish? That could disqualify his entire legacy on the spot.

I love playing the wypepo game.

>You made your bed scourging blue checkmark profiles
The meme of 'blue checkmark profiles' only ever existed to begin with because billion dollar tech companies have been deplatforming effective right wing voices, tho.

Nobody is actually interested in that game except for white hating cunts like you

Neither of their jobs were to inform, pundits are just commentators

yeah, and the trick is not letting your audience know that.

relevant enough for some rabid dems to pay someone to dig up dirt on him. best they could find was some jokes on a shock jock show however

>pillar of journalism

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yes lets wait until you start killing us in big numbers before we can say anything, mr slave morality bitch

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Interesting point. Maybe you're not a coward after all. Maybe you're just an imbecile who doesn't know any better. In any case, e-leftists have been purging people before blue checkmarks even existed. I'm thinking Imus and that old lady from the food channel. Gunn was just the one time one of us decided to do it to you. And you're stil triggered, bringing it up every thread.

won't name the you know who.

when we take over are we going to make the bullies from our past pay?

You don’t have to be Zion Don to hate the semitic media

How many times are you going to make this thread?

stewart was the cool gen xer the millennials looked up to. then we learned he was a jew!

Based/Redpilled = Upvote
Cringe/Seething/Triggered = Downvote

i wonder how much media matters was involved in the daily show?

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