Ahh... sweet liquor eases the pain

Ahh... sweet liquor eases the pain.

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>8 minutes old
>Still on page 1 with 0 replies
Yikes, Yea Forums is a slow board

It does.

t. OP

This makes me want alcohol. I wish I didn't get drug tested while some faggot stares at my cock. I wonder how much he gets paid.

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Just make a thread about Captain Marvel, then you'll see how fast this board can be

I wonder what his fetish was

>Ahh... sweet liquor eases the pain.
It does.
It's an amazing medicine and I say that as a daily drinker. But I have drank every day for years with a few breaks just to make sure I am not in dangerous territory. I've gone from a few beers, a few pounders maybe to a case a day or a fifth a day and back. I cut back to 3-4 a night and feel fucking king. Never drank during the day, only after 8,9,10pm. I fucking love it. It's good shit if you find your dose. No reason to goto bed drooling and forgetting the TV was on, but a good buzz is nice and I will say I have pounded a couple shots before a big math exam to ease nerves and it was better than fucking those damn etizolams or whatever.

Wine is good too. Alcohol is kino.

Based mods

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this board is as fast as it wants to be

Based mods/janitors

Underage spammers on suicide watch

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Mods = gods

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im booking marking this thread as a pdf in my printer. the management is finally being kino for the first time in all my years as a channel hog YANGling

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So, was he a fish fucker?

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What’s your favorite Simpsons season? What season does it stop being worth watching?


What's the honest thoughts on modern simpsons? I find it bearable for the most part, the kids (2-8) like it, specially the little one. But the Apu thing and I think there was something in the new one that was pure identity politics. I can't handle that shit, can't let into my house. I really hope they don't go full bore.

I dont know because Ive never watched The Simpsons. When do you think it goes too far with identity politics?

Completely unwatchable to me and I say this as someone who still watches Family Guy

Previously anti politics

A toast... to the mods

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I’d rather toast Sneed (Formerly Chuck)

Season 6 is my favorite, but there's great episodes in all of them up to 10. I say stop watching when they change the animation style, I think that was around season 13.

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Thanks for replying.

Nah, you can stop watching about a quarter of the way through season 11.

lol, based
Every mod in the world is literally fucking sneedposters with their superior cocks

Season 11

To both? LUL

Yes in fact I can narrow it down more than that

It think if you don’t get enough druck the liquor just makes your sadness worse
With the right amount you no longer care

>When do you think it goes too far with identity politics?
Well in the latter half or quarter there is shit I completely roll my eyes at and will avoid my kids being exposed to too much. There was a thread within the last week or so that had some claims about stories that were over the top, I dont remember details but it was something to do with the flavor of the outrage of the day or it was more about Apu bullshit. Not sure. I just know that yeah it has gotten much more topic of the day over the years and yes more political social justicy.

I think I stopped watching about with the last God/jesus thing where basically everyone goes to heaven. But i noticed more episodes as we go like that, ones i tune out on because they are so heavy handed.

I like family guy a bit. American dad is still LOL I think. Stopped watching Southpark tho, don't have much left in the old animation stockpile to watch anymore

What's your favorite Lenny moment?

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>please don't tell anyone how I live

>Start reading Simpsons thread
>genuine discussion about what is soon to be the longest running show on television
>reminisce about classic episodes
>that moment when I realize there's no Sneed posting every other comment
Holy shit have I gone back in time to old Yea Forums
Good to see you lads take this board back from those scum

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Candy and sodas for all!

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This reminds me of space station 13

my favorite day dream of homers

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>those zombie future episodes that show lisa and all her lesbian lovers then finally settling for milhouse

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And sucker

Spamming/flooding is against the rules, and is a reportable offense, which can lead to a ban.

A simpsons thread without a single sneedposter? It cant be

I'm the first non-brazilian to travel backwards in time

I like how season 11 is off limits now

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Iron helps us play

>ctrl f
>no sn.eed
ahah what a dead meme lol

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Last few seasons have been nothing but garbage. They are just pumping out new seasons so they can sell them to syndication in the future. If new seasons didn't have "The Simpsons" name nobody would watch that kind of garbage

>that feeling when it for the first time dawns on you that almost everyone (including yourself) drinks alcohol regularly or close to regularly
It didn't happen sooner cause I never get out
But it's a weird feeling


This thread is comfier