She will lift Thor's hammer won't she?

She will lift Thor's hammer won't she?

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Who cares, capeshit for children.

She certainly can lift mine.

I thought Cate Blanchett broke Thor's hammer

In case you haven't noticed. In the trailer he has new one, and I'm not talking about that thing from the last movie.

I didn't watch the video.

>I'm not talking about that thing from the last movie.
Its the same

And has the enchantment that was on Mjolnir that only the worthy could lift it been put on Stormbreaker?
If someone is just strong enough to lift it, they can. Worthiness has nothing to do with it.

Apparently it has the same enchantment in the trailer.

How? Because he can will it to himself? One does not equal the other. Or do you have the secret version of the edit with Hopkins or Hemsworth speaking
>Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

she needs to lift irl to fix that flat tire ass

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I don't know man, I just assume that if it can fly to his hand at will, it's fucking Mjolnir and not a random hammer.

this is real reason for baggy outfit, a director will show off every asset he has.

the hammer has a mind of its own, if it likes you it'll let you smash.

>I just assume
Well there you go.
It's not a random hammer. Mjolnir was destroyed in Ragnarok. Stormbreaker is the name of the one made (and lifted by Groot during it's creation) in Infinity War and while similar, is a different hammer wielded by a different character in the comics, with a design used by a different Thor of a different universe.
Thor was shown using Mjolnir in the original Thor against the Frost Giants, and being able to call it back, before Hopkins was shown putting the Worthy enchantment on it before tossing it to Earth. They are separate pieces of magic, and the presence of one does not guarantee the presence of the other.

>Mjolnir was destroyed in Ragnarok. Stormbreaker is the name of the one made (and lifted by Groot during it's creation) in Infinity War
Ah yes I forgot about that, I just remembered that they rebuilt his magic hammer and I didn't catch the new name, I supposed it was just Mjolnir 2.0

Can't wait to watch this movie with my wife's son.

She broke my hammer if you know what I mean.

She will also lift black panther penis if you know what I mean ;)

So the hammer was a woman?

still Rogue is better

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>they rebuilt his magic hammer
Technically they were building a better hammer than Mjolnir more than rebuilding it, because Ragnarok retconned Mjolnir to be a tool to help Thor focus his thunder powers, while Strombreaker was meant to be a tool capable of killing Thanos.
>I supposed it was just Mjolnir 2.0
Negative, but pic related.

>pic related

Attached: ? (478x354, 2.35M)

>Negative, but pic related.
When people think of this post, the only thing they'll remember is that you failed.

>When people think of this post
Pic related.
>you failed
I'd honestly prefer to be comfortable making a mistake and addressing it with a follow up more than anons who fuck up, delete their post, and repost it again corrected, as though those of us using X can't see the smoldering corpse of their failure that they like to pretend didn't happen.

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I want to see her lift Thor's dick with her lips desu

I want to see her lift it with her fungal infections.

But in original movie Thor knew about enchantment without witnessing Odin doing it. So, those weapons must have mind on their own.

don't you mean thor's axe

watch the fucking movies how about

>Thor knew about enchantment without witnessing Odin doing it
Holy crap. You're absolutely right.
That's why this scene was in it, right? Because in no way did he think he was going to be able get his powers back if he just got to Mjolnir. He was entirely aware of the internal growth he needed to undergo, and just collapsed in the mud, not because he was surprised and dissappointed, but because he thought his jeans needed a little more brown.

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Even Natalie Portman couldnt lift Thor's hammer. This assless shlag cant without corporate meddling.

>those weapons must have mind on their own.
They do in the comics.
But the movie gave the characters the idiot ball.

He was arrogant asshole, who believed he still was worthy of lifting hammer, even without his god powers.

He never questioned why can't he lift the hammer and he understood what people were talking about Mjolnir, while only thing they sad about it what it was really heavy and unmovable.

But whatever, stay mad.

Why does he even have a new hammer, when he had badass axe???

>he understood what people were talking about Mjolnir, while only thing they sad about it what it was really heavy and unmovable.
Yes, because it was made of Uru, which would already be too heavy, and humans too weak to be able to move. His father had exiled him, seemingly permanently and it was only at the realization that he had also sent Mjolnir that he realized it might be a challenge. He jumped at the opportunity to get back an item he thought might facilitate his getting back to Asgard to plead his case.
It was only after realizing that he couldn't lift it that he began to realize that he might need to become more than what he had been, and not just stronger. That's why with no guarantee of being able to get his hammer back, or get to Asgard, he stopped being a condescending prick to the people around him, and starting caring about them more than himself. There is a reason Mjolnir came back to him when it did. It wasn't because he was still trying to get it, and get his powers back. It came back to him because he demonstrated a willingness to lay on the wire so the people around him wouldn't be hurt as his expense. He wasn't expecting to walk away from that. He thought he was going to die, but the people in the town would be safe, and he was okay with that, and in that instant the "Worthy lock" disengaged, and Mjolnir went back to him as it always before the Worthy enchantment was put on it.

>Stay mad
You kidding me? I love talking about this stuff. Clearly you have the cognitive processing capacity of a fly though and the most basic point of the entire movie wet over your head, but that's okay. I'm happy to give you a hand.

didn't his daddy cast that spell? new weapon dont have that

Exactly. And that's the point I'm trying to make.

old thor would die to save his friends as well. He didn't really change, he just try to do everything possible even without powers.

> "Worthy lock" disengaged
It never did, only "worthy" people can use it.

>Mjolnir went back to him as it always before the Worthy enchantment was put on it.
that's also dumb if you think about it. Why did Mjolnir wait for Thor in the middle of desert, if he can just fly to "worthy" person, even if that person doesn't want him, like Thor when he was dying? Does that mean were no other "worthy" people around?

>he stopped being a condescending prick to the people around him
>Clearly you have the cognitive processing capacity of a fly though and the most basic point of the entire movie wet over your head

Nothing wet over my head, my reflexes are too fast.


she doesnt need to, shes already strong without it

>Does that mean were no other "worthy" people around?

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that look on his face, that's what's gonna go down

>The hammer either moves or doesn't. There's no "budge", so I 100% believe Steve could have lifted the hammer but decided not to for Thor's sake. :)
big if true

well, that's some bullshit. That hammer has some impossible standards, Odin himself probably couldn't lift it.