I've said it once and I'll say it again. If Disney could fake ticket sales...

I've said it once and I'll say it again. If Disney could fake ticket sales, they'd have done it for Solo and A Wrinkle in Time.

These numbers are real.

Attached: zoom.jpg (829x609, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:


My cousin called a wrinkle in time “A nigger in time” when she saw the commercial. She was 10 at the time


Please update the number of times you've said this.

Disney weren't expecting those movie to be hits. That's why they didn't bother changing the reviews or faking the ticket sales.

and that nigger's name? albert einstein

They didn't expect or want their latest Star Wars movie to be a hit. Yeah sure.

based cousin
What's her feet game like?

so they only commit fraud that could cost them more in penalties and fines than the movie will ever make, on movies that they anticipate being successful anyway?

And they do it just to 'beat" all the contrarians that were ignoring all the projections and swearing the movie was going to flop?

If Disney had the power to "change reviews" don't you think they'd have paid the critics to give Captain Marvel better reviews?

Your conspiracy theory doesn't stand up in the face of logic.

Captain Marvel is the new face of the MCU after Endgame. They have more incentive to fake ticket sales for this movie than those others.

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Did you fuck her?

Let's see...
Avengers Endgame
Captain Marvel 2
Captain Marvel 3
Avengers 5
Avengers 6
Guardians of the Galaxy 3

I guess that's easy enough to hit.

This. Wrinkle in Time is a literally what and Solo was already doomed by a failing franchise.

Captain Marvel is a seven picture deal. it simply cannot be allowed to fail. It would but a stain on all the future Marvel projects.

>Alex, what is not making your schemes obvious

>zooms past 500m
>had 480 opening weekend
Isn't that kind of weak? Moreover, marketing alone was 250 million, so they broke even on that.

It's opened in every market. That's the bulk of its gross.
Makes the 600m figure I initially stated even more accurate

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i think you got it reversed. they EXPECTED Solo to do well cause Han Solo and Star Wars are iconic. They didnt know if CM was gonna be able to ride the Marvel brand to victory or if it would flop so they pulled out all the stops to make sure it would at the very least SEEM like a success.

also solo has no impact on ep.9 story wise so it can be wiped away if a flop, whereas CM is pushed as a necessity in order to watch EG.


What about those epic drops

they didn't do it for solo and a wrinkle in time to blame white males and SW fans

>implying they didn't fake ticket sales for Solo
It was that unpopular

>go see captain marvel opening night
>couldn't pick the seats I want
>place is nearly empty during the movie
100% Disney bulk bought the tickets

the only real way, nowadays, to know if the box office numbers are true or false is merchandising and i can garantee that nothing with captain marvel face on it is selling.

the action figures were being sold with a discount BEFORE the movie was even on theaters, wich is worst than THE LAST JEDI and those rose tico toys for 1,99 - still, no one bought it.

> disney put its tentacles on marvel
> bet on identity politics
> work with black panther
> failed with captain marvel
> DESPERATION MODE: rotten tomatoes new rules, sold out movie theaters with empty seats

and they have to do it, otherwise they would - and they did - contaminate ENDGAME.

not a mistake to drop the trailer right after the first weekend of this crap. there is no time to get back the hype.

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So what's the strategy? To peer pressure audiences into seeing this and her other movies by making them think everybody did?
Or to fool stockholders into thinking future movies will be profitable?

Not really.

This time its not just about this movie
The whole MCU will be led by her, her movies need to well and Marvel will do anything for this to happen because their only plan B depends on Fox. And Fox knows this so they are jewing Disney for more money to get the X-men and Fantastic 4.

Whatever nerd.

Oh no no no.

You maroon, it costs a lot of money to pad those figures. They can't do it for every non SJW flick that rolls through the pike.

Solo wasn't a minority or woman, they were expecting Hans to carry it and didn't budget ticket sales
Wrinkle in Time was a one off movie, they didn't sign those women for multiple movies (despite there being a whole series of those books), because they were hoping for a 1 off, it's "success" didn't matter

Captain Marvel is the unofficial launching of Phase 4, it's success is pivotal for End Game and all future Marvel movies that they have planned through 2025. They have all the reason in the world to fake the sales, which is also why they used the worldwide launch to help boost these numbers "naturally" but still worried (rightfully so).

ironically, this PR stunt has hurt this movie and is irrelevant to End Game

Why do you give a fuck about how much Hollywood assholes make?

So Disney is a multibillion dollar corporation that can afford everything except for when it's convenient for you that they can't.

Disney wanted Solo to flop. Stories about males are over

Big feet like all little girls.

Wait, is that true? Also, why is that true?

Its cute you think laws apply to Disney

Probably a bit of both.

They sure as fuck didn't expect it to be such a relative failure given the success of the brand



I worked in entertainment law for a few years, and every studio does practice creative accounting. Not with every production, since it's in the very gray legal zone, but with certain productions where it's deemed benefitial. Creative accounting can either consist of artificially boosting the sales numbers in order to have perceived success in a franchise where it's important to lure the audience in for a sequel, or by artificially boosting spending in order to impact the profit margins (to avoid taxes).

I'll give you the dumbed down version of how studios would artificially boost sales while simultaneously keeping the money under the umbrella of the mother company.

>Studio creates two subsidiary companies in an offshore jurisdiction (Caymans, BVI, etc)
>Subsidiary A is granted rights by the distributor to sell tickets on their behalf
>Subsidiary B orders tickets in bulk from subsidiary A
>Invoices are created, and money is shifted between bank accounts, despite both bank accounts being owned by the same company
>On top of this, additional subsidiaries are created for (at least) an equal amount, which bills the studio for advertising cost, thus equalizing the revenue/spending and annulling the need to pay taxes on any of the money used to artificially boost sales
>At the end of the day, they report an increased gross revenue (public), but also increased expenditures (private). Essentially it's just a publicity stunt to make something appear more successful than it is

You faggots didn't really think Hollywood had an armada of lawyers just sitting around on their asses all day, making sure actors didn't do stupid shit, did you?
Do I think Disney resorted to creative accounting with Captain Marvel? Yes, there are very strong indicators that they did. Especially since they have made it clear that they intend to build the franchise around the character.

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Having said the above, Solo was not a movie benefitial for the practice of creative accounting, since it was a very late product in an already established franchise. They did not need or consider it necessary to take risks in order to lure the audience into watching more.

Anyways, I'll stick around for a bit. If anyone has questions about the inner workings of the business, I'll answer if I can.

It's cute that you think you're smart enough to detect an alleged international money laundering scheme before the authorities ever could.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Disney isn't going to use loaded dice all the time. Doing so simply increases the risk of getting caught.

You posted this last night and got BTFO. Now you've posted this again and gotten BTFO again. GOOD JOB.

both plus virtue signaling

>citizens are incapable of doing jobs usually performed by the authorities
Woodward and Bernstein, you bitch.

Do you see the MCU lasting much longer after Endgame?

Do you think Woke film making sells despite the evidence to the contrary? With Black Panther being one of the exceptions.

Solo isn't as important to Disney as Captain Marvel was.

Solo was just a spin-off with their only planned white male lead for the entire future of the franchise that they thought would do fine because TLJ still made a billion.

Captain Marvel however has been pre-designed to be the new face of the MCU and we knew in advance that there was backlash and a lack of hype surrounding the movie, culminating with the hundreds of images of empty theaters we saw over the opening weekend..

Disney wanted the narrative that Captain Marvel (despite having no comic fanbase the speak of, they routinely reboot it due to lack of sales, its basically just been on life support because they need to pretend she's established prior to her being injected into the MCU) is the single most successful breakout solo Superhero of all time, and they were going to get that narrative whether people showed up to the theaters or not.

Which one of those starred an actress who got a 7-film contract before her first film was even released?

Yikes. Stick to /pol/. This ain't your zone.

>So Disney is a multibillion dollar corporation that can afford everything
Literally no one said this. GTFO, you shitty bootlicker.

>Do you see the MCU lasting much longer after Endgame?
Absolutely. I know Yea Forums wants the mouse and capeshit to fail, but the fact is that they are simply too good at what they do for it to happen. They will always be one step ahead to manipulate the court of public opinion.

>Do you think Woke film making sells despite the evidence to the contrary?
Yes, but not as good as the reported numbers. As I'm sure you know, Hollywood deals in two currencies; the USD and societal change. Some studios are willing to lose out on a little bit of USD in order to gain an increased amount of societal change. At the end of the day, they are satisfied regardless.

>increased amount of societal change

What movies are this exactly?

And I dunno if that's the case what you said with the MCU. You could be wrong for all we know seeing as these films are getting more half arsed over time.

>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>Ghost audiences
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

In a few years she will burn the coal

Well, the movie that this thread is about would be one such example. I'm sure you'd be better than I at pointing out the others.

I never read any actual scripts while working there. I wrote contracts, dealt with financing and things of that nature.

just because you say it over and over again doesn't make it true

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Well, in that case, Disney are dumb considering Wonder Woman.

And I don't see many people praising this movie at all so I don't see how they are successful in pushing societal change. Black Panther would have been a better example desu, or hell even Wonder Woman.

Also the reason I doubt your opinion on the MCU continuing isn't so much that I think they will stop making them, but I think they will run out of steam since most of the main draws are leaving, and Brie Larson lacks the charisma or likeability of RDJ or Hemsworth or Evans.

Your opinion on the MCU might be right, but they'll adapt to keep the balance societal change/USD somewhat intact, depending on previous productions. I've never worked at Disney myself, but I've dealt with them on numerous occasions. Their corporation operates unlike any other studio in Hollywood. It's like a flawless machine. Nothing they do is coincidence.

This doesn't necessarily disprove what you're saying, but isn't it possible that disney reserves this tactic for certain movies that they want to succeed more?

>Some studios are willing to lose out on a little bit of USD in order to gain an increased amount of societal change.
No, the whole “Representation matters!” schtick reeks of those companies that show up to tell you “Diversity is good for business!” and “Please send all your employees to our Diversity Lectures to earn Diversity Certificates from our lisenced Diversity Teachers and give my friend here a six figure Diversity Officer job, I swear this will increase your bottom line.”

An age-old scam, but with the added bonus of getting a lot of dumb college kids to advertise it for free.

When did you deal with them?

And I am not doubting everything you are saying, just disagreeing. The Societal change thing though seemed fairly accurate a few years ago until recently they have became very lazy with the writing and are full blown left wing activist mode right now. So I dunno if this is the same as it was in the past since no offense, but TLJ and the recent Marvel Comics, and Doctor Who, are freaking garbage because they focus so much on left wing activism, and people seem less excited in general (except for Endgame but that's because of Thanos and cliffhanger).

Yeah, what do I know. I just worked with the financiers for 6 years.

>seemed fairly accurate a few years ago

That's because of the balance I spoke about previously. If Disney thinks they increase the amount of left-wing activism in their material, it's either because their willingness to trade some USD for societal change occured, or because they believe that they could increase the amount of social change while keeping the USD income somewhat intact. I'm going to bet on a mixture of the two.

The execs doesn't give two shits if the movies are garbage or not. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is; how much USD are we pulling in, and how will our movie contribute to societal change? Are we willing to lose $20 million on this movie in order to push increased amounts of societal change? Then we'll relax with the societal change on this other production in order to make up for the USD lost on the first production.

Captain Contagious
>Is Toenail Fungus Contagious?

>Yes, toenail fungus is contagious. You have to catch it from somewhere – while it might seem like it just appeared on its own out of nowhere, if you’ve got toenail fungus then you’ve come into contact with someone else who is infected.

>While it might not be classified as “highly contagious”, it is still very easy to spread a fungal toenail infection from one person to another, typically through sharing items that have come into contact with the infection – think shoes, socks, nail polish, nail tools, etc.

Attached: IMG_1355.jpg (450x450, 36K)


>I'm a real journalist
>btw learn to le code XD
Fuck off, walking cringe.

Also, just to be clear. I've never actually watched any of the movies you're talking about. The last Star Wars movie I saw was Phantom Menace. And the last MCU movie I saw was the first Iron Man about ten years ago.

I'm not a movie expert. I just know how the business operates. Primarily the financial aspects.

>Not Spider-Man
Fucking WHY. What was the point of making a deal with Sony if they won't take it to its logical conclusion?

Mind linking me to more info on this and what places did you work with?

She will definitely ____ _____ ____.

If you want to know about the creative accounting parts, just google it and you'll find loads of material. As for the societal change part, I don't know if there's a site for that. I'm fairly sure most of the financiers doesn't publically divulge their motivations.

Can't disclose where I worked. I'm not violating any NDAs here since I'm speaking in very general terms, but I'm still in the profession elsewhere. If some cocksucker managed to figure out who I was, it could lead to embarrassment at my current workplace.

They why should we listen to you anymore than some rando whose uncle works at Nintendo? Give us something to work with, user.

Little girls grow into their feet. Before they start to fill out they usually look like their arms are too long and their feet are too big. Then when puberty hits them like a bus, their body fills out and their arms, hands and feet all of the sudden look properly proportioned as a biological woman should. Unlike the mentally disturbed trannys who shit up this board who will NEVER pass or BE a real woman.

You don't have to. I could list 2 law firms I worked at, or tell you some bullshit "Hollywood secret" but at the end of the day, it wouldn't make a difference as far as credibility goes, would it?

>only 250 mil for this worldwide shitstorm

hahahaha, sure user

So your full of shit then?

You came across as controlled opposition and that just gave it away.

The reason many think the MCU will decline is because these films are getting cheaper, more average and "meh" as time goes on, and the leading men are leaving and Carol Danvers, whose a terrible boring character, is supposed to replace them.

That's why people are doubting the MCU.

They learned their lesson with solo and won't kill another franchise.

How the fuck do you explain a movie theater manager stating that every showing of Captain Marvel had exactly 25 preordered tickets no-show for Thursday thru Saturday

Does anyone know the take Disney got back for opening weekend? Is it 70%?

Attached: 1552136503080.jpg (1277x797, 115K)

not fuck niggers.

Did you not read what I wrote? Am I talking to children?

Paranoid incels UNITE!

You can list one or two, like seriously.

I don't think they are faking the numbers but if they were this actually literally would be the reason. If people are told other people like something they are more likely to like it. This is why they literally bent rotten tomatoes in half when it started getting low reviews. However I the numbers were good because a lot of people are hyped to see endgame and this film is a way to sort of give them an appetizer before it comes out. Endgame completes a severe cliff hanger and will be a movie where characters people have been following for a very long time will probably die. It also marks a huge transition for the series. They also said she was going to be the new main face of Marvel after Endgame and a lot of people just wanted to know what this new face was all about. So it actually makes sense.

The original quoted cost of this movie was 300 million for both production and marketing.

If this is the case then the break even point would be 600 million box office based on 50% (average) of the takeaway going to theaters. However! We now here from Hollywood spokesmen that 750 mil is the break even point. So where is this extra 150 mil accounted for? Well if it were all dedicated to Disney buying their own tickets then 150 mil is what the movie would need to make to account for 300 million spent on tickets (as the studio would get half of that back automatically). Where else have we seen this figure in a familiar unnacounted for setting?

Did people actually like her though?

Because so far I am unsure if that's the case or not.

Both. Buying tickets is way cheaper than marketing these days. They're buying their own tickets as a loss leader to convince naive fans that it's actually good.

Fuck that, here's the real link.

List one or two what? Law firms?
I repeat, what difference does that make as far as credibility goes? If I was a liar, I'd just google and find one or more of the most prestigious firms operating out of Hollywood.

At the end of the day I'm not going to tell you where I worked. And I'm not desperate enough for your approval to just make shit up.

Leak a juicy Hollywood secret then.

>And I'm not desperate enough for your approval to just make shit up.
I'm pretty sure you are.

I repeat, what difference does that make as far as credibility goes? Again, I could just make shit up. I don't deal in gossip, but finances.

Yeah, fuck this. I'm out.

You could have just simply said "I don't wish to disclose so don't ask" But you kept acting antagonistic.

Plus it sounded like you were shilling for Disney in a controlled "I'm on your side" manner. Which is why we asked where you got this idea from.

This. Law firms are boring, give me juicy secrets.

take out that tin hat and go have sex, moron. jeez....

He's a retard who's just pretending to be some industry guy in a desperate attempt to make Captain Marvel look bad, but you are significantly dumber than him because you somehow didn't realize that he was on your side.

Does she still live at the trailer court?

Nice try, we know it's you.

He was trying to make Disney look unstoppable actually didn't you notice that? Or wait, I mean you were trying to do that.

If Disney are so damn good why were they in trouble at times in the past? The thing is, even if they are well managed, they will eventually fuck up, and to an extent they already have if they need to resort to underhanded conspiracies to promote their shitty lackluster low effort movies.

get litty

>Or wait, I mean you were trying to do that.
You had to correct yourself because you couldn't even get your story straight. Wow.

You were right about one thing though. Another win for my side. Hahaha. The funniest thing is people who think these numbers aren't completely legit. We're surprised with it ourselves over here. We knew it was going to be good, but we didn't know it would be THIS good. I guess we can save the ticket buying for IX.

>to be this delusional
i guess youre not obese and alone either

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>implying this has any substantial legs whatsoever
kek, I'll be surprised if this hits 1 billion

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incels btfo


I don't think anyone is faking anything, but its 100% possible that they are. arguing about it seems entirely pointless.

You have GOT to try the chai tea.

my 8 year old cousin also got mad at me for watching captain marvel, she said "why didn't you see something else!" I think the future is gonna be alright lads.

good riddance, poseur

Keep doing it. IT's working very well! I don't think people will get sick of low effort money grubbing crap ever.

Can you guys please make a Kamala Khan movie btw? With tons of fetish fuel too with her changing shapes? I will give you props for doing that if you make my pee pee hard while you try and defend a murderous religion like Islam.

Nuclear cope

sheeeit, a lousy 1 billion dollars?
any movie that reach that total in a day

it has 0 "legs", legs come from having staggered releases and they blew their load on opening night

the only reason it'll be in any theaters come April is to be a double feature for EndGame, it'll be long gone by May

remember: Infinity Wars was in theaters last year from May until August because it was still selling tickets.

My 9 year old cousin told me "niggers, faggots, kikes, none will be spared with the Donald announces rope day! Sieg Heil Trump 2020!" I haven't met a zoomer who disagreed. It's pretty much confirmed that conservatives have the future. Captain Roastie won't even break $600mil


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My wife called it the same thing, I was laughing for a good 10 hours

she was 8 at the time


everyone talked about Avengers, it's sequels, Black Panther last year. no one is talking about this fake box office piece of shit though. all the proof you need

>clearly this movie is doing well because it has sold a lot of tickets in the first week
>pls ignore that they are deleting poor reviews and calling them "trolls"
>pls ignore that no outlet has actually said it's a good movie other than the spam review (aka origin story)
>pls ignore that opening weekend numbers means jack shit to the quality of a movie and more the hype and marketing

but nice try, soi

We're hitting levels of cope that shouldn't be possible.

Attached: BL-brie-larson-28538182-500-281.gif (500x281, 959K)

well apparently all the /pol/cels hatewatched it x20 so they can continue making these endless threads bitching about it and tell everyone how totally empty the theater was in every screening they sat in.

Nah just giving them ideas, seeing as he's 100% legit and all.

>That's the bulk of its gross.
No, it will get another 40-50% after this and next week drops. But yeah 600-650M looks like realistic numbers.

>If Disney could fake ticket sales, they'd have done it for Solo and A Wrinkle in Time.

The difference is those movies aren't setting the stage for their biggest money maker. We've been told time and time again Danvers is supposed to be the new face of the next 10 years of mcu. Captain marvel is the new Roman Reigns

Are there many other movies that release like this?

actual difference is that you are an ass-mad fat incel fuck who is a compulsive pathologic liar

Captain marvel needs 750 million dollars just to break even without china cut and deductions.
Its ogre.

>I’m not sure if they were bought all at once because Fandango doesn’t give us that information, but exactly 25 no shows for every show is probably statistically impossible

yeah I agree, virgin incels just can't cope with the fact that it's a shitty movie with fake ticket sales

>compulsive pathologic liar


That means nothing though. It did terrible compared to other marvel movies.

Attached: marvelmovies.png (715x608, 44K)


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not my Captain Marvel, I hope our queen Rogue turns her into a vegetable in Phase 4.

I was expecting the theater to be empty and it was packed. Thanks for lying to me assholes. Believe it or not nobody in the real world cared about a couple of dumb tweets.

>our queen Rogue
praised be Her name

Did everyone clap?

>conspiracy theory doesn't stand up in the face of logic
Stop the fucking press.

Attached: conspiracy-keanu.jpg (551x549, 30K)

why is she crying? Pooping feels good

>about the same numbers as for any other new introduction
kek, terrible would be 150m

anyone else find if interesting that no movie made back their production budget domestically in the opening weekend except for Captain Marvel and Black Panther?

>41% Tuesday to Wednesday drop
>Erasing the increase it gained Monday to Tuesday

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They underestimated the backlash. They're learned from that

CM released worldwide in dozens of country on the same weekend. That’s how it smashed opening weekend records. Other movies usually get released in other countries over time. Everyone who was going to see CM has already seen it. I’d be surprised if it actually does make a billion because other than the female lead, it’s a completely unremarkable, bland movie.

it'd be lucky to make $250 domestically at this point

How long is the average running time? 5 weeks?
And what is the maximum significant sales? 3 weeks?

>some nigger Narnia rip-off is as important as their billion dollar blockbuster universe
This is you.

It's worse because all the progressive college kids are on vacation this week and CM hasn't seen any significant increase in sales. Plus they all go back to classes on Monday so third week will make even less. On top of that, Us comes out, taking a chunk of the box office gross away from CM.

What is its Brie who is buying the tickets?

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Based Muslim

This movie isn’t going to break 600million and I’m pretty sure Disney was banking on this movie to make at least a B.

Ok. Maybe CM wil struggle to get the 500mil or 1 bil domestic goals some baiter post here.
But what about the average sales time of movies?
When can a studio say that the movie has to sell many tickets and past that time, not regarding what competes, its not important.
I think i remember Rian Johnson posting something about 2nd or 3rd week moviegoers, as if this it the time it still is seen as legs.

I agree. Thats why they promoted this worldwide and never named the domestic numbers prominently.

The production was a horrible, horrible mess. As the other guy allready showed, you are lying to make your irrational whining look less retarded.

Kathleen Kennedy wanted Solo to bomb to prove her fanatical feminist bullshit i.e. "THE AGE OF WHITE MEN IS OVER", even going soo far as to purposely tank a movie with one as the lead.

No one like Oprah which is why they let it tank.

Captain Marvel has been shilled as the "NEW FACE OF THE MCU!!!" and are pushing her the same way they've been doing so with Rey in Star Wars!!!FACT!!!

>Disney weren't expecting those movie to be hits. That's why they didn't bother changing the reviews or faking the ticket sales.

Disney didn't care if those movies were hits but when they're pinning Captain Fungi as the lead of their flagship franchise for the next ten years you can bet money that they didn't take any chances which is why they went out of their way to silence critics and bulk buying tickets to boast that CM is a success!!!FACT!!!

why aren't any websites reporting on this?

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>Disney wanted Solo to flop. Stories about males are over

Kathleen Kennedy wanted Solo is flop!!!FACT!!!

great. no end in sight to marvel trash.

>It's cute that you think you're smart enough to detect an alleged international money laundering scheme before the authorities ever could.

Disney is a dollar corporation who has quite a few politicians in their pockets. They practically own Florida!!!FACT!!!

First its not so important.
Second you need to invest much time to be waterproof as media
And third they dont care since its Disney.

This is 100% objectively correct!!!FACT!!!

So this is how Marvel dies... With toe fungerus applause...

>actual difference is that you are an ass-mad fat incel fuck who is a compulsive pathologic liar

Women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!!!FACT!!!

Your cousin is very based and redpilled.

Can be that the investment of some viewers decrease when cap, iron man and thor are gone.
Its like a reboot, where some think "now i have the story complet"
My guess is if they cant give them something worthwhile, many dont have the urge to watch everything.