I thought they were going to distance themselves from Kennedy

I thought they were going to distance themselves from Kennedy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Captain Marvel showed you can bully incels all you want with no box office blowback

They're going to double down in their war against you now. They have nothing to fear. Even RT has btfo the review bombing


shouldn't he be afraid of showing up

They realized that they can buy out all the theaters and have Rotten Tomatoes delete all the negative reviews. So they aren’t afraid.

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a distant memory. Captain Marvel had a massive half-a-billion opening.

There was some fear inbetween Solo and now but the incels have been shown powerless. They just had to adjust their tactics a little.

>that pic
my dad works at nintendo

>living in denial

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This is an accurate representation of their thought process. Even though they had to take the unprecedented actions of spending millions for empty seats and releasing it worldwide on the same day in all markets, they did adjust accordingly. They will double down on all social engineering using these methods when necessary.

>Star Wars celebration
>there is nothing to celebrate

What do they mean by this?

>the panel you've been waiting for

Every question is most likely vetted beforehand

Are you people fucking retarded? Read this list and tell me you seriously think she's out of a job because one movie got internet dorks butthurt and one bombed. You realize she's one of the most powerful people in Hollywood right?


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They are celebrating the death of the OT and it’s legacy. Also the death of the Skywalker Bloodline.

She’s a glorified secretary that sucked dicks to climb the corporate ladder and attached herself to successful directors to leech off them.

The Last Jedi is what a Star Wars movie under her control is. And she managed to turn Star Wars, one of the biggest merchandise for boys, into barbies that sit on the shelves not being sold as Black Panther and Aquaman fly off the shelves.

I mean I'm just memeing/baiting people vehemently against captain marvel but yeah you're right

>They will double down on all social engineering using these methods when necessary.
Will Disney have Rotten Tomatoes delete negative reviews for Ep 9 too? Will they make Youtube delete dislikes next?

Based and check.

they made youtube change their algorith to direct everyone to (((credible))) major media outlets instead of whatever videos it figures the user would most want to see based on their previous watching habits (plus whatever secret blend of 11 herbs and spices google already adds to the mix.)

Bully? Let's overlook Disney buying millions of dollars worth of tickets and threatening/intimidating/paying off anyone who gave that shit film a negative and through the #metoo Ramblers negated any negative reviews as trolls, incels and Nazis. And twitter, Google and YouTube all altering their algorithm to avoid any negativity about Cap'n shit, bullying is an understatement.

>Will Disney have Rotten Tomatoes delete negative reviews for Ep 9 too
Of course. Disney will do whatever is necessary to protect their brand reputation. That's more valuable than all of their intellectual property.

They can't. It would be admitting they fucked up.

How are those Cap'n Shit dyke toy sales?

>I thought they were going to distance themselves from Kennedy.
Who said this? Incels on 4channel?

JJ did that with the Shit awakens. Rey was broken and boring and Ren was a Shit. And then plot holes and magic mystery boxes.



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There was still stuff that had the potential to be very interesting like Rey's memories/background, Snoke, Knights of Ren, and Luke Skywalker to look forward to. Then Rian took a giant smelly turd on it and threw it into the garbage disposal.

The Star Wars and Marvel franchises are at very different points in their life cycles, with very different viewership bases.

The Marvel franchise had made 20 successful, enjoyable films before going full heel turn with a lead who loudly and publicly denounced white men. And they cast her as a superhero that I had literally never heard of prior to the films' release. People will not fall off the Marvel bandwagon of a decade of mindless, fun films because the 56th most popular character in the Marvel universe plainly and openly wishes they would not go see the films. They fanbase has maintained ownership of the franchise, and still eagerly await Endgame.

Star Wars, on the other hand, had not yet built up the goodwill among SW fans to turn the most recognizable protagonist in film into a retarded cuck faggot who decided to kill his nephew for no reason. It's popular to shit on TFA on this board, but it was a good movie that had a lot of appeal to a broad audience. People paid to go see Rogue One, people paid (on opening weekend) to go see TLJ. Then, TLJ experienced the largest dollar dropoff between opening weekend and second weekend in cinema history, because NO ONE went to go see it again. Not the casual fan who never saw SW as a kid, and certainly not the die hards who had looked up to Luke since they were children.

tl;dr The issue that no one talks about is that TLJ did not sacrifice the interest of the die hard fans in favor of appealing to a wider audience. There is not a human alive who gives a shit about Ep. IX.

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I have always wanted to kidnap her and Rian Johnson and fart in her pussy and force her to queef my fart onto Rian Johnson's face.

>It's popular to shit on TFA on this board, but it was a good movie that had a lot of appeal to a broad audience.

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Unless they prescreen the questions, this should be interesting.

fuck off faggot, tfa broke star wars.

>Where’s the Ep IX trailer? I want an Episode IX trailer!

You’ll get nothing and like it!

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Is celebration today?

This is great, I hope she accidentally locks eyes with Ethan Van Sciver.

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Over 28 days from now

You didn't actually believe all those bullshit rumors did you?

Rows and rows of Rose.

fuck. I was hoping to come home to some good shit posting

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Not OP, but I liked TFA. It wasn't perfect, it had its flaws, but I enjoyed it far more than I enjoyed the Prequels (mainly for getting Harrison back). Rey could have been forgiven for being overpowered Mary Sue IF she had been made a Skywalker, a lot of us would have accepted her more, especially if she were actually challenged and faced adversity in TLJ (which she never did)

I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. I NEVER went back to watch TLJ a second time, and am now and forever actively boycotting everything Disney Star Wars related. TLJ was spiteful, it was HATEFUL, it was an intentional sharp poke in the eye to fans. I will always be a Star Wars fan, but Star Wars is now ONLY the OT for me. I hated the prequels but they were just bad films, not hateful, spiteful trash.

I do not care what the losers on the internet care to say to/about me. I will never spend another dime or waste my time on Disney SW, and I am not alone.

>review bombing
statistically the perfect scores were far more numerous than the low scores. why is it only the low scores are counted as false?

That may work if you are trying to halt a PR meltdown but it is not a long business model by any stretch of the imagination. Covering up a bomb once in a while is no skin off of Disney's nose, but if they can't put actual customers in seats then they are going to lose money. And Rotten Tomatoes is becoming almost completely irrelevant, or else Disney wouldn't have to blow so much money on booking theaters.

Star Wars is on thin ice. I think Disney is expecting somewhere around $800 million for Episode IX but if it can't meet that, then they are just going to put the franchise in the vault and putz around for who knows how many years aside from the odd TV series.

Disney is already in another dark age. They are using "safe" movies like sequels and remakes of popular movies as a crutch, and no-one can honestly say these new movies are as good as the originals. Disney is creatively bankrupt and eventually they are going to run out of old reliable IP to mine. And what's worse, the Frozen people are in charge of the animation side now, and judging by Wreck it Ralph 2 things are about to get a lot worse.

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>doing it in Chiraq
lmao lot of white nerds gonna get mugged and possibly killed

the only consequence for her would be something like the board telling her to interfere less in the creative process. However if episode 9 bombed, she'd be in trouble.

>eventually they are going to run out of old reliable IP to mine.
Maybe we'll get that Tron 3 we were promised.

And hopefully Johnny Depp will get invited back into the Pirates Franchise.

I hope all of this will eventually cause Disney to finally start making some 2d animated kinos again

The more I think about Star Wars the more I find myself thinking about gay anal sex. Has this happened to anyone else here?

They lost the legal rights to the Grassy Knoll. It turns out that is not a registered trademark as it doesn't exist.

Tried faith all worn and thin
For all we could have done
And all that could have been


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All these tactics proves Disney is in panic. They don't want ppl to know their movies are failing. I think it's to protect the value of DIS stocks

Powerful people are more powerful than low-status males. Who'da thought?

producers fear him, fans love him. he is the naked face of scrutiny.

>worrying about Kathleen when fucking JJ is already involved
it was shit right out of the gate

That seems to be what they always do when they are desperate to renew interest in their brand. Their 2D movies still sell exceptionally well on home video and have ever since the VHS days. People love traditional Disney animation. Even if a new 2D animated movie only does moderately well, if the remake/sequel well dries up, Disney would probably accept smaller margins if it rebuilds faith in their brand. If they plaid things smart, they could end up with another Little Mermaid type success story that people just go nuts for.

There's one thing that you can always expect from Disney, which is that whenever they have a meteoric rise they can't make it last. They are due for their next big crash in the next couple of years and we are already seeing all the symptoms-- the chiefest of which being the aforementioned creative bankrupcy. When Disney trips, they land hard.



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>>worrying about Kathleen when fucking JJ is already involved
At least it won't have the Whitest Fucking Room In History, JJ will see to that personally!

Imagine being this much of a media-fed normie.

holy crap lois, it´s jack from red letter media

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There is no saving Episode IX. The nu-trilogy is dead and the fandom is never going to accept it as part of Star Wars. I am still going to be entertained by the media shitstorm surrounding it though.

In a way, Rian Johnson did us a favor by accelerating the demise of Disney Star Wars, because it happened way faster than if JJ had directed the whole trilogy. We would have seen only marginal box office fatigue film after film, and there probably would have been at least 10 Disney Star Wars movies before Disney gave up on chasing the Force Awakens dragon.

Don't get me wrong, Johnson is still a hack and a fool, and The Last Jedi was clearly made from a place of deep malice and spite towards fans of the original tirlogy, and for his part in the franchise's destruction he can never be forgiven. However, it's better that everyone saw the emperor had no clothes sooner rather than dragging it out.

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"I have absolutely terrible taste and just go with what the media tells me"
Okay, great, but please don't speak for actual Star Wars fans on this board.

Don't talk like that about my waifu

Not him but name an actual flaw with TFA that isn't "THEY DID SOMETHING WITH THE CHARACTERS THAT I DISAGREE WITH SO IT SUCKS", I have heard enough retarded complaints like that with Alien 3 (which is also the best alien film and only plebs can disagree on that)

Phasma is a trash character.

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read the interview that Bob Iger gave. He didn't mention Kennedy with one word. She is fucking irrelevant for LucasFilms

Imagine how pathetic you have to be to go to that.

She was in the movies to sell action figures. She could have been left out of the movie and nothing would have changed.

Why was fasma so shit at fighting? What a pointless character

Read the book about her, it makes her out to be cool as fuck and is the best thing to come out of nu-wars.

Like so many things, Disney wanted to capture the popularity of something without understanding what made it popular. Their attitude is "we made a new thing, so you will like it as much as you like the old thing."

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It's Hot Shit! It's kinda like someone shitting on plate and handing it to you and for some guy to say, "it may not be appetizing but at least it's HOT."

Yeah too bad none of that's in the movie so it doesn't matter. You shouldn't need DLC to make a movie less shitty.

Did phasma even do anything aside from lose and stand around?

Even if she was cool, she was beaten by fucking finn, twice. So she was garbage at combat

Luke is missing for whatever reason and to find him there's this guy on the planet who knows where he is. Oh wait. Here's the Resistance.
The empire died so it became the Galactic Empire Again! They shouldn't be the Resistance because All the Shit the empire owned returned to the league of a million planets. They're literally as powerful and capable as the Empire was in Empire Strikes Back less a death Star
Fuck Disney and JJ.

Map to Luke Subplot is a fucking joke.

Kylo can read minds but he kills everyone including the guy who had the map to Luke?

Let's start there. EXPLAIN THIS SHIT!

She said "hau dar u take your helmet off."

100% agree, I'm glad Rian pulled you pulled the rug right out from under Kennedy when she was trying to sell people on the idea of annually releasing 1-2 cinematic abortions and calling it the Star Wars Cinematic Universe

>Not OP
>Not him

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Didn't she sign over exclusive broadcasting rights for the OT to Turner, right as Disney was setting up its streaming service? And that's why they're animating them now. How do you fuck up that badly and still have kneecaps, much less a job.

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>Beat your opponent
>THROW the lightsaber
What the fuck is this

>name an actual flaw
....seriously? Okay.
The state of the galaxy being reset to the days of the OT, but worse, due to the New Republic being extremely incompetent with keeping the FO in check, thusly allowing the FO to BTFO of the New Republic which was only stationed on 5 fucking planets 30 years after the ROTJ + the explanation of which is in source material OUTSIDE of the movie itself and is even more retarded. The reason that the New Republic didn't go after the remnants of the Empire is because the new Senate demilitarized the Rebellion in order to ensure that "another war wouldn't happen," which is one of the most idiotic things you can do as a government. Chuck Wendig is cancer.

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Ouch. The truth here hurts bad.


>And that's why they're animating them now.
And they're also rewriting history to turn Leia into a thundercunt feminazi in order to fit their agenda, thusly indoctrinating younger audiences into becoming future Marxists to fuel the Left's malignant growth on the Earth.

>the tie fighter zig-zagged herkily jerkily

It takes a lot less effort to just double down instead.

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>Have to literally change the functionality of websites and create a united front against online criticism because someone called your movie shit.
Who's getting bullied here? If some tweets that a bunch of neckbeards made for free is enough to make them pivot their entire marketing strategy; then it seems like it wasn't very strong to begin with.

>Read the book about her
The one with the Shakespearean fart wedding or the one where the TIE Fighter "zig-zagged through the air herkily-jerkily?"

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I think JJ would have maintained a holding pattern to allow yet another trilogy to be shat out. Rian basically just showed the world why the sequels don't work: A do-nothing character in a boring place again a made-up enemy has no real tension or story besides 'Stop the made-up enemy'. In a way, copying the originals was about all they could do with the characters they chose, mostly because they just made cheap knockoffs of them in the first place.

So I'm kind of glad it happened, too. Someone tried something different, and it showed that the franchise doesn't have much of a future because the people behind it are creatively bankrupt.

SW: EP IX Panel With Director

So is that it ?

Sometimes I ask myself, how was it possible?
I don't like JJ, KK or Rian, but how is it possible to release such turd on theaters with all the money and influence Disney had? I expected some committees (by Disney and Lucasfilms) assisting and correcting them or something.
I understand an amateur writer/director/mangaka working alone and making a shit book/film/whatever, but this was a multi-million dollar film of a multi-billion dollar franchise.

>Didn't she sign over exclusive broadcasting rights for the OT to Turner
Yep, she sold it to pay for Solo. Seriously.

The "Rey=Mary Sue" thing could have been forgiven if they had done something interesting with it, because JJ was clearly trying to set something up there, but RJ decided to catch that ball, and then punch a hole in it, so not even anyone after him could do anything with it.

The EU did the same shit with Boba "accidentally killed by a blind man" Fett.

I wonder why they didn't just poach the more interesting aspects of the EU.

I've got an idea that could still work; but they won't do it,

The twist for the movie is that Rey is an imperial cloning experiment to make an artificial force user. That would explain why she's such an overpowered Mary Sue, why she knows how to do everything without any training and why she got dumped on knock off Tattooine by her parents because she didn't have parents she just had Imperial scientists who wanted to get rid of her but weren't quite ruthless enough to just kill her.

The film then props itself up with fan service by having the Rebels....err Resistance form a ragtag force to confront the Empire....err New Order. They recruit Wookies, and Mandalorians with jet packs and maybe even the Chiss and you get a bunch of random excuses for action sequences with at least a few gunfights and starship battles.

End of the movie and Rey confronts the scientists who ditched her on Jakku. She finds out she's a replicant and that her artificial lifespan is almost up. Now she has to confront Kylo and redeem him so he can reestablish the Jedi Order because she's about to burn out. She succeeds, Rey dies, Kylo feels bad and the movie ends with Kylo confronting Luke's force ghost saying he doesn't think he deserves to live and he doesn't know how he can go on. Luke gives inspirational speech about how its never too late to start over. Kylo cries like a bitch and looks off into the distance. Credits roll.

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You don't have to do anything interesting or creative when you can have all your internet sock puppets tell the normalfags what they should like. It's amazing really, the power of group think on display.

Celebration is going to be such a shitshow. All those YouTubers that shit on Star Wars will be going. I'm expecting some drama and even some fights. kek

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They told us there would be consequences for dissing TLJ.

>Will they make Youtube delete dislikes next?
I'm sure. Why the fuck not? They'll just buy YouTube and do it themselves. Nothing is safe from the mouse

Kind of wish that I still lived in Illinois. I'd go just to say hi to EVS.


It's about 350 miles from me, and I'm seriously thinking about going because I'm a sure they will have a meet-up. EVS will be in full troll mode. I really think some of the SJWs are going to have a meltdown just seeing him. It's going to be hilarious.

>Chuck Wendig
What's this faggot up to since he was fired? Anyone know?? We had some good threads about this autismos meltdown.

He's only been fired from working with Marvel, right? In theory he could still write another book or at least hasn't been banned from working with Lucasfilm. Imagine the shitshow if he pops up at Celebration.

most charming and eloquent man

Theaters should not agree to this. They make their money selling food concessions, if 500 people don't show up that is big money out of their pocket

And humble.

TFA wasn't what I wanted, but I was hopeful I might get something like the old EU.

TLJ killed that and I bailed.

i liked it

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Shit that's actually good. It even gives Rey something resembling a character arc. Maybe she was designed to use the Dark Side without being terribly screwed up in the process but it's been degrading her in the background. She's also losing that resistance as time goes on and it's affecting her decisions. Something for her to overcome when she confronts her "parents."

Is that a threat or a challenge?

Somebody on the far left in Disney has dirt on Bob Iger and is forcing him to be more "inclusive". The far left are almost entirely socialist, and they want the major pillars of entertainment to break down. The entertainment industry, from video games to movies to fucking magic shows, are the backbone of capitalism in the US. The socialists want it to fail because they think socialism will spring forth from teh ashes, yo.

Disney's just trying to appeal to what they think is the hot new demographic/not end up on the wrong side of a new civil rights movement. If they're wrong, it's easy enough to sweep under the rug and move on.

Something I thought up between TFA and TLJ:

>When the first order collects kids to fill their ranks, they occasionally come across some with high midichlorians/force sensitivity
>Those they raise to train in force techniques and lightsaber combat
>When they reach a certain age, the next step of their training begins
>Their memories are locked away, and replaced with false ones ("Stay put, because mommy and daddy will be back")
>They're then dumped off alone on a hostile world with nothing but their wits and skills they're not even aware that they have
>The idea is that they further hone their skills through their own struggle to survive
>If they die along the way, they weren't worthy, but if they manage to survive, the next step begins
>They're picked up by the FO, their original memories are restored, their training is completed, and they're christened a new Knight of Ren
>Rey was one such trainee, but in an unforeseen event, she met BB-8 and Finn, and left the planet

Would have explained why Snoke was so interested in Rey being brought to him, and Kylo being particularly agitated when she's mentioned ("WHAT. GIRL?").

it really doesn't matter anymore
the mouse,Kathleen and JarJar Abes can splatter their politics all over the landscape..so the only recourse left is to simply..not go see their fuckin movies.
they can jerk themselves off into thinking 'mission acomplished' all they like..but in the back of their heads ,that looming shadow of what they've done will stain their souls forever...or they'll just move on to buy Sony,who knows

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>trying to appeal to what they think is the hot new demographic
There are statistics available and they point to the fact that SJW's are a 5% minority.
NO FUCKING WAY do they not know that.
Its simply propaganda and they have their reasons for it.

Is there any hope left?
This person's got something that could be good.

Is Ethan going to Celebration?

Palpatine being back as the final villain would be the easiest move to win over the fans, Hux and Kylo are that bad for one movie to fix.

Yeah but finns a badass. He wasnt some janitor who ran away from his first fight.

It doesn't matter how few there are. They are loud and appear to be influential, so that's enough for Disney to hedge their bets.

A 5% minority that speak for a majority that is out-breeding the other half of the country. The fact that the average normalfag isn't as obsessed means nothing when the 5% determines goodthink and normalfags have no thoughts besides social consensus.

We live in a post criticism world now sweetie

It’s 2019

Why didn't Finn get a cybernetic spine attachment with Grievous arms?

There's no evidence to suggest the paid actors were paid by Disney.

Because that sounds vaguely interesting

That could actually work.

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They *think* they speak for a majority. In reality, we're talking about a relatively conservative group of mostly Catholics who probably wouldn't necessarily want that 5% in charge. We're talking about a vanguard who actually thought Latinx was a sensible idea.

>The majority, particularly in the usa, is conservative catholics.
what the fuck am i reading?

Good thing star wars is already dead, they can have the corpse.

So the reason Kylo Ren lost to Rey was because he killed his dad and got shot in the dick.

How is Leia going to troll Kylo in this epic finale?

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That's not the story Rian wanted to tell, and established plothooks be damned if they get in his way.

You said out-breeding. The major segment of society that's doing that are the hispanics.

Dang it

And because he's too retarded to just throw her 20 feet into a tree and knock her out again.

I meant minorities are outbreeding conservatives in general. And clearly hispanics aren't that conservative. They value identity politics more than religion and disney movies are now an important cultural battleground to support identity politics.

Someone please throw an opened piss bottle at those faggots.

Stop spamming this shill

Everyone supports identity politics when they're the favored identity. I seriously doubt most hispanics are even left-leaning. They're an overall conservative, family-oriented culture that just isn't in-phase with their white liberal saviors.

I don’t know
I don’t watch “epic” tv shows

Abrams has points on the movie, dummy, anything that will sell tickets, it's in his best interest to do, including supporting that incompetent cunt.

>Everyone supports identity politics when they're the favored identity
And they are.

>b-but surely they'll stop selling votes to people telling them they're oppressed victims who deserve compensation when there are a few more of them
>any day now

The united states as a whole used to be a conservative, family-oriented culture. It's the current year and the trend seems to be for that to die out.

Those mystery boxes weren't meant to go anywhere, as they would have made sure they went somewhere if they did.

JJ rehashed ANH, poorly, and put some mysteries in it to make it not a complete 1 for 1 copy.

It's just as bad as TLJ (potentially worst as it's basically plagiarized).

its all so tiresome.

A surprising number of them voted for Trump because it turns out they actually don't like the idea of more illegal immigrants coming in and nibbling at the pie. No shit they'll vote for politicians who advertise handouts. Black culture isn't anywhere near progressive but look how long blacks have felt obligated to vote democrat.

I was okay but underwhelmed with TFA, but TLJ turns it into dogshit.

the first order and the empire did nothing wrong.

The Empire was wrong. But if an organization of the First Order's incompetence manages to take over the galaxy, at that point it's just natural selection in action.

>No shit they'll vote for politicians who advertise handouts. Black culture isn't anywhere near progressive but look how long blacks have felt obligated to vote democrat.
That's just supporting what I said. Identity politics is the most important thing to our culture. The SJWs control identity politics which makes pandering to them an understandable move even if they're too busy blogging to see movies.

Even if they don't win the culture war I can understand what that guy was saying about disney trying not to get on the wrong side of history. If they're right everyone is morally obligated to give them money. If they're wrong this all blows over because conservatives aren't as petty and vindictive.

the empire literally did nothing wrong in the ot. alderaan had it coming.

Nah, Phasma's book is about how she was some unga-bunga post-apocalyptic wasteland Amazon that became civilized when the First Order came to her planet and backstabbed her way up their chain of command

what's your question bros?

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"so whens the real episode 8 coming out?"

I think it's deeper than just playing identity politics. Hollywood is filled with people who are true believer in intersectionality. Their ideology is much more important to them than making money for the studios. The comic book industry has almost been destroyed because of these freaks.

>Read the book

Extended universe plebs are the absolute fucking worst. I hope you choke on a hot pocket.

They are dead to me, formerly my favorite hobby and lore. That's all that matters and for anyone not a shill, you should take comfort that you don't have to be bothered to care about the franchise anymore either. Let the viral marketing threads die

Sage goes in all fields

It was incredibly tedious. All you need to look at is the difference between
>You needed a pilot, right?
>Boring conversation anyway.
And if you don't see a difference, then The Force Awakens was made for you.

his apprentice was about to get murked and he had enough space to toss his saber and get it back to give her breathing room

>review bombing
Oh you silly tinfoil hat incel/roastie!