Was Thor mansplaining in this scene?

Was Thor mansplaining in this scene?

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He's a white male.

If the go back in time and fix everything, what happens to all the babies born after the snap?

I still don't see how she's more powerful than Stormbreaker Thor. Thor is a literal god now, not just a prince.

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My god what an ugly square face.

40 year old white male things

i bet she could take a punch

>smaller than RDJ

Why didn't they at least cast someone who has the slightest physical presence like Gal Gadot does.

i would gladly .. uh.. i forgot the word. i would gladly punch her

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She's not. They're just trying to sell her. Thor is more powerful.

Normal Thor got buttfucked in the ass by a star! How can she even compete with that?

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>something something tesseract powers

>why does she need a white males approval
>literally make a hammer fly inches from her face
>obvious sexual inneundos of sexism with the "I like her".
like wow Marvel have some self awareness,

Any kinos about the most colossal fuck-ups ever committed by a nation

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Fuck you incels. Women can be brave superheroes just like men.
Get laid virgins your opinions don't matter anymore

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Ariana Grande is based and red pilled.

Poor Thor.
He´s actually a real fugee and THIS is the Swedish ole biddy he has to fuck now, to get a place to sleep.

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Superheroes aren't real. Sweetie.


she couldn't even carry her own movie, WTF were they thinking that she could carry the entire franchise

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top lel

How the hell is his hammer back?

Because she got it, you sexist pig.

Nothing, the mothers would still be pregnant you dunce. Women who were knocked up post snap though...

>Women who were knocked up post snap though...
All of those babies. Fuck them. Am I right?

can someone post the drawing, you know the one

Holdo wouldn't flinch, either.

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a cute

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Uhm sweetie. Google Rose McGowan.

kekus maximus

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I'm just surprised she doesn't have SJW hair.

If time travel is real what are the implications of free will?
Do people always act out their fate?

Who would win?
>can teleport around the universe
>controls electricity
>borderline immortal

>Cap'n fungus
>Feige wants to fuck the actress

source please

>people complain that Superman is too powerful
>this is okay.

She IS the star!

>If time travel is real what are the implications of free will?
There is no such thing as free will.

I'm so happy the times of toxic masculinity are soon to be over.

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Why is Captain Marvel suddenly wearing caked on makeup?

>I like this one...
>is that a personal attack or something?
>i dont need your approval

Did you just try to mansplain?

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>he doesn't know about hitler

The art style of the new Lego movie really destroyed the immersion for me.

>only oscar winner in the room
>charisma vortex

She should have started screeching "I don't need your approval".

i brought up this point before but
>stormbreaker thor overpowers full infinity gauntlet with an axe throw
>all 6 stones BTFO'D by thor
>captain marvel gets powers from being near 1 stone
>gains the powers from the 1 stone or some shit i havent seen it
>in this case thor should be at LEAST 6 times more powerful than cap m
>assuming he held back on the throw to make sure he could rub it in thanos' face that he won

yeah if thor isnt the hero of the story and kills thanos for killing 3/4 of asgardians, loki, and half the rest of the universe then whats the point?

this comic made me realize how quickly id walk out of the theater if captain marvel picks up stormbreaker before captain america does

>Has been on the other side of the galaxy for literal decades
>Comes back to Earth
>Immediately caked in terrible makeup

Thanks Russos

Thor can't be the hero of the the story because muh white male and female power

"Muh charisma" doesn't make someone a good actor. Brie Larson is by far the most talented actor in the cast.

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holy shit, her face is as square as a brick

marvel will lose all of its fans that have been around since phase 1-2 if cap m beats thanos with no motivation
she literally has no reason to be in the movie

of course she does, she's the strongest hero because she woman slay queen yass 111

Thor will sacrifice himself so Carol can land the final blow.

It didn’t have to be this way. Why couldn’t they have just introduced her half a dozen movies ago? What the fuck were they thinking?

if this is true then i walk

They'll already have your money.


i wouldn't even care as much if she wasn't so ugly
why does she look like she's just been indicted for 20 counts of molestation in that scene

>marvel will lose all of its fans
You underestimate the major population

I know this is incredibly faggy to say, but her makeup artist should never be allowed to work on a big budget movie again. It looks like a 13 year old girl with a single dad tried to do her makeup. Somehow, this Brie woman looks even worse with makeup on.

>What the fuck were they thinking?
That the world is ready for feminism.

And they're right. Captain Marvel has been a smash hit with audiences, despite poor reception on the Internet.

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She looks perpetually offended.

dont get me wrong, im excited for the movie
honestly i think the chances of it being good is like this
>20% chance itll be better than IW
>40% chance itll be about the same
>30% chance it wont be as good but still not a bad movie in the mcu
>10% chance theyll ruin it completely

It has to be either Thor or Nebula (or maybe arrow man if his family is dead) who kills Thanos, nobody else has as much motivation to do so.

Why is she caked in makeup? Thought she was a badass soldier.

I agree. Reasonable odds.

>that were around for phase 1 or 2

im honestly rooting for thor, out of everyone thanos fucked him the most

Thanos doesnt die in the comic.

>That the world is ready for feminism.
Ah. A last minute executive scramble to do their own Wonder Woman.

mcu isnt a direct adaptation of the comics

Any time a cisgen het male expresses an opinion about a womyn it is mansplaining. If he is white it is a microagression as he is impugning the hegemony of his identity and the implicit values therein.

Best practices:

- if white and male, check your priviledge and do not speak.

Not saying it is. Nothing saying he has to die, though.

You don't actually believe women can be attractive without makeup, right? The world isn't ready for that kind of radical feminism.

Not die as in redeemed, or as in coming back as a regular antagonist?

It's already been ruined completely by adding Captain Sue to it. Are you telling me with a straight face, given what you've seen, that this looks like a satisfying conclusion to the MCU thus far?

About the only way it could work is C. Marvel fucks up and gets Tony, Steve, et al, killed with her arrogance and thus gives the next run something to go on, but I wouldn't even call that satisfying.

My gf looks nice without make up.

>God Tier
Thor (God vs Fake god)
Nebula (Redemption)
Capt. America (Man vs God)
>Meh Tier
Iron-Man (Plot Armor)
>Shit Tier
Capt. Marvel

it takes the alpha male to approve of the new addition to marvel
so the rest of the males fall in line

>Cheesy Heartwarming Tier
Everyone contributes
Revived Gamorra with forgiveness themes
>Fuck you you know he has the most broken powers tier

In the comic hes not really redeemed so much as depowered and forced to reflect.

>Fuck you you know he has the most broken powers tier
Hell yeah also it looks like Scott have lost absolutely EVERYONE in his life to the snap.

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Look at her face, she fucking hates everybody in that room because she knows she's going to deliver the final blow right in Thanos' Infinity Stones.

ive posted this before but here's how they can have the ending satisfy most everyone
>avengers manage to bring back the dusted avengers somehow
>final fight over the gauntlet with thanos
>all avengers are back but still struggling to fight thanos
>thanos kills some of the avengers such as hawkeye, and hulk
>thanos lands fatal hits on cap a and tony
>cap m comes in and is pretty much evenly matched with thanos but cant quite finish the job
>thor comes in after doing thor shit in space
>doesnt show off or even speak to thanos
>summons the bifrost on thanos to warp his hand with the gauntlet off into buttfuck nowhere space
>uses stormbreaker to kill thanos with no bullshit
>cap and tony die after resolving their shit and send off with mutual respect
>cap m goes back to space for some bullshit
>dusted people stay dusted
>dead avengers stay dead

>captain fungus is the actual antagonist
>thanos joins the avengers to put her back in her place

It should be Drax since he killed Thor in the comics

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Lol, she does look like a Lego figure.

>some products hint at more powerful antagonist for endgame
>its confirmed that cap m is more powerful than thanos
>thanos has a history of realizing he was in the wrong and turning good in 80% of his comics
it checks out

Wow what does Thanos do with that little fairy girl?

Stormbreaker isn't mjlonir. There is no spell on it stopping others from lifting it

either way, id be pissed

Based Jaime Maussan

>lost absolutely EVERYONE in his life to the snap.
That’s going to be Hawkeyes role though

even if marvel loses just their white male fans they've already pissed in your mouth and taken your money my man, now they can take from all the other groups by pandering to them

the deed is done

How would that even work? His motive was solely for the good in a completely fucked-up way.

I think the scene with baby Gamorra will come up again.

Is it me or is posting fucked up? It's taking like 5 minutes for fucking google to do it's thing.

Can't wait for Endgame to come out and Thor, Tony, and Steve to get literally neutered out of beating Thanos by Captain Marvel.

Ummm,Umm, sorry sweaty, but hes fucking white!!

If its paralleling the comic then Cap M is taking the part of Warlock who splits into bad guy alter ego Magus who's more dangerous than Thanos. But i have my doubts that theyre going to have Mary Sue turn heel.

>His motive was solely for the good in a completely fucked-up way.
I’ve heard he has a different motive in the comics but someone else can give you better info than me.

Movie-Thanos redemption shouldn’t be to hard, all he needs to realize is his method was dumb as hell and would have to be repeated every couple generations.

His motive is more in line with Warlock's in the comic. He wants to make the universe better.

>implying i walk out because i think itll hurt their sales

It's fucking crazy to me how this scene alone showed how shitty of an actress she is. It's like they dropped an amateur into the scene.

His motive in the comics is Death poon.


Didn't the actor quit MCU?

Have you seen Captain Marvel? You can call her a lot of things but "talented actor" is not one of them.

>But i have my doubts that theyre going to have Mary Sue turn heel.
A real shame. They didn’t have the balls to do it in Star Wars either.

Well shit, who can argue with a goal like that?

drax was way more powerful in the comics though

you're not special, you can do whatever you want but the fact of the matter is that regardless of how you feel they don't need you

Yeah hes basically as strong as hulk and thor.

>Have you seen anything she's been in?

Spruced that up for you. It's not like she stood out in fantastic films like Kong

She's good in Room, that's how she got those roles

Going by past or present actors and actresses in the MCU, Brie Larson is a fucking joke as far as charisma or talent goes:

>Robert Downy Jr
>Jeff Bridges
>Gwyneth Paltrow
>Edward Norton
>Anthony Hopkins
>Renne Russo
>Chris Hemsworth
>Natalie Portman
>Idris Elba
>Tom Hiddleston
>Christopher Eccleston
>Cate Blanchett
>Jeff Goldblum
>Don Cheadle
>Mickey Rourke
>Samuel L Jackson
>Guy Pearce
>Jeremy Renner
>Chris Pratt
She's terrible.

That trailer is so embarrassing in comparison to Scarlett.
>BW shows emotion looks determined, unsure, sad, comforting to Hawkeye
>CM stands smugly with a fungus fueled smirk looking the exact same as her movie. Can't even move face to wrinkle nose last the sight of her own toes.
Brie Larson is a black hole of entertainment.

Because she wants a Steve Rogering, insiders have suggested as much that they form a deep bond. Can you imagine the big dick energy Captain America will get from that? Arguably the most powerful being in the known universe, has been off fighting cosmic threats for decades, traveled lightyears to assist you in the greatest threat to the universe, and from the moment she sees and smells you she's trying her best to look pretty for you with the make-up skills of a suburban 14 year-old girl.

Haha. Not happening. You're in the Carolverse now.

>Tilda Swinton is in Endgame

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>buttfucked in the ass

Yes they do. How's ms dyke toys selling again.

i just told you i know they dont need me, like i said, im not walking out so they dont get my money im walking out because i dont enjoy it any more
can you read?

If they had bothered to read Starlin's original story they would have learned that the avengers only got the better of Thanos because he subconsciously wanted to lose. He felt he wasn't worthy of the power. But no, instead their going to turn it into a dragon ball "muh powerlvls" battle. Where brie just screams and grabs his balls, then thanos falls over defeated.

You really think it will come down to power levels?

I like his sexy fairy

>didn't even break a smile
>captain marvel confirmed as lesbian

Who the fuck told her to act so wooden? Where's the Oscar material acting range? Jesus.

wow, she's stronger than thor, iron man, captain america, the hulk, black panther, naruto, goku and superman COMBINED! holy shit!

I think they're pumping it up for her to be the one to beat Thanos but I'm pretty sure it will be Nebula, Gamora or Pepper. Either that or Thanos will undo the snap himself for some reason. I can't imagine anything else really.

I continue to hope they don't fuck it up by letting Captain Marvel killsteal in the end

The cartoonist didn't even giver her an ass. Based.

>Where's the Oscar material acting range?
In some producer's bedroom.

I think the idea that he undoes it in an attempt to get Gamorra back is pretty plausible.

lol no. this is what shall happen
>she stands over his defeated body
>she has the same look on her face as always
>puts on the glove
>snaps her fingers
>everyone is saved
>all men drop to their knees in front of her
>make her queen of earth
>roll credits
>"captain marvel will return!"

Is thor a woman though? No. You don't realize how powerful you have to be to deal with men trying to get your phone number.

I hope they retcon and change it to this to piss people off when the movie it out

Why didn't Feige fuck some other chick? BDH would have slobbered on his cock, 100%.

>thanos is about to win
>dramatic music swells
>Captain Marvel appears behind him
>hit in the balls
>*record scratch*
>everyone says "OOOOOOOOOH" in unison
>all the guys cross their legs in sympathy pain
>dog puts paws over eyes and whimpers
>black widow quips "THAT'S GOTTA HURT"
>close up on thanos's face with him cross eyed
>he says in a silly high pitched voice while looking in the camera
>"Wowie zowie! Riiiiiiiiight in my infinity stones!"
>Cut to stan lee sitting drinking a coffee
>"Nuff said!"

well, she is of scandanavian descent

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>during fight with thanos captain marvel remembers the wise words of her mentor hillary clinton "stupid shit here"
>composes and one shots thanos who glows orange as he dies


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Fucking hell.

Imagine the feminist groan if she doesn't do the killing blow.

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She better not be. Fuck that racist feminazi. Fucking Captain Fungus.

You can't be racists to white men /pol/incel

she would probably not even flinch

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>me likey strong independent whaman

He does in Anhilation by Drax, and in the OG infinity Gauntler Drax was literally made to kill thanos tough he didn't that time.

It this a personal attack?

I think it would be cool if Stark gets the final blow with the Jericho Missile. End the story with the way it began. The question is writing it to make sense since Stark has technologically advanced miles beyond that.

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you forgot Thanos, God and Jeff Goldblum. She is stronger than them too

I ship it

This. If he opens his mouth it's likely he is mansplaining.

what's wrong with her head?

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I heard the Russo's asked JJ Abrams what to do and he said just that but the Jericho missle has to be twice the size

>all 6 stones BTFO'D by thor
Bullshit that people would bitch about endlessly if Thor was female

>End the story with the way it began
It began with Captain Marvel sweetie :)

>good actor
>Literally 3 expresions in the entire film.
have fun with a literal plank for new lead for the next 8 movies.

that's how it will be:
thanos: you cant defeat me Im too stronk
thor: aah he is too strong
that marvel girl: *gives thanos a nipple twist*
the age of the white old cis male is over
thanos surrenders
everyone claps

she can be the one to kill Thanos, so long as she is wearing this

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An Oscar doesn't make someone a good superhero onscreen

I think your math is based on a lots of assumptions.

Like, everything in CM in regards to Carol's power or durability is pre removing the limiter from her neck. After that she was basically Superman. She didn't age year in the time between her movie and her return so she's probably literally immortal too.

Why are these “super heroes” dressed like random people on the street and whats the deal with those mass effect 1 armors they are wearing?

how did they manage to make her hotter than in Captain Marvel?

Built like legos

Thor likes to be comfy and everyone else just went along, and space suits for space stuff in space

Based and Kinoplexed

>no boots

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>we will never see Thanos try and take on Odin

Instead of spending money to CGI some ass on Brie Larson that's where it should have gone.

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Da fuq, she has a manlier face thanme!

The suits are for the quantum realm

But does he know the pain and struggle of creepy men looking at him or asking for his number?

He wanted to hammer the fungus toenails off her disgusting feet

>Is thor a woman though?

Heh. He is now in the comics. Don't be surprised when Hemsworth gets replaced.

one of the most powerful weapons of the universe fly inches from her face, tough whamen doent even flich. this is DBZ levels dumb cocky

It's Stormbreaker. Not Mjolnir.

Wait, upon further thought, I realized something. You did not see Thanos push it out of his chest before he collapsed back through the portal and hear the thud of it falling?

is Stormbreaker a oficially a hammer or an axe?

Turn her into a living fleshlight and jack off?

if this is the endgame what will thanos dropp? legendary?

You are probably right. Except for the part where Thor told the Guardians that their brain would explode if they tried using those types of weapons.

six infinite stones and purple juice

It costs him his intelligence on a sliding scale. He could be smarter than banner, Tony, and Shuri combined. Unfortunately, he would probably be even weaker than a human in strength. I wonder what the scale for strength gain or loss vs IQ points is like?

When he lift his arm to call for the hammer I was so afraid this was gonna happen...

Seventh Infinity Stone.

oh nononono

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Except Nick fury called her at the end of infinity war?

I already plan to stop watching MCU movies after this. Maybe Doctor Strange 2 but that is about it

No, it didn't you stupid nigger. If anything, it began with Captain America, although I could legit make an argument that it began with the birth of Thanos. Or Red Skull. Or Red Skull. The only thing Potatohead McFungusfeet has younger than her is fucking Spider Man cause the kid is like 15.

I believe the correct term would be maul. But, I like axe better. And, Eitri straight up called it an axe. Eitri would know.

they should just show aunt May to Thanos and he would give up snapping half of the universe

He powers up at the cost of becoming retarded? Is that like a thing his alien race does or is he a mutant?

I will send anthrax in the mail to Marvel Studios if this happens.

Thor will sacrifice Carol so he can land the final blow.

Thanos would lose the glove and start wacking it. Spider Man sneaks in and steals it.

Dunno if it is because he is an alien mutant or what. But yeah. The stronger he gets, the dumber he gets.

But leading role actress can be in real shape for capeshit?

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So they're going to kill Cap by having him use stormbreaker during a decisive moment in the fight at the expense of his own life. He'll handle the power of the weapon long enough to do what he has to then it's bye bye.

Quads confirm

>patriarchy clinging to the old days

If there's no spell on it like on Mjölnir then none of them should be able to lift it because of its physical weight.
Other than Hulk and probably Vision because he is a meme.

Has to be because they're going to pull some magic/science shit with Dr strange

what emotion was this god-tier actress trying to convey here?

I'm not saying Steve can't handle the weapon, he could almost lift Mjolnir. No idea what it would do to his mind though if he had. Thor most likely is summarizing the eventual effect that the use of such a weapon would cause. Some may be able to take it longer than others.

You do realize that chilling in front of the sun is Superman's way of going super saiyan right? Like, really, the guy gets his power from the Sun. If he is ever tired he literally just flies to the Sun and just hovers around it while meditating.

Tony's arc is definitely not done the best, but he represents the hubris of unending success. He fails and it's not even his fault, despite working hard for the past decade to prevent the inevitable collision between himself, his team, and a force that he did not entirely comprehend until it arrived. This is a man who, before becoming a captive of terrorists, was a billionaire businessman that enjoyed a wealthy and famous lifestyle and has been reduced to a PTSD-driven megalomaniac focused solely on protecting Earth from the alien force that he nuked (which nearly cost him his own life)

He was a selfish man who has learned what the cost of sacrifice really is. If he dies at the end of this, he will die as a hero, fully atoned for his sins as an arms dealer.

Underrated kek

>thor dies
>cap dies
>tony dies
>captain fungus picks up stormbreaker and shield and kills Thanos
Yeah, I can see it actually happening.

No. Chris Hemsworth is a chad, so he can't actually mansplain. That's an incel-exclusive trait.

Just an abortion at that point

>The stronger he gets, the dumber he gets
Even just hearing that, I'm pissed at Marvel for not doing more with Drax as a character.

>It's not like she stood out in fantastic films like Kong
Jesus Christ she was so forgettable I had to check which Kong film you were referring to.

Femthor will kill Thanos

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He probably does, the Eddas have some gay shit in them.

Why do western comics have such dog shit action strips?

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I wish they could release all the MCU movies in black and white.
I guess I can do it on the PC but it won't be the same as professionally colored.

The BW scenes look kino.
IronMan 1, Captain 2,3 Avengers 12 3, dr strange will be kino in BW.

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Naw man, they have. What I gave you was a condensed oversimplification. There is much more in the comics. Drax likes strength, and is willing to sacrifice a bit of smarts.

She's a poor man's Olivia Wilde. And Olivia Wilde is 6/10.

Most of them weren't white so it's cool

make me

Happy gets the kill with a poisoned grilled cheese.

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I hope Captain Marvel has a scene like this with bare arms too. would be pretty hot desu.

Just watched captain Marvel and there's not a shred of feminism or she shit in it.
Thank God I didn't listen to you incels and watched this capekino

You're a dickless retarded nigger that has never seen a movie or been out of whatever box you have been locked in until you were released to watch this movie.

Not sure, but you may have autism too.

Why not the birth of the universe then? That's when the stones were created. What's the bragging right about where something begins anyway? Sounds like an arbitrary thing to me. You can say "without this one thing this would never have happened" but when all elements of an equation are equally important and it would not have worked without either of them being the first loses that relevance.

I wouldn't call it capekino but the scene where they wash the dishes at the end was pretty kino. This movie had a surprising amount of slow wind-down scenes and a comfy low amount of fight scenes for a "cameshit action movie'. Had just the right ratio I'd say. If only the script was a bit more refined.

Why is she bugging out?

>Be white supremacist
>Be too retarded to have a conversation so just angrily rant instead

Hate for whatever the girl's name who played captain marvel aside, I fucking swear the concept of just having some outside party who has had no connection to these movies come in and be the huge hero makes me boil with rage.

Well, Steve was the first superhuman introduced in the 40"s. And, the tesseract was there too. Tesseract was responsible for humans getting power far beyond what they were supposed to have.

I have no idea how Potatohead Mcfungusfoot spending spending a day on Earth could even compare to 50+ prior years of prep and knowledge in importance.

>what does Thanos do with that little fairy girl?


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>Be white supremacist.
Maybe. If you are too stupid to read facts and evidence provided for over fifty years, I can see that coming out of your mouth.

>Be too retarded....
You window licking fucktard, have you even been paying attention to what you claim to have watched?

You either eat paint chips and drink bleach on the daily or you are a troll. You deserve to be castrated and put to work assembling birdhouses. End of discussion.

Who gives a shit about C-53? The entire observable universe just got 50%d.

Why is The Wasp a whore in this pic?

This is a /pol/ edit right? Right?!

>simultaneously talk about facts and sperg out autistic ad hominems

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Does anyone actually read this shit? Is every issue just an empowered woman that can do no wrong knocking a retard villain out in one shot?

Quite plausible. Though Thanos with the stones should be able fuck everyone up instantly. Theyve done a lot of dumbshit with this story.

Yep. Earth is nothing. Just the home of two of the infinity stones and the people who can fix it. Earth is nothing. Potatohead McFungusfoot should just fuck off to her "Muh illegal immigrant " evil aliens and stay away from Endgame.

Nigga, you the retard defending Captain Marvel on a board where most people recognize it for the trash it is. Which one of us is an autistic window licker again?

Same. She's being forced in. I hate it.

>double up ad hominem with an ad populum

>implying she will use mans tools for the job
They will die though.

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He said "mortals" , if i remember it right. Aka normal fucks. CM is a mixed race supersayan.

Starlord could also use the fucking stone for a short while and they didn't explain why till AFTER the scene.

"I like this one"
Yep, leaks were real.

>Just the home of two of the infinity stones
>This somehow makes the Earthlings relevant as if the entire species was tasked and trained to handle stone-related shit
The only one who even knew the stones existed was Strange and he's fucking DEAD.
>and the people who can fix it
You mean the people who failed to prevent it from happening in the first place.

>[mean kindergarten names] should stay away with her [immigrants my daddy tells me to hate]
>entire univse's face when 50% of every species just turned to dust because an autistic human punched a purple spaceman at the least opportune time
"my species is the center of the universe reeeee"

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Sorry, part of the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 is no media movies are allowed to depict or even reference it.

More like you don't know what they mean, but that only makes sense. You're probably from /pol/ and /pol/ has the list of logical fallacies in the permanent sticky, which is logically the only post no one on /pol/ would ever read.

Thankfully I have them saved so I can help you out.

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She may only be really good in one role, or maybe she needs to be paired with a better director. If the Russos can't make anything out of her, then it's well and truly hopeless.

Ronan was able to handle one stone. Barely. And CM is half Kree.

So Capt Marvel gets her powers by a jet engine exploding that is capable of going lightspeed, that gets its power from the tesseract, however said engine isnt connected to said stone directly in fact its on a different ship all together. and yet somehow that gives her the power to be stronger than anyone else apparently, even though the only people we've seen her fight are regular kree and even then she took for fucking ever.

Really at this point, shes Ironman without a suit but does all the same shit, beside from being smart.

Hey, that dude said earth is irrelevant. If it's so irrelevant, than assless bitch should just fuck off back to her green trolls.

>i stood next to an explosion lol
>im this universe's superman now :D
stupidest origin story to date tbqhwy

Every other species in the universe could have done something about Thanos and we wouldn't have gotten in their way

Thanos carved a swath of destruction killing billions and billions and billions of stupid dumb alien scum and nobody did anything about it

And then HUMANS came along, and we said "no, we're going to fucking do something about it"

And we will, story's not over yet

Stark lost a primo fuccboi.
That would make me go full nuclear. You don't fuck with a manlet's fuck toys.
They have a short fuse for that type of shit.

Why is this even a question? She plays around with the Tesseract in the movie like it's a piece of plastic. Everyone in my theater was actually super on edge because any of the regular humans around her accidentally touching that shit would've suddenly had a really bad day. She's way above Ronan levels of handing infinity stones.

why is she talking like an asgaardian? isn't this supposed to be his gf from earth?

It doesn't work like that, fuckstick. If you are retarded, which you have shown to be by defending cap feminist in anti cap feminist thread, then you are irretrievably stupid. Therefore, you are not worth listening to, as you are too stupid to make a valid point. It's not your fault, your parents should not have bred.

AD hominem refers to attacking a persons character over facts. Not opinions.

lol u mad?

>Every other species in the universe could have done something about Thanos and we wouldn't have gotten in their way

This is actually legitimate criticism of the entire MCU's IW narrative. It's really just bad writing though because the universe is full of crazy strong beings that are far above the Avengers and/or Thanos and would all have had a vested interest in not getting fucking erased. The reason why they didn't interject is not because humans are exceptional or amazing it's simply bad writing.

isnt the tesseract safe to touch as the stone is inside it or w/e, like its not in its stone form when its a cube. I mean a cat ate it and didn't die.

I miss these

No, it's real. Written by a male feminist.
Marvel really went to shit, that femthor picture is the worst but it's been bad for years. DC is still pretty good though

She touched the cube. Not the stone. Big difference. If what you are suggesting is true, then Starlord would have been cooked the instant he touched the power stone encasement.

Yes. That’s where anal sex happens.

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gets confirm

Wasn't Red Skull sucked up into space when he touched it barehanded at the end of CA?

this privileged white woman is the new face face of racial equality and blames men for everything done to black people as she sits in her ivory tower of wealth and doesn't do anything real to help

Drunk. And having fun. I get highly intolerant of idiocy when I drink.


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They become black

He's an alien

based elites fooling the goy once again

yeah that was a real good shoe horn in there
she literally doesnt need to be there
it would have been better if she was introduced earlier so she could be established as a character or if her movie came after endgame
her movie literally being announced/confirmed/released between infinity war and endgame is really a huge indicator that she wasnt planned like the other characters, just shoehorned in for god knows what reason

>"Muh charisma" doesn't make someone a good actor. Brie Larson is by far the most talented actor in the cast.

CHARISMA is what makes an actor watchable you blithering fucking cunt! There's a million actors out there but it's the ones with CHARISMA that rise to the top unless, like Cheese Noass, they're sucking some Kike executive cock!!!FACT!!!

It has been postulated that the infinity stones have some sort of sentience. Maybe the Space Stone did not like him? Or it was because Red Skull tried to activate it for personal use and he got punished?

until they release power levels for characters or they show cap M literally overpowering thor with raw strength then im going to say that ive seen thor do more impressive shit

no wonder white girls prefer black boys these days
incels are too autistic for interpersonal relations

never mentioned gender, youre grasping straws and it shows

The fairy is Skreet, a chaos sprite
Actually one of the more powerful beings in the universe

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Society have a real difficulty making good movies but I guess that makes sense because society is retarded enough to have discrimination in the first place.

if x = true,
then x = true

If society is stupid enough to have discrimination it's also too stupid to make good movies. If the situation didn't involve an ever circulating number of randomly generated people the solution would literally be impossible as its implementation would require a time paradox of it already having been implemented. Thankfully life is smarter than that so it only requires time; and monkeys with typewriters.

Eventually someone will make something that's not butt. And other people will like it too. It only takes those two things.

Attached: it_s_time.png (178x200, 39K)

Now, that's a proper ad hominem attack. You make a baseless accusation with no info except your own opinion.

Married, for 12 years, with two kids. Wife is quarter jap, and 5'2, 130 with 36D cups. My daughter likes Hulk, Thor, and Wolverine. I do not let her watch Deadpool. Maybe in a few years when she is 13 or 14. I've been here since before this was a board.

Props for trying, and giving the idiot that is positive posting about CM a good example of ad hominem.

>highly intolerant of idiocy
>is a retard

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Drunk user, I think an ad hominem still requires it to be uttered in the context of an argument. I think that there was just a plain old insult.

cool story bro, you know what would make it kino? a plot twist in the end showing how your wife is your daughter and your daughter is both your daughter and granddaughter and the scenes are all in your basement

I don't quite get that but I'm going somewhere Zemeckis with it.

Idiot, retard, window licker, autistic fuckstick, all the same to me. I do not discriminate among the mentally ill. All of them are deserving of sterilization and removing from the general population of humanity.

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Men do tend to impregnate women far more after a mass genocide. Read up on it.

That comic isn't sending young women a very good message.

His argument was that because he thinks white guys are autistic incels, white girls prefer black guys. Without going full pol, women are usually too stupid due to their emotions to make rational decisions. Therefore, they think banging tyrone and having mixed babies does not make them undesirable. Logically, it makes them undesirable as they are too stupid to know better. Who wants babies with a woman too stupid to pay attention to the world around them and makes painfully obvious stupid decisions and then are stupid enough to think that an unmarried man would want to raise someone else's kid?

Not Zemeckis, it was a Heinlen short story that was made into a movie that I feel was highly underrated. Predestination.

>it was predetermined that i waste my life on 4channel

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>Who wants babies with a woman too stupid to pay attention to the world around them and makes painfully obvious stupid decisions
(you) did

She's not. She's not even more powerful than Beak.

This is perfect. I am stealing it.

As did your mother. Except, none of your siblings are related but by only half. And there are ten of them.

user that would be sexist to objectify a woman like that.

Attached: Male Superheroes.png (825x696, 873K)

>user proving he's too retarded to have learned anything about reading comprehension during the 5 years he spent in school


Nigga, I said your mothers a ho that believes every dude that she walks across and gets pregnant by them. Reading comprehension, much?

Capeshit doesn't require good acting, it requires charisma. The characters need to be larger than life so they stand out in a crowd of superpowered beings. It's not fucking Shakespeare.

>user thinks someone's mother had babies with a retarded woman like his wife
She's your sister, isn't it?

Why do I have to dumb down every post for you niggers to still not understand what I say?

Then why wouldn't it have affected Thanos too? What was in the glove that allowed him to manipulate the power of each stone so freely?

please tell me this is a tumblr fan comic and not official stuff

so you're going to sterilize yourself then?

>implying that little twig of a girl would even make that brick shithouse looking fucking flinch
women are so silly in their fantasies

Eitri said the glove was built to control the stones. No idea what the glove was made of. Theoretically, the glove could be worn by a normal human if what Eitri said is true. Thanos is probably strong enough to control two, or maybe three without the glove if I am being generous. The glove is a tool, or a collar on their capabilities.

Oh, your opinion was that I was the retard?

People act stupid when theyy drink. I am no exception. If I was, I would have long been gone to a more interesting thread.

What's your excuse? You doing this for sober lulz? Nigga, that shit is sad.

It's probably because she can absorb energy, but Thor should be able to tank her attacks, thanks to that feat.

Sort of, it was an official fan contest or something. So not Canon but DC approved it IIRC

>Women can be brave superheroes
>just like men
women can and should be strong figures like women, not like men. they are not the same, and it's a disservice to women to treat them the same way. pic related, strong brave female.

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All Thor has to do to win a fight with Captain Misogynist is whip his dick out. She will melt down in pure rage and he does not even have to throw a punch.