Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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Idris Elba

she'll play herself, I'll play her boyfriend, and there's going to be a 10 minute long unsimulated sex scene


she cute

She’s a fujo who lives with her parents.

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a whore

>only 10 minutes


Lupita Nyongo

damn, what an idea

>bow legs
she should have that looked at by a doctor

the scene is gonna be ten minutes, but we'll have several hours worth of footage

nice legs

>I'll play her boyfriend
You gonna shit yourself in public?

>5 posts

Who is this cum drum?

She only posted there for costume making questions. She had thousands of posts on her own ParaPara forum.

>Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
The Bogdanoffs

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yeah she should spread them open

>Kojimbo didn't breed her
what a faggot

Waifus aren't for sexing. Also he traded her in for a superior one

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is she dutch

No, I said superior


What makes her so qt?

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>What makes her so qt?
Your sexual frustration combined with a lack of real human interaction.

the pusy

She’s turning into her mom.

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Based, yet bluepilled


Kojima, most based man alive?

She's taking the bog approach, she'll become something else entirely.

Have sex.


I only know this chick from her game model being used in a cgi horse porn movie.

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more facepulls your highness?

I use Jeff as a perv comment image. I'm always surprised when anons outside of /fit/ know who he is.

You never disappoint. Keep up the good work

Holy fuckin based

there's a tranny that looks exactly like her but I don't remember her name.


I thought she was married to some old producer

That old dude she’s always with is her stepdad. He’s her manager and chaperones her everywhere because she’s only 30 years old.

>television & film

Should I give a shit as to who this cellulite-ridden slut is?

Imagine hating cute and innocent Joost

>cute and innocent

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post joosten ass

more joost webms please

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How's her foot game though?

Princess Leia

glad you asked, senpai ;)

What's a Fujo?

>Lives with her parents instead of slutting it up like your average hoe and roastie
I can only get so erect

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>doesn’t know what a fujo is
lmao did you show up here after 2009 or something? lol
Fujoshis (“rotten girls”) are girls who love yaoi (gay manga/hentai aimed at heterosexual women) and bishounen (“beautiful boys” who appear in yaoi). Fujoshis (aka fujos aka fujoshits) are generally extremely awakward and autistic and constitute a significant part of the anime fan community. Back in the 2000s, anime conventions (which Joosten attended then) it was very popular for fujos to walk around with “yaoi paddles” and slap cute boys on the ass with them. Those were banned for onvious reasons.

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*at anime conventions

Her feet

>girls who love yaoi
where did this subculture come from? i knew a few anime girls from high school/college days who were obsessed with gay manga

she looks like some girl I used to date

How do you know she's a Fujo though?
Is there proof or is it just putting 2 and 2 together?

Mods gave up this place a long time ago. This is the least moderated board

See That’s her old cosplay.com account. She actually requested deletion of that page from the wayback machine (if you go the URL you get a message the page is banned from the archive by request). She also had a large portion of the Yea Forums archive that featured her getting doxxed deleted. Joosten put a lot of effort in having her digital footprint deleted, something we’ll probably hear a lot more about now that people who grew up with the internet are becoming celebrities.

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How do you know she's a Fujo slapping attractive male butts?!?!
I need there proof!
Muh dick depends on it

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Muh dick thanks you ()

wtf is fujo

>Cute girl loves slapping guys butts
This is even hotter than before.
I guess she wants to come off as a normie, which I can't blame her for

>weebs becoming famous

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Athlean has a over 7 million subs, you think he's some ebin literally who?
I dont even browse /fit/ i watched a few of his videos after I bought some dumbbells and youtubed proper curl form

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Ppst more rare joostens she doesnt want us to see

>3dpd worshipping Yea Forumsermin and election tourists are unaware of basic terms like fujo
Kill me now.

All the rare Joosten pictures aside from those I’ve posted before and pic related will get you permabanned. Not joking.

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lol evade the ban you fucking pussy


Friendship ended with Stefanie. Now Léa is my best friend

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I just realized she's cosplaying Tifa

>panty visible

Why can't she be my gf


lol I don’t care I was just warning you
we’re still in babby rare territory though, we can go MUCH deeper

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imagine being the user who has to save all the pictures you post for posterity because he knows the american little pussies who frequent this board don't want to be banned let alone evade the ban
>that user is me

just post some more, friend

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>it was very popular for fujos to walk around with “yaoi paddles” and slap cute boys on the ass with them
It was a different time.

how deep?

Why would this get you banned? Why wpuld she delete old posts? What doesnt she want people to see.

this is literally true

Dat tummy tho. Goddamn.

Fucking yikes!

I did, last night with your mom.

Once an insecure nerd, always an insecure nerd. You bet this girl has self-esteem issues.

Ellie May?



Is this girl popular because there is 3d horse porn of her currently?

>will get you permabanned. Not joking.
yes you are, come on
unless you're talking about cp levels of content, but she's not a fappening celebrity

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my wife, stefanie joosten

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no, don't really need your opinion on anything