“Not Guilty, Sir”: /ourguy/ is fighting the charges

Based. Jussie is fighting back against these false charges

“Empire” star Jussie Smollett has pled NOT guilty to 16 felony charges which could land him in jail for up to 72 years

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Trying to get 2 black men behind bars instead of himself.
Sounds right wing to me.

have sex

he really should just plea bargain

A judge has been assigned and “cameras will be allowed inside the courtroom”. Can he beat the charges bros?

If there's just one black juror in the trial he'll get off scot-free. It'll be OJ Simpson all over again.

Racist? Those two guys are way blacker than he is, with Family in Africa

>cameras will be allowed inside the courtroom

>Se says he was beaten by 2 men shouting racist and homophobic slurs
So is his defence built around the idea that it would be impossible for Jussie to instruct two Nigerians to shout racist and homophobic things while they carry out a fake beating?

There is no way he will win. He should be focusing on trying to get house arrest

>was prepared to send two innocent white men to prison
>now trying to send two innocent black men to prison instead

its like those white women who call the police on blacks barbecuing but vote democrat and hate trump because he is a "racist"

he's literally too stupid to, i don't know if you've seen him in interview but he's frighteningly dumb

>smollet is innocent!
>MJ is innocent!
Y’all niggers are peado gays

>the two men that attacked me were white!
>you sure lad
>100% they said this is magaland
>arrested assault suspects were both black
Lol. Hoisted by his own pertard

>im the gay tupac
what did he mean by this, bros?

He’s got delusions of grandeur

I forgot about those dipshits.

lawbros, does the law rape you even harder if you lie under oath?

Black on black racism is the most virulent kind of racism that white people are responsible for.

MJ is innocent and didnt Smollete say his motive was to up his pay on Empire? Anyone seriously thinking hes innocent is just fucking around

I think he's still wanting a couple of random white men to go down for it.

Fuck off tmz faggot

Gonna be hilarious when the judge demonstrates just how NOT moved or swayed he is by pop culture fags, thier faggotry and the opinions of a social media mob :^)

Wait, is he actually trying to pin it on the other 2 guys?

Just who the fuck is advising him and what is their endgame?

>MJ is innocent

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Not a law bro but unfortunate enough to have been to circuit court. If he takes this to trial and loses, he WILL do time. Judges do not like the court's time wasted. Once it goes to discovery and his lawyers see the evidence the cops have against him I guarantee he plea bargains.

Jussies a Jew?

To drag this on for as long as possible

>zoomer on his iPhone
good goy isn't class started already?

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Reminder that he was 100% willingly to throw 2 random white guys under the bus if they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Luckly white people understand not to go out into Polar Vortexes in the middle of the night.

>Lie to police once
>They ask you to come it, clearly they know it's bullshit
>Lie to them again
>They start an investigation begrudgingly, pouring valuable resources better spent elsewhere because you have media clout
>Turns out all evidence points to you staging the attack like they suspected
>They hit you with 16 felonies
>Still insist that you're guilty of no crimes despite overwhelming evidence
Not that he'd ended up serving any time anyway, but he'll get away without even a slap on the wrist guaranteed.

Those 2 Nigerian bulls will take the stand and absolutely dismantle this faggots asshole

Can't wait for Jussie to meet similar Nigerians in prison that will ruin his anus forever

thug n love

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Jussie Smollet finna be the boy to hollat in prison.

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White people
At 2 AM
Waiting for him in freezing temperatures
At a specific spot every night until he finally happend to grab a sub from Subway
In the blackest neighborhood of Chicago
And the sub was untouched after the violent act.

Yeah. Totally. Legit.

Seems like the city wants to make an example out of him. He's gambling hard on that black juror without a plea bargain.

He really did everything possible to seem guilty.

I don’t get the emphasis on him still having his subway sandwich. we’re the maga hats going to steal his sandwich? Honestly Jussie probably isn’t guilty

>get attacked and have a rope thrown around your neck
>at no point do you drop your sandwich

He does deserve some time, but 48 years seems like a bit much though kek
Most murderers get out in what, 10-15 years? Guess it depends on the state.

>Man I just got """"assaulted"""""
>"Okay Jussie, keep your priorities straight, pick up that Subway sandwich and get home to eat it, then report the crime"

the rehearsals didn't work out too well either


>actually believing this man is innocent

are you rarted?

Reminder that the trial hasn’t even happened and for the past two months all we’ve seen from polcels are headlines and thread after thread about Jussie is this Jussie is that! Then they go on to tell us about what happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, etc etc. The hypocrisy and blatant and desperate shilling of these online political activists is really embarrassing. Same thing they tried to do for Captain Marvel as well.

The irony is that they say they hate the Jews when they are the biggest Jews themselves.

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stop trolling you're scaring the kids

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>intentionally attempt to incite and actual race war in a country on its last straw already
48 years is light.

Well technically he was attacked, the only difference is that he paid for it and that emphasizing the first part and downplaying the second is exactly what his lawyer is going to do.

o fug

"More Aggressive!"
>They punch him in the face

wtf 72 years

Reminder that Jussie is getting off scott free and it will surface that the attack did happen. Stay mad polcels

He's going to get shot.

>A judge has been assigned and “cameras will be allowed inside the courtroom”
Is this true, and if so, is it sequel time? I'm not saying it's going to be as classic, but we were living in a golden age when this trial aired:

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>He does deserve some time, but 48 years seems like a bit much though

He was literally trying to create a fake incident that would be used as propaganda smear conservative whites and incite random acts of violence against them.
That's a pretty fucking serious crime.

>im the gay tupac whats good?

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he's not going to be sentenced to 48 years user. That's just the maximum sentence for each charge

I hope they bury this race-baiting fuck.



yes, unironically

I hope he teams-up with Jacob Wohl.

Any reason you chose to call them bulls?

lmfao at those accents

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yeah, Chicago Police were just taken over by a fed judge, detectives solve

there's ample evidence, checks, phonecalls, and actual people testifying to the conspiracy.

Unlike that fat cow they said kavanaugh laughed at meanly. She couldn't even remember the house she was at.


You have to understand what you are defending here. You are defending the notion that Nigerian brothers intentionally sought to frame Jussie as a perpetrator of a fake hate crime.

blacks are top tier when it comes to bantz of other blacks

If da noose do fit, y'all must acquit.


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Post the real one faggot

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>You pick your cellmate yet, lil' nigga?

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Chicago Police Commander, 20th District

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>the FBI has never made up evidence to cover up crimes

Not only that, imagine the retaliation attacks they would have followed if he had gotten away with it. Blacks sucker punching white women as revenge, cause dey diserve eet mayyyne

>seriously believing Jussie's story

Fucking seriously?

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Is this his state case? Is he going to get federal charges for the fake anthrax letter?



Proud Trump supporter with years of lynching experience here. Lynching is hard work; I'd definitely steal the sandwich.

This might be the first TV trial I watch. Well, the highlights at least.

Oh boy, finally a reason to revisit /pol/.

>seriously believing cop stories

That "argument" of yours fell apart quickly.

When did you lose your father to incarceration?

People who agree with him will agree with him, people who don't, wont. Nothing will change in the light of evidence, just like the michael brown shit.

He's gay, half black, and jewish

The fact that he was ever taken seriously proves that blacks are privileged

Chicago police are so bad a federal judge just took over the Department
look up Chief Eddie Johnson and Davina Ward

I’m just honored to live in a country so great that our butthurt minorities have to hire immigrants to oppress them because no American wants the job.

Getting caught for purjury adds at least another 5 years on top of everything else in the USA

Lol he is an even bigger fool for pleading not-guilty

Now the judge is going to throw the book at him

And he deserves it

>gets black juror
>black juror is a homophobe or the victim of an actual hate crime
he's fucked

He's a douchnozzle.

>be a nigger
Sounds left wing to me.

seen blacks say he did it, John McWhorter
Chicago police are corrupt and stupid, but this gay black made even CPD look good

I honestly think the mail crime will do him in. That shit is serious

Oh yes, he is an entire fucking package.
>when a gay in you wants to be victim
>jew in you wants to profit out of it
>but nigger in you is the one to execute the plan

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yes, state
State’s Attorney had to recuse herself
FBI involved but no fed charges yet

You forgot to add
>Claiming Magaland in the Democrat party mecca city

This whole story would make a good dark comedy actually

He's really going to ride this into the ground, huh?

Judges hate perjury because it willfully wastes the court's limited time and resources. Perjury is another 5 years on top of whatever else he gets hit with.

Guys, have you ever considered that maybe Jussie isn't lying? Maybe he actually was attacked by two maga supporters. Weirder things have happened. And even if it's not true, it sends an important message to believe him anyway

Based Jussie, working a work and working the smarks into a shoot

Big dimes

This guy thought he could be the gay Drake

He's probably going to end up in a tiny cell stark naked with just a bucket

The crazy thing is, you aren't wrong.


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lol rich people don't go to poor people prison

Jussie is not rich, or do you mean high-profile people?

>rich nigger faggot living among whites lies about whites attacking him because he's a nigger faggot
>now is going to go to jail that's full of niggers that are going to actually attack him for being a nigger faggot

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Only Jew York and LA are more blue than Shitcago. It is highly unlikely than anything he is attesting to actually happened.

He was upset the street camera didn't capture it not because it would've caught the guilty parties, but because it would've garnered him more sympathy from people viewing the "heinous act".

He's a reprehensible human being and I am so happy he will go to prison. Regardless of everything else, they will crucify him for the fake anthrax mail threats. We Amerifats take our mail very seriously.

no, he did it, but CPD is so stupid he might beat it
this gay black made the worst police dept look like Sherlock Holmes

the difference is he is not OJ. i doubt anyone out there is pulling for Jussie unless they're some twitter zombie.

>Regardless of everything else, they will crucify him for the fake anthrax mail threats.
He faked a fucking anthrax lettter to himself too? How did I not hear of this?

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>when you try to pull off a typical jewish false flag but the nigger in you fucks it up

Black people don't like gays but maybe just to spite whitey

>I honestly think the mail crime will do him in. That shit is serious

>live in turd world
>order shit online because nothing good here
>ever seller everywhere lies on custom form for me so I don't have to pay upto 70% customs tax + bribes etc
>all except US sellers; all scared shitless about lying on the form
I didn't realise the US post office was so terrifying.
Only time a seller in the US did this for me was when it was a mexican that shipped me the item.

its cause mail crime crosses state/national borders so it becomes a federal crime, aka the FBI gets involved.
so faking an anthrax attack against yourself is like, federal terrorism charge kek

good point
imho he’s typical for a gay and a gay black, well, KEK

Its Chicago with high ranking Democrat friends. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens. The two dude already snitched on him and gave the police the check stub.

Yep, it contained a white powder. It turned out to be aspirin, but it was obviously meant to look like anthrax.

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I still can't believe he paid his thugs with a fucking check

state of that fucking drawing

yeah, State’s Attorney recused herself for that reason
corruption in Chicago is hard to convey

>Do magazine clippings for the letter itself
>Hand wright the envelope
How does he even remember to breathe?

Too many idiots to even reply to in this thread. Anyway here are the options:

>Plead Guilty and go to jail guaranteed
>Plead Not Guilty and any million of things can happen, from missing evidence to a sympathetic jury to Mark Fuhr-man

I know plenty of you have been brainwashed to just do what you're told and go to jail, but smart individuals know to take the 50/50 shot of prison rather than that 100% chance of prison.

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What the fuck is that thing? A tree?
It looks like a fucking dick with hair.

federal charges though
chicago wont have shit to do with those

seriously why is the drawing and handwriting so shitty?
did he do it with his non dominant hand to try and disguise himself or something?

>>Plead Guilty and go to jail guaranteed
Stupid cunt.

This whole situation feels like a Seinfeld plot

conviction rate is over 90% and this is a open and shut case

they have the receipts, the nigerian bros already snitched on him. hes completely fucked
he will end up pleading guilty to most of those charges in a plea deal, GUARANTEED. don't ever fucking talk about shit you're ignorant of, dumb weeb zoomer.

It was funny, actually, as the only time a brit expressed severe reservations about doing this for me (told me that their hands were shaking as they went to the post office to send me the parcel and shit) was when it turned out to be a US expat married to a brit.
Then it all made sense.
No britbong gives a shit and I do the same for them so they don't have to pay some bullshit 20% tax+++

take it to trial, found guilty, maximum penalty, everytime. this is how the USA works

sounds like niggers

kys mong

except now they’re gonna spank him even harder for not taking the plea, retard.

all Chicago cops plead not guilty
if Jussie is rich, our legal system favors him

Please say that the underside of the glued cutouts are covered with his fingerprints and or semen, and that he licked the stamps himself.
That would take the fucking cake.

no way is the State conviction rate over 90%
fed, yes
but no one believes Chicago cops

>ha faces a maximum 48 years
>charges which could land him in jail for up to 72 years
make up your minds allready, last time I heard it was supposed to be just 2 years, then 10, now we're up to 72... what's next? life in prison without parole? get real you bitch ass niccas

I'd take a few years in jail via plea deal over 99% chance of decades in jail/1% of walking free.

Chicagofag here, I've noticed black people here hate him too and make fun of him all the time.
He's toast.

You are the sort of fools who would actually believe a police officer who tells you that they just want to help you but the only way they can do that is if you tell them everything and let them search your house and car and take your DNA and fingerprint.

I hope someday, you wisen up, and not as a result of personal experience.Cause then it'll already be too late.

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72 years is the total max sentence of all the charges combined, 48 is the max since you serve all the prison time concurrently.

There is zero public sympathy for him. If he actually does prison time we may get a handful of articles about how a white d-lister would get a fine and court ordered therapy, but that's it. Smollett tried to play with people's emotions for selfish gain and fucked it up, now he's fucked.

Yeah, when you are innocent and there is/could be evidence to vindicate you.

When you ARE guilty and know you have left plenty of loose ends around, take the deal.

It’s only 50/50 when it’s purely he said/she said and neither side has any actual evidence.

Now go sit in the corner. Adults are talking.

his chances of walking free are more than 1%—we have a jury system
Feds could still charge him if he wins

jews were never good a false flagging, but are very good at hiding that they were caught false flagging

What the fuck are you even on about, you rambling zoomer faggot

That’s why he’s an actor, and not a writer.

He'll beat the case. Fucking racist crackers

generally speaking you'd always plead guilty for a reduced sentence if you can't prove otherwise, even if you aren't guilty it's safer than risking a full sentence and if new evidence emerges during your incarceration you'll get out and can even sue the feds.

jury nullification
no one can predict a jury, in fact no trial lawyer can legally guarantee a result
one other thing—Cook County juries are gloriously dumb

They are historically proven to NOT be very good at hiding.

>>black juror
>>black juror is a homophobe
this is actually extremely likely. blacks hate fags.

What're you buying?


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how do they feel about Chicago cops

>another mass reply
>another weeb image
you gotta be 18 years old and not a tranny to post here.

Why would one L be correct and the next be backwards?

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Mail fraud via sending a possibly dangerous substance through the postal service is a big BIG no-no.

Federal Prison for a minimum of 10 years kind of no-no.


Only 5% of cases ever go to trial in the U.S in the first place, so a conviction rate of 90% isn't that far out.

I dont give the cops a reason to talk to me in the first place, somehow I've managed to not go to jail with this bold strategy.

fountain pens; antiques and modern
it's a hobby
helps to stave off death

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In my country, if I tell publically that jews have a history of false flagging and that I can see through their current false flags (happened 2 weeks ago again where I live), I can get prosecuted and get jail time. 1-2 years ago a writer went to trial (and lost) because he dared say that some jews took part in the bolchevik revolution. They're very good at hiding it through other methods is what I meant.

Interesting; where do you live though, sounds pretty bleak.

>most murderes get out in 10-15 years
This isn’t Norway or some other serf republic, Murders get life or in some states death penalty

I don't care about you. Ignore my advice and go to prison if that's what you want to do so bad. Better hope all that time behind bars doesn't let you realize the error of your ways, because that would really be torture instead of remaining safe in your blissful ignorance.

wish i could write like that

I share the same opinion on this but that may be because you and I wouldn't want to go to prison even for a year. I found that most people, in the face of decades of emprisonment would rather choose the certainty of a few years in prison than the possibility of a much longer sentence.

wtf is wrong with america, 48 years, really?

US Attorney, yes, their rate might be 90+%
state has less skilled prosecutors, Chicago cops as witnesses, and Cook County juries who do jury nullification
Chicago police solve less than 15% of homicides—85% chance to get away with murder

The decades in prison thing is a lie to designed to scare you. I know not a lot of people know this, but people are allowed to lie to you.

You can trust me on this, I have a custom made mug with a cute lawyer on it.

>His country takes it easy on federal-level felonies

CPD and State’s Attorney is vacating dozens of convictions because of CPD Sergeant Watts
Watts just made up your crimes, including putting you on death row iirc




I don't really care, I'm not American. That was just my understanding of how "justice" is done in the US.
We don't separate federal and state crime because there is no reason to. What's the reasoning behind federal crimes being punished harder?

yes, but if Chance the Rapper and baby mamas are the jury, he’s scot free

what exactly was his crime? lying?

It's so obvious the left wishes this was real

It's not so bad, really, if you know what you're doing.
i don't
No where is, except for perhaps north korea or virtually anywhere in africa I guess.
I wouldn't be shitposting on here on a thursday at 3am if things were all sunshine and roses though lol.

That writing actually isn't very good. It's just an example sheet I found online anyway for pilot's nib line up.
The major obstacle to nice handwriting is that people have adopted a death grip with their ballpoints.
They push down so hard that it strains the arm.
Modern ballpoint tech allows you more freedom than in the past, through more liquidy ink (uniball jetstream, pilot acroball etc.,), though not as much compared as to a fountain though.

Loosey goosey. Write with the arm, not the fingers, and you can produce flowing, effortless script and can write for hours without fatigue. Legibility may be a problem at first but in time that will radically improve; it's the death grip and excessive downward pressure that causes janky and jittery lettering for most that just looks bad and not cohesive.

Big if when you lie to the police mess with the mail and lie under oath

Feds triage because they are short-handed—US Attorneys should only prosecute the worst of the worst—fed charges are serious
69 said he only fears God and FBI

R Kelly was not guilty with a Cook County jury

To be fair, solving a homicide in Chicago is an uphill battle.

>reports of shooting
>get to scene
>find two dead black dudes in the street
>interview witnesses
>"I ain't seen nuffin"
>"I ain't no snitch, fuck you pigs"
>start canvassing area for evidence
>report of another shooting
>repeat process

I'm sure they're incompetent, but even a supercop would have issues solving these cases given the sheer volume and lack of any leads to go on.

I agree
but detectives are paid 100-200k to continue not solving anything

>"I ain't seen nuffin"
>"I ain't no snitch, fuck you pigs"

this is the correct way of speaking to police officers.

Yeah but 50% of that jury is also fucking underage girls, also R Kelly is well liked by the black community, aaand he's not a faggot.

It can't be said enough, blacks hate faggots.

>I'm sure they're incompetent, but even a supercop would have issues solving these cases given the sheer volume and lack of any leads to go on.
And really, it's just not worth it at the end of the day.
>forget it jake, it's niggertown.
perps don't care
locals don't care
nobody gives truly gives a shit.

False report to the police of course

But I heard that a particularly interesting battle is going be about the letter
Because sending threat and/or powder through the mail is considered a pretty serious federal crime

Now I'm not a burger, so I could be wrong but I'm a sucker for weird legal technicalities

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Yea I heard this happens all the time. I read an article about how when they went after the gang leaders, they just splintered off into more gangs. Also by demolishing a lot of housing projects, they ended up spreading violence into more south side neighborhoods when they moved in.

Not to mention, why the fuck would you even care? It's just criminals shooting criminals. Anyone who doesn't have a record yet that isn't shot is either a future criminal, or a criminal good at not getting caught. Sure, the random 12 year old girl gets shot here and there but she will most likely have a baby without a father in a few years, who will continue the cycle. Its the police's job to keep criminals out of the decent parts of society, not be babysitters.

You sound tough and wise beyond your years, smoking all that weed is totally turning you into a super woke legal guru and not an insufferable fuckboi.

I doubt any detectvies are making 200k a year. Maybe 125k tops.

Chicago cops have a Code of Silence and cover-up culture
they’re the biggest gang in town
there’s like 15,000 CPD, more than the entire FBI

Ybois BTFO

America is going to look like Brazil in another 25 years and people will celebrate it as "progress"

He obviously WANTS to go to prison to get reamed by Tyrone and Jamal.

Hahahahaha this nigger is done.

I mean getting rid of anglos and is definitely progress. You can’t deny that.

In this instance what is there to lie about? That got the nigger dead to rights.

oh, sweet summer child
1/2 of Chicago City workers make >100k


that kino overtime

And these are the workers that strike constantly for increased pay and benefits.

I hate living in clown world, why couldn't I have been born 20 years earlier or 20 years later?

What would happen to Chiraq if they install cameras everywhere like in London?

Pretty sure this was an Anne Frank joke

maybe they did everything by the book
just shows how dumb the gay black is
85% of murderers in Chicago get away with it

The kinoest reality TV show known to man

He's in too deep, he got no choice but to go with the lie and somehow get away with it.

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Blacks HATES him, Fags? the same. The only people behind him (aaside from close friends and family) are self-hating whites. Every single day in america some black guy gets called nigger by the police and fags get into fights in bars, but a rich actor tried to take away the attention from real "hate" acts towards him for an easy payday, getting tons of money from interviews. Nigger activists and fag ones want him stab on prision, the guy LITERALLY killed all the unjustified credibility hate crimes allegations had on TV. He is an absolute moron.

They'd have a lot of video of blurry black men shooting other blurry black men.

If they really wanted to crackdown on this shit without arresting half their populace they'd need to install a dystopian style surveillance system with facial recognition technology, like China has.

The real hurdle is creating an AI that can actually differentiate black facial features and not just label them as "gorillas" every time. Google had to prevent its autorecognition algorithm from tagging gorillas altogether because it was labeling black people so often and they had no idea how to correct it. Apparently Amazon is having similar problems.


>20 years later
>implying there will still be commoner births after they force sterilisation drugs into the water supply when climate change and overpopulation cripple everything

Pretty sure chicago is already one of the most surveilled citys in america. Might just be in certain parts of the city though.

I agree. The darkie thought he could generate phony outrage enough no one would care about the facts. Problem was he didn't thoroughly think it through enough and executed it like the moron he clearly is

>no one cared about the facts
He says while forgetting the fact that the trial hasn’t happened yet he’s still talking like the judge and jury have sentenced him

/pol/niggers need to leave

He also terrified gays and blacks, making them feel as though this sort of attack will be more common.

What is it with Liberals and not being able to convincingly forge letters?

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That's the Jew in him

>gay nigga finna turned inny outtie slaw life

lol dis nigga

Cops got him cold. What? Turns the Nigerians were the ones who actually put him up to it? He had no choice but do as Nigerian butt bros demand? Please with this. I bet you still believe his story too right?

Why do they make it so obvious?

>literal whiteout on the picture where she fucked up and fixed it

>he believes the overpopulation meme

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>climate change and overpopulation

Oh you, every soulless brown/beige human is just another debt asset incapable of defeating gratification or organizing an effective revolution. They are literally breeding a nation of compliant consumers to replace the last few generations capable of self sufficency and wealth accumulation, there's no incentive to slow the growth down but there is an incentive to sow the seeds of anti-natalism in developed nations so you can import the third world and speed the whole process along.

Is this a fantasy of yours or something?

Yea Forums isn't a court of law, you fucking retard.

>blacks don't riot in retaliation after sensational hate crimes

Where have you been the last 50 years?

Are you fucking retarded? Have you not been paying attention to the United States over the past three years?

Blacks are given some highly-publicized "injustice" and have a complete chimp-out, turning a city into a fucking warzone for three days, with the help of BLM and Antifa.
And the Liberal media cheers them on the entire time while suppressing reports of shit like this that goes on simultaneously.

Attached: Meanwhile in Charlotte.webm (178x320, 2.99M)

*deferring gratification

Literally no one who actually mattered outright believe Jussies story. Even the Breakfast Club, one of the most popular morning radio shows in the United States and hosted by blacks. They even said it themselves “Theres just too much sauce.” Cause not only was he black, but gay too.

Yes. Perjury is treated harshly.

Being found guilty does not mean that his defense is legally considered a lie though.

I fucking hate what society has become. Damn socialist traitors are everywhere. They wanted this

Not that user but thanks for the insight in writing. Going to fix my shit handwriting now.

>Damn socialist traitors are everywhere.
Take your meds

>Blacks are given some highly-publicized "injustice" and have a complete chimp-out, turning a city into a fucking warzone for three days, with the help of BLM and Antifa.
>And the Liberal media cheers them on the entire time while suppressing reports of shit like this that goes on simultaneously.

This. And Daily Reminder: Liberals are also trying to take away your ability to own a gun. Because you totally "don't need it".

Honestly, in most cases no. The jury just disbelieves you and you go down for the original charge. Just think of all the criminals who testified on their own behalf and got convicted. No way the prosecutor is going to charge them all with perjury after the fact.
Perjury is only useful in very limited circumstances where you can absolutely prove the witness lied. Usually it's just thrown out as a bargaining chip by the prosecutor to get a third party witness to change their story.

Don’t forget to lick the soles of the boot as well.

I swear I’ve seen your dumbass making these exact retarded posts before. I think it was when that guy murdered his family and didn’t realize his neighbors security camera caught him red handed.

Prison for an openly gay black man? Sounds like disney land for that faggot

>blacks and minorities start getting into positions of more power and more influence
>exercise their right to speech and forming opinions

wtf im moving to chicago now

Those were when cops shot blacks and walked free. Not implying that they shouldn’t have. But too think them getting convicted of a hate crime would cause retaliation attacks ? Show me one instance of that.

based future chicago resident

Attached: chicago pabst sign.jpg (1280x972, 131K)

Be sure and get your tongue nice and deep when you rim your wife's bull. There is literally no reason for you to stand up for this retard.

Prison's no punishment for a poo pusher like Jussie. He should have his asshole cemented shut for a year. That'd show him.

More like dees nutz land.

Ha! Gotem!

Blacks attack whites over literally anything, have you even watched world star videos?

The difference between OJ Simpson and Him is OJ was relevant for a time while Jussie never was.

Send him to an all women's prison. Even the average guy would be begging to get raped in the ass instead of having to listen to sheboons shrieking 24/7.

Found footage of the attack on Buttboy Smollett.

Jussie said that he fought back. That's a complete lie if his sandwich was perfectly fine.

>hand wright
How do *you* remember to breathe?


yo, there's literally a fountain pen boutique seller in Bangkok that I really want to buy from... Do you know what i'm talking about?

in his defense that probably builds up fear in criminals

So no?
Im not saying retaltion and shit doesnt happen. Im just letting you know that your rage boner is just fantazing shit no real reason. We get it. You don’t like blacks. Your just circlejerkng like the average reddit fag

Reminder that his end game is to end up some big guys cock cozy for three years in prison. Its been his plan from the start.


There's this one at least, problem is other than Roof I can't think of any major "hate" crime convictions against blacks over the past 20 or so years, the only people who every get hate crime charges are usually against gays or jews.

but do blacks hate the justice system more?
guess we'll find out

Looking up hate crimes I found my new favorite one.

Four black dudes use tindr to get a "date" with a guy, go to his house, beat him up, call him a faggot, and rob him blind.


Also looking thorough these there's a bunch of instances of people targeting mosques, they don't make digging through this shit easy.

All that matters is that
1) you can read your own shit
2) you don't get so fatigued or have hand pain after writing for a while
Besides that everything else is just a nice extra.
Observe the pic, and how the writing surface is angled: you might already do this naturally as its just easier to write this way sitting down at a desk (if you're righthanded).
Right elbow can rest on the desk and act as a balance or fulcrum. If you're using a ballpoint/rollerball/gel, write with the pen at a 90deg angle to the paper; that's basically how they were designed to be held and used best. Modern ones don't require any more downward pressure than that the weight of your hand provides.

Strength comes from the upper arm, past the elbow up to the shoulder, not the fingers. Fingers guide; motor comes from the arm. Arm doesn't tire as quickly as the hand.

Fingers don't grip too tight (deathgrip), causes hand pain when writing during exams and shit. Loosey goose wearing a noose like Jussie here.
Some people finger write, but they're usually the ones that don't write cursive.
They won't benefit as much from this, but it's still better. Writing flowing cursive is more easily achieved this way. Try holding the pen, fingers stock still (but not deathgrip), as if the hand+pen were one solid unit, and try drawing the letters just using your arm. It's kinda like that feeling. You can refine it as you wish for comfort.

Yes, a tiny little shop if that's the one you're talking about. I think it's the only one in the entire country. Only of interest to me are his inks and paper. Pens are scant in variety and supply, so I have to get those from elsewhere. Inks are relatively good value though. Means I don't have to wait for postage, when they're in stock that is.

Attached: handposition.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Good, that means he's more likely to serve more of that time when he's convicted.

It would validate their belief that they are victims, martyrs to an ideology or marginalized group that everyone "normal" MUST hate in order to prove their delusion that life in the West is built on institutionalized racism and bigotry.

Nothing gets a leftist more aroused sexually than a perceived minority victim that has been validated.

Jamal Ginsberg, the Hasidic Homeboy!

Ah the one I meant was one that makes their own pens, metal dipping ones, but I can't remember the name

Do you not remember Rodney King, aka a criminal negroid with 3 DUIs and a criminal record a mile long, getting beat by cops for resisting arrest? Remember how blacks reacted to that? Remember when every black in North America was rooting for OJ Simpson, who may I remind you was extremely guilty of murder.. yet blacks were rooting for him?

You really think black people wouldn't chimp out over a black celebrity getting lynched when Hollywood was screeching about it nonstop? LOL you know nothing about black people

Sorry. Calligraphy and dip pens are a whole other world. One that I've only dabble in briefly. It's an art. I just wanted to write neatly for school and work without pain and for a long time. At least, that's how it started.

>innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

The public domain is not a court of law you fucking retard

This will happen, but because of the next industrial automation revolution.

ah yeah I didn't realise the difference..gonna watch thai calligraphy videos now

You're the kind of hack intern brainlet
faggot that makes shit like picrelated and then tries to cover your ass with this modern art bullshit illogic.

Attached: 71vn4g1pB+L._SY679_.jpg (458x679, 60K)

And what exactly would be your tip on non-cursive writing? Also thanks for the information.

He's a fag and he made them look like fools for defending him. It's not looking good for Justie.

If he walks, he will be lynched for real

>Now go sit in the corner. Adults are talking.

>but nigger in you is the one to execute the plan

As a black man i find this offensive. The rest seems accurate but tone it down on the race thing

So his Lawyer's strategy is that technically he got beat up by the two dudes?

It's like poetry

Noted camera hungry lawyer Mark Geragos. Dude loves him some high profile cases.



You can't be convicted of perjury when testifying at your own trial. If the jury disbelieves you, they'll vote guilty. The judge won't add an additional perjury charge on top of the other charges. That'd be fucking retarded.

Anne Frank would be pregnant if the Confederacy had won the Civil War

I just wanted you to know that.

Attached: Annie Reb.png (828x1174, 953K)

Bob Sapp is a good boy he dindu nuffin

Attached: tenso.gif (260x195, 2.56M)


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Wouldn't that be retarded? Every case that goes to court means that no plea deal was made. So the person will say he didnt do it but if he gets convicted wouldn't that mean everyone always gets 5 years on top?

That’s a cool hobby desu

I'm Black and I hate him for two reasons.

1. He's a faggot.
2. He's gonna make it easier for people to get away with real hate crimes. Crying wolf is serious shit.

lame troll, try harder

>dont take plea deal
>remember you paid attackers by check
>go to jail for maximum sentence

Nice try, sovereign citizen

That’s a toss up because blacks statistically are the most homophobic and the most violently prejudice against specifically black homosexuals.

It’s a well known fact the left tried hard to ignore. I don’t think we’d ever be privy to the kino a conviction by an all black jury would be though.

i hope they admit the sandwich into evidence and it's all stinky and rancid wouldn't that be funny haha

Have you ever been accused of a felony and had to go to a circuit court? If you haven't then shut your fucking face.

How many times have you been to criminal court accused of felony charges?

wtf does the clippings even say? "You WLiL d A Black Fag"? I honestly can't make it out.

Nothing staves off death. But keeping yourself entertained in the meantime is paramount. Genuinely nice hobby, bro.

I'm not going to prison. Prison is for niggers.

I love that years after 2016 the plan is still to just flat out lie to people's faces and hope they can't tell that you're calling the sun dark and water dry.

Today on NPR there was no mention of this but Ari Shapiro brazenly lies about "white nationalism" increasing and becoming more "deadly." SXSW types honestly think that they are surrounded by phantom Nazis.

48 YEARS tho? He could commit first degree murder and get only half that. Actual armed bank robbery would get him 1/4 that. Fabricating some bullshit and lying to the police sounds more like 48 month territory to me.

wasting police time is worse than murder

Being a fag in prison is almost as bad as being known as a snitch in prison. Both will greatly increase your chances of being stabbed. There's no tolerance for fag shit where I was locked up. You had to shower in your underwear or you'd be accused of being a faggot who wants to expose himself and gangs (especially the muslims) would put a hit on you.

>Not Guilty, Sir

Hell no. I know a guy who did 20 on 30 for SECOND degree murder. First degree is life or death penalty depending on the state. You could get lucky and be paroled after 50 years but that's circumstantial.

mailing anthrax to yourself (even if it's only crushed aspirin) isn't the same as lying

Um, the conviction rate is over 90% largely because most people just take the plea even if they didn’t do the actual crime because they get threatened with a crazy stiff sentence. It’s like: “if you don’t take the plea, you might be facing 20 years of 23 and 1 in a max security lockup if you fight the charges... orrrr take the plea and do 2 years probation or a soft minimum security jail. Choice is yours!”

If all you have is a public defender, taking the plea looks really good because there’s a good chance that you’re fucked unless there’s some strong exculpatory evidence proving your innocence.

I know a guy that got 20 for first degree murder and he tried to use the police to pin his crime on someone else. Of course he confessed so that could be the difference. His accomplice also got 20 years for good measure.

Fed prosecutors love to threaten insane amounts of time to force a plea deal.

Dude you just need to accept that he's was a pussy nigger who faked a hate crime. The evidence is there. Stop protecting your precious little nigger.

It's simple. If you don't want to be in this light, don't fake a hate crime.

I didn’t fucking say that he didn’t fake a hate crime, faggot. If you took time to stop sucking cook and actually read what I wrote you would see that.

All I said is that 48 years for basically lying in which nobody was harmed is a bit much. I could go out right now and fucking break someone’s kneecaps with a crowbar and get less time that that.

Fucking neck yourself, you sack of shit.

Where do you think we are nigger?

Attached: does this offend you.png (300x438, 59K)

Shouldn't that image say "this GREEN boy is sexy?"