Is this the worst Doctor Who has ever been?

Is this the worst Doctor Who has ever been?

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Yes, even Colin Baker's first season was more competently written than this last season

Yes, easily

she has the obama problem
because she's seen as a significant cultural frontier, (hah) she is deliberate tailored to be as inoffensive as possible
hence, no personality, and the writing is also awful

Why do all brits look like this?

I thought it was fun.

The spider episode was fucking retarded though.

That said I haven't watched it since Tennant when I was a kid.

Then How have you watched it now

Is this one of those shopped pics kinda like that Bill Cosby one where he has big hands and eyes?

Watch a show for adults

That has to be an edit.

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Bong genes

I can't tell if this some bizarre form of bait or if you two are genuinely retarded.

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Dr mengele was worse

Stay mad, Obama was better than Trump

okie dokie

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I haven't got much love for the second Martha series, but then again I haven't rewatched anything past Donna since when it was on TV
Fucking moffatt with his mystery boxes which lead you on and amount to nothing, I'm not watching your shit

Was gonna give this a whirl cos Whittaker's sublime in Trust Me, then I saw the trailer and I couldn't stop cringing

They're both pretty similiar, actually -- the most important thing Obama accomplished was being elected, and likewise the most important thing Trump's accomplished is being elected. People will look back at their time in office only because they got in rather than what they've actually done.

no but it's the most painfully bland it's ever been, which is almost as bad.

You should consider placing and removing your penis inside of a woman repeatedly for pleasure and/or procreation

Yes but she's not the worst part
The two black people are the fucking worst
The old dude is ok

Who's this Norf FC supporter?

I love young'uns that thing Obama was a good person. The guy got into Nixon levels of nefarious shit and hid behind a likable persona.

You should consider setting fire to the end of a tube of paper stuffed with leaves of the tobacco plant and inhaling the vapors from the other end of the tube for pleasure/reduced lung capacity.

>i'm not the real doctor

no shit.

Say. The. Words.

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