Was there any reason they couldn’t bring Gottfried back?

Was there any reason they couldn’t bring Gottfried back?

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I didn't like this guy but then I found out he was Steve the Pirate and so I like him now.

They wanted a more serious, down to earth take on Iago

An Iago you've never seen before

Too abrasive for current year children

Gilbert is blacklisted, unofficially. He still works, but Disney won't hire him ever again.

Disney's loss.


The same reason they didn't bring anyone alive back?

I like Tudyk, but this is GG’s role.

But this is a purely VO role. Rest aren’t like that.

quick rundown?

it just gets worse and worse

da jooz

of course, but anything specific?
did he NTJ?

He's white (kind of)

not that user, but from my limited experience i can say that Gil is just not family friendly considering the work hes done in the last decade or so

Rothschilds bow before the Gottfried

Gilbert Gottfried is Jewish, but he's one of the (extremely) rare-few Jews who absolutely shit unceremoniously all over Jews and Judaism in general. Disney can't have that!


>just not family friendly
>from the company that repeatedly gives Sarah Silverman work

made some Godzilla jokes or something along those lines around when the Fukushima power plant disaster struck..

neither is the rock, but he's the face of kids movies.

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Was it when he was fired from Aflac for that tsunami joke?

Too many jokes about licking the corpse of Hitler's asshole.

Chris Benoit was the fall guy because he was about to dish out some very tasty dirt on people who didn't want that dirt dished out.

there's just not free speech, no freedom if Gottfried isn't out there telling a tasty rape joke

I like Alan Tudyk, i grew really fond of him in Firefly. Hope he does a great job and lands more work but filling gottfrieds shoes while making it his own thing is gonna be a tough one.

japan tsunami

Eddie looks like me when I was younger. Weird.


You know if someone is willing to go on Norms show it means they're blacklisted

tudyk is insufferable

the asshole of hitler's corpse? Hitler's corpse's asshole?

I found some of Gilbert's tweets.
>"Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them."

>"What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They're both radio active."

>"Japan had put out this urgent plea...." PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!"

>"Japan called me. They said "maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they're all sinking."

>"I fucked a girl in japan. She screamed "I feel the earth move and I'm getting wet."

>"My book #rubberBallsAndLiquor was released in japan. It's making quite a splash."

">What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights."

>"I asked a girl in Japan to have sex with me. She said "okay, but you'll have to sleep in the wet spot.""

>"What do Japanese Jews like to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami."

>"I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said "is there a school in this area." She said "not now, but just wait.""

>"My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day."

>"I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, "They'll be another one floating by any minute now.""

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>mfw reading these in his voice

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>"I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said "is there a school in this area." She said "not now, but just wait.""
holy fuck

Disney is quite aristocratic

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I don't think I get this one. What's the joke?

school is going to move because of the earthquake/get washed up by waves

it's not that difficult user the punchline to all the tweets is about the earthquake/tsunami

That's what I figured. Just wasn't sure. It's kind of hard to imagine, since it requires you to think of Japan being flooded in one context, while not being flooded in another context. So there's some geographical math involved.

the real estate agent thinks he's talking about a school of fish because there was flooding in japan

It's fucking funny too. I could understand why a travel company, or whatever the fuck aflac is, wouldn't want their spokesman saying shit like this but it's really no reason to ruin the man's entire career.

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>>"What do Japanese Jews like to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami."
I don't get this one.

Gilbert says fucked up shit all the time. He really lacks a filter.

I could watch a 3-hour Iago movie with Gilbert doing Dice Gottfried the entire time.

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Its what makes him funny

Eh... Not to me. If you like the irreverent style of comedy, then sure. Gilbert will say and do the things that you're not supposed to say or do. But I just don't find his material interesting or clever.

Wait, there was a pirate on our team?


It could be that he didn't want to come back. Maybe he doesn't want to be remembered as "the guy who voiced Iago." Robin Williams had an outstandingly long and successful career as a comedian and actor, but a lot of people still manage to reduce him to "the guy who voiced Genie."

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Hebrew is the Jewish language

>heres 200k now voice this parrot for 1 hour
>he..he doesn't want to come back

no hes blacklisted for sure

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I think it's that Jews eat Hebrew National Salami, Japan had just been hit with a tsunami, and "tsunami" sounds like "salami."

So Alan is just going to do a Gottfried impression when Gilbert is still alive and available for work? That's cold.

Really nigga?

Yeah you’re dumb as fuck and don’t know shit about Gilbert. He has ZERO pride and just as much shame. He stayed on for the god damn Aladdin Saturday morning cartoon, Problem Child cartoon, and post-80’s Rodney Dangerfield movies. He’s so cheap he’s never bought shampoo since he’s taken so many from hotels.

Ah thanks bro, i've never actually heard of hebrew national salami before.

>"What do Japanese Jews like to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami."
>Hebrew is the Jewish language
The joke has nothing to do with the language, dingus. Hebrew National is a brand of kosher food.


Gottfried has a history of making controversial jokes about the holocaust, 9/11, and says the word nigger a lot. also, he's funny, which isn't allowed anymore in comedy


Top kek


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gilbert laughed about jap bodies being carried out to sea in the tsunami aftermath.


He voted for DRUMPF probably

Gilbert Gottfried lurks

>Comedian makes an offensive joke.

I really don't understand what these leftist corporate fucks want any more.
This is like hiring someone to mop your floor and then firing them and blacklisting them for "getting the floor wet".

One mad lad alright

I thought they only made hot dogs.

FFS, I can totally see Carson doing most of those if he'd still been around. Or Red Skelton. The couple of blue ones would have been right up Buddy Hackett's alley back in the day (or, with a gender swap, Joan Rivers').

There's nothing that should ever get anyone fired there, let alone blacklisted.

Based Gilbert

they want to be cool and liked and relatable because that is the liberal ethos and then oops we’re actually a corporation we really only do money stuff. so bye raw, unfiltered comedian mascot. good luck paying off the house you bought expecting steady work ahead lel.

If that's even what passes for "offensive" these days, I just don't even any more....

Joan Rivers was probably more offensive than gottfried ever was. ive seen a stand up routine where she says how disgustingly ugly mexican people are as well as making a lot of jokes about people dying. gilbert also jokes about people dying and did stuff like the aristocrats bit but he doesnt get a pass like joan did.

In favour of Gottfried though, he's funny.

True. Joan got a pass partly because she was a woman.

It's why Sarah Silverman gets a pass for racist jokes and Michael Richards doesn't.

Michael Richards less so. He got shit on because his jokes bombed. Louis CK was allowed to say nigger and nobody cared because he was more popular and funny.

>leftist corporate

>we hired a guy to attract business
>the guy just possible offended one of our major target markets
You are a goddamn fucking moron.

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Jesse Christ what is his problem?

he got cancer from licking Catherine Zeta Jones's pussy

>the guy just possible offended one of our major target markets

Corporations don't care about this.
If they did they wouldn't hire people like Brie Larson and others that chronically have a foot stuck in their mouth.

Kinda like their more serious, down to earth Genie, huh

>Louis CK was allowed to say nigger and nobody cared because he was a vocal, outspoken libcuck.

Fixed that for you.

>the guy just possible offended one of our major target markets

Yeah, this is why people like Sarah Silverman can't get work after virulently shit-talking Christians for years. Christians are not only the majority of America but constitute a third of the planet's population. That's a lot of people alienated from your business.

michael richards is too

As a White man with a Japanese wife I laughed hysterically at this.

As a not normie i laughed at this

to be fair sarah silverman also makes holocaust jokes. she offends most groups.

have fun with your hideously deformed half gook children

He's too redpilled for a (((comedian))) so he's too problematic to the zoomer kids

He said the "N" word one too many times on Howard Stern




>>"I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, "They'll be another one floating by any minute now.""
Holy fuck.