This gook has completely saved me

This gook has completely saved me.

I've gone from doomer to bloomer in like, a month.

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Based, keep it up user!

Good on you OP!

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Were all gonna make it boys

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And all it took is destroying everything that you love.

What is it? Does she send her gook sisters to suck incel's cocks?

when your life is THIS pathetic

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>falling for the asian jordan peterson meme

I hope none of you actually do this

you are still here. it won't last

Fuck the haters OP

I used her ideas two years ago when I moved abroad

Nothing like throwing out tons of shit you don't need to crush the D O O M

Oh? Why not?

What are the downsides you so astutely observe?

Marie got me to clean up
Alita taught me it was okay to fall in love again
Yea Forums taught me no matter how bad my life is, someone always has it worse

I'm starting to miss a lot of the shit I threw away

Jordan Peterson copied her

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She's a nip user, not a gook.

I've never liked clutter, and I had borderline hoarder parents. I was doing the same damned shit, until I moved, and I snapped, and got rid of all of it.

When my parents died, it took 3 dumpsters just to empty out their basement. Fuck that noise.

>niggers in this thread who don't think that living an organized life can positively effect their brain chemistry
You deserve to be a depressed virgin desu, no amount of yangbucks will ever fix that

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sucks when you live with an insane hoarder family though desu

I want to bloom inside this tiny slant, OP.

You need to know the differences between between the slant eyes, it could save your life.
Nips = friends
Gooks = can go either way
Chinks = yellow kikes, pure evil

they arr rook same

I'm not usually attracted to Asians. Why is she so hot?

>that roastie in the first episode with mouth herpes

My mom watched this shit and went through my childhood bedroom and donated my fucking Castle Greyskull

based bloomers will save us

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No change in brain chemistry is going to make a shitty replica of a normalfag lifestyle pleasant for me. It's better to minimize effort so my brain will recognize the improved enjoyment:effort ratio.

post that really cute gif please

Which part of being a bloomer involves sticking meth up your anus during a gay orgy and dying?

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Is it worth actually watching her show or do I take away the message just by reading the shitposts about it?

so where did you hide her body

Why are zoomers so afraid of possessions?

Bretty sure it's millenial roasties perpetuating this thing, isn't it?

I made peace with it and gave her a hug because to do otherwise would be degenerate

I didn't destroy/give away anything that I actually loved user. You can konmari and be a manchild. I not only kept all of my legos, old stuffed animals or Pokemon toys, and I have a pretty good amount of all 3, I was even able to dedicate more room to store them properly and hopefully keep them nicer. As well as having actual places in my space to put out builds or figures that I own and like now. It's not about throwing out anything you love, it's about keeping only the stuff you love.

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haha of course

read the book

The show is just a crappy reality show with a smattering of useful information, taking away only a few messages will improve your life.
Reading the book all the way through following her methods and then also tracking down her little tips (the way she folds clothes is insane everything takes up so much less space) will no shit dramatically improve your life.

You miss the comfort of clutter.

If by clutter you mean your mom's pussy then yeah sometimes

>The absolute state of white roasties

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I see she's got a few books, is there one specifically?

Oh shit I had no idea she had multiple
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is the one I'm reading and it's definitely a good starting point

Thanks user, nice dubs

No problem

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This is... yeah, I mean I can't disagree. This is pretty accurate.

I organized my Yea Forums folder because of her.

My reaction image folder is now 25 folders of varying emotions + a misc folder. It's an absolute dream to be able to read a post and know what folder I'm going to open before I even get to the button to open windows.
I also organized my porn folder. There's 5 categories, clips, games, images, stories, and videos. And then each of those categories splits off into 2D and 3D (except for games and stories) and then each of those folders has an array of roughly 24 categories of smut, matching categories between folders when possible, but individualized as needed (IE Delicious Brown folder for 2D vs Black Girls/Brown Girls/Latinas folders for 3D)
I also organized all my board content by category. Anime, Books, Music, Outdoors, Television and Movies, and Video Games. Each one has any various folder categories that it could need, stuff like MS paint images related to the topic, shitposting images I'd want handy, pictures I've started threads with, folders for specific titles or activities I'm in threads about enough and I've also moved the actual content I have for the topics into the folders as well, now, so my anime, online reading, music files, etc are all right there.

My white whale right now is my "Shitposting folder", which is an amalgamation of a folder named "funny" that had most of my memes and shitposting images from over the years in it (with about 10 or so seldom used folders), and the miscellaneous unsorted stuff I had sitting around my Yea Forums hard drive (which was probably about half, maybe even more, of the images on the hard drive.

10000+ files, 35 gigabytes, and I'm gonna spark some fucking joy and tame this beast. Because knowing where all these images are at any given moment is gonna be amazing.

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I definitely need to watch and follow her lead once my semester is over.. storage, time to clean you out!

>Stealing Jordan Peterson’s mantra and putting a kawaii desu spin on it

I’m not buying it



I downloaded the first episode and it was too cringe. Are there any episodes where she goes to a non normie house, preferably an actual hoarder/single/male?

He looks high as a kite in the second picture. What causes the skin under your eyes to crack and bleed?


God I want to mix races and have mutt children FUCK

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>asian girl tv shows
>Clean your room

>white woman tv show

seething incel lmao

>loving something in the current year

only watch episode 1 and maybe the one where the woman is a widow. all the others are pointless.

she's not a gook, she's a jap you fucking brainlet

Christmas cake

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You have to give up comfort in order to get stronger. You may love watching TV all day but it won't help you get muscles or become more educated. You have to put in work and be prepared to change. Don't fall for doomer rhetoric. There's nothing noble about living in sloth.

If only you were a multi-millionaire.

men in their 50's can still get girls on their 20´s you only need looks or a bit of money.
but most women lost all their value when they reach 35, way before if they are fatties with a shitty attitude trying to hide it under a masculine haircut and tattoos.

any other nip shows I should watch from netflix?

>someone always has it worse
Jaron Bloshinsky, child martyr of the 21st century castration cult