What I'm trying to say is that violence was everywhere in society.
What I'm trying to say is that violence was everywhere in society
So he's made about 10 movies saying violence is everywhere. We get it.
violence bad
black male thing good
>itchy and scratchy was supposed to be social commentary on the debauched nature of violent cartoons like Tom and Jerry
>Itchy and Scratchy morbidly outdid Tom and Jerry's violence further emphasizing how innocent and benign it was
Did you ever hear about his childhood? He grew up being raised by three sluts in an apartment, who were of different races, with his father figures being whatever dudes were coming over to fuck them.
Wasn't that Don Draper?
God I wish that were me
I think that was your childhood
>with his father figures being whatever dudes were coming over to fuck and suck them
Sounds like a pretty bad childhood
>i can say nigger now, right?
better than no father figure at all like my childhood lol
Who was in the wrong here?
What’s going on here?
Itchy and Sneedy
the man looks like a proto michael moore
Cityslicker Lives Matter
Was that full house?
I don't know
It was formerly Chuck’s
>took almost an hour for sneedposters to show up
Is Sneed finally dying?
Janny is deleting the sneed posts in this one thread but they keep coming back
sneedposters include a janitor or two
hence why sneedlets can never make an impact outside of specific simpsons threads on Yea Forums, whereas baneposting took over all of the site
Formerly took over the whole site
Why are baneposting spics so proud of having tourist friendly memes?
He cut
Formerly Sneed's
Well pardon us Mr Gucci loafers
Jackie Brown wasn't that violent, but that's the only one he didn't write.
Based long sneed
this is the worst of all my implanted memories
are these sneed and chuck's evil alternate dimension clones?
Just them with a dye job
Excuse me but this is the first time I've seen this filename and I want to thank you.
>Did you ever hear about his childhood?
fucking newfags or i'm being trolled
Fuck and seed
4plebs version of this thread is way more based.