Apologize Yea Forums

Apologize Yea Forums
Prequels aren't bad (episode 3 is kino), George Lucas had a vision, Disney's Star Wars is a soulless cashgrab

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sorry george

Disney literally said, in black and white print ( yeah I know) they were going to THROW AWAY all the old canon and start over.
They are half-way over the cliff now.

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Literally /ourguy/

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absolutely based

I miss you, Georgie

kill gungan bastards with my cosh

>Prequels aren't bad (episode 3 is kino), George Lucas had a vision, Disney's Star Wars is a soulless cashgrab
all of this and unironically
sorry, George



cute and funny

I can’t argue with this

Won't apologize because I always acknowledged the kino status of the prequels. They're made for patricians. However I will say that I'm sorry George had to endure ridicule from such repulsive plebs for so long. In a way, I'm glad that those plebs are now subject to the cruel whims of the Mouse. Star Wars is forever ruined and it serves everyone right

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While the prequel hate is overblown and what Disney have done with SW is abominable, I can't bring myself to apologize because of the sale. Why to Disney of all fucking things? It's like he knew exactly what would happen and embraced it as revenge for the fans bashing him for the prequels. There is a theory that the Emperors Caligula and Nero were deliberately chosen as the worst possible successors because the previous emperors weren't appreciated in their time. It feels like something similar happened, and congrats George, you found your Nero.

>Prequels aren't bad

Still wrong.

George's vision was shit tier and he knows it. One scene in TFA was more Star Wars than all of the prequels combined.

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Fuck no. His shitty handling is what led to it being owned by Disney in the first place. He shot Star Wars and gave Disney the corpse to reanimate.

Never. Lucas had a vision but was unable to tell the prequel story in a satisfying manner. Disney Wars are a cashgrab, yet it was Lucas himself who made the decision to sell

This is stupid. George respects Disney. He appreciates how they've taken care of Pixar, which he originally founded, and he expected them to handle Lucasfilm responsibly under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy whom he also has tremendous respect for.

Fuck off George, the new films being bad don't retroactively make the prequels any less lazy, soulless, terrible writing, terrible CGI, terrible characters, terrible dialogue. The worst part about george is he sat in a chair directing the prequels. Behind a computer monitor.

Star wars hasn't been good in decades, and the original trilogy which people helped George to realize isn't even that great.


The prequels were shit. The sequels are shit. The one-offs are shit. The only people who try to argue the prequels aren't shit saw them as children. I was not a child when I saw the prequels, so I have no attachment to them.


If you have not done so, I thoroughly recommend watching the "making of Episode I" documentary on YouTube. You do get a feel for what is was like to work on this clusterfuck of a production. Everyone looks immensely confused, bordering on fearful. It strongly seems that literally nobody except George Lucas knew what they were going for and how this movie would eventually be ironed into something that made sense.

Lucas seems to have lost the ability to explain his ideas to other people. He talks - warbles, really - in long nonsensical sentences about style and focus and high level stuff. But he can't seem to convey to anyone how to make it so on a practical level. How are we going to convey that Senator Amidala is idealistic? What exact lines of dialogue demonstrate this? Is there a non-idealistic character who is there to highlight what she is not? Where does she demonstrate this idealism?

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Disney need to remake the entire Skywalker saga.