Not even nigeria is safe from these retards

Not even nigeria is safe from these retards

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Other urls found in this thread:

I mean, just because Heard is abusive doesn't mean Depp isn't.

>victim blaming
wow I'm literally shaking right now

I mean they could have a point. For all we know they both got off on it. So I will let the courts figure it out

>House of Representatives member literally shot dead.
>Not even first on the sidebar

>got off
he lost a finger and movie deals

I read the title of the article in a native african black man voice. Is Johnny Depp really running?

bitch has domestic abuse history in a short life

depp has none as a old man

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how many times has he tried to sue her for this BS already? He's just mad she's in a popular film and POTC is dead.

he has 110 pieces of evidence this time

I believe Amber

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post the link faggot

there are evidence and witnesses who say she is lying.

*lobs your finger off*
te-hee didnt mean to!

Shes a piece of shit. Her parents tried to warn everyone.

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Why havent you tweeted at her bros? She reads everything.

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Absolutely fucking based

Imagine trying to smooth over cutting of your significant other's finger at breakfast the next morning
>I know things got a little heated last night sweetheart, but I bet you'll look even sexier with the scars from reattachment surgery

Bobbitt chopped her abusive husband's dick off and got away with

You just know Lee posts here

It's not domestic abuse when it's both parties; it's called 'fighting'.

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>Amber Heard still has not cryogenically frozen me to shatter me like in temrinater 2
>all those massblocks


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A man should never lay hands on a woman

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Nah. Are you some faggot that beats women?

>depp has none as a old man

Depp's domestic abuse charges came out years before anything about Heard.

When Heard first reported being struck by Depp years ago he did not say anything about her hitting him. He just paid her $7 million dollars.

All of a sudden now he's claiming he was the one being abused this entire time? Bullshit.

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I have been having some good laughs this morning.

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Wrong. When it all happened the body guards sided with Depp hence why he now so much evidence to fuck her over.

So you do beat up things weaker than you? Do you beat up animals also?

>things weaker than you
i thought women were strong?

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>has a catalog of fedora pics
>beats women
Checks out, neckbeard

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Why are you pretending that only feminists are against beating women?
Are you just an angry incel? All women are whores, right?

>Are you just an angry incel?

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Cool meme pic, still, beating women is some truly pathetic shit. I can go all day neckbeard

>weaker than men
uhhhh sexist much?

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>I can go all day neckbeard

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You clicked on the entertainment tab, of course it's going to have Hollywood gab.

Funny meme, so I'm guessing the answer is yes? Lol xD

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>so I'm guessing the answer is yes? Lol xD

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Wow so you think women are weak? Sexist bastard.

I can, got any more funny pictures?

hehe funny pics, beating women is still gay tho

>politician being killed in Nigeria
Yes liberals make our nation a black one I swear to god it will be stable,.

>is still gay tho

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Based Nigerians

Oh no Johnny

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You're right, use a whip instead.

that finger pic is gross


Wrong. Depp's assistant texts to Amber Heard in 2014:

>He's incredibly apologetic and knows that he has done wrong. He wants to be better now. He's been very explicit about that this morning. Feel like we're at a critical juncture

>When I told him he kicked you, he cried. It was disgusting. And he knows it.

Heard's response:

>I don't know how to be around him after what he did to me. I don't know if I can stay with him.

Again, Depp paid Amber Heard $7 million so she would drop the domestic abuse case against him and she did, and donated the money to charity as part of their agreement.

RIP Termitope. You were a much better person than Amber Heard, I'm sure of it

he posts on Yea Forums occasionally /pol/

I still don’t know how the glass bottle she threw sliced the tip off his finger

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I wouldn’t say never

Remember when she tried to sue some random fucking comedian for talking shit about her relationship with depp and how she was probably crazy, and then immediately dropped it when depp payed her out?
She's literally just a psycho golddigger. We get 100 of these bitches for every 1 actual decent woman here in california

Is Motolani Alake dare I say, /ourguy/?

Motolani sounds pretty based and redpilled

itt discord trannies getting upset by dogs wearing hats

At first I thought it was his dick.

> Piss off the Yakuza.
> Use it as an opportunity to shit on your ex.


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if beating women were gay i wouldn't have a wife and 2 girlfriends
just a few slaps every now and then to assert dominance and they will behave

Im surprised this is only now making news.

Hasnt it been known for a while that Amber Heard is a fucked in the head sociopathic abuser?

Good job outing yourself, tranny.

obviously, she's a woman isn't she?

durr, you think i'll beat a 6'4 russian boxer? of course i beat those weaker than me, it's called winning a fight

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Yet if the shoe were on the other foot, I have a hard believing he'd write this or even get it published. I do think 'cancelling' or whatever bitch ass twitter culture calls it without all the facts present is cancer and only makes people and groups look dumb in the end.