
Is this the final boss of cinema?

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Na srebrnym globie

>yfw when the video game makes a bigger cultural impact

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Is it any good? Im very new to soviet cinema. I've seen come and see and liked it but thats it.

it's Tark's most accessible movie, and pretty entry-level arthouse
it's amazing

You’ll either love or it will be the most excruciatingly boring 3 hours of your life

>final boss of cinema
That would be this

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I'll say. I could barely get past a third of its health bar without it knocking me out cold.

pseud bait
These kinds of movies are for people who watched enough traditionally good movies and want to sniff some of their own *bRAAAP*s

"Traditionally good" movies are for NPCs.

>Easy mode

Try Dante Must Die, newfriend

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"NPC" meme is for literal mouth-breathers.

t. NPC
Go watch goodfellas for the umpteenth time.


Considering both the movie and the game were influenced by the book I'd say Roadside Picnic had the largest cultural impact.

Nah, even casuals enjoy Stalker.

Goodfellas is fantastic and your taste is objectively trash.
Watching shit movies doesn't make you smarter, in fact it makes you dumber NERD.

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you'll probably get bored

This picture is literally the only good shot in the whole movie. It promises something that this movie does not deliver. The theme of the story from the source material is people exploring a bizarre, dangerous and incomprehensible landscape caused by alien dickwads. None of that has been adapted in this movie. Absolutely none. It doesn't even try, The direction of the movie was to change the entire source material from "weird stuff is happening" to "some guy says weird stuff is happening, is it all in this guy's head, we see nothing but he says it's true, I guess we'll never knoooow". And there goes the pseudo-intellectuals saying it's deep and masterful because "you don't see anything but you can imagine it in your mind". Nobody is fooled. Everybody knows that behind the pretentious pseudo-intellectualism the real reason to the massive change in the storytelling was to cut 100% of the budget for special effects and replace it with a bunch of guys larping in the woods for 2 hours, which is understandable since a small production 1979 movie couldn't manage the budget for alien shit, but that only means THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE MADE THE MOVIE AT ALL. Nothing can justify the dishonest pseudo-intellectualism deception of this movie. The makers knew perfectly well that nobody interested in the source material wanted an adaptation where the plot is slashed to remove all visual effects. They knew that perfectly well and they did it anyway, and OP will keep posting that picture and pretend it's a spooky eerie movie.


Kek, no. Tark is a mid-boss at best.
One of the premiere screenings of this was in my uni. Half the professors just left mid-movie. Most of them were good friends with the late director too, kek. It's good, but it's not a masterpiece.

goodfellas is amazing. it's like a two-hour trailer for itself.

Goodfellas is mediocre as fuck. The opening part is strong, but it's literally just Scorcese rehashing his favorite tropes.

Is your favorite movie BR49 by any chance?

Goodfellas is generic meme trash for normies with a hangover

You're off by a country mile, lad. But whatever suits your delusions, I guess.

>be slavs
>find a bunch of toxic waste
>wallow in it while thinken of deep
>die in real life
Truly kino

>Meme trash
>For normies

Any more buzzwords you wanna throw in there or do you have some actual criticism, newfriend?

why do you type like you carry a pitchfork and fuck sheep?

Then what is friend?

>caused by alien dickwads
Thats besides the point of the book and so is unnecessary for the film.
The book is not about aliens; they dont even appear. The mystery of the zone could've just as well have been caused by a nuclear disaster, as in the game, or some unfathomable natural disaster.
The film is much more ambiguous about the nature of the zone. To the point where its questionable whether there is any real danger at all and this, some say, is supposed to poke at some ideas itself.
If they had wanted to make the zone seem as dangerous and real as it is in the book they need only have had the writer had a heart attack at the bar after visiting the zone. Even this would leave some ambiguity. Besides the meatgrinder, which is never really described, nothing in the zone is so astonishingly ridiculous they couldnt have cobbled together a facsimile. Take hell slime as an example, it would not have been so terribly hard for them to have a character amble into a bog against the stalker's commands and then pretend their legs werent working, worked the camera around it and had them be carried by the stalker or left to die.

Now, I do think there should've been some more hints towards the zone as being legitimate. Perhaps the writer has a heart condition and dies of a heart attack, so attributable to not the zone, after his visit but having also done something against the stalker's wishes like wade through some forbidden water or something.
Even so, the film, while perhaps not amazing, is good and you just havent the patience to sit through it.

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Buddy, I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but movies shouldn't try to recreate the source material that they're inspired by. That doesn't make any fucking sense. If you want to enjoy the source material, then re-read the source material. Tarkovsky used the source material to create a framework for his own work. He was in no way trying to transform a book into a movie because only dipshit directors who want to cash in on the popularity of the book want to do that.
If you don't like Tarkovsky that's fine, but your argument for disliking it is trash.

Heoкoнчeннaя пьeca для мeхaничecкoгo пиaнинo
Oтeц Cepгий
La Grande Illusion

You know I'm right and you're upset because you're one of them.

Sounds to me like you're projecting or some shit.

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>I watch shitty foreign movies that are worse in every single aspect but I fell for the hype that they are deep and artistic so now I will shitpost on anything thats acclaimed by anyone in a first world country just to feel unique and superior

I don't even like Tarkovsky all that much, but man, way to miss the point. Is this truly the level of an average Yea Forums poster?

Gonna keep biting.

Goodfellas is a good film and no two-word non-argument is gonna change that bro.

Yes. Everyone here is an idiot. Leave while you can.

Seems to me like you aren't all that well-educated in the art of cinema. Those are some of the best movies ever made, my friend. Much better than fucking Goodfellas. My favorite American movies are probably McCabe & Mrs. Miller and Apocalypse Now.

I like Videodrome and wish everyone in this thread was talking about Videodrome and not some faggy foreigner film, but that’s just me.

The movie was about how the promises of the West behind the iron curtain were illusory (maybe) the stalker was a defector and it is unclear whether the western world really could deliver on its promise of making your dreams come true
I'm not really into the whole "cinema should be felt not understood" shit but this is the exception.

Videodrome was created by a foreigner

>art of cinema
Way to spot a pretentious lit major pseud.

>ADHD zoomers will say this is boring

Any arguments, you basic little bitch? Or will you simply continue acting retarded?

>the only good shot in the whole movie
You could print out any random moment from Stalker and hang it on your wall
What about the rain falling into the room? The long pan over the river? The dog watching them? The men looking on as they enter the zone? The writer breaking down was he enters the last tunnel? All beautiful, otherworldly, oddly spiritual.

It's genuinely masterful

btw the whole movie is on YouTube and in better quality than the Blu Ray. It really is one of the most beautiful films ever made

Not even the strongest of the Soviet school. Shepitko and Muratova are both arguably more interesting in their directing and writing. Also, check out Repentance by Tengiz Abuladze if you want true secret boss-tier Soviet cinema.

Watch this is you want to apprecioate some of the film techniques that were used:

Argument against what?
Movies are subjective only thing we could argue about is how your taste is shit but you won't change my mind about that.
You are the arthoe of films,

*blocks your path*

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Redpill me on this kino.

>still resorts to name-calling
>while talking mad shit about how movies not made in America are inferior
Hilarious. This is your last (you), now go watch some actually good movies, dumbass.

What happened to Russian/post-ussr cinematograpy?
USSR movies were ultra kino.
Nowadays? I can only name couple of good films, all by Zvyagintsev. Is there any good directors besides him in modern Russia?

>should've been some more hints towards the zone as being legitimate
I actually think it was handled perfectly. The writer freaking out twice (when he runs off at the beginning, then later in the meat grinder) suggests there's something influencing him, the weaker-minded character, then by the end even the level-headed stalker and scientist are clearly frazzled by the stress.
It's an incredibly atmospheric and creepy approach to horror (if you can call it that)- you feel like something could happen at any time, but it never does. Not even any close calls. But you see the charred corpses early on, and the safety precautions the stalker insists on taking- it's just enough to make it clear the threat is there.

Videodrome kicks ass, bro

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American movies are better.
Everything we make is better.
We run the world.
Stay mad shitskin.

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Capitalism destroyed art. Now all were left with is dogshit like everything that comes out of the USA.

14 years in the making. The director died before finishing it. Based on a story by the same guys who wrote Roadside Picnic. One of the harshest, ugliest depictions of medievil culture on film. Shit, puke and guts galore. Also, very long. It's a good movie, but it's definitely not very accessible.
Just no. He made one good movie ages ago. Elena, Leviathan and Loveless sucked major dick. Also, Russian movies suck because government funding is corrupt and favors extremely safe copy-cat comedies and patriotic flicks about WWII. And shooting a movie in Russia without govt funding is an insane fucking idea, you'll go broke before you get anywhere.

Here's two words for you. It's the BIG-GULP of film.

Sorry, my bad.

>This picture is literally the only good shot in the whole movie
>The only good images are the ones you can make movie posters based off of.
How does it feel to not into cinematography?

Yeah the MCU is truly the pinnacle of film making

>hey let's take a story with significant visual preternatural themes and intentionally depict that story without any visual preternatural themes.
>it's a complete coincidence that special effects are hard to make
>no the decision was completely intellectual and deep
>you just don't get it
>anyway I'll post the only screenshot with a weird environment while I simultaneously insist that the movie doesn't need any weird environment
>in fact you're stupid for expecting weird environments from this adaptation of a sci-fi story about weird environments
>so yes essentially I'm saying you're dumb for expecting more stuff like in the picture I'm posting to recommend the movie, so stop being dumb and get more deep like me

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The movie has plenty of good shots

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Yea Forums doesn't like being told the truth

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More like nobody cares about your autistic ramblings.

Nah, the final boss of cinema is probably some avant garde shit like the moving landscapes of peter hutton

or some shit like Post Tenebras Lux or some of the really obcure arthouse shit out there. I remember watching an arthouse film at a gas station with some fucking weird car with a tent attached to the side of it but i can't find it now.

The good kind tho

ummm sweaty we don't need any more white dude directors

I like the simple movies. Most kino imo.

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>Tark's most accessible movie,
I'd say that's Ivan's Childhood desu

I'd probably go
The Mirror
Rublev / Stalker
Ivan's Childhood
The Sacrifice
pretty subjective though. god tier filmography

sorry, I was ranking those on personal preference, not on their level of accessibility. I would say Ivan's Childhood, Solaris and Stalker are his top 3 accessible

you are like a little baby

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The final boss of cinema is Paint Drying (2016)

>Paint Drying is a 2016 British feature film directed and produced by Charlie Lyne. The film is about paint on a wall drying, lasting for 10 hours and 7 minutes.[1] The film was created by Charlie Lyne in order to force the BBFC to have to watch all 10 hours to give the film an age rating classification.[2]

Attached: paint-drying.jpg (1600x920, 141K)

I haven't seen any of those. should i start with the first?

this is

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click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack
click clack

start with Ivan's and go from there. his films work really well that way, plus you get to see his evolution as it actually happened

i'm going in

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I doubt Tark was going for this... but I like it.

enjoy. now get the fuck off Yea Forums while you watch it

>watching anything other than a blu ray rip

Roger. have a nice thread. see ya tomorrow.

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This is one of my favourite films. I regularly hear it regard it as entry level art house, wondering what comes next then.

Ding ding ding.
Stalker was shit.
10th grade philosophy mixed in with sleep inducing cinematography.

What fucking point?

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kill yourself retard

There is a lot of subtle shit going in the movie, brainlet. Especially the part with the fire.

why the fuck do old movies have so much character and atmosphere?

Citizen Kane is super watchable and coherent, even for a zoomer.

Directors gave a shit and there was much less studio interference.

I love capitalism but it dies snuff out artistic expression after a while.

i just wish i could have a meme about some of these scenes vs a newer one.

forgot image.

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This. Even shitty movies back then had loads of character. These days shitty movies are just bland, dull, and poorly directed but have no character

makes me pretty fucking mad