Why can't Ameriturds just dub foreign movies instead producing shitty remakes?

Is it greed?
Is it muh patriotism?
Is it your arrongance?
Or do your little brains just get too confused by anything non-american?

Attached: The Upside virgin vs The IntouCHADles.jpg (480x360, 40K)

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the french version is great. there is absolutely no need für a burger version

we have to employ people and keep up the illusion that our hollowed out souls are still capable of creating art.

The original was also a turd though, cuckcore pass the torch propaganda

>enjoys pass the torch propaganda
Found the cuck.

Dubs never do well here

reading is hard huh ?

You stupid fucking nigger.

Then why can't you just make originals anymore instead x-th sequel, prequel or remake?
Why? If done properly it's not even noticeable.
The original was close to a masterpiece.

watching foreign movies is an acquired taste. once you get used to it, it's vastly superior to dubbed stuff. Americans gets have plenty of decent movies in their own language, so they're never forced to watch anything with subs.

to make more money

>The original was close to a masterpiece
It's still pass the torch propaganda though and only serves too make the French accept getting replaced by blacks and Arabs.

That’s subs not dubs dumb fuck

We created the film industry you jealous little Euronigger. All your limpwrist, semen drinking media will forever exist in our shadow.

Didn't realize you were Jewish.

They have to dumb down the content. The average burger is overweight and uneducated. They can't even get into subs because it's too difficult to eat and read at the same time

The french created the film industry you stupid nigger.

jews didn't create it they took it over, that's why remakes get made so they can try to make a ton of shekels

You are one dumb nigger.

Dubbed vs subtitled is just a preference thing in 99% of the cases.
You just proved that americans are stupid by not understanding what the movie was about
>muh replacing the whites
>muh /pol/ conspiracies
It was literally the french who invented film and created the first movies and theatres.
And you're the second ameriturd proving my claim that you guys are retarded.

dumb niggers

You tell me what the movie is about then?
The propaganda isn't even subtle.

I've heard that americoids don't listen to music if they can't understand the lyrics. Maybe it's the same here

Inventing film =/= creating the film industry you frog-eating surrender monkey.

greedy jews and americans who can't into subs and foreign languages

>whites aren't getting replaced in France
Delusional cuck.

how can weinstein get his cut though?

they made a remake for this one because it pushes cuck propaganda

americans would rather listen to cavemen grunts if it sounded vaguely like english, than watch a foreign film with no english

Attached: Paris metro.webm (640x360, 2.18M)


>replacement theory is fake news

Why are Americans so afraid of subtitles? I grew up with them since English isn't my first language, but I still use them today, even for movies in my own language.

Nigger Pathè was one of the biggest film producers and distribuitors worldwide. It was only after World War I with the European economy in shambles, that American movies started to gain ground. And even then they were greatly rivaled by german movies throughout the 20s. I'm not going to deny that American influence was important in the developement of film but you fucks didn't invent anything.

>replacement theory
Is that what they call replacement policy now?

>Then why can't you just make originals anymore instead x-th sequel, prequel or remake?
Cause that requires creativity and talent, both stuff that hollywoodtards are out of from a long time

It's about two people who are the polar opposites in every possible way becoming friends and helping each other. The only ones who got cucked here are the Arabs since the original guy upon whom Driss was based was one, but that choice was maybe for the better since Arabs are mostly known to be aggressive fuckers.
You can't create an industry, only grow into one you stupid faggot.

And you know both the actor and character laughs behind the back of the white actor/character while lestening to hip hop and socializing with his black bros

Too lazy to learn other languages, or read subtitles.

Sounds like you have cuck fetish otherwise you wouldn't constantly bring up this topic.

Who cares?

Sounds like you are just chill about the native Europeans getting replaced by blacks and Muslims.


Just as chill as americans about getting replaced by spics

>diversity is god
Pick one.

better spics than muslims

The fuck does pass the torch even mean?

based herdinaz

>Dubs never do well here
Of course, your voice actors are garbage.
>Americans gets have plenty of decent movies in their own language
Hope you're not serious.
>Dubbed vs subtitled is just a preference thing in 99% of the cases.
It's always better to watch the original version for obvious reasons, much better if you have at least a gist of the original language.

>crippled wh*te man
>getting cucked by a black man
yeah definitely the absolute state of Europe and America

There are more muslims in Burgerland than in Europe, you know.
You still had the worst islamic terrorist attack and the most victims, you know.

You know whar the most successful movie in France is about ? Its about 4 white christian girls getting married to a nigger a muslim a kike and a chink.

Youre what, 150 years old?

It wont sell tickets, m8. Common sense.

>It's always better to watch the original version for obvious reasons
Not really. The reason is that voice performance and dialogs can be both enhanced or worsened with a dub, therefore the only reason to avoid dubs at all costs should be when one them, in most cases the dialog, is highly artistic in the original audio.
>getting taken care of as a quadripledic is now synonymous to getting getting cucked by caretaker
God dammit what is it with Americans and their black cuck fetish?

>You see, not all of them is bad, now shut up and accept getting replaced
Nevermind a white person could have taken care of the crippled guy and doing a better job at it

You are the one wanting to get replaced by black people and Arabs, and you have the audacity to call others cucks?

>the only reason to avoid dubs at all costs should be when one them, in most cases the dialog, is highly artistic in the original audio.
If you aren't watching some kind of garbage the dialogue is ALWAYS "artistic".

Shouldn't black people at least be on board with your broship?
They are not, they are very ethnocentric and would prefer to shut out white people in their black ethnostate if they could, the fact that they migrate to Europe only proves they are one way gene flow supporters, since they don't leave their black nationalism when going to Europe

Dubbing a movie is more pleb-tier than a remake, subs is the best option of the three though

this movie was remade because it has a good reputation for making a lot of money in foreign markets and is safe and is a nice payday for cranston and hart

>getting taken care of as a quadripledic is now synonymous to getting getting cucked by caretaker
It's metaphorically


Stay mad Pierre

>However, in Britain and the US the film was very poorly received.The National Poststated that the film's humor failed because "it sometimes strays across the good-taste divide and into actual racist remarks, played straight. Secondly (and far more importantly in a comedy) it often isn’t funny at all."Varietymagazine adds that the film has been criticized for "perpetuating racist stereotypes and feeding into France's ambient xenophobia."According toThe Hollywood Reporter, "the majority of the jokes are extremely heavy-handed–the Jew calls the Arab 'Arafat' and then is karate-chopped by the Asian."

>Because of the film's controversial content, it had little global distribution.The Telegraphreported that, "British and American cinema-goers will not get to see a hugely popular French comedy because it has been rejected by film distributors who deem it politically incorrect and possibly racist."

Lmao Anglos and Burgers can't handle the frog bants because it's too real for them. I guess that's also the case with and .

Lol what? 99% of the movies have no highly artistic language. If you mean just using fancy words or expressions because it fits the setting of the movie, then I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that can absolutely be translated without any artistical loss.
An example of highly artistic language that can't be translated are songs or poems since you'd not only have to translate them correctly, but also do it an way that the structure and rhymes fit the songs again. Most dubbed TV switch to the original audio in song scenes and 8 Mile is the only the movie that I know that does the same for obvious reasons.
>black nationalism
t. American
You whole just screams that you no clue what you're talking about.


I've never been to the US.
You seriously believe negros in Europe are indifferent for the black growth from higher birth rates and massimigration and don't applaud white people getting replaced?

So your black euro friends never socialize in all black groups and listen to hip hop?

You don't know what artistic means, you think artistic=poetry.

The meaning, subtlety and nuance all get lost in translation.


True story:
One of my childhood friends had a French father and a mulatto older brother his mother had with a negro before meeting his father
I guess cuckery runs in the vains of the French

>confused by anything non-american?
Where do you think you are?