This is the worst movie ever made

This is the worst movie ever made.

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The 12 Monkeys or Golden Eye is, but you're very close OP

after salvation and genysis its a goddam masterpiece

Not even the worst in that series.


The Seargent Candy bonus footage is worth the DVD price alone

That shouldve been his only scene in the movie and then making Connor a young Kyle Reese

have sex

Genysis was worse.

Not even the second worst

haha lmao

Genysis and salvation were worse

What's so bad about it? I haven't watched it since I was like 12 but I remeber it being bretty gud

The ending was pure kino, but the rest was pretty forgettable.

couple decent action scenes, but it was too Pg13ified, which made it look like shit compared to the brutal T2. also the way it was lit/shot/whatever made it look like a soap compared the previous and even following entries in the series
the Tx or whatever she was was also not an adequate follow up for Arnold and T1000 as a scary enemy

I honestly liked T3.

Why do people hate it?

Sure it wasn't on T2 level, but it still was surprisingly good for a third part of a movie.

Terminator 4 (Salvation) was the most retarded movie ever and didnt feel like a terminator movie at all

Terminator 5 (Genesys) was almost a joke but it still had a few good parts and was great for nostalgia reasons "I've been waiting for you"

and when T6 gets finished (I think this year or the next?) it would probably be something to cry about

Terminator movies from best to worst:

T2 > T1 > T3 > T5 > T4 > T6 (probably)

Also the Sarah Connor Chronicles hold a legit good place, I think it's slightly better or slightly worse than T3 so 3rd or 4th place.

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Why didnt the resistance send back a T1000?

Salvation was worse.

>This is the worst movie ever made.

It isn't even the worst TERMINATOR movie ever made. It's even in the bottom two worst terminator movies ever made. That's how wrong you are.

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T2 > T1 > TTSCC > T3 > T5 (Genesys) > T4 (Salvation) > that joke of a new Terminator movie

I have to rewatch it but I also liked it.

>I was disappointed because it's not as good as T2, therefore it's the worst movie ever made

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Genesys was terrorism in film form. I have never been so fucking angry as I was after watching that in the fucking theater.

T2 > T1 > TTSCC > T3 > T5 (Genesys) > T4 (Salvation)

based taste

how horrible will T6 be guys? i'm legitimately scared

Genesys was still better than Salvation

TSCC massively improved mid-first and in second season, when the writers decided to drop the "Terminator of the week" formula and went with the overarching, coherent story. Just too bad it doesn't go anywhere because everybody aside from John and Sarah Connor dies at the end anyway.
And this cliffhanger with "human" Cameron was fucking brutal.

Salvation was fucking awful. Terminator motorcycles, You Could Be Mine, Harvesters, Moving around during the day, Awful CGI Arnie etc.

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Terminator 3 wouldve been better with Robert Patrick T1000 helping a young Kyle Reese instead, the rest of the movie would pretty much stay the same
Arnold shoulve had just a cameo as Dutch being the model for the Terminator, thus connecting the saga with Predator, Aliens and Blade Runner wich wouldve been dope in my opinion

>all franchises should be connected
incredibly pleb and reddit opinion

>but what about when we blew up cyberdyne remember hasta la vista?
>judgement day was inevitable
>PS I kill u in the future lol
>ok let’s top liquid metal villain
>liquid metal over endoskeleton that can make gadgets and control cars and make it a STRONK WAMEN

I was seething when this turd originally dropped.

Yea what a fucking mess
>factory that makes terminators and only machines roam there
>set up like humans work there

>called terminators
>don't terminate people simply kidnap them

It was worse than 1&2 but I have to say it's still better than the shit piles that came after.
Yes even salvation.

I mean, it had just as much swearing as T2, and the there was a fair amount of gore. Remember the TX shoving her hand through that cop in the car?

I think you're mixing it up with Salvation.

Cos they couldnt reprogram one, most likely. It's established in the novelization of T2 and elsewhere in the canon that Skynet is somewhat scared of the T-1000s, because they're unpredictable, and hard to control. It only sent that one back cos it had no other choice.

Hottest terminator ever though
She can terminate this boner any day of the week

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Capturing a T1000 is probably near impossible

Glaubot is the superior Terminatrix

Attached: Terminator_Glaubot.webm (624x352, 2.88M)

>she makes the tightest pussy possible from liquid metal
>in the middle of fucking
>she morphs into a young Elizabeth Hurley then a young Jennifer Connelly

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My vote is also on a Glaubot.
Glaubot was cute. And a sociopath.

>You will never breed with this

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Shame she dropped acting for the family. She could have been a good actress if she wasn't so unlucky with her roles.

Fuck off

hey hey hey