SUPERNATURAL 14.15 - "Peace of Mind"

>deAN stop being such a boomer
>sammeh there's no other way, you have to throw me into the ocean
>deAN Michael's dead
>sammeh throw me into the ocean anyway

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Other urls found in this thread:

Me on the right

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Watching the Order right now. Can’t stop thinking of the protag as a young Sam Winchester if he went to university. He also breaks stereotype of the clueless hero in the monomyth. I hope the series holds up and isn’t just about wizards and werewolves

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Posting in historic Supernatural thread

t. Joposter

So where’s the Jo?

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I'm still range banned, friend.

Sad. One of my work wifis is also banned. We have to fight hard to keep the thread alive today. Endgame trailer was just released

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3+ hours until my faster work wifi gets unbanned

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Oop wrong series and wrong gif

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Hey Jo poster were you the same one replying to my sad sad thread two days ago

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Probably yes

Where are the rest of us

It's still like 6 AM in Muttland.

Didn’t realize you’re from the worst coast

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I am not, but normally west coast time is my time -9 hours, east coast time is -6 hours and flyover states in between.

Ah makes sense. Either way burgerland us waking up. The board just got faster

Would Sam and Dean hunt pocket monsters?

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anyone have a webm version of the nutcracker scene?

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I have it at home. I think I have it at work too but it’s still banned. Give me 2-3 hours to post it




What Kanto starters would Sam, Dean, and Castiel pick?

burger's the first nice day in months where i live so i have to run out and do a bunch of things today, but i'll be back later.

deAN would probably go for Charmander, sammeh for Squirtle or Bulbasaur and cAS would be very confused

Dean would catch Machamp and do the Eye of the Tiger with it

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Oh shit Machamp was wishful thinking of mine but I remembered Dean is canonically a wrestling fan. Kek

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This seems about right.

New episode looks campy based on the preview

I never watch previews or trailers

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You want a cookie, user? You just brushed your teeth

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here you go user

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ha, that's awesome. it never gets old. thanks

I thought I had the nutcrackaa repray webm here, I guess not

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This show has a lot in common with Andrew Dice Clay. Both are inane gibberish with poor delivery, timing, and horrific jokes. Both think that edgy material is funny but fail to realize their act is so forced. I hate the writer of this show.


Hello boys

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Is the Order any good? I've been considering checking it out


>Is the Order any good?
Right now I just finished the pilot and it's pretty interesting. I don't know yet how much of it holds up but let's just say I'm looking forward to and can't wait to start the next episode

Currently on Season 11. Thought I'd hate God's sister being the villain but so far I'm having fun. It was a wee shame killing off that angel that told Cas they were expendable and it was also a shame about Hannah even if she(?) had gone a little darkside. Don't have a clue how they can beat threats at that level but it was fun seeing Lucifer in the cage again. Big cheer from the crowd after he possessed Cas .

Report your findings to /comfy/. Who knows, we might have another show

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Blessing this thread

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More souls to fuel our threads

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Best girl of S14

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>Thought I'd hate God's sister
>being the villain but so far I'm having fun
Yea back then when I dropped the show at season 9 and I heard about the villain of 11, I thought it was dumb it actually worked because they paced the season well and developed it enough for it to make sense. 11 easily is now my favorite post-Kripke season but even I can't do enough justice to the show when you describe what Amara is to a non-viewer
>Report your findings to /comfy/. Who knows, we might have another show
Yea, trust me I will. So far the MC's gramps is Pestilence, and that young kid hunter Aiden who joined Krissy in Freaks and Geeks episode is also in it

S11 is like my favourite season after S1-5.

That season with Abaddon was also great.

just got down washing and waxing my baby. getting ready to go grab some dinner. i got a fridge full of beer and i'm getting hyped for the new episode tonight.

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Somebody here posted a few weeks back, this girl was like SMG, which I did not initially see but looking back, she does look and act like a peachy Buffy

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Abbie stole the show in my opinion. Shafting her as the main villain for Memetron was such a disservice. And I'm not just saying that because I love her.
I still like Season 7 though. I'm slowly accepting that the hungry boys are not showing up again outside Purgatory. I guess Crowley had them all purged after they beat Dick.
I think it works because of her connection to Dean, not going to lie. And she's got that whole all powerful innocence combined with a total hatred of God that's different enough to the Devil that it doesn't feel like they're out of ideas.

Overlap is always a good sign. A lot easier to get invested in people you vaguely recognise.

I'm really going to town with the spoilers but that's because last thread some people started S1 and I wouldn't want to ruin the big reveal.

not sure about having beer tonight but I'll definitely be having a cheeseburger
the thing that irks me off the most with season 9 is that Crowley was being set up for redemption and it was such a good gradual build up alongside Abaddon being introduced as a very powerful demon that will shake up the status quo but at the end of season 9, we are back to Crowley being king of hell and Abaddon continually getting nerfed and dying like a regular black eyed demon who knows nothing but telekinesis. Meanwhile, Memetron was such a fucking pisspoor watered down retread of Godstiel
>I think it works because of her connection to Dean
indeed. Just like season 5 had important roles for both brothers--Sam and hell and Dean and heaven, both Sam and Dean were getting parallels in season 11 with Lucifer/God and Amara respectively. After 3 seasons of meandering mytharcs, to have a cohesive mytharc for season 11 was a refreshing and needed change. Aside from the mytharc, the MOTWs were pretty excellent too

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>Best girl of S14
>not old Lily Sunder

Exactly my thoughts, couldn't agree more. Although I didn't hate captured and depowered Memetron. Him having mad knowledge but no power was an interesting touch and the episode where they go looking for Cas's grace was excellent I've not loved the MOTWs so far but to be fair I've only seen Sam's imaginary friend. Amara shrugging off everything the angels threw at her was pretty cool though.

Is this show good
Should I watch it

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>I've only seen Sam's imaginary friend
what? you haven't seen the submarine episode nor the wrestling episode nor safe house episode with Bobby and Rufus nor the Impala centric episode?
>shrugging off everything [they] threw at her was pretty cool though
it looks cheesy but after so many seasons, we deserved some damn visuals of massive power levels

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Oh shit, yeah. Baby was so kino that I forgot it was a MOTW. Hell it was basically a bottle episode. Haven't seen any of the others yet.
I'm surprised they don't have more of a budget. Even the Arrowverse shows have more money and they've been around a third as long as Supernatural has.

do you like monster hunting and boomer dad rock music if so yes

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>Arrowverse shows have more money
don't they get DC backing?

I guess they must

Dean is so a chad so based he can reveal his power levels about liking hentai and animu so if your reaction image is anything to go by, watch it

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>Dean is canonically a wrestling fan
I can finally post the webms

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>TFW no Bela gf

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>tfw a real 1967 2 door Chevy Impala for sale

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You in the market? That'd be pretty kino

people talking shit about our show in my general

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Nah I just saw it on my feed


>our show

It's nice though. Is the price listed?

Check the link user. That was a month ago. Dunno of it’s still up

I'm not even in the right country. I just want a comfy muscle car to go on road trips with, is that too much to ask?

I’m north of even the north of burgerland

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There he is. How's it going Leafanon?

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It’s been great. Excited for tonight’s episode. Glad my thread held up despite the Endgame trailer release. Also happy pie day

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>Pi day
Love me some Pi

Hope it's a good episode, I'm looking forward to catching up and taking part in the live threads.
I'm on Season 11 so nearly there.

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What time is the livestream on at GMT time and is it in hd?

Just remember it’s hard to spoiler things once the ep starts
+4 hours and stream is usually decent enough

i just found out that today is national pi day!

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No worries, I abandon threads as soon as it starts

>Peace of Mind
If they don't play the best Boston song at some point in that episode I will drop this show forever

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>I will drop this show forever
Awww cute

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They never play the titled song in the same episode.
Or at least I think they don't.

>2 threads

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So episode 2 of The Order the MC is book smart just like Sam but his mannerisms and attitude is a bit more like Dean. The girl and the principal/grand magus are also easy on the eyes

op of previous 3 threads has arrived in the thread
can someone post the stream link?

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Do you think Chuck is working on another world with another set of Sam and Dean?

Yay I can post pics (different connection).

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I want to suck Jensen's cock.

>just a little over an hour left

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almost here

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Is stream user about? I'm fucked otherwise because I'm a bong

thanks hunanon
mongol pride world wide



the fuck? what part of the world do you live in kek

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if dubs, then sam cums on rowena's tits in this episode

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he's watching the previous episode on stream

>off by 1

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the countdown there reached zero now it says stand by

does anybody have a stream link of todays episode for europoors? it's 1:18 AM here

wahey! my first stream show with the lads

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read the thread and bookmark the link, it's always the same

this is last weeks episode wtf

The streamer guy always puts on the previous episode first, today's episode starts in 38 minutes.


BASED with it have yank ads tho?

congrats, user

Unfortunately yes, I suggest you mute the tab for the ads.

>A group of 5 witches is enough to damage the sister of God.

The powerlevels in this series is all over the place, which is sad because it used to be fairly well defined.

rowena WANTS sam

>starts in 38 minutes

Just enough time to make a nice spicy (vegetarian) sandwich.


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Dean is dissapointed in you



she wants cass

aren't all truckers closet fags?

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Dean is too busy looking up fish porn.

is micheal really ded?
seems like a massive waste

5 extremely powerful witches with the book of the damned. Sam and Dean aren't even expert spellcasters but they could bind Death.

>alt links from our stream lad

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Hope it doesn't cut out like before during this week ep

lol, have you ever watched the show?

I hate rowina's american accent.
It's just not right.

can't remember if he said "dead" or "gone" but it was stated clearly either way

cas dies almost every season

He said "dead".

Also, the episode is starting.

Here we go

in your country
i gotta wait a few hours

Here :

>Campy hallmark

Is the snake a symbolism

he didn't resurrect the hunters?
what a dick

>scooby doo matinee


the malt shop

Wait what?

Goddamnit that makes me hungry

Better stream here:

not sure I can take this

The town looks comfy ngl

it was on the marquee of the theater when the kid ran past
>powerlevels in this series is all over the place

i still don't understand how a 1/2 breed nephilim can be more powerful than an arch angel, or even any angel. or even a demon for that matter. a nephilim should be 1/2 as powerful as an angel. the show at least has had logical balance at the cosmic level until jack. now nothing makes sense.

>Cass is now Cisco of Supernatural, in charge of making references

oh fuck this
the milkshake did it, there, end.

Human soul. Also makes the cambion stronger than a regular demon

It was explained at some point that the human soul is like a nuclear reactor's core. In one scene, castiel actually draws energy from bobby's soul.

Cass pls

Also hybrids in Supernatural are generally stronger. Even in monsters

like that other nephilim that turned a town into a cartoon then disappeared about 11 seasons ago

That was a cambion. Half demon

milkshake powered hivemind I reckon
kid in the intro tried to call out and died

Yea since they give it out free the first time

Its like how Blade is half human, half vampire. He has all of the vampire's strengths and none of their weaknesses.

to be honest it was because they showed the same scene twice in the first few minutes

Hybrids in general tend to be more powerful don't they?

oh snap, ned from groundhog day is gonna die next

Yeah that was my point

This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife.

i'm still pissed i didn't know it was pi day until AFTER i got back from the supermarket

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I remember threads of this show from like 7 years ago and people saying "woah holy fuck the show has evolved and become entirely new--war against heaven or some shit!" How is the show now? How does it have 14 seasons?

Filler trash.

>migraine ad

>Filler trash
user the last 3 eps transitioned from MOTW to mytharc by third act

slay kween

It's kino so far

They're going to run this metaphor into the ground, aren't they?

i don't know if that was clever or retarded


>once you drink the milkshake you start wanting to stay in the town
>you probably will slowly start to lose your memories of your past life and create yourself a new life
>after some time you regain your memories? Why? Not enough milkshake?

What's the entity?
Monster? Demon? Archangel/angel? God/demi-god (unlikely, we had a demi-god last episode)?

What's the fucking deal with Jack?
Lost his entire soul? Is he gonna go full edgy sam?

What metaphor I still haven’t wrapped my head around it. Will it blow my mind away?

that's stupid. however, if a hybrid had equal power level parents, then i could see the offspring having special powers, but a nephilim should have watered down angel powers

looks like the kid in the intro was reminded of life outside stepford by his girl?
ned obviously his daughters phone
so just seeing cas should make sams head go pop

Well he isn't a regular nephilim which is human and angel. He's archangel and human.

Can’t figure it out either. Feels like a god ruling over a small town

Power level inheritance tend to be multiplicative instead of additive in fiction, because it's more fun that way since reality doesn't like it.
See: Ligers and mules

my tv fucked up

What happened in the milkshake place?

Dean keep bringing up the snake, but he's really trying to ask Jack about his mental state.

Ah the snake as metaphor for evil? Or coiled and misunderstood

so empty spaces are filled by wanderers?

>Sam finally had a manbun

Holy shit what if it's gabriel fucking with an entire town kek
OH shit the woman's husband is Sam

i like how the curse or spell or whatever is concerned with series continuity and actor rights

As we can see now, the key is probably wanting to give up your old life after tasting the milkshake. Thinking about your old life triggers you so hard it forcibly disconnects you from the macguffin, causing you to violently explode.

Yes, both. Something that's associated with evil that's being treated like a regular pet/person, but has a very likely chance of proving the stereotype true.

I think it's gonna eat itself
the episode was called ouroboros wasn't it?

You mean at the start? Fix your tv or kill the ghost possessing it

"Peace of Mind" is the title of the episode

Fucking hell Holtz TMI

Dean is afraid of snakes?

why doesn't dean just run over that stupid snek?

Yellow Fever

Poor Donatello


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is original michael still in the cage

He's a drooling tard now


We went from Hell House What would Buffy do? To the What would the Winchester’s do?

and gabriel was completely broken
means nothing

Twice the pride. Double the fall

what "fan favorite" is coming back for the finale?

i hope it's balthazar

Gabe had friends who cared and fought for him
Mike, Zach?

>villain mocks our theory

>tfw butterfinger is american
>tfw you're not american
>tfw it's probably not available in your country

Life is shit.

Way to show your hand on the first move Cass

remember when cas could make people sleep by touching their forehead

It froze about 10 mins in and now I have to wait hours to finish the episode.

Not even going to scroll down just going to wait till I can finish it.

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Why can't Cas just cure Sam with some kind of angel magic?

>Cas is useful again

he's been nerfed a thousand times

cas used to be able to destroy entire cities if he wanted to

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Dammit, missed the stream

He probably still can, but when would he?

that sucks user. checked

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That's why you should open two different streams simultaneously and switch between them if needed.

yanks have so many adverts
a ridiculous amount, and that's not counting the product placement in the shows themselves

That's the trade off for not having to pay for a tv license

Gabe is on vacation with Death and Crowley, he will fix Mike when he gets back

dipshit, he'll be in purgatory

Did snek go to heaven?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Another shit episode next week

An actual interesting monster next week? Wew

I can already see the "Jack's dark side ||| (cliche edgy music)" amvs pile up on youtube.

How does Jack compare to Chuck in power level? Could it be that Jack is more powerful?

based on what we've seen? pretty close for both at their peak
although god is more creation and archangel nephilims destruction

It has been implied he might be since he woke Cas up in the empty and the the empty states that God has no power their, but this is contradicted by the show, since Chuck rezzed Cas multiple times and Nic woke up Luci

I still don't buy it that Jack can surpass God or Amara.

god is a mcguffin

do you want us to butter your muffin

time to get back on The Order for now and American Gods on Sunday/Monday

yo where'd everybody go? nani the fuck

>it's the thread dies immediately after the episode episode
bedtime I guess

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chuck's whole thing is faking his power level at all times. nothing compares to him. he could snap this universe into smithereens whenever he wants to

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Wait, I just processed it. Jack told the snake he's going to meet his friend in HEAVEN. So that gorgon guy went to heaven and not hell?

gorgon was a demigod, he shouldn't be going to either


finally its out, starting now

post reactions

>head pop
I still enjoy those.

>angel cake
>devil cake
kek, fuck off dean

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what songs would you guys recommend for the show to use?

i think they've used two AIC songs so far, but there's more in that well

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oh fuck I actually missed that one because the stream froze there

wasn't the casmobile supposed to be a gold pimp cruiser?

they already used The Killing Moon for an ad, so why the fuck not in the actual show?

yurop is so weird

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dont let the bong and the braveheart and the bestoni catch you

That was a really good 'sode

They've used grunge like Hey Man, Nice Shot, Man in the Box and Fell on Black Days, maybe we can have some Stone Temple Pilots, and not really grunge but even Red Hot Chilli Peppers have some nice songs that could fit the ambience

why not just call it an ep?

'sode is more satisfying

say it out loud:


isn't it fun? much more fun than ep

You have to go back.

sammeh why can't you just be a normal person and shorten it to ep?

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scooby doo, sam n eve, there was like 5 meta references in the first 30secs

jack no

I didnt catch the Scooby Doo reference

theater he ran by was playing scooby doo, also dean makes great sandwichs I want it

please tell me you're not talking about the telekinetic old guy that was in the rest home, that wasn't a nephilim
he was just a man that had psychic powers

So far with this ep if Gabe wasn't on vacation, I'd swear he's the one behind w/e is going on

how are you watching the new episode? CW in my area was playing college jiggaball until 11:00


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how be leet lik u

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that was my first thought too user

oh come on its a fucking snack

oops. meant to reply to this

yea, but this is getting dumb now, Cas can do the mindread thing, why doesn't he just grasp Sams forehead and raise him from stupid land

That user does have a point why don't they just get Micheal out?
Kino Crossover

>god has a beard
classic cas, it was funny

Ok final thoughts
>it was nice seeing cas be cas a bit but I forget just how hard they've nerfed him, he needs to get his wings back but be stuck recharging heaven or something
>super pyschic was fine something different at least
>jack's turn is as predicted

just woke up
was it kino?
gonna watch it on the cw site in a few hours

why would jack need a soul?
cas has no soul and he's knows empathy

yes Cas does, he has an angel soul, jack has a idk 1/2 human 1/2 angel soul, or maybe the soul was always pure human who the fuck knows

At one point Cas had the most souls

So what's going to happen to jack? will god come back and restore his soul?
i remember all those souils eaten by amara why the fuck was that forgave unless god brought them back

yeah I really don't get why they don't dump Cas and Jack in heaven as batteries.

Alright i quit watching after season 5, what's happening in the show?

Did God appear yet? Who is the enemy right now?

Is this for gay boys instead of legacies

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>will god come back and restore his soul?

he's an abomination. he will get the God finger snap if God is just and righteous.

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>implying jacks not god level
and if god did do that the winchesters would kill god
they beat everything with enough time


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He cant hes probably as strong as Lucy in his Prime. God or Amara can just delete Lucy with a thought thats how OP they are.


This episode made me cry that boomer was a great man stopping degeneracy in our nation if only he could do that to all of America.


>black female being completely civilized
>actual white wives that love their husbands and wont cuck them
>no drugs
>no shitty pop or rap music
>All christian
What a paradise

>hes probably as strong as Lucy in his Prime
literally what
he just raped turbo michael
he's at least 3x as strong as lucifer
gods probs 4x
and jack hasn't peaked yet

oy fuckin vey

Mike wasn't in his prime vessel and Jack burnt his soul to do it, who the fuck said he was anymore powerful then prime Luci? And chucks "level" isnt quantifiable

No but Rowena was still a very strong vessel and was turbos by the angel tablet if you don't remember
and everyone said he was stronger than prime lucifer
and considering god needed the archangels help for amara his powerlevel is quantifiable
in mostr works god is just 1-2x as strong as Lucifer

>the angels and devils cake scene
it"s just cake

>the monster get's put in his own personal heaven instead of hell


he's still a monster

>>deAN Michael's dead
>>sammeh throw me into the ocean anyway


when did that play?

wtf is dean doing

dog breeds crossing are usually better if there compatible
like 2 different types of Shepard for example
all the pros none of the cons

still human

>what "fan favorite" is coming back for the finale?
lucifer obviously

but still a monster
and got no punishment

why was dean buried in a random field again?

then so could jack

he should be in hell or i'd assume purgatory
idk where demigods go but he was evil

this thread sucked
no real discussion

but well the snakes heaven would just be his own ideal reality so yeah

I think the empty is different than wherever Cas was before when he died though fuck me at trying to explain why he went somewhere else.

Was that fight really necessary?

Attached: z3Ndw5t.png (1348x756, 2.13M)

>we truly where the supernatural

yeah it was peak kino

i assume he was burned, i always thought that was just an exit node for hell

yeah he had a 80s or 90s f150 before to

calling it now
jack will god a little crazy and the empty will come back and jack will sacrifice himself to kill the emty

Attached: vegetas sacrifice.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

nobody gonna comment on how castiel just snapped that guys arm?

was that scene supposed to be serious?


why doesn't he have any god damn hair on his chest?