Say something nice about it
This is what the most successful capeshit EVER looks like
Have sex
whos feet are those? this shit is fucking nasty
*blocks your path*
>The fungus that destroyed the MCU
Is that her super power? instant fungus growth.
Brie Larson
post the full body picture
oh god. is this shooped? it cant be that bad.
You can learn a lot about females by their feet. Those who do not respect and take care of their feet are trash women ugly inside and outside
Lost Gollum casting footage?
Search her name up on wikifeet. You'll find hundreds of full body pics with her fungus toes and Gollu
i really hate the internet
No she has incurable fungal infection. Her feet will always look like that.
the ultimate redpill
What did you expect
thanks to this fucking board every time I google name of an actress it autocompletes with "feet"
did you just arrive here?
>foot fetishism is 4chans fault