What am i in for?

What am i in for?

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A great movie about Neil with an amazing soundtrack and space visuals.

Nice visuals. Boring and contrived though. Don't expect the exceptionalism of Apoll 13. This ones all about loss and isolation.

I haven't seen it but Goose is God
I've seen the webms and I really regret not seeing it in the kinoplex

Great visuals effects, horrible pacing and editing. They spent the budget in the amazing special effects

a decent but rushed biography. If you have a more than basic knowledge of the space race and apollo missions you'll find this movie incredibly lacking and too expansive in scope. In fact if you're ever read The Right Stuff this movie might be too elementary for you.

The poor mans hidden figures

9/10 kino

One of the best films of 2018

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Space stuff was cool, his personal life however, is boring filler and takes 75% of the movie

Based Saturn V.

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yawns and cool music

Loved this movie, severely under appreciated.

That's the thing nearly all of those early astronauts had interesting biographies, cool earlier jobs or were part of a significant historical event but family life wasn't that spectacular. Most of the times they were just having affairs. Majority divorced including Armstrong. Or died before they could do it. I know Glenn, Borman, Lovell and Anders kept original wives. Perhaps some astronauts from the fifth group as well.

Armstrong wasn’t really that much of an interesting person aside from his accomplishment. He didn’t even went to reunions or anniversary celebrations. He’s not the type of person you can do a 2hr movie

Keep an eye out for it, sometimes theaters replay movies. It was incredible in the theater, even though parts of it (namely his domestic issues) were not well done. The space bits were 10/10 though.

Yes you can, and actually I like the parts that were just about him and his relationship with his family. His wife should have been more in the background, her character wasn't well done at all.

He was involved in every early space program aside from Mercury even before NASA but if you didn't have family scenes others would accuse the movie of being shallow or sexist.
You don't say this out loud but there's a push to pretend that astronaut wives were just as brave or that their job was just as tough. They got an entire episode of From the Earth to the Moon, their own tv series that nobody heard about that was based on a book that serves as the basis for countless uninspired articles on popular history websites about "dark sides" of American astronauts because the book shits on many of them. Low quality bait even the most scandalous story of Donn Eisele is presented more objectively (and by his former wife) in a number of different books.

Absolute kino if you're a man.
Boredom if you're a woman.

This. My dad and I were watching it and then right when the moon landing sequence begins my mom walked in and started talking and making jokes about it.

The strange thing is that the movie actually ended up seeming sexist because it included his wife but didn't make her much of a character. It's like they were forced to include her but didn't give her any depth (other than being pissed all the time) so she just came across as a sexist stereotype of a shrew wife, which is strange because none of the other wives were presented as such. It would have been less sexist if she had just been more of a background character as the movie focused on Neil.

nice palindrome digits

>Boring and contrived though.
It's a fucking true story, you buzzword spewing soiboy

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Film of the year 2018

Shaky Cam: The Movie

Watched it and literally don't remember a thing

not a fan of that image, you mind if I don't share?

Drive 2: Moon Landing Boogaloo


The Right Stuff is what First Man wanted to be

Then it would at least try to focus on the New Nine. Or make more historically accurate relationships between the astronauts.

So was Apollo 13 moron, and that was a way better movie. Enjoy your soviet-loving anti american filth commie faggot.

What would that be something by Spike Lee? Or Del Toro?

>What would that be something by Spike Lee? Or Del Toro?
Literally wtf are you talking about?

And what are you talking about? Name taht Soviet movie or no one will know what you're talking about.

Anti-American trash



I heard about this and retarded political pundits trying to score some points by reviewing the movie before it released while everybody normal was waiting for the premiere so they get btfo. Which of course happened. Literally the most boring topic associated with this movie. Perfect for simpletons waste of time for everybody else.

>What am i in for?

Comfortably the best movie of 2018.

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>Director of First Man


Really unfortunate the movie's reputation was marred by such a stupid controversy.

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No need toeven mention this. It was simply a bad investment to try to make regressive First Man greentexts into a meme because everybody should know it won't take off. We had good space threads. Now it's over the movie barely made its money back it will be a while since we get next one. At least we saw a modern recreation of X-15, fantastic space scenes and score (at least they moved away from cliche patriotic trumpeths from Spielberg/Hanks productions).

A shitty movie for an hour an a half then 20 good minutes but nothing great


Good movie, although Eastwood would've done a better job than whiplash guy.

>Eastwood would've done a better job
Never considered this, you're right.

Apparently, The children of Armstrong said that Goose did a great interpretation of their father.


Makes sense that they would like it, I think he did well too. It also makes sense that Aldrin hated it, considering how negatively he was depicted.

If he ever commented on it, or if he even saw it, it would make sense because throughout most of the movie his portrayal is very uncharacteristic.