why does Hollywood keep making films that are guaranteed to fail?
Why does Hollywood keep making films that are guaranteed to fail?
They're just hedging their bets. For every 10 crappy movies that fail there's one the makes a billion at the box office.
It was a low budget transformers wannabe. They thought they could get the Bumblebee audience to watch it, but Bumblebee flopped also.
They have flop insurance
They’ll get paid if the film succeeds or not
Tax write-offs. Between intentional flops and the famous Hollywood accounting, studios are able to pretend like they made no money (or even lost money) to avoid paying taxes.
But also sometimes they just make mistakes, or an exec has a passion project that nobody can say no to even though they know it'll be bad.
Like Alita?
Bumblebee flopped?
money laundering
It made it's budget eventually but had a really bad start opening the same time as Aquaman.
Viacom deemed it solidly profitable.
because some cool cgi used to sell shit movies with no effort
and those people still make movies
(((hollywood budgeting)))
It only cost $10m. I guess some movies like these are just write-offs so they can have lower taxes.
would have been better if the MC was a boy
>see this movie with my gf
>really enjoy it because it reminds me of a movie I would have rented as a kid in the 90s
>gf liked it because robot dog
it really wasnt that bad, It was 10 bucks for the both of us, and we were pretty entertained.
Based easily entertained couple
somebody has to make movies to play on planes
>studio's are playing 4d jewish tax chess
>implying studio heads arn't just out of touch
lemme' ask you sumthin rick', do you really believe there's an abundance of competence in Hollywood or that generations of narcissism have created a retard class at the top?
Bumblebee came out?
I just have a soft spot for movies like this
it played out just like a 90's blockbuster movie that I would have watched about 15 times as an eight year old
fucking auto correct is apparently a Zionist agent
the new paradigm is throwing things at the wall until they stick as opposed to just making something the highest quality possible
I could see this working better as an animated movie.
where have we seen this story before........hmmm
To trick audiences into seeing something that is probably direct to video quality to gain extra money.