Trainspotting is my favorite movie ever

>trainspotting is my favorite movie ever

What kind of individual do you imagine?

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someone with a degree of taste


29-36 year old roastie that stopped smoking weed because it gives her anxiety.

a redditor

Art Hoe

art hoe/normie with lots of friends.

Someone who peaked in 1996.

A based and redpilled lad

the state of this board

Pedophile who gets off to Kelly McDonalds playing a 13 year old.


someone bland with generic nondescript opinions
not that the film is bad but its a very generic answer

someone that has a letterboxd acc and takes reviewing movies from the 90s very seriously

White, middle-class average guy, intelligent but childish.

I know a guy like this, he read loads of trip reports and stories of drug shit and then after sniffing heroin several times he injected it and now he's fucked and relapsed several times. I stopped speaking to him and he injected shortly after apparently. His favourite film is Trainspotting, he even likes the sequel and he even read the book. He hasn't read a book since he read school but he decided on that one. I still can't believe someone would be weak enough to try a life ruining drug because the screenplay described it as something like "an orgasm x1000". Glad I dropped him.

since he left school*

an incel

Someone who says "I'd like to try all the drugs just once" unironically.

>I have a favorite movie

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edgy kid who is depressed a lot

Some kind of beaner

Gen x smackie.

I downloaded it years ago because my friend in high school was talking about how gross the scene with the dead baby was

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