Bottom tier
>watch movie based on genre
Bad tier:
>watch movie based on actresses
Middle tier:
>watch movie based on the cover
Top tier:
>watch movie based on the director
God tier:
>watch movie based on the year
Bottom tier
I'm currently between genre & director
Elder God tier:
>watch movie based on how many bouncing tits are in it
>watching a director's filmography chronologically
how get perfect gf like this?
be Dutch
Tier lists are descending you fucking newfag retard
best tier: watch movie because Yea Forums says it’s good
ultimate tier
>watch movie based on the soundtrack
>picking movies by searching "Reddit best (insert genre) movies"
>picking movies by posting "what are some kinos" on Yea Forums, disregarding every single suggestion, and ending up watching nothing at all
be yourself
For me it's, watch a movie because I want to watch it
>watch movie based on ethnic and religious background of the director
Unexplainable tier:
>watch movie
>watch no films except John Carpenter, Mel Gibson and Marty Scorsese films
yeah I'm thinking I'm a patrician.
Elder God Tier:
>don't watch movies at all, just read plot synopsis on wikipedia and base your entire opinion on that
Nobody here watches movies, or at least not anymore. The average poster here has seen probably two movies in the past year.
>harvey's leftovers
Elder God Tier:
>watch movie based on IMDB score
Old God Tier:
>watch movie based on RT score
Ascended Tier:
>watch movie based on what Armond thought of it
Beyond Planar Tier:
>watch movie based on the availability of YIFY rips
Existing Inside the Film Reel Tier:
>watch movie based on the availability of remux rips
Amalgamation of Griffith/Eisenstein/Sjöström Tier:
>watch movie based on how obscure it is
The Missing Brother of Lumiére's Tier:
>watch movie based on how much space of you have left on your HDD
The Static Dissonance Makes The Formless What Ought Into Tetherless What Is Tier:
>watch movie based on whether you have seen it already or not
>bottom tier
>lists it at the top
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken x10 Tier:
>only watching a film if it's on YouTube