Ya hangin in there, Yea Forums?

Ya hangin in there, Yea Forums?

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I am so unhappy

Yup I'm gonna get some flexoril tomorrow it doesn't show up in a ten pannel drug test

i am hero

I s'pose so. I drink every night tho

Mixed bag. Got some high points but the low points are starting to eat away at me quite a bit. Mostly keeping it together but I wish I didn't have so many people reliant on me. A non-Yea Forums poster would probably take solace in the crotch of a roastie but unfortunately for me people haven't got my back in return.

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No, not really. Coping mechanisms aren't working anymore, either. I suppose it's just a matter of time and summoning up the nerve.

Nofap day 22
After 20 days of feeling happyl and mega horny, sadness due to loneliness struck me pretty bad today, and overall felt way less hornier

My nofap is record is 50 days so I have been through this before. The good news is I am in Mexico right now and will be seeing mademoiselle picrelated really soon. Expensive but I need it

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where is she

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Where she was all along, user.

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last week or so has been tough, doesn't look like its going to better for at least until middle of the year, hope I can hold up until then.

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please kill me

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Tbqh, there are girls like this that are single but they're always very overweight/ugly

I find myself thinking of past mistakes and my stupid behavior and all of my ruined relationships in the past and I drive myself crazy every day

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HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH this is the most pathetic fucking thing I have ever seen

I have the flu
I want to die

Not really. I'm depressed and demotivated, my boss is a bitch, my mother is sick, I sit alone at home, I need positivity in my life.

Says a lot about you desu

>tfw no qt asian gf

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Did I post this?

I'm actually doing quite well right now.

If i ever stopped laughing at modern day clown world i'd probably kill myself

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i hate my jobs, my hallucinations are getting worse, it's harder to put myself to sleep, my mind feels like a jumbled mess, my emotions are a compartmentalized disaster & im too pussy to kill myself bc i don't want to put my roommate in a horrible situation.

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past few weeks have been really difficult. Like, REALLY difficult. But I've actually gotten through it I think and I feel a lot better in the last 48 hours

I went through a real personal crisis recently and it's still fucking me up but I think I'm getting through it

Can relate man, anxiety makes it really hard to sleep, I can take some xanax but don't wanna get hooked on it.

Too much stuff

i gotta brush my teeth. but to do that I ahve to get up.
please yell at me.

Just kill all these discord trannies and i'll be good

Its important to remember that life is supposed to be hard, the sooner you get used to hardship the sooner you'll enjoy being alive.

You'd be surprised. I've met some drop-dead gorgeous girls of the type. Still, there is usualy a reason they are single.
They are either properly raised introverted choir girls that go to church every second day, or they are bordeline autistic. Church girls are fun, it just takes forever for them to take a hint that I want to go out with them. Autistic ones are a disaster.

I've spent the last year in bed.

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That's not true. We've evolved to have life fairly easy.

Im drunk every night

I feel you user, it's 2AM and I've been on a streak of brushing and flossing my teeth each night this whole week. Can't break it now, but im pretty tired.

I'm on my 13th beer tonight...

yet life is unpredictable so you gotta get used to the shit that comes at you

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You'll loose everything you have and everyone you love gradually, you'll die alone, you can't take nobody with you when you're dead.

I started getting the shakes and cokd sweats agter passing the golden 12 pack rules. Strongly recommemd against going past 12

Yeah, but that's modern day. It wasn't like that in our evolutionary hunter gatherer band.

why is everyone on this board such a whiny faggot?

RLM has infected everyone

Got any more pics?

How much does she cost? I assume you have to use a condom.

Things are getting worse, people are aware of this.

It's gonna cost me $300 usd for 2 hours, which is a crazy amount by mexican standards, but I lurked sex tourism forums and this particular agency has been operating for 10+ years and have nothing but positive reviews. I was confirmed by several people that what yoi see is what you get

** Staci 21yo PETITE MUSCULAR TIGHT 5 ft 1 114 lbs. 34 B- 22- 36. Great ass. Extroverted and sweet. Aerobics instructor and physical trainer. Active and tone. Sexy and exotic appearance. Youthful, sweet, libidinous. Super wet. Super TIGHT. Intelligent, up-scale and sane. Conscientious, outgoing, sanguine personality. Appreciates all types gentleman. Un biased, empathetic and giving. Long, jet black mane. Beautiful ass. Thoughtful, aims to please. Hard and athletic body, smooth complexion and adventurous. Durable with good stamina. 4000 pesos one hour. 6000 pesos two hours. * Speaks decent English*

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As everyone is getting older, they're realizing that they've wasted their youth on anime and video games.

As opposed to what?

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been drinking a lot more lately. doing ok though, i guess.

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Yep. Looking forward to a few movies, a few shows, but I'm not sure if they will be enough. At the very least, I'd like to see how the Skywalker saga ends, and maybe check out The Mandalorian and the new season of The Clone Wars. Not sure what I'll do afterwards. I am so unhappy. I have no other reason to live besides movies and tv, and all I like anymore is capeshit and fantasy. A bit of a guilty pleasure, but I suppose it's simply because reality feels meaningless.

I’m ok could be better. My dumb sister got drunk and had to get rushed to hospital.

2nd semester at the University, I have no real idea what I am doing or if my degree by the end of it will be useful to get a Job. But so far I've learned that I have to keep going. No matter how big the obstacles may be, how hard it will be. I won't budge. I want to survive. Hang in there Yea Forums, if some retard like me won't give, you shouldn't either.

She's too fucking muscular man.

have sex

Improving their lives

could have just put her in the fuckin shower and tell her to chuke

Janny is having an autistic meltdown, 500+ deleted posts get in here

if it wasnt for alcohol there would be no reason to live

>she's too fucking muscular
"For you" I guess

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You are gonna nut instantly my dude

I had jury duty. It was humilating.

Having to tell a whole courtoom full of people my job, education, and martial status.

I was the biggest loser there. The defendant being tried for murder felt bad for me.

I know
Thank god viagra/cialis is openly sold without prescriptions here in Mexico.
But even if I nut in 10mins and have 2 hours, it will feel godly to snuggle in bed with a girl. Last time I had sex was over a year ago
(Last pic I post janny I swear)

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This, blow all that money to nut and fart the second she brushes against your elbow doesnt seem worth desu.

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> martial status


Definitely won't.

I'm doing okay, have gf and a job, learning a new language. Started a best picture project with my buddy, we're gonna watch all the winners this year, already knocked out All Quiet on the Western Front and The Shape of Water. Now I just need to kick this slight opioid dependency

I just want to die, but I'm too much of a pussy to commit suicide.

I was offered a job but lied in person about my jobs I never had since I didn't think I would be offered a job. What do I do? Leave those off the resume and hope they don't come up in interview? Or put them on and hope they're not checked?

kuća poso birtija

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>Meet a cute girl
>Have the confidence to ask her out
>She responds positively
>Turns out she really likes me
>She is now my gf
>I wake up

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Shitposting about anime and video games on a Taiwanese rice cooking forum

Chances are, they won't bother looking into it. Have you ever had a job before? You could put you were "self-employed" for however long and put a few odd jobs down (landscaping, junking, mover). That's what I did.


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Looking forward to the weekend so I can get high, feast, watch kino, and jerk off. Then sleep.

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those dreams make me feel lighter than air. I wish I had them every night and then I'd just pretend it was my second life.

Why does "she" have stubble?

>thumbnail looks like an eye from End of Evangelion Rei

How did Kubrick and Anno do it ?

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>tfw thinking about selling my XboneX

My XboneS got stolen and I bought the XboneX about 2 months later
However those 2 months without video games were surprisingly comfy; I had so much to time to clean my appartment, do the groceries, cook meals and hit the gym. I would watch a new movie every single night and yet I had all this free time, it was unreal

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Watching people get btfo about Captain Marvel's been pretty life affirming.

It's for a mangement position. I have been a manger before but I lied about an other manger position I've never held. I got some fluff stuff to put in instead, clerical work, stupid team stuff at uni. I might just leave it off and play it off as if it ended badly if asked.

my living situation is unsustainable and I need to find an apartment but I'm autistic like everybody else here with no rental history or friends and don't like talking to people and have no idea where to start

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I once had a dream where I was cuddling with my waifu and she was telling me how much she loves me. I felt so pathetic when I woke up.

I know EXACTLY what you feel and reading this book titled "better than perfect" really helped explain the perfectionist tendencies responsible.

As for me it's the usual. I hate being underemployed and living with my parents but I can't seem to be happy doing any job. Everything feels like a waste of time. But I'm so so lonely. It actually makes me mad I have female friends that I'm not that attracted to but they're the only ones to give me attention, it sucks. Been lonely for years. Where's my gf and more importantly, where is my reason to exist?

I wish all you fags could stop hating each other so much that you destroy Yea Forums out of spite.

I'm twenty-five and I can't drive. Also the girl I'm seeing thinks I do.

>tfw the other day I thought about killing myself by ingesting a mega cocktail of sleeping pills emptying my big picrelated and going to sleep in it with my pillows/blankets

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Norman scum

Save for my car being a death trap that is single handidly putting me in debt. Im good

I quit my job in late 2017 and went back onto the neetbux, over a grand every two weeks
For a couple months I continued to go out and pretend to work to avoid being judged by my housemates
But now I don't even do that anymore and just stay home

this was me 2 years ago. I broke down crying in a movie theater and confessed to her I couldnt drive. I thought she would say fuck off but she actually was understanding and ended up sleeping with me. Still broke my heart god damn I would do anything to fuck her that 16 year old again.

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Not really. Everyday I see more and more of them. Gypsies, Arabs, Niggers, Turks, Balkans. Why are they allowed to roam the streets? Why can't they go home? Why is nobody but me saying anything?

>over a grand every 2 weeks
What country and are you clinically autistic/disabled?

She's falling for me I know she'll forgive me but the lie has just gotten so big now. I just gotta drive man but fuck me if it isn't hard.

>with a really hot blonde girl
>she's dumb af and has bad taste in everything
>tell myself it doesn't matter since girls are alway shit
>still wanna leave

other than that I really want pizza but everything is closed and I'm supposed to be cutting.

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kek I kept up that lie an entire 2 year relationship

the best part was I "taught" her how to drive a manual. Literally just told her to press the gas harder like I fucking have any idea wtf I'm talking about but it seemed to work.

Every day I get up, meditate, and try to live life like the man I wish I were.

By the end of the day, if I don't pass out drunk I'm afraid I'll kill myself.

Each morning is getting harder to put on the optimism.

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I took the latina pill.

Good on you, bro. Your children will be aryan and pure as the driven snow but dear god blondes are lazy, vapid dipshits and I just don't have the patience or the paycheck to retain them.

I have halucinations but I take meds and they work. Everytime I take my meds for a month straight I think, okay I'm fucking fine I don't need these.
>stop taking them
>hear voices
I finally accepted that my natural state is just crazy and I need them and now I feel good

what kind of hallucinations do you experience? what do the voices say?


barely, I'm on a fucked up sleep schedule and watching the umbrella academy makes me want to get back on my drug habit.

I had an asian gf before this and decided to go back to my own race because I wanted to have white children but goddamn this chick leaves a lot to be desired. Good luck with your girl, man. Latinas are sexy as hell.

Laughed out loud. I'm been pulling all sorts of excuse out of my ass. Blame my asthma, I've already had a drink, I can't get the car. My saving grace is we have one car at my house right now but we're getting a second lease soon so, shit.

Been neeting for a while before uni starts, I wanna work out but I just don't have the drive

Is it time to just give up on the real world and finally learn to lucid dream? I feel like I should hold on at least a bit longer, but i just don't feel like it'll ever work out.

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Sent in my resume for 5 jobs recently. I kinda fucked up and forgot the phone number for my last boss and what her position was.

Oh well, just gotta wait and see

Begin jogging every single day for as long as you can. By the time it's 9pm you're gonna be tired and you'll sleep like a baby and won't think about getting drunk nearly as much

t. Former alcoholic

Got a bonus from work but in general I hate my life but it could be worse

Not really. I have just been allowed to work remotely from my hometown on a decent salary. If this had been a few years ago I'd be over the moon, cheering and enthusiastic about the future. But I've made mistakes in the recent past, embarrassed myself and tarnished my reputation in the eyes of people who I respect. I apologized to them and they said I'd done nothing wrong, but I know that if I ever "make it" in my chosen field my mistake will come back to haunt me and allow people to basically expose me as someone unworthy. So now I'm faced with living a decent life but unable to pursue what I really desire the most, and I don't think I can face a life of just eating, shitting, working etc without something bigger to aspire to.

I wantto know too

>I wanna work out but I just don't have the drive

I have 3 advises for you
1- nofap/nosmoke/nodrink
2- make sure your mp3 player is loaded with new mixes you enjoy (I like house music and hiphop)
3-take a preworkout supplement

If you're shy about hitting the gym, simply go at a time when no one is there. Personally I like mornings because the people that are there are serious and just wanna get their workout adap before going to work. Absolutely no attention whores,,gym bullies or retarded dudebros

this is a good tip, and I try to get my regular cardio... but it ain't going to do much to change all the endless bullshit I'm drowning in

In 2013 I used to listen to the album Visions by Grimes almost every night while walking home late at night alone from the university library. One night I had a dream that I was near the sea just outside a really bleak-looking, run-down amusement park whose gates were locked. In front of me was Grimes, smiling, and it was clear from instinct that within the dream context we had some kind of history together and knew each other intimately. Then a car pulled up behind me with some old schoolfriends in it that I hadn't seen in years. They told me to hurry up and go with them, so Grimes gave me a really brief hug and I turned to head towards the car but woke up when I did. That hug I received from Grimes in the dream was probably the highlight of my three years of higher education.

Do you workout at a gym? It is so beneficial imo... it gets me out of my appartment, I get to "be around" cute chicks, I feel great after a workout and you start feeling so much better when you start getting aesthetic with a 4-pack and some muscles

she's saving herself for chad

i was, but im not as good with knots as i thought.

I once had a dream that Kristen Stewart fell in love with me, and she wanted me to come along on her celebrity travels. But she also had this entourage of other kind of beta dudes, and one of them told me I was dreaming, and that I could continue dreaming and follow Kristen around but she'd get bored with me after a week and I'd be stuck following her around with the other losers, being ignored by her forever. So I woke up.

Sometimes I wish I had gone with Kristen. Would've at least had that one good week...

Legit, son


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the end is in sight....THANK (WHATEVER FAIRYTAIL) GOD (YOU DUMBASS'S BELIEVE IN) for it.....

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I go to Planet Fitness, all I can afford, but I should start lifting again. Really its this awful job that I'm trapped in, its completely isolating and the 8 god damn bosses I have to report to are all awful in their own way.

I wish I could just live on a farm, hands in the soil, back aching from real, productive work, not just squinting at glowing screens all night...

Been there almost exactly. I assume you have a lot of free time like I did and with it you should spend actual time thinking about and working on what is wrong with you. Be painfully honest with yourself. It sounds stupidly simple but I found most people do little to actual improve there situation or give up because they want immediate results.

nije kasno da se dovedes u red

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My workplace is full of stem grills like this, most of them are Qts without boyfriends and probably won't have time for boyfriends anyway


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Got diagnosed with sleep apnea hopefully the cpap machine will give me the energy to get through the day, not doing so well the past few months senpai

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she's only four years old. and she told the doctors what i've been doing to her.....

imagine how awesome it must be to be a fucking woman

>focus on your studies and career
>concept of loneliness completely alien to you
>no need for relationships
>fuck a guy on tinder now and then when in heat

it's like being able to bottle that male post-cum clarity that lasts a minute or two and being able to sustain that mood indefinitely
god I fucking hate being a slave to unfulfilled desires

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Why yes user, thank you for asking. I am indeed hanging in there. At least for 78 more days to be exact. "Why?" You may ask. And I will answer
There are only
>78 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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I'm taking my meds again.
Dad died month ago.
Turned 28 this year.
The window of opportunity is fading by each day. I won't find a partner by the looks of it.

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Based kaijukino keeping me alive

sorry guy, sleep apnea is a meme. they'll diagnose anybody with it, as it means they can "prescribe" you a glorified air humidifier for a hundred dollars a month.

if you're not sleep well, clean up your diet and get more exercise. look into a high-end mattress, too

I wish I had the will or the drive to do ANYTHING. All I do is sit on Yea Forums posting nonsense all day. How did this happen? I used to be somebody. I coulda been a...

Getting a goal to work towards helps. But honestly, a dog is the best my girl kept me alive she is gone now and where I live I cannot get another one. Working on my masters it is hard to keep hope.

Sorry about your father, user. If you're taking SSRIs you need to get off that shit immediately. Ditch the pills and look into stoicism. You've got this.

50 years from now these threads will end up in sociology textbooks as natural selection that evolved into being self aware.

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absolutely do not do this.

this seems to be the song of so god damn many young men. we can't all just be lazy, right? what did they do to us?

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it's going real bad my friend

I dunno I saw the results of the study I stop breathing like 100 times an hour can't be good for me, besides I live in socialist NZ so it is all free no charge to me for the machine. The rest can't hurt though I should get a better bed I do eat pretty well am not overweight but still could do better with exercise though.

SSRIs are not good, user.

loss of soul. no connection with God.

yes, goy, make sure to take your pills! can't have you feeling any bad thoughts or having any kind of sex drive! just keep changing the chemicals in your brain forever and enjoy a Marvel movie!

Gf left to be a whore, had a mental breakdown over it. Work has been just a massive mental toll due to fucked hours, currently spending all of my money on a car, drugs and therapy, can't kill myself because my family depends on me, just stuck in a emotional wreck these past 4 months. Don't have any friends or any girls I'm interested in, just keep day dreaming about a different life where I'm happy

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SSRI's are OK short term I guess but I thin they are pretty much a placebo apart from delaying orgasm they are great for sport fucking but once you go off them prepare to become a two pump chump.

stay strong german bro

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It starts with just getting out of bed and doing something. Fear of being/doing nothing in life should be enough.

nofap is going good for the first time in a long time, so I'm fine

Finally did my taxes, have a shitty cooking job, chilled with the couple friends I still have today. Shits been a lot worse for me so I appreciate any good things in life. Sounds gay as fuck but try and stay positive and not be an asshole all the time.

The current state of life is way beyond what we've evolved to cope with. Take the drugpill, seriously. It'll be better for your heart and brain.

Some lives are so fucked up they don't got no libido anyway.

>doesn't look like its going to better for at least until middle of the year
>hope I can hold up until then.

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jesus fucking christ all except maybe two of these

I wonder who's behind this post...

Who cares I don't really like sex all that much but fuck a girl the right way and you can get all kind of shit from her.

You're not smart and you do watch anime.

I dunno, man. The clown world is a fucking nightmare and it gets worse every day, but I'm not ready to just give up and take my soma. But good luck to you.

You will be surprised what you can endure. You are still here now right

hitler lost. thats why. seeing third world subhumans on every corner of every street does something to you on a level that is hard to understand

All of this is garbage except for the lower right one

Who cares about women, you'll just make a baby and perpetuate the cycle of misery.

I hate everyone but I'm also extremely lonely what's wrong with me

Loving life at the moment and pretty much everything has improved for me in some way. Also being newly single is amazing, forgot how liberating it feels.

Well take your mushrooms, or your bupe, or your effexor, but take something, trust me.

Hey guys this is just based on my experience but my mental health got way better when I unplugged from politics completely. I was spending so much time seething arguing with autists about pointless political bullshit that my mind was in a negative place almost all day. I feel much better since cutting it out, at the very least perhaps it's a good idea to cut back. Just a thought

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how is it march already

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At least you're not doing nothing in life. I'm sure that means little to you if you're not content but what's your ultimate goal after getting your masters?

You, sir, are a misanthrope also known as being a cynical asshole

You finally speak.

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I found an online profile of a girl who is actually a perfect match for me, except I don't have a job. I look at it every now and then to motivate me, so one day I can send her a message.

Go off and do Indiana Jones shit I am an Anthropologist and maybe wife a native

I know that much but how do I stop and how do I start enjoying things again HELP

Shouldn't have posted all that cunny, user.

Dude she probably gets 100 messages a day. Browse escort profiles at least that way you know you can get laid.

Why can't you find another job?

>tfw getting interested in training to do astral projection but can't attempt it yet because I'm emotionally in a bad state right now and know I will be surrounded by low-vibration bad entities as soon as I leave my body

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I'm low. This is among the lowest I've ever been. I actually want to kill myself
I live next to some train tracks. So easy to just wait there and step onto them

My life has been on pause mode for 662 days. I feel like I'm wasting away.

I wish I had the answer man. Once you go down that road it is hard to turn back. The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it.

Try to keep one friend who can stomach you be sure to offer something in return when I grew weed I had friends now I don't I have to rely on females I can offer them sex..

Are you me?
>constantly imagining myself arguing against people about my past mistakes
>constantly thinking about how everyone hates me for the mistakes I've made



Yeah, it's been a while since I've tried to stop overthinking about everything and giving it so much weight and I've been enjoying social interactions more and more. I'm close to getting a new and better job contract too so it'll be nice to have a few more bucks to help me get through my studies. I'm still kind of lacking the drive to do stuff at times but I know I can make it just fine

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You're looking at things in the right reference frame. I'm sure your job is just a means to an end, it's just a waiting game really. Former line cook here too.

lmao she looks like the WW2 caricatures of Tojo or Hirohito

Don't do it, bro. There's still shitposting to be done.


Good luck to you man. Please don't kill yourself.

What's up anyway?

I hate working so much. It's making me more and more miserable each day.

I don't give a shit about that. She is a virgin, and her profile questions almost match up 100% with mine. Idk if I could ever come across another person that would be such a good partner for life.



That sounds dope. I'm sure it's not as easy as just wanting it so best of luck to you.



I have no desire to kill myself. The tail end of last year and this year so far has just been dead air. Saturn is returning from its 29 year orbit, all our lives are going to get fucked up.

She only exists in your mind man. Sorry

Everything is easy as just wanting it. If I wanted some pizza, I could get some pizza right fucking now. Life is really that easy.

Nothing worth having in life is easy that is a bitter fucking pill but true

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Yeah and I thought some shit was definitely going down in 2012

I've recently taken up doing cocaine so yeah that's going well
>tfw still can't get her out of your head though

I've been on tinder, POF, and OkCupid for the past couple months and have gotten absolutely nowhere. Girls either don't want anything to do with me or they stop talking to me for no reason if they actually do respond. I don't get it. Am I doing something wrong or am I just a loser who will always be alone?

If you believe that then life will be nothing but hard.

you're fuck ugly mate sorry to break the news

I'm sure you don't hate everyone, it's just you see that most people are idiots and probably something along the way in life changed you and made you bitter but there is no one cure. You just try something, fail, then try another thing, and fail less, and repeat. It just takes some actual effort.

based and bedpilled

>tfw staying at an airbnb and this random girl is sleeping on the couch

Luckily for her I believe in karma
Good night stranger!

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A decent drug addiction will give you the will to live for a while at least.

Email me [email protected]

How am I 29 already?

You got it down right. Means to an end. I just got promoted to sous but that 55-60 hour shit a week is killer on both mind and body especially considering the chump change I make. Luckily I have a good crew that keeps me movivated.

IT is not that life is hard it is that things that are worth having take time and effort

See on that shit you should treat them like objects and switch between compliments, insults and shameless boasting of your sexual prowess. And set up meets ASAP. No long text convos. Set date, time, place, activity. Take it or leave it option. Do not waste time on these bitches.

Also all these apps have shitty messaging you should move the conversation to IG or IM immediately.

How did I make it to 35 I didn't ever think I would make it to 21

does anyone else set their alarm to wake them up after 6 hours to avoid dreaming

all my dreams are bad

It's astrological. Right now Mercury is in retrograde in Pisces. This year especially has several major events. This year is going to shift around a lot. Hold on to your butts. The veil is lifting, the planets are aligning. Be careful of the intent you put out there.

I'm going to stop fagging it up now. I'm tired, and I'm an idiot. I love one woman, but am falling for another. She's married and fate is pushing me downward once again. Good night

Using an example doesn't prove your claim. If you're trying to say that almost nothing is beyond one's capacity, and all it takes is approaching things the right way and effort then sure life is that easy.

What would their reaction be if I wanted to talk to them on Discord?

Hey tell that to my father. 31 years older than I am but he can't seem to get a fucking clue.

Don't get oneitis.

>tfw still can't get her out of your head though
That feel man.
I thought I saw her twice today. I swear I'm hallucinating or going insane.

The bitter pill is once you get that something you worked so hard to get you immediately want more.

Drop all online dating apps and start to do it IRL

Smoking weed will kill your dreams.

Not anymore after realizing how fucking garbage Villleneuve’s Dune will be, no. I love the Dune series, probably my favorite series of books, and to see it potentially go so squandered is the biggest film related disappointment of my life

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What did you do? No need to get specific. Is it something sexual?

I have the third date of my life on Saturday. It has been 5 years since my last date. I have never had a second date with the same person. I am excited but I also can't stop thinking about messing it up. My two oneitisises keep popping into my mind. I'm basically having a full on midlife crisis and cold feet before marriage right now. I'll probably kill myself if I fuck this up.

>girl I’ve been talking to for years suddenly became a bitch overnight

She always had a temper, but at least when she was a dick she’d come to her senses and apologize. Now it’s constant, and instead of apologizing she just gives me more attitude for pointing out when she’s being an asshole.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to just write her off, she’s been important to me for years. But she’s becoming insufferable and I can’t seem to get through to her.

>1 1/2 hours before I have to get up for work
>stil haven't fallen asleep and sleep schedule is still fucked up from daylight savings and passing out after work

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Yeah, that is why some people are successful well in a material sense I guess spiritually it is more debatable.

>listen to women talking amongst themselves
>become involuntarily redpilled

how do i cope with permanent loneliness

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I get you completely my dude. That's why I turned down the sous position at the place I used to work at. It could be worse as you say. You get to hang out with buds all day, spend little money on food, and plus that cook night life can be a hoot.

get a pet

I'm a terrible shitposter anyways.

My life is pointless. I live at home with my mom and schizophrenic brother I can't even bear to look in the eyes. All 3 of us can be a room in complete silence for hours of unbearable depressing mood. I got a job but I have terrible time management skills and it is affecting my school work very negatively. I hate the job anyways, I am awful at it, do everything wrong, everything too slow, people make fun of me and give me nicknames for being so bad. My school isn't even that hard, I'm going to fucking community college for a meme arts degree. And I might stay for the third fucking year. I am so fucking retarded. My gf broke up with me on Monday because she was in love with someone else the whole time and I was just a distraction. She was my first gf. I still have a class with both her and the guy she loves. My life is pointless. I want to end it.

Yeah, I had promised myself to kill myself before 20. For what it's worth I'm glad I didn't. Life isn't perfect now but things actually do get better.

What's the date?

ANd see an escort once a week or month whatever your budget allows.

Holy fucking shit

Yeah one thing I have learned is you really don't know what is around the corner sometimes life happens to you.

You ever thought about writing? You're sitting on some pretty decent material if life is that shitty.


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user this is going to suck to hear but she's probably lost feelings for you. For your own sake you should cut her loose, always think self first, it's obvious she's destructive for you.

this is me but 26 fucking kill me

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Don't think about it too much man, I'm a fat fuck and I managed to go out with a girl for a few months back in 2017.
I know people say this shit all the time but there really are plenty of fish in the sea even if this one doesn't go that well, the fact that you asked her out (I assume) shows you've already got the confidence to keep this going.

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My cat died. Kidney failure. She went from healthy and normal to curled up dead under an armoire in under a week.
I’ve had that cat for 15 years, since she was a stray we found living in the middle of nowhere. She slept on my lap every day and followed me around the house, and even around my neighborhood. She was a good cat.

>tfw my pog died 4 years ago and I still think about her every single day

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lynching niggers

Food is completely free at the job. Only time I pay for food is when I go out somewhere else or feel like cooking at home. The comeodery with the boys is the best, everyone’s got something on them drug wise

I'm not sure if the fact she's my co-worker is a good or bad thing
On one hand I get to see her somewhat often, on the other hand I just want to forget

You watcing Alina Rin?

Thanks for replies,
It's weird because I usually have to be dishonest just so that people don't run away from me screaming but that's probably something normal. It also means though that people tolerate me just fine(as far as I can tell), it's just me that finds it really hard to tolerate most others.
I used to be really into drawing because I thought a skill like that might help me find more people to talk to but only people who wanted free art ever came to me so I maybe shoulda thought that one over

You should beat the hell out of the guy she loves.

You’re probably right.
She lives a fair distance away, so we don’t get to see each other often. Even in spite of all this, she’s still been encouraging me to visit again and saying how excited she is to see me.

A roadmap of your life

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Stop being a bitch. Man up and tell her ass to stop being such a cunt or she can get walking. Chances are she resents you because she's not where she thought she'd be in whatever fantasy life she cooked up. Asking her what's wrong, what can you do blah blah blah won't work because she's already decided it's your fault and you can't fix it. So all that's left is making sure she doesn't treat you like shit or ending it.

Yeah you're right. I figure that if there is one thing that is certain it is death, no need to rush it, might as well see what life has to give. I want to see what the fuck happens to this planet as well, who knows we might get to see some kino wars and I don't want to be sitting on the benches for that one.

get some melatonin or zzzquil. That shit will set your ass right.


That's honestly still young
I started lifting at 27, got my shit together and got myself a nice picrelated girlfriend
36 y-o at the moment. Stay healthy, workout and you'll be totally fine until your 50s. Men age like wine, this is not not a meme

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Writing as an art should only be done by people who can do it right. I can't. I have no talent, no work ethic, no artistry and nothing meaningful to say, much less original. I would rather not do it at all than be a contemptable dilettante. I tried my hand at poetry briefly; I posted a poem on /r9k/ once and someone said my poem was why they hate poetry.

Damn I wish I lived in a place where nightdrives and nightwalks weren't rolling dice with your life.

Use the drawing man, all friendships are quid pro quo people just like to pretend they aren't

Yeah I mean I don't know your situation but from the symptoms it sounds exactly like when my gf was getting ready to leave me. This is gonna sound horrible but does she have any monetary incentive to keep you around?

He couls beat me up. I'm a skinny lanklet who has trouble doing a pushup.

Same thing with my dogs, they haven't been around for 4 years but sometimes I'll make the noises I used to do for them since my place feels so quiet all the time now.

Sorry for your loss user

if you're white then move to a small country town. If you're not then stay put.

Sorry for your loss, but I'll say the same thing I always do in that situation. Buy another pet. You showed so much love to one, it's a good thing to share that with another pet that might not get that chance.

One cool saying I like is life is just decisions you make in the face of certain death.

Y'all need to study the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and the Vedas. You'll live much better lives.

I fucking love this place.

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hanging from a rope

I mean buying food on your days off. Of course it's free, the least they could do considering how much the servers make. That's another plus. Having a buffet of servers with new ones coming in regularly and then being impressed with anything as long as it's plated well. Wew. Don't get me started on the drugs. I'm getting nostalgic remembering the days of smoking and lining up in the walk in.

What do you guys usually do after work?
I need something to fucking do in my free time besides vidya and tv but it's too cold outside and I usually need to get to bed by around 10 nowadays.

Where might that be user?

It feels like everyone I see is doing this pretending. I know I am for sure.

how is it squandered in any way

based motivational poster

My dog died 10 years ago I loved her more than anything didn't think it was possible it was the happiest time of life, she saved me. Funny thing about happiness is you don't know when you are happy you only remember it.


When she treats me like shit, I never just accept it. Even if it starts a fight, I tell her it won’t fly. It’s just starting more and more fights lately.
You’re right, though. This is probably the end of the line.

It does feel like the writing is on the wall, it’s just hard to accept.
No monetary reason, but I think the relationship has meant a lot to her, too. She never had a good home life, and I’ve been a source of stability.
But even without money coming into the equation, it’s starting to feel like all give and no take.
Thanks, you guys. Anything is better than being treated like shit.

I still can't believe Keith Flint's dead guys

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I come here and shitpost until about 2AM. Maybe watch a movie and drink.

Fuck this is too real
Fucking conversations with boring work colleagues.
>hey user any plans for the weekend?

Pushups, jump rope, reading, Gunpla when I have the money. I try to focus on learning skills too as you can never have too many and they can be taken away from you.

It's not his fault. My gf of three years left me for her childhood crush. It fucking sucks but there's nothing to be done about it, just don't dwell on it and move on with your life.

Could be worse. I don't notice anyone else in the thread living as the full-time servant of a needy, bitchy invalid parent with a completely self-inflicted condition and who isn't dying anything like quickly enough.

That is a tough one I wish I knew. I used to do martial arts but after a car accident I got unfit and related health issues stopped me from going back. Now I am fine but too lazy to get back into shape and back into it. WEnt through a long period of doing drugs and fucking whores but that is over with now

Might actually start using that, thanks. Hope you're doing okay user.

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Indoor climbing.

Illustrate and produce music.

If I ever did have plans for the weekend it would be doing something I don't want to do. I really wish I could get into reading.

asian waifus... not even once.

Betrayal will fuck you up like nothing else. I met the girl of my dreams lived together for a year then she left me disappeared radio silence fucked me up so bad even after I stopped hurting it still effects me.

Pic related yeah I know I am self-destructive

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You'll find people that you're fine with and even enjoy hanging out with. I used to be on the same boat, I especially hated that most people seemed to only want to complain about life or talk about other people. I found it helps to feign a little interest in what people are talking about by just go along with it and just repeat what they said in the form of a question then find a way to steer the conversation in another direction.

>tfw have 4 co-workers all my age
>all of them are fun to talk to except for one who asks this same shit which always results in him talking about all this shit he's going out and doing while I just tell him I'm going to relax at home
>he's the only one who complains about any of us doing anything out of turn despite not being the boss in our group
He's a nice guy that I've known for years but sometimes he just comes across as kind of a hard-on.

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I cut my drinking down to once a week but I drink over a liter of vodka in one sitting. Still better than it was. My shits look like someone poured cooking oil in the toilet

Always doing ok thanks user I am an oldfag I know I can survive anything have rebounded from so much devastating shit in my life I know no matter what happens I will be ok.

What kind of skills do you read up on?
I'm desperate for pointers as a jack of all trades.

I think I might be done with pets. She was as good a pet as I could ever have, and I honestly think there’s no point trying to replace her. I’ve had quite a few in my life, but I think she’ll be the last one.

That used to be me. I found that cutting your drinking is not the approach but how you drink. Rule of thumb, don't drink to feel better but to feel even better.

Here, I went out for a smoke and got a pic 4u. That's it though, this is already disrespectful

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When it comes to friendship and relationships you should pick from the top, not from the bottom. You deserve better than to be abused, you have done nothing to deserve it. Like I said, I don't know you but if it were me I'd sit her down at the kitchen table and say exactly what's on your mind. Don't get heated and don't attack her, and if she starts getting abusive then, well then you have your answer. It's obvious you're a caring person, but maybe that energy is better spent on someone who appreciates it.

Well done user I am on the same regiment but I usually binge and do it in two days and spend the rest of the week sober struggling to sleep.

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 3 nights a week

Do you put your art on IG? Might be an idea to get into touch with likeminded.

How hard was it to start going?

Feminism was a mistake

I’ve had a decent job getting into reading this past year. I have concentration problems and I can only read when I force myself too. Since my train trip to work is an hour each way I find that’s the only time I can read, I know if I tried on weekends I just won’t be bothered too. I’ve completed a few good books last year, some I really enjoyed that changed the way I look at the world.

I drink not to have DTs

At first I focused on car maintenance and repair starting with the basic oil, belt, filter changing etc. If you own a car you really should know it inside and out and upon learning that you'll know the basics at the very least for every car. After that I did welding, basic plumbing and I'm currently working on learning how to run power in homes. I was in scouts when I was young and my dad was a carpenter so I learned that stuff early on but survival and carpentry skills are great tools and a lot of fun.

Basically the Internet backfired massively on men.

So were you, user.

is that image your dog? damn he was a fat pos

Not that user but it depends on if you simply want to read up on a new skill, want to greatly improve on a skill you already have, or want to learn something that is applicable to any skill you have or will have.

I think that’s the advice I’d give myself, too.
Thanks again, user. I’ll do my best to get through to her. And if I can’t, so be it.

I am 30, have a stable, well-paid job, I live on my own, I own an appartament and a car and I still feel like a biggest lonely loser there is.
I guess a girlfriend is a thing that happens to other people. And the one nice girl that seems to be interested in a relationship lives on the other side of the country - and I know that online relationship with her won't work.
I guess I'll buy myself a cat. It's about time.

damn, I would at least touch that ass.

>what did they do to us?

that's right user nothing's ever your fault it's the result of connivance from some nebulous third party

When I drink now I snore with my mouth open. It makes my uvula swell up to the point where it slips down my throat when I swallow

I've been pondering this so many times. I think the death of religion is a main reason. Life would have been easy to churn through if you knew someone was making sure stuff would work out and if you were a good boy all your life you'd be awarded eternal bliss. Kinda hard to motivate yourself when you know that the only thing that happens is death and nothing you did in life will have mattered.

Weed and cocaine can help with that.

I recently got diagnosed with sleep apnea getting a cpap later this month I am told it will change my life

Real easy, most gyms will have free trial classes and you'll be taken through the basics with an instructor for your first class. The BJJ community is really friendly and has a good online presence.

I feel like I have no drive to get into a relationship again anytime soon after breaking one off a few years ago, it feels weird since I still think about my ex every now and then but also remember little things like how annoying she could act or how much of my paycheck/free time went towards pleasing her.

I should really do more stuff like that, I was in scouts too but I feel like I never paid much attention to things like repairs that I really should have done.
I try not to hold regrets in life but I really wish I went for my Eagle Scout rank.

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. As for why I still get up in the morning? I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it's obviously my programming. And I lack the constitution for suicide.

suicide at 40? thats quite optimistig of you

Buy a dog instead, women love dogs.
A wheaten terrier to be specific.

Are you me?

Have you tried any dating apps? Even if it's just a date and it doesn't lead anywhere at least you will have had a night out having a few drinks and interacting with someone who isn't work related.

what is it like being white?

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Yep this used to happen to me too before I cut down. Do you get hemorrhoids as well?

but what if god was not kill?

Glad someone on Yea Forums can relate. It’s not the best life but dammit it keeps me alive. Probably the most real cook I’ve chatted with, I browse /ck/ but between the dumbass fast food threads and stupid youtube ‘chef’ threads there isn’t anything I want to see. Anyway good luck to you in life user wish you well

I did a TKD and boxing from ages 9 to 17 but had a car accident fucked me up for many years. Been trying to get back to something but always chicken out at the last minute. You see I was the star back in the day a prodigy so I keep trying to get my fitness up before I go along but never get to the level I want or find another excuse not to go

Post a pic of your hand and I'll give you an honest reply

your potatoe of a girlfriend is 5/10 on a good day. she already hit the wall aswell. thats a big yikes from me

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ask /pol/ they'll know
ohwait lel

Wait your from australia and get paid 1k every 2 weeks? Fuck i work full time in australia for that amount. How to centrelink?

There's always time to straighten yourself out, man. After high school I floundered in college and eventually quit and became a NEET for almost two years. It took everything in me to break old habits and get my ass into gear but I'm so glad that I did. I got my eagle and all I've ever used it for was to impress girls. Skills are worth more than any title or paper. Don't give your future self any need to hold regrets.

You're a hard man, Dan.

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imagine having such low standards you call the hoe in your image the "girl of dreams"

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I'd rather be Asian honestly

True, but it seems like way too much work to be religious if it's not certain.

You look good user. Glad to hear you're doing good.

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you've got the worst problem in this thread desu senpai

What can I say I am self destructive I wanted a suicide girl latina who would fuck the shit of me and not hassle me about my drug habit.

Of course, girl of my dreams is perhaps not the best description I would like to think that many years later I now have better standards and am single.

Not him but what do you know about what made her his dream girl?

But wouldn't it be annoying have a small peepee

Would it amuse you to learn I passively *want* to be murdered but not even drugged-up shadowmen are interested?

good looking beta males that sell themselfs under value are the main cause of feminism

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the endless succession of people insisting they're ever so terribly victimized for being white or able to pass begs to differ

I think you have the right idea. I was pretty heavy into the alternative scene back when I was younger. These types of girls are heaps of fun but they're trouble, they're very destructive for you and drain you mentally. As I got older I got less interested in getting my brains fucked out and more into getting a partner I can actually talk to.

What a stupid fucking post.

Be medically autistic.

Well, that pic is actually her I thought I was lucky at the time. But went literally insane when she went back to Argentina and without any word and no notice after a year...

Best sleep you are ever gonna get user. You will realize how fucked your sleeping must have been

Fuck, that photo stings because of how real it is.

Honestly, I don't trust a dating app.
I guess I'm also horribly introverted and have a shit self-esteem so I come off as an asshole, while trying to be nice.
I guess women don't like that.
Oh, well. Cats it is.

the longer you live the more your memory fails and the less your past actions or lack thereof matter. I can't say with certainty that we're all gonna make it but most of us probably will

Na, just alcoholic liver disease

I'd be happy to have someone that looked like that now. Did she ever give you a reason for ghosting you? Glad you're doing better. What drugs are you into?

Yeah looking forward to it apparently I stop breathing 100 times an hour. Should have done the sleep study many years ago

Maybe it's optimism or just shortsightedness on my part but I imagine practically everyone feeling like that.

I am clean now well apart from a bottle of vodka once a week. Grew and smoked as much weed as possible for 10 years. Then started a job with drug tests so switched to meth which I was already doing sporadically.

She eventually got back in touch but the damage was too severe would try again. Her Dad died so she went back to Argentian and said saying goodbye was too hard but I figure that was a lie.

Kill me

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You do you but it sounds like you're setting yourself up for failure with that mindset. With that living situation you're already attractive on the dating market. Also you need to remember women are imperfect creatures just like men, what if you meet someone who is also introverted and with self-esteem issues? Some people you just click with, but you have to make an effort to meet people as well. No one is going to ring your doorbell.

Hell, when you start talking to someone on Tinder just say "Sorry I don't usually do this, so if I say something weird I was probably trying to be nice" or something like that, women can find that sort of thing endearing.

Not having a burner phone that you use to be your old boss. It’s like you don’t even want the job user

Yeah that sounds a bit like a cop out. But hey at least you have bragging rights to landing a SG, how'd you manage that?

Sounds like a Costanza subplot desu

Right place right time and a disposable income Plus latina women dig white guys we go up one or two points when crossing controls.

She was a waitress I kept going back and asking her out until she said yes. Didn't take too long

Are there any of these for people in their 30s? Asking for a friend

How quick was she to put out?

That seems like a lot. So you are basically not breathing all night. What do you weight? How fat is your neck

Girls like that put out straight away. Most girls do though to be fair in my experience, otherwise, it will never happen.

I think my neck is not super huge, I am 90kg and 180cm in height. I think it may be a tonsil issue or jaw.

Every long term gf I've had put out the first time I met her and honestly I don't think I would have started dating them otherwise. I want someone who views sex the same way I do, obviously if I meet some chaste puritan things aren't going to work out if we are that different off the bat.

sorry about that user but you have to think of the possibility that it might still bite you in the ass. so why not do what you actually want. at least youd be living your life and even if it does create problems for you, you might face them head on.

I can relate totally. I dated this Brazilian once she was really sweet on the first date she rebuffed me when I grabbed her boobs it was so refreshing. It didn't work out as she had a daughter and I was in a bad place at the time I met her but I had such respect for her. She wanted me so bad but put up boundaries anyway was so refreshing.