Why are asian women so rare in Hollywood movies?
Asians in film
Because they're typically hotter
Unless you're Asian yourself, this shouldn't matter to you
america is not ready for bugs on the silver screen
I think their average body temperature is about the same as every other race.
why is kanna so pretty
Roast beef detected.
Insecure white roasties. Attractive Asian women triggers white women like nothing else. Just like white men have been tricked into believing BMWF isn't an extremely rare occurrence, white women have been tricked into thinking all white men want to fuck Asian women.
Basically, we live in a society.
threatens jewish hegemony
white and asian mix is too smart
we can't have that
Jews fear the samurai
race mixing is bad but also good
I asked this is another thread, but:
Question: What is the "occult" or "esoteric" religions of Asia? In the West we have Esoteric Christianity and Judaism, Gnosticism, Paganism, all of which point to occultism. What are the Asian versions of these, and where can I watch some Asian Occult kinography?
its Taoism and the Tibeten crazy shit
You already know the answer your dickward
Have sex
They’re unwilling to suck Harvey Weinstein’s and other Jewcock
Asian women were in a lot of Hollywood films in the late 90s and early 00s when Hong Kong movies were at their most popular in the states. But in the end young white women are where it's at, plain and simple
casting niggers give you more points
Because non-asian women would get too assblasted.
They have plenty of shamanism
Take your lame Plebbit meme back to Plebbit.
Go back to /pol/.
Those esoteric traditions are essentially varying interpretations within a monocultural organized religion. Since the religion has built up a core all the non-canonical is classified as heresy and it ends up being organized ironically, esoteric traditions lump together to defend against the mainstream interpretation. Folk religions are rarely organized the way abrahamic religions are, so divergent opinions don't get cast with the same air of heresy or esoteric weirdness, they're simply different schools of thoughts that are less mainstream.