ITT: the ones we couldn't save

ITT: the ones we couldn't save

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damn what did she do

say what you will about blacks, but he gave her the instagram meme lips she wanted

Philanthropic nigger

Thought she could manipulate a black man like her ytoid beta orbiters but ended up getting her face smashed in for not knowing her place

Yeah I'm thinking that's based.


user, niggers are not slaves anymore to be controlled, don't be racist.

Paid the toll

Have sex.


Kill self.

That is one smug nigger.

White men use to hit their women when they got out of line too. When they stopped doing this white women started becoming disgusting sluts.

There's never a good reason to hit a woman, user

Probably deserved it

what if she like stabbed you in the eye


That doesn't even flow with what I just said. Work on your wit, buddy.

there are plenty of good reasons just look at amber heard

Well yea, he won that fight easy.

there is multiple good reasons to even do it daily

Then you get another woman to beat them up, it's 2019 guys

you still wouldn't hit her you'd shoot/stab her back

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Are you implying there’s a difference between men and women? It’s 2019 buddy



Yeah there is a big difference, if you get into a fistfight with a woman and the police show up guess what's going to happen to you even if you didn't start shit

Women are like dog. Sometimes you whip to get her in line

there are only good reasons to hit womem

bitch cigarettes are like fuckin 10$ a pack right now

is this a porn star... whats the link with tv or movies. if nothing delete its jsut a poll thread. why they stay up that long...

Fuck a real man. Niggers are such insecure little dicked fags.