Best Emma joins 'The Hunt'

>The Hunt is slated hit theaters October 18 via Universal. No word on the film’s plot but we hear it explores escalating aggressiveness between the political right and left in America.

will she play the alt-right waifu we deserve?

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Second best*

>aggressiveness between the political right and left in America
D R O P P E D. Not even Best Emma will make me want to watch it.


>escalating aggressiveness between the political right and left in America
When was the last time a violent leftist killed somebody in the U.S.? 1963?

I bet you’re a Watson fag

>best Emma

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I'm a Best Emma fag

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The Hunt? More like THE CUNT

>The Hunt
Imagine WORST Emma being stalked and eaten by a pack of lions while Attenborough narrates

>Best Emma
>The one that fucks niggers on the regular

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wtf I love niggers now?!

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>alt-right waifu
>uneducated hick that spouts fox news propaganda

Literal perfection

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Recently as the oughts as far as Im aware, some antifa stabbed a veteran to death at a punk concert.

this will be nothing special and probably shit from the beginning BUT roberts will find a way to ruin it even more, that you can take a bet on.

>best emma

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The guy that shot up the Republican softball team certainly tried.

Worst Emma

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niggers all vote democrat and they make up the majority of homicides in the US :)

i can see it now:

>the year is 2020
>donald trump is reelected and annoints himself fuhrer to widespread applause from the previously silent white supremacist majority of americans
>immediately the military mobilizes to build the wall on the us-mexico border
>a gestapo is forces true-blooded american dreamers out of the country at gunpoint
>muslims are rounded up and put in extermination camps
>lgbtqi+++ people are lynched in the streets by smirking kids wearing MAGA caps
>a brave resistance cell of oppressed 'progressives' played by hollywood limousine liberals stands up to trump by being taught to hate their white skin and heterosexuality by the minority members of the resistance

Felons can't vote.