How Fucked is HBO?

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God I hope they do it

>MJ's kids threaten to sue for money

James SuckChuck


Formerly Endangeredchuck


They aren't asking for monetary compensation, discord tranny shill. Kill yourself and stop posting, it's been 3 fucking days.

The one in the middle looks like a trailer park tier kind of trash

All the GoT profit just got flushed. They have proof of defamation with the what Simpsons did.

why are his kids white if he was a black man

>Jackson was black
>Has two white kids and some weird Cherokee-looking thing.
None of them are actually his right? It's not like vitiligo and plastic surgery can affect the dude's sperm.

MJ’s kids are fucking loaded you moron, they dont need to gold dig.

Not him. Calling someone a discord tranny is cringe. That being said, i hope they do it and destroy them.


what kinda gay ass name is that lmao

t.41% club

You accidental posted a picture of two white kids OP

They got Thriller money, you slimy kike. They're doing this to ruin these faggots that is trying to get a dime out of Jackson after he's been dead for a decade.

I hope they destroy hbo for their hitpiece

Well, how else would you punish the people that keep spitting on your dead father's memory? With a bunch of tweets?

Jackson 5 billion lawsuit

Witty. I agree with you, I was just pointing out youre a cringey faggot is all.

nice, put all the kikes into the poorhouse that tried to put michael's corpse on trial

top one is true.
Culkin is godfather to Paris is very protective of her even now

They actually have a case. He did testify in court that MJ never touched him

Blanket looks like a "hero's son who becomes a supervillain"

statute of limitations ran out in 2012

Do it, take them for everything they have. Don't stop til you get enough

This guy shilling 24/7 is in fact a tranny from a discord for leftist trannies.

>we'll just play clips of people saying things and claim its all just ambiguous in truth.

always wondered if Jacko molested his own kids

Man I can't wait for the Jacko estate to really start feeling the pressure, their pedo cash cow is almost all gone

HBO is screwed.

The accusers especially Wade have told differing accounts of their sexual encounters with Jackson with every claim the have filed and have already been rejected twice for lack of evidence.

Gone the way of Gawker

It's still in the records though. So suddenly this fucking kike can just make accusations

>They got thriller money

That’s not even the half of it buddy, Jackson not only owned the rights to his own music, he owned the rights to the fucking Beatles.

while i do wish for this to happen, do they actually have any legal ground to do this?

>was black
>has white kids
Are you retarded?

People believed it and it hurt the music sales.

>The suit hinges on a non-disparagement clause in a contract HBO signed in 1992 to air the live special Michael Jackson in Concert in Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour. As part of that contract, the cable network agreed to “not make any disparaging remarks concerning Performer or any of his representatives, agents, or business practices or do any act that may harm or disparage or cause to lower in esteem the reputation or public image of Performer.” HBO also had to “notify and consult with Jackson and Optimum Productions if it wishes to air additional programming about Jackson.”

HBO finna bout to get dabbed on

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Yes, and their case ain’t bad either. The HBO doc was the very definition of slander and defamation.

>"We’re told Prince, Paris and Blanket are not seeking money, but that any money awarded would be given to charity."

They used their image in the documentary and Wade told a story about a dinner scene that convinced him to testify in favor of Michael (this is like his 5th version for that by now), however Michael's kids were also present, and Bret Barnes and his family and Michael's nephew, and that was removed from the documentary.
They all are serving as alibi that the entire Robson family lied about the dinner scene, not only that but it happened AFTER Wade testified.

Also, let's not forget that Wade and James owe over 75k bucks to the Jackson Estate.

She literally looks like a female Macaulay Culkin. Are the rumors true?

What did Micheal Jackson ever do to make the media hate him?

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unironically named the jew

They definitely have the money to hang HBO up dry and crying.

Be a black man that’s actually smart with his money and independently own the rights to his own music.

Had a lot of power and wasn't easily manipulated because he was in his own world. Troubled guy, but a good person. Won't deny he wasn't weird as fuck for sleeping with children, but doubt he ever did more than that.

why are none of them half-black?

"Kill me, kike me,
don't you black or white me.
All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us."

James SafeSuckAndFuck

I'm supporting them in this

He was the owner of The Beatles rights, arguably the most important rights in the history of the music industry. Sony, who owns the largest music empire of the planet, was very interested in acquiring them.
Jackson was persistent on not selling, but eventually he gave them 50%.
They kept pushing for the other half and Michael said he would never sell it and would make sure they wouldn't get it even after his death.
Seven years after his death Sony acquired full rights to the Beatles.

HBO has to much goddamn money. These motherfuckers don't even need commercials.


Because they aren't his biological kids.

i hope they sue and win

What is up with a bunch of documentaries directly accusing (presumably) innocent people of crimes?
First this documentary where HBO just accuses MJ of being a pedophile despite it being disproven in a court of law
Now theres this new Madelein Mccann documentary where it straight up accuses the parents of killing her
Like wtf? How is this a thing now

> How Fucked is HBO?
As fucked as a little boy being sodomised by a black billionaire suffering from Peter Pan syndrome.

MeToo post truth world.

Sneed and feedpilled (formerly based)

Tried to expose the dirty side of the record industry. Became the biggest artist of all time and went independent which meant record companies were missing out of ridiculous amounts of money for nothing.

(Formerly James DangerSneed)

So all this was an attempt to buy the rights of some music?

Which is sad considering how hot she used to be.

Later Dangersneed

Yep. Especially considering the tremendous amount of context left out of the doc they could easily sue for a cease and desist.

Was there not MJ's music in the doc too? I find it hard to believe they acquired the rights to use that music, even if it was from live concerts.

how did they get away with all this wow

>after he's been dead for a decade.

People still believe this?

I suspect it’s just billionaires being petty and smearing people who didn’t fall in line with the Hollywood homogeneity.

Huge newfag here. Can someone explain the dangersneed posting? I missed a step somewhere.

spinoff of another forced meme

So dopey, basket case, and the protagonist of hatred decide to do something? That’s fucking rich

Dude, that's a condensed version:
>Doc doesn't mention that both Robson and Safechuck have currently pending lawsuits.
>photo of MJ watching WWII documentary and image of Hitler on TV screen presented at least once for like 10 seconds in the documentary, absolutely devoid of any context, and had nothing to do with the points they're making about him. Pure character assassination.
>Mentions police searching Neverland...but never mentions that the search turned up absolutely nothing.
>Safechuck's story about not testifying...Safechuck was never asked to testify by MJ's lawyers, and it's extremely doubtful that MJ would have done anything during this trial without his lawyers consent given how high profile it was.
>Never interviews Safechuck's sister, or mentions her existence...Safechuck is currently also suing his sister for control of his father's company because he ran out of his inheritance.

They are u fucking retard

They probably won’t honestly. My money would be on the Jackson kids actually winning this suit. This is setting up to be another Hogan vs Gawker.

I hate forced memes. They're too forced.

93 and 2005, yes. Several journalists and writers have come forward about their pieces looking objectively at the case were denied by every single publisher because they'd say "Sorry, we can't do pro-Michael material".
The media went absolutely berserk, with no consequence whatsoever. They claimed Jordan Chandler described his penis perfectly, the raid had found kiddie porn, torture porn, zoo porn with children's faced morphed into animals, a rape dungeon, a safe with tapes of him raping children. That he showed children porn magazines and movies. That he had a statue of a ball gagged BDSM woman on his bedroom where all kids would hang out. That he slept in the same bed as the accusers. That his wives and Neverland employees said he had never had sex with a woman, and also erasing and ignoring all the hundreds of pictures and videos showing him spending just as much time with girls, because they had this push in the 70's to the 90's that homosexuality was linked to pedophilia (also ignoring his wives had said they had normal active sex lives). They said he had some building in the back of the park with several beds for children. Five former employees of Neverland made several claims (which they admitted being paid around 20k by the press to make them). Details about a sex tape being in the possession of the police.

All of those things were fake, none of it was presented in the court and most of them are still repeated to this day. It really puts in perspective what a low shitshow it was.

>suing his sister because he ran out of money
haha what a fag, hope his life gets ruined

Be a black gay pedophile

Which journalist was it that was going to make a positive documentary but later made it a hit piece instead?

People are saying MJ is guilty because of that settlement deal he made in 93.

This. If you want to see the start of the current degradation of journalism and the plague of the 24 hour news cycle, the MJ trial could arguably be ground zero for it's first major event.

but the media loves those

It also shows the disgusting amount of power the media can hold over and influence the general populace simply because of a few articles they print.

>this stupid zoomer thinks MJ's kids need money
Jesus christ, you know who MJ was? Just one of those kids has more money than your family could make in their lifetime. And now they are based as fuck for this and hopefully bankrupt the accusers

>photo of MJ watching WWII documentary and image of Hitler on TV screen presented at least once for like 10 seconds in the documentary, absolutely devoid of any context, and had nothing to do with the points they're making about him. Pure character assassination.

I haven’t watched the doc, but if I wasn’t already convinced that it has kike hand-wringing written all over it, this would all but completely eliminate any previous doubt I had.

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He'll have been dead for a decade around this June, user.

>a few articles.
I agree with what you're saying, but let's not minimize the industrial amount of effort that went into pushing this narrative. It was literally all that was covered on news channels as it happened, and even when the court was in recess, it was still covered. They reported for HOURS on what individuals had for lunch at the trial, and all sorts of other minutia. This was a massively orchestrated effort, I'm not saying it was some big conspiracy, but the media was very clearly sensationalizing every aspect of the trial and fabricating truths to draw people in to sell more advertisements (this is where media empires make all of their money.)

>smart with his money
>By the mid-Nineties, his net worth was estimated to be as high as $1billion. Millions were still pouring in each year – but now even more was pouring out. Those who worked for him described seeing Jackson leaf through a magazine and order every single product advertised in it.
>In 1998, he reportedly became the first customer to place an order for a $75,000 per bottle ‘limited edition’ perfume being licensed as ‘the ultimate symbol of indulgence’. It would be sold in a flask made from platinum, gold and diamonds, packaged in a walnut box that could be opened only with a gold, diamond, and ruby key. Jackson placed a deposit on two bottles: one for himself, one for his dear friend Elizabeth Taylor.
>The following year, he paid $1.54million at auction for the Oscar that producer David O. Selznick received for Gone With The Wind. Less than a year later, Beverly Hills jeweller David Orgell sued Jackson for non-payment on a $1.9million Vacheron watch. The singer tried to return the timepiece but Orgell said it was scratched. They settled in 2001. The very next day, Jackson used the Vacheron as collateral on a loan from Bank of America.
>Of course, Jackson looked at money a little differently from most people. His friend and business partner Marc Schaffel recalled when Jackson had wanted to buy something costing $100,000, but his Las Vegas hotel could only lend him $50,000 in cash: ‘He’s pouting and he says, “Oh, forget it.” Then he says, “Kids come here.” All the kids come over and he hands them each a stack of $10,000 and says, “Go out and entertain yourselves for an hour.”’

You think he's alive...?

>Another payment of $1million was needed for his ‘best friend,’ Marlon Brando, who demanded the sum before agreeing to make a videotaped ‘humanitarian speech’ to be shown during the first of Jackson’s two 30th anniversary concerts in New York. Less than two minutes into the great actor’s incoherent comments, the crowd started booing and didn’t stop until Brando did. Well, it was only a million dollars, Jackson said – not that much money, really.
>When, near the end of their stay in Bahrain, Jackson received a seven-figure windfall, he told the nanny, Grace Rwaramba to ‘go immediately to Florence and buy antiques’.
>When she arrived to inspect the collection Jackson wanted, she was less than impressed. ‘I called him and said, “This is not worth anything.” Michael wouldn’t listen to me. He said, “Buy it. Buy it.” We didn’t even have a home to live in so we had to put the antiques in storage.’
>In fact, they had been asked to leave hotels in both Washington DC and New York City after Jackson’s credit card was cancelled, and they were travelling around until they had somewhere else to go.
>Finally, Jackson and his family headed to Las Vegas. Neverland was being held as collateral for a huge Bank of America loan. Now, assorted estate agents claimed to be helping him search for his ‘new Neverland’. The truth was he was flat broke and couldn’t afford to rent a home in Las Vegas, let alone buy one.

Why the fuck are you mongs defending a pedo, absolute state of this board

You fail to grasp how much money he had. He bought the Beatles rights for 46 million in like 1983. Just flat out wrote the check, didn't even think about it. There were maybe 5 people in the world who had that kind of money. The rights were then sold back for 1 billion. That's one of the highest margin investments ever made.

are we really gonna go through this shit again with retards in court saying jackson got into bed with a bunch of kids because "he was child like"

That's not even all of it either, he owned half of Sony's entire catalogue which made him like $300M+ a year

>in early 2008, accounting firm Thompson, Cobb, Bazilio and Associates concluded that Jackson could claim a net worth of $236.6million. But only $668,000 of that was liquid and his total debts amounted to $331million. It was a giant boulder looming over Jackson: he stood to lose both The Beatles’ song catalogue and his own – everything he had.

Exactly! He will bring down the Jackson-Estate. MJ shouldnt have dangled him. Blanket "Pedo-Hunter" Jackson.

>"he was child like"
as if children of that age dont have sexual exploration all the time

good thing he had a big tour and movie coming out and a album

Why do mj's "children" look nothing like him? I know he had a surrogate but I assumed he would use his own sperm.

His kids are probably pedophiles too.

Rumours have it that his father had him chemically castrated or something

Found the photo for you.

Attached: Jackson.jpg (560x500, 52K)

Fucking hell they're not even subtle with their propaganda anymore.

He's not even their real dad.

Nope, the O2 tour never came to be as he died the night before the first concert. His estate did make some money though once he passed away:
>Music industry magazine Billboard estimated Jackson generated $1billion income in the year after his death. He sold more albums in 2009 than any other artist globally. Sony paid the estate an advance of $60million for the rights to the film This Is It: it grossed $261million worldwide. Branca eventually negotiated with Sony for a new contract with a guarantee of $250million for the right to distribute unreleased material, remixes and reissues of albums.

thats my point how convenient the timing


>If you want to see the start of the current degradation of journalism and the plague of the 24 hour news cycle, the MJ trial could arguably be ground zero for it's first major event.

Nah, the ground zero for petty media character assassination is not even ambiguous, it was 100% Watergate.

It’s a total myth that mass media was ever that intellectually honest, the only thing that’s changed really is that people have gotten better at seeing through bullshit. Journalists have been abusing their power for as long as they’ve had power that could be abused.

according to a DNA test only the youngest is his actual kid

imagine being this big of a pedo defender

I want to see the source for that pls.


Pedo defenders on tv who would have thought

Honestly I always thought /pol/tards were deranged lunatics with conspiracy theories, but when you have people actually DEDICATED to keep repeating lies that have been debunked since the 90's, with clearly no actual interest in the facts and the evidence, on Yea Forums of all places...
You can tell the 2 samefags clear as day, they've been on it relentlessly with no rest. Why would any non-mentally retarded human being devote so much energy to this on a cherokee drawing board?

In 1996, as his 19-month marriage to Lisa Marie Presley was ending, he confided his distress over his wife’s refusal to bear him children. Rowe said she would be happy to take the job. She was already pregnant, by in-vitro insemination, in November 1996 when the couple married at the Sheraton Hotel in Sydney, Australia. The best man at the ceremony was an eight-year-old boy.

>The best man at the ceremony was an eight-year-old boy.

His at the time closest special young friend?

>Why would any non-mentally retarded human being devote so much energy to this on a cherokee drawing board?
it hurts to see people blind to the truth

you won't get it because hes a false claiming retard

>His at the time closest special young friend?
Omer Bhatti?

I don't understand why people are defending MJ. He lived a pedo harem, had countless little boys sleeping in his bed, living as his boyfriends, sexually abused them, gave them money, made them jealous of each other, then trashed them when they were older. Almost all boys. That doesn't raise a red flag? This was not a man trying to protect kids from other pedos, but a freak living a pedo dream. Burn in hell.

Great music, though. I don't support pretending he wasn't talented or erasing him from history

All he did was invite little boys over to his house to sleep in the same bed as him and gave them and their parents a bunch of money to never talk about what happened there. Does that sound like the actions of a pedophile to you?

You can spot the exact moment the tranny discord found the thread.
>l-listen and believe g-guys there's n-no evidence and h-he was acquitted by a c-court of law b-but me too! believe all v-victims!
>oh no they're not falling for it!
>p-pedos! y-you're all p-pedos!

She looks like K Stewart's mixed cousin.

Who are you quoting?

Read the thread you seething brainlet.

Excuse me, but dont talk shit about my waifu

Of all sad words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are these, "/pol/ was right again."

Because they are not his children duh

Paris is a goddess

Then who's kids are they? did he use the sperm of the kids he jacked off?

I hope they destroy those liars.

But no ones said that. So again, who are you quoting?

MJs. He was always white on the inside.

Could be a bad pic of her but it appears like she has fetal alcohol syndrome, though that is nowhere near as disgusting as her trashy nose ring alongside her shitty chest tat

Like I said, it's completely fair to compare her apperance to trailer trash thots

Two completely different things. Family want the money they're making off this doc. Stupid faggot

You Michael Jackson sycophants are insane.

Safechuck? Chuck? CHUCK!?

Yes. They provided no evidence other than he said she said BS and has lost the estate millions. Including sony

why didn't they ask mj's past women he was with if they ever had sex? cause if they didn't then most likely the diddle is true




Why does Blanket always look so pissed off.

I would worship her trailer trash feet

Attached: Paris-Jackson-Feet-3446893.jpg (1536x2048, 746K)


Hbo is *not* fucked at all.

If Jackson kids file suit against alleged victims, they are accusing the alleged victims of a crime (slander). The accused has the presumption of innocence in the US, so the Jackson kids n lawyers would have to *prove* MJ *did not* rape the kids, thus making the statements slanderous.

Before you ask, proof is NOT necessary in the documentary because a documentary is not a court of law.

Jackson kids are blowing smoke. If they were going to sue, theyd do it and not talk about it.

>what MJ was blowing is another matter altogether

Are discord trannies for or against MJ? I cant keep up with these new buzzwords you crazy rascals make up XD

>All those tattoos
Yup, daddy issues.

Based, and damm she got ugly, she was really pretty before

"Gas the kikes"

-Bill Clinton, Climate Change Conference 2019

Attached: bill.jpg (225x225, 6K)


they need to protect their royalty checks after all

God, yes. I hope they anal rape them financially into ruin and suicide.
I want those parasitic subhuman leeches to eat shit and die. I want HBO kike executives to kill their own families and then set themselves on fire

Based retard. Jackson estate filed a suit before the documentary was released for HBO breahing their contract, see
The Jackson kids are suing the 2 fags for slander and defamation etc

You don't seriously believe she's biologically related to Michael Jackson, do you?

>Ugly tatoos arbitrarily spread across her body


I love trailer trash tbqhwy

Imagine getting BTFO because some intern forgot to dig up 27 years old contract :D

She has a godtier facial structure a body. The tattoos are a shame, but whatever.

When is he changing his name to Dangersneed

blanket a cute.

Name one other person who likes hanging with kids this much who isn't a pedophile. Do it you fucking sickos.

>she will never suffocate you with her feet

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Post your jackofu

Attached: paris-jackson-gets-tattoo-in-honor-of-michael.jpg (300x300, 39K)

Her face is nowhere near god tier in OP's pic

Punished Blanket will make the world cry.

It's revealed in the documentary that Peter Pan would watch MJ fondle the kids though

How is she completely white and have no black features at all? I dont think thats his daughter

Just google her name and look at the photos. She would be 10/10 without the tattoos.

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stop paris posting

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he bleached his DNA too

it's vitiligo, stop being ignorant

Don't be dumb, she could be mixed AND not bio related to Jackson


Attached: Paris-Jackson-Feet-3374479.jpg (1080x1349, 946K)

stop stop paris posting
based defiant paris poster

She is obviously 100 % abbo.

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we didn't listen to him

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he gave people hope which is white kikes hate the most

Safechuck eventually Dangersneed

yo but he fucked little boys that is so much grosser and gayer than cunny

>white kikes

are you saying wouldn't sniff her feet?

he fucked kids

based mj

He said allegations that the former government minister Paul Boateng had connections to the paedophile Michael Carroll, who ran the Angell Road home, would be examined. But the inquiry had so far seen nothing to corroborate any allegations of impropriety by Boateng, he said.

>Paul Boateng

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-10 at 15.04.51.png (2076x1414, 2.58M)

And they sold it back to Sony for $750m in 2016
Based Norm BTFOs homosexual pedophiles

The old dude holding the cake is another high profile alleged pedophile : Lord Janner

Why is MJ there?

Which is weird considering two different Neverland staff members claim to have seen Jackson molest Culkin too.

>photo of MJ watching WWII documentary and image of Hitler on TV

fucking bury hbo

>Niggers and /pol/ unite as the only ones defending MJ
really makes you think


they're just protecting their own kitty fund

Anyone else watch these? This guy pretty much completely BTFOs the HBO docs using pretty straightforward facts. Maybe I'm easily swayed by randos on youtube, but this flipped me from "eh, he's probably guilty" to "MJ is a decent human being who dindu nuffin".

Blanket will grow up to be a serial killer.
That kid is pure evil.
Screenshot this.

>greedy accusers go after your dead father who was universally loved
>who was also proven innocent multiple times from previous investigation
>fast forward to the #metoo age, HBO puts a voice to these “victims”
>have enough and decide to go for (monetary) blood due to slander of your dead father
Back to Twitter, cuck.

>two different Neverland staff members claim to have seen Jackson molest Culkin too
Two people are obviously telling lies then. Culkin admitted to his own blood father being a piece of shit abuser and emancipated his parents. Why would he tolerate Jacko?

To sing happy birthday to Paul Boateng, it says it right there

What is Blanket? Is it a boy or a girl?

MJ is proof that if you sing a few songs about healing the world and shit, a cult of niggers, middle aged women, closeted fags and assorted third worlders will protect the shekels of your talentless kin for decades. And they'll /doitforfree/

It´s all so tiresome.

t. Pedo defender

Post more Paris pics, Im starting to lose my erection.

it would be cool if they go to court and prove it was a dumbass cash grab by HBO, HBO... one would think they are smarter than be in a position where they lose face and a lot of money. they must feel they are secure... let'S find out, i just like drama

be the change you want to see in the world

fuck off gross pedo

isn't that something the jackson estate should do?

It's all about image these days.

Heal the thread
Make it a better place
For you and for me and
The entire 4channelarian race
There are - people posting
but the Paris pictures are lacking
Make it a better thread
for you and for me

Perhaps sexual abuse seemed a small price to pay to him at that age when compared with and opposed to his father's violent abuse.

Butler said he was called at 3am to bring french fries to the arcade room, he entered quietly and saw Jackson holding up Cukin so he could play the game with one arm, the other was down Culkin's pants. Another female employee claimed she witnessed abuse of Culkin too.

They don't look like their dad

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-10 at 11.49.36.png (2044x692, 224K)

The two oldest are for sure not his biological child.

The youngest one looks like him somewhat, but if he was black/white mixed he should have curly/kinky hair and not straight.

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finally the correct answer

There is no way these mutts are jackos biological children

What the fuck are MAPs? Not into degenerate jargon.

>Which is sad considering how hot she used to be.
>t. pedo detected

Attached: pedobear_has_striked_by_voltaliathemajestic_d4g3xxn-fullview.jpg (900x477, 37K)

>tfw you don't know any boy preferring MAPs to ask about their opinions

Minor Attracted Person
Its real. Not a meme. Check out this guys twitter. Pedos all over the web know for sure MJ was one of them. THEY should now.

He is a no contact MAP. He runs a website linked on his twitter.

are these MJ drones the new flat earthers? Like wtf is going on?

Ignore the whole doco completely. everyone knew he was sleeping with kids

eyo I just looked at my MAP and it said "this way to Bly Rede's house" with a big arrow pointing to Fagtown

His mother is supposedly asian.

Also, no confirmation he is related to Jackson either.
Also, all black people have curly hair you sperglord. The black people you see who don't, have straightened their hair one way or another.

How do you know that you don't know any? Even did, you probably wouldn't know. If you asked, they probably wouldn't say. Degenerates hide in plain sight.

>no-one has said that
lmfao the absolute state of this mouthbreather

>*I'm totally *NOT* from reddit*!

>everyone knew
just kike hearsay, until I see video proff of jackos cock in a kids ass he is innocent

>entire board laughs at more metoo bullshit
>seething lefties spam the same thread endlessly in protest

>Evidence the earth isn't flat:
Hundreds of years of scientific evidence in a range of forms that all corroborate one another

>Evidence that MJ is a pedo:
Rumors and questionable testimonies that have been stirred up by the media to sell magazines/newspapers and make bait more clicks.

Yep, totally the same thing

Courts dont find you "innocent," they find you "not guilty." Theres a big difference.

>acquitted by judiciary
>enraged #listenandbelievers seethe endlessly for years
based mj

When you've been found not guilty so many times in so many courts it starts to paint a very clear picture

You're not found innocent because you are presumed innocent brainlet. Courts prove guilt.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-14 at 23.34.29.png (1158x1342, 637K)

>muh tattoos are bad
lol boring water and bread virgins.

No wonder you're incels.

so was OJ

yeah, a picture of heavy corruption and/or incompetence in the judiciary system

Smells like roast beef.

This right here is the problem. You get brainwashed by the media and then just assume that everyone else must be retarded not to have also been brainwashed. Try reading into the case

lmfao miss me with that metoo shit

Why are they all white?

OJ was found not guilty on the initial murder once due to the way the police fucked up the investigation. The sad thing is we can't know if he did the murder, but his book implies he probably did.
That's not even kind of comparable to MJ

When someone is acquitted, they are found *NOT GUILTY.* That is an ABSENCE OF GUILT, not PROOF OF INNOCENCE. Are you a fucking moron, or just an enabler of baby-rapers?

Purchase a ticket to the Transylvania you fucking tranny.

not in todays world bigot, guilty until proven innocent is the new norm.

>Constructing a massive amusement park so you can get kids to suck your creepy transracial dick
>Creating an alarm system just so you know when someone's coming down the corridor
Should've spent that money on a better cosmetic surgeon

Are we sure it’s a tranny discord? Because it might as well be a Jewish one.

Only acquitted once. Other cases never made it to trial, they were settled. Lot of settlements makes you look pretty guilty.

Seething redditor. You are presumed innocent and if the court cannot prove guilt that presumption of innocence stands. That is legal 101 you enraged #metoo retard. Try reading a book sometime instead of getting your """knowledge""" from twitter.

If they go through with it this is the first actual example of 4d chess in plain sight and you retards are too dumb to see it.

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You have no idea how wrong you are, about lots of things, son.

Shouldnt you be outside setting cats on fire?

Imagine getting so blown the fuck out you resort to crying about vandalism. Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat you uneducated fucking moron.


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>user passes law school and becomes the nation's premier pedodefender
I'm rooting for you

This is the last time I'm educating retarded morons about anything related to this.
There were 2 cases before his death. He settled the first, as a civil case, it could still be pursued as a criminal case but no one tried because there was no fucking case and no way anyone was going to win because the family was proven to be lying.
EVEN STILL, this case was used during the second one in 2005, all of it's evidences were re-examined, and he was acquitted of both, all 10 accounts, they couldn't even get him for misdemeanor.
Those were the ONLY cases that ever happened before Cuck and Robson and their lies.

So shut the fuck up and stop talking about what you have zero knowledge about.

>user is so stupid he doesn't know what presumption of innocence is, starts sperging out with obvious *REDDITPOSTING* gets absolutely schooled and like a typical redditor after being humbled resorts to passive aggressive snide
lmfao the absolute state of (You)

I would fuck that thing in half. I dont care who its father is.

Imagine not knowing the difference between presuming innocence and establishing it.

>just imagine

You seem very emotionally invested.

What kind of money do these kids have? I remember seeing articles claiming MJ was broke and would have to sell neverland etc but I assume that’s bullshit

Imagine not understanding the most simple basic legal premise and expecting people to take you seriously. If you are acquitted by a court you are innocent. I'm sorry this upsets you so much.
>u mad bro?

Dang they're ugly.

>hurrr accusing an innocent man of child molestation for money is the same thing as suing somebody for making a documentary putting your dad on blast for being a child molester when he'd never touched a child inappropriately in his life

There's no way middle and left are really his kids.

Corporate incompetence is real.

> t. UHG employee

Promote racial tolerance and Sonic.

Unmarried depressed male incels also have a high suicide attempt rate :(

How new? Like a few hours?

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I mean even if they're full of shit. He still slept with children. Not gonna tell me that isnt sexual

Even if you have your facts right, none of that matters. There are at least 6 different accusers, and numerous employees and people who claim to have witnessed sexual abuse. He is self admitted as someone who sleeps with other people's children, and a committed bald faced liar.

He claims only 2 nose jobs and nothing else, everyone knows that is an incredible lie.
He claims not to be gay, everyone except the extremely gullible knows that is also bullshit.
Only one woman, Presley, is one record as having fucked him in 50 years. this is a guy who could have fucked every woman in Hollywood.

Jackson settled for $22 million when his cock was going to be exposed to a jury with a 12 year old's drawing matching it. Those are the facts.

It all comes down to whether you believe the many victims or not, and most think they are very convincing. You are a psycho and a likely Nazi who will argue blue in the face because muh jews! or whatever, but like Leonard Cohen said, Everybody Knows.

I was actually going to buy a passport and fly to London just to see this concert.

Formerly James Dangersneed

They are all battling tooth and nail for muh legacy right now. Jackson is being dropped like a sack of flaming dogshit and royalties are starting to dry up. All the fuckwits on this site who rave on and on about how muh jews are responsible and etc etc don't seem to realise that 'the jews' ie Hollywood studios and the record labels are some of the very people profiting from his royalties and would be the last people who want to see it dry up.

Difference is, no one except tendiemommy really cares when they go, and they know it.

So what's the theory for doing this right after Joe Jackson died? (may he burn in hell)
Did Joe have dirt on some big media kikes that went with him?

I believe he was summarizing the general message communicated over a series of posts consolidated into a paraphrased summary. Green text isn’t limited to exact quotations, or even quotations themselves, you can use it for anything.

what happened to the rest of jackson 5? are they staying out of all of this or are they dead?

Well, he died when she was 12-14, so-

At least she turned out better than Bella Thorne. Paris was not only born into money though, it was more money than most people could shake a stick at.

>I ain’t talking about rich, I’m talking about wealthy

If it was all girls that would have raised a flag.

paris jackons feet are


fucking sexy

innocent until proven guilty

You’re innocent until you’re proven guilty dumbass, and he was found to be not guilty, which means the presumption of innocence was correct.

That’s the entire reason they say guilty or not guilty.

stupid kike

she looks like she fucks asian guys

They’re alive, they just all failed as solo musicians after they split up, had to admit Michael was the only one carrying the band the whole time and that’s why he was the most popular, and then retired to be super rich and comfortable.


>It don’t matter if you’re black or white
>has no black kids

did he support his brothers


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HBO is safe
They would have run it by lawyers first
And then second of all this case will be in America where the kids would have to prove that their father is not a pedophile and that the defendents acted maliciously and that a reasonable person would be swayed by their testimony
How do they prove the first?
How do they prove the second?
How do they prove a reasonable person would be swayed when there is already so many allegations against him?

America isn't England, defamation/libel/slander laws aren't weapons of the rich to silence their critics
David Irving wouldn't have been able to get away with his crap in the US

HBO wasn't afraid of fucking the Church of Scientology, you think they're afraid of some nobodies with a few hundred million dollars?

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Imagine being this gullible.

So you have no actual reasoning besides hearsay and what the crowd wants?

Just kill yourself, a mind that feeble shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Had the rights basically the three most famous musicial acts on Earth, including himself

Owned half of Sony

Named the Jew

Wanted racial harmony instead of constant disgruntlement and discord

Taking down famous people in embarrassing ways once they're past their prime is extremely profitable to the media. An OJ style trial is worth far more than some albums not that many people are going to buy.

Eww. She looks like a homeless meditteranean gypsy tarot card reader.