What's some kino set in/around your home state, Yea Forums? How accurately does it depict it?

What's some kino set in/around your home state, Yea Forums? How accurately does it depict it?

>The Wire
>Blair Witch
>Silence of the Lambs

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bumping with general maryland shit i guess

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ah fuck it one last try

not everyday there's a maryland thread on Yea Forums

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I live in sunny,beautiful LA so lots of great Cali movies!!


i wish every day was maryland day

Kino Hit Transplant

Pink Flamingos

The Weatherman, half of Road to Perdition, I dunno tons of shit is set in Chicago but never the good part of Illinois

Oh and Wayne’s World

how realistic are John Hughes films?

>Edward Scissorhands
>The Punisher
>The African Queen

>Halloween franchise
>Wayne's World 1 and 2
>Breakfast Club
>Sixteen Candles
>Home Alone
>Vacation and Christmas Vacation
>Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
>Tommy Boy
>Blues Brothers
>Problem Child
>Sesame Street: Follow That Bird
>Weird Science
>Natural Born Killers
>Career Opportunities

Thanks for making Illinois cool, John Hughes and John Carpenter.

Pretty accurate depictions of upper middle class chicago suburban life

Pretty accurate, if you're rich as shit.

There aren't really any notable films set in it

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It Follows
Don't Breathe

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i've TRIED kino, okayyy?

detroit is pretty horrorkino desu

if you can believe Salty Milk (Hit Me Baby One More Time) was filmed in my very neighborhood!

Jingle All the Way

gets Harlan right but not anything else about Kentucky

i dont know what that is

This movie captured the ugliness of Arizona pretty well.

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I drove through there once on the way to LA, and I honestly don't know how people can live there. Driving through during the summer was like hell on earth, and towns were sparse enough that I felt the need to stop and top my tank off every time I passed one, just in case.

I'm from NoVa, and Maryland sucks
don't think we really have anything besides American Dad. Donnie Darko's too far south.

Northern Virginia is basically Maryland's ball sack

The Phoenix Airport in the middle of the night is kino, tho

you must be black

>Big Miracle
>The Frozen Ground
>The Fourth Kind
all were shit depictions, even though parts of the first two were actually filmed here.

Maryland is the worst state in the DMV. It somehow makes dc look good

>Florida Project
This one I can speak to, I lived in Orlando for a while. Very accurate, down to the snotty, demanding Brazilian cunts.
>Spring Breakers
Dunno how accurate it is but it was a fun movie.

You best not go looking for answers.

Cum Town is funny as fuck and free, why the cuck is this faggot fucking mod brotherhood against them so much?
Yes, 90-100% of all boards at any given time, we actually like Cum Town you fat faggots stop banning it lol

t. have never been outside of baltimore

every black person I know who works in VA lives in MD, because it's cheap (because nobody but blacks live there)

Pretty much anything from Stephen King and from what I see is that it's foggy and we're all on the coast. They're kinda accurate but don't really make a big deal about Maine

is it true that natty bo tastes like piss?

fuck off back to your subreddit, scum.

Well, it takes like any American lager, so yes pretty much. Utz is patrician though.

is Wise national? All I know is I gotta go up to West Va if I wanna get some Cheese Waffies

i honestly can't really taste a difference between it and like bud light or something

no one in maryland actually drinks it, plus it's brewed in california now anyway i think.

they nearly give it away in ocean city

yeah ocean city is the "times square" of maryland if that makes sense

Good. Fuck off we're full

Move out of Arizona then you faggot liberal

> living in the US


That's fine. Enjoy your dirt pile.

i would think it would be more like a gentrified part of baltimore or maybe annapolis

>Living outside the US

Gross. People actually do that?

breaking bad was orginially supposed to be filmed near my hometown but new mexico offered more tax breaks. shame because we're much more of a meth smoking locale than they are.

La la land jumped all over the city u realistically in a way that broke my immersion. For example, they’re on the warner brothers lot and it’s magic hour sunset and then immediately they’re at a bar in hermosa beach. The last scene of the movie Stone and her hubby take a freeway exit that is clearly downtown and then they go to the jazz club The Mint which is nowhere near downtown (incidentally, it is right across the street from LA’s Best Burger featured on Nathan For You (a month after that episode aired it was under new management. Now it’s been raised and they’re building something where it used to be but the sign is still up))

Primer was filmed near where I live.

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Dumb and Dumber
There's Something about Mary
Osmosis Jones
My Myself and Irene

they are all 100% accurate

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Make me.

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Sicario was set in Juarez but filmed in the State of Mexico, which was very weird seeing most stores and businesses that only northern states have. The prison where they pick the guy up was actually a female state prison, so that made me kek. The bridge where you see those hanged guys in the film is right next to where i live.
I guess it was cheaper for taxing purposes to film in several states.

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Okay Paco

Any good kinos set in Nevada but not Vegas?

Chasing Amy
Beautiful Girls
The Wrestler

oceans 11

>not the good part of Illinois
Pick one

It was set in Atlantic City

The only way that Chicago isn't a nightmarish shithole is if you are wealthy.

the fortunate ones

this is the only one i've heard of but i'm not a woman so I haven't watched it

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Baltimore reporting in get me out of this shithole

It tastes worse than piss

Next Friday
California's Gold with Huell Howser: Corona Road Race

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I’m also from aurora bud