What are some operator kinos

What are some operator kinos

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>"He's just like me"

>Mr open receiver
I love how stupid TV is.

bumping for more epic replies

Sicario 2

This guy looks like a faggot
I burst out laughing when I seend him handle a rifle in that show.

Those fucking hipster glasses and his limp wrists. Christ. Cringe scene.

Real life

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this, but unironically

what does a real operator look like then?

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He looks like the average american psycho obsessed with guns that he'd probably end up doing a massacre
anyways that guy without a weapon is shit

this is military porn

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There goes your acclaimed movie down the shitter

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Is that based Vining?

>Joe rogan

'Ohhh nooo'

Like he nose anything about it

>one minor error on the actor not dropping the bolt makes it all fake

are you autistic?

How do you pronounce it?

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>Wtf the reciever is open!!
Have you ever shot a rifle, user?

>referring to a movie as a "show"


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post more films you insufferable faggots


How do I become an operator?

surprisingly kino

Still waiting for the Mike vinning variety hour.

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Be stupid and like torture.

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Burger :DD

have you?

Ask the marine that shut the movie after he saw that


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Strike Back

I actually like that aesthetic, kinda sad that the guy didn't get any screentime at the second half

This guys' smile and eyes put a shiver down my spine. Like he could just shoot me down like a dog without even betting an eye.

There's literally nothing wrong with this unless you're going through some adverse conditions

Is it worth watching the new season for the scott and stonebridge cameo?

Unironically the best character in the movie, they should've just made it about him.

You sound like a retarded shitskin

is he famous in america?

That shot was taken while he was in the middle of firing his weapon, retard. You can literally see the brass being ejected in the picture posted in OP.

only to autistic wannabe operators on Yea Forums

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so fucking wide

its like hes the kool aid man

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steven seagal IS america bear

He isn't cool because he's relatable, he's cool because he reminds us of Vinning you faggot. Try to get a better understanding of things before judging.

Mark Strong's character in Revolver

>I burst out laughing when I seend him handle a rifle in that show.
that was actually your autism kicking in

literally lost my shit, haven't laughed in ages, thanks

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