Do me a favor and don't bother my friend. He's dead tired
Do me a favor and don't bother my friend. He's dead tired
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You're a funny guy, OP. I like you.
That's why I'm going to kill you last.
i love how arnold completely abandons the plot to this movie and goes on a killing spree instead
>hahaha we have you're little girl now we want to travel to some south american shit hole and assassinate de -
>sorry not doing any of that coming to kill you and all your guys *vroooom*
oozi nein milla-meat-her
didn't james bond make the same joke?
Thats why its kinocore.
Commando is among the gayest movies ever made, even for the 80s.
Truly a historic scene
>Commando is among the gayest movies ever made
Listen, the balls the don't touch. They come so close van der waals force starts to come into play, but they aren't touching. It's fine.
Gay, you say?
try not to be so obvious when trolling for youus user
It's honestly my favourite Arnold movie ever, pure unfiltered 80s action from start to end with no breaks, and a shitton of one-liners to boot
with all the puns and one-liners arnold has used, i wonder how it started. was it really just the time period, or was that arnold's only method of comedy, or did the producers have those lines in mind and wanted to humiliate someone regardless?
The entire mall sequence is pure 80s kino. Holy fuck I wish malls were still that awesome
Bond started it.
>Have some beers in Val Verde, Matrix. It'll give everyone a little more time with your daughter...
remember OP when I promised to kill you last? I lied
It's one of my favorite movie twists, I love how Matrix gives no fucks at all.
that's what i've been trying to tell everyone
Fuck yeah, easily my favorite too.
Everything about it is so fun, it's one of those movies you can easily rewatch on a whim.