Bottom tier

Bottom tier
>watch movie based on genre
Bad tier:
>watch movie based on actresses
Middle tier:
>watch movie based on the cover
Top tier:
>watch movie based on the director
God tier:
>watch movie based on the year

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I'm currently between genre & director

Elder God tier:
>watch movie based on how many bouncing tits are in it

>watching a director's filmography chronologically

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how get perfect gf like this?

be Dutch

Tier lists are descending you fucking newfag retard

best tier: watch movie because Yea Forums says it’s good

ultimate tier
>watch movie based on the soundtrack

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>picking movies by searching "Reddit best (insert genre) movies"
>picking movies by posting "what are some kinos" on Yea Forums, disregarding every single suggestion, and ending up watching nothing at all

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be yourself

For me it's, watch a movie because I want to watch it

>watch movie based on ethnic and religious background of the director

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Unexplainable tier:
>watch movie

>watch no films except John Carpenter, Mel Gibson and Marty Scorsese films
yeah I'm thinking I'm a patrician.

Elder God Tier:
>don't watch movies at all, just read plot synopsis on wikipedia and base your entire opinion on that

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Nobody here watches movies, or at least not anymore. The average poster here has seen probably two movies in the past year.

>harvey's leftovers

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Elder God Tier:
>watch movie based on IMDB score
Old God Tier:
>watch movie based on RT score
Ascended Tier:
>watch movie based on what Armond thought of it
Beyond Planar Tier:
>watch movie based on the availability of YIFY rips
Existing Inside the Film Reel Tier:
>watch movie based on the availability of remux rips
Amalgamation of Griffith/Eisenstein/Sjöström Tier:
>watch movie based on how obscure it is
The Missing Brother of Lumiére's Tier:
>watch movie based on how much space of you have left on your HDD
The Static Dissonance Makes The Formless What Ought Into Tetherless What Is Tier:
>watch movie based on whether you have seen it already or not

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>bottom tier
>lists it at the top

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken x10 Tier:
>only watching a film if it's on YouTube