I just rewatched this separate from the other Star Wars movies and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What was the big fuss about back when?
I just rewatched this separate from the other Star Wars movies and I thoroughly enjoyed it...
almost a complete rehash of a new hope
Except for the giant space laser, in what way?
Because she managed to launch a counter attack against a gravely wounded opponent who wanted her alive anyway?
It seems decent after seeing how bad a Star Wars movie can be.
Rebels vs Empire trope is used again with First Order apparently having more firepower 30 years after ROTJ and the Rebels are called the Resistance despite being in control of the galaxy
MC lives on a desert planet for most of her life and escapes the First Order aboard the Millennium Falcon
She meets a mentor figure who gets killed by a Sith
Death Star remake but bigger
>A droid carrying valuable data
>A roguish pilot
>The Millennium Falcon is used to allow our heroes to escape
>A conflict between father and son.
Basically The Phantom Menace with a super laser? Also you're missing everything that happens between portions guy and Leia if that's how you sum it up.
Sometimes the actors and music score stopped to be funny like in an SNL skit (Phasma capture, sanitation scene, Rey interrogation, Rey meets Finn, Poe and Finn meet) then wait for audience laughter.
It was weird.
>A droid carrying valuable data
>A roguish pilot
Extremely vague
>The Millennium Falcon is used to allow our heroes to escape
Just like every movie in the original trilogy
>A conflict between father and son.
Didn't happen in the first one
kylo and han
I know, but Luke and Vader didn't even meet until Bespin is what I'm saying. Do you even watch Star Wars?
Go rewatch A New Hope. It's almost beat for beat the same with a few reordered (falcon shooting at tie fighter sequence is moved to leaving not tatooine)
You niggers can't even remember which scenes happened in which movie.
>Because she managed to launch a counter attack against a gravely wounded opponent who wanted her alive anyway?
Because she:
-can do sick maneuvers with the millennium falcon the first time she flies it solo
-was instantly liked by han solo and asked to join him the first time they met
-can resist jedi mind trick from a trained force user and even do it to a stormtrooper
-can force pull a lightsaber the first time she tried
-was losing the lightsaber duel until she literally just close her eyes and mumble something about the force
-got a hug from leia even though chewie should be getting it
>the movie is a tonal mess right from the opening scene
>tons of blatant plot holes created by the lacklustre and nonsensical script
>uninteresting characters which are badly acted
>starkiller base is one of the stupidest things ever put in a major movie
>treatment of the original characters and story that bordered on cruelty
It's one of the worst major films ever made.
>-can do sick maneuvers with the millennium falcon the first time she flies it solo
Those weren't so much sick as they were incredibly lucky, also 9 year old Anakin could do similar things despite being untrained in the Force, and it's not like she never flew before
>-was instantly liked by han solo and asked to join him the first time they met
So were Luke and Ben, also this is an old Han who was swept up in nostalgia, also what does this have to do with Rey?
>-can resist jedi mind trick from a trained force user and even do it to a stormtrooper
They only work on the weak minded, and given what stormtroopers are it shouldn't really be that hard
>-can force pull a lightsaber the first time she tried
So could Luke
>-was losing the lightsaber duel until she literally just close her eyes and mumble something about the force
I already addressed this
>-got a hug from leia even though chewie should be getting it
Women, right?
Keep them coming, guys, I can shoot them all down.
>I can shoot them all down.
But you already got corrected and missed one, retard. You granted the droid carrying valuable data in an earlier post.
Here's another: a cantina scene where the camera pans around to different alien races where one of the characters try to find a pilot (Finn in TFA).
You missed two now, guess can't shoot them all down for your shitty rehash film can you dumbfuck?
>Our heroes destroyed the Empire once and for all
jk there's a new one and it's bigger and eviler but without three movies showing it being created
>Han finally takes an active role in fighting the Empire and gets together with Leia
nope they split up after their son becomes a genocidal psychopath and Han fucks off to go smuggling again
>Luke will start a new Jedi order with none of the problems of the old one
that goes to shit after his pupil kills everyone
>Luke never gave up hope of redeeming his father, the second most evil man in the galaxy
my nephew did a bad thing so I'll go hide and die instead of doing anything about it
>new ships and planets in each movie
back to X-Wings vs TIE fighters for no reason, not-Tatooine, not-Endor, giant spherical space station yet again
>Princess Leia can go back to being a senator/ambassador now that it's peacetime
no she's a general for some reason
>reunion between the main characters of the original series
Han and Leia share one scene, Leia ignores Chewie, R2 is inactive the whole time, Luke doesn't get scenes with anyone
>the Millennium Falcon is heavily modified and always needs two pilots
Rey can pilot it herself without ever setting foot in it and diagnoses problems that Han can't figure out because he's a boomer idiot now
>Force users take years/decades to hone their skills
Rey downloads all of Kylo's abilities in seconds
>Kylo Ren has a cool saber he built himself and he trained under Luke for years
Rey beats him in a fight even though she's never held a saber before
>Anakin was the best star-pilot in the galaxy, Luke was also a great pilot
Poe Dameron makes them look stupid even though he has no force abilities
>Han and Chewie have been friends for decades
Han never tried the bowcaster until now, he shouldn't even be strong enough to use it
Because this movie fucked up the lore of the past 6 movies.
Disney sucks, these movies are fan fiction horse shit.
You're scrambling for examples and only have one. I don't even have to give you it. It's the missing piece of a map. It could be a pirate movie for all that detail gives us. In fact it has nothing similar to the Death Star plans except for the bad guy wants it. In fact I revoke the grant I gave you for it. The cantina scene is the one example you have and even then it's a shaky one that you only have on the basis that I can't shoot it down just yet. Actually yes I can, those pilots had nothing to do with the plot and could be a johnny cab for all that the story cared. What do you have going for you now?
>Those weren't so much sick as they were incredibly lucky, also 9 year old Anakin could do similar things despite being untrained in the Force, and it's not like she never flew before
so following the fault of the prequels is a good thing now? And when was it explained that she ever flew before?
>So were Luke and Ben, also this is an old Han who was swept up in nostalgia, also what does this have to do with Rey?
Ben was guarding like the time from afar in tatooine, Han only met rey that time
what does this have to do with Rey? Because mary sues are instantly liked and Han proved it
>They only work on the weak minded, and given what stormtroopers are it shouldn't really be that hard
Really? Never been trained, not even knowing about mind trick, and she just learned it instantly by expiriencing it?
>So could Luke
At least we saw Luke struggling while doing it. Her? Nope, not a bit
>I already addressed this
>Women, right?
Nice explanation. Really cleared everything up
>Keep them coming, guys, I can shoot them all down.
ok you asked for it
Here you go you scrambling faggot shill, the actual director talking about borrowing from ANH. Next time you decide to defend a creatively bankrupt corporation make sure they don't admit to stealing in public.
>[‘The Force Awakens’] was a bridge and a kind of reminder; the audience needed to be reminded what ‘Star Wars’ is, but it needed to be established with something familiar, with a sense of where we are going to new lands, which is very much what 8 and 9 do,” Abrams said (via IGN)
>“So we very consciously — and I know it is derided for this — we very consciously tried to borrow familiar beats so the rest of the movie could hang on something that we knew was ‘Star Wars.’ ”
>borrowing from
What are you, a leftist? You know what that phrase means.
>so following the fault of the prequels is a good thing now? And when was it explained that she ever flew before?
People complained about young Anakin's flying skills? It would be silly if they did. Also why wouldn't you believe Rey when she stated that she was a pilot?
>Ben was guarding like the time from afar in tatooine, Han only met rey that time
And everyone who has ever been to Tattooine knows everyone else? Ben lived in a fucking cave.
>Really? Never been trained, not even knowing about mind trick, and she just learned it instantly by expiriencing it?
How do you think they learn it in the first place? It really isn't that hard of a skill. You can do it to people without the Force if you aren't autistic.
>At least we saw Luke struggling while doing it. Her? Nope, not a bit
Are you blind as well as autistic?
What do you know, you're blind and illiterate
>Nice explanation. Really cleared everything up
And involuntarily celibate
>ok you asked for it
I did ask for it, now where is it?
I know this is Yea Forums but FYI resorting to insults means you're losing the argument
And that's a copout response. And you're using the texas sharpshooter fallacy if that's all you're going to acknowledge.
I'm not the guy you're arguing with, I'm just passing through
>So were Luke and Ben
Han didn't like them, he was in for the money.
Noobs don't understand that TFA was almost by default going to be milquetoast, since it had to undo all of the ill-will that the PT did in order to get the Star Wars ball rolling again. And to that, it did so extremely well.
Yes, it is essentially the exact same story as ANH, but people always seem to forget that it was deliberately setting up two OTHER movies that were going to expand upon all the idea and plot threads started in TFA.
Who was Snoke? Why did Luke leave a map? Who were the Knights of Ren? How did the New Republic fall into such chaos? Etc.
Of course, instead of answering these questions, TLJ decided to ignore them completely and just take a fucking mallet to any sort of consistency or decent worldbuilding because "subversion."
Most casual audiences who didn't watch the Plinkett reviews liked the prequels well enough, especially RotS ending on an emotional climax like it did. My audience in the same town was just as packed and engaged with Ep 3 as it was with TFA, it's not like Attack of the Clones killed interest in the series.
>People complained about young Anakin's flying skills? It would be silly if they did. Also why wouldn't you believe Rey when she stated that she was a pilot?
Aah yes, finally a newfag revealed xerself.
Again when did she stated she ever flew a starship before?
>And everyone who has ever been to Tattooine knows everyone else? Ben lived in a fucking cave.
No, obiwan knows only knows luke and the lars couple. It's kind of a plot point between ROTS an ANH sweetie
Also you think someone who lives in a cave never gets out to get food? You have a really weird line of thought there
>How do you think they learn it in the first place? It really isn't that hard of a skill. You can do it to people without the Force if you aren't autistic.
By at least learning the theory in class and then trying it on a test subject, NOT by being the test subject itself R E T A R D
>Are you blind as well as autistic?
are you? Did you see rey struggling when she tried to pull the saber?
>What do you know, you're blind and illiterate
rude, and here i thought we're bonding and discussing this shitty film user
>And involuntarily celibate
Does that mean you want to have sex with me or not?
>I did ask for it, now where is it?
I'd tell you where but you already chopped it off and threw it away
Now go dilate
If Attack of the Clones didn't exist it'd easily be the worst Star Wars movies.