Why did they mistreat him?

Why did they mistreat him?

He fought and served in Vietnam...

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He wasn't gay.
They wanted to cornhole him.

He was a contra

He killed millions

I like how the Sheriff has all the time in the world to harass a guy walking down the side of the road who isn't bothering anyone. Where I live it's a goddamn miracle if we can get an officer to deal with panhandlers that are threatening and harassing people.

Yeah so fucking what. The sheriff fought in nam too and he got on with his life. Don't like it? Go back to killing gook babies and burning villages you fucking imperialist Zionist war mongerer

>has all the time in the world

Being a Sheriff in some backwards mountain town where nothing happens isn't exactly the busiest job ever.

I remember seeing a lot of disabled vets outside k-marts and stuff when I was a kid.
>Got some quarters for mechanical ride in front of store
>See some rambo looking guy in a wheelchair and he's missing a hand
>Put my 50 cents in his cup
>"God bless you, son."
that's always stuck with me for some reason

First Blood a metaphor for how the American people mistreated Vietnam vets caused Reagan to be elected.

Sheriff Teasle was a Korean War vet, actually.

>small town, USA

Of course the local LE has all the time in the world.

why did he marry a tard girl?

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You realize most of them are war criminals right?

There is no crime in war.

Didn't this movie assist in creating the meme that vets were spat on and called babykiller. I don't think a single spit was ever recorded or documented

yeah this gets a yikes from me

You're right. The fact that they didn't nuke those commie zipperheads is a goddamn crime.

>Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank

Do Green Berets like Rambo really get trained to operate both types of vehicles?

No it really did happen. It was the hippies doing it. Although there certainly were civilian murderers who deserved it, but protesters assumed they were all murderers like retards.

Penis envy from the virgin Korea vet towards the chad 'Nam vet.

Korea vets had the shit end of the stick, they didn't fight in a good war like their daddies and not in a cool war like their hippie sons either.

How fucking retarded are you?

tab back over to reddit, retard.

From what I hear, Vietnam vets were pretty much treated like shit when they got back from the war. For one thing it was the first war that America hadn't won outright, so the American public kind of went wow these guys couldn't even destroy a tiny country of rice farmers what a bunch of punks.

This was obviously before it became common knowledge that many of them had Russian training back when Russia was communist and sought to ally themselves with the viets.

Then you've got the anti-war hippie protesters, all the war crimes and the killing of women(granted, most of them had Ak-47's or bombs strapped to them) and viola, you have a recipe for hatred that continued on for the better part of two decades.

That's what most cops do, they are fucking useless

They were treated poorly obviously but they were never spit on


Kill yourself.

The only crime they commited was not killing enough commie subhumans

If this isn't bait consider suicide

>tfw we live in a time where the media believes all women and no vets

This is good bait but it does bring up an interesting moral dilemma. If a woman is pointing a gun at you with intent to kill, are you a piece of shit for shooting her before she shoots you? Keep in mind she's a woman, so her aim is probably atrocious.

No I'm not sexist therefore it's 100% ok to kill her in self defense

>Shafer acknowledges that it's possible that a Vietnam veteran somewhere might have been spat upon during the war years, and notes that Lembcke concedes as much because nobody can prove something never happened. Shafer announced a challenge to his readers, "Indeed, each time I write about the spit myth, my inbox overflows with e-mail from readers who claim that a spitting protester targeted them while they were in uniform."

Kike lies as usual

he was literally wojak. Smug pepe generals gave him shit just because

>guy was too weakwilled to not tell people to fuck off when they wanted to send him overseas

Well, I'm not weak willed and I'm not going to respect morons just because people tell me to.

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killing commies is a badgoy

>Why did they mistreat him?

He was a walking reminder of something they wanted to ignore and forget.

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fake news

It's rather simple
Korean vets got 100% brushed over because everyone was crying over 'Nam vets
Korean vets were also older and they had to basically run everything considering 'Nam vets were young as shit
If some generation of vets got completely fucked over, it was Korea vets

>fight for your country
>come back
>after a couple of decades get completely forgotten
>some mix of literal hippies and vets that brought dishonor to the country for a million reasons take the spotlight

>Why did they mistreat him
The sheriff mistook him for a hippie. Long hair, surplus jacket (hippies bought surplus shit because it was cheep, the bell bottom fad started because hippies bought navy surplus bell bottom pants), no job, no car, probably stank. He looked like a hippie and that's how the sheriff treated him.
The whole point of the movie is that most of America didn't have to experience the war until a vet brought it home. The sheriff considered himself very much a conservative 'our guy'; Hated hippie liberals, killed commie gooks in korea and protected his small town from the evil drifters who would corrupt it but he couldn't recognise a Vietnam vet, small town America couldn't recognise a Vietnam vet because they didn't march, they didn't watch the liberal media telling lies about 'our brave boys over there' and when he's actually confronted with the consequences he doubles down on the hard ass attitude that got America involved in the war in the first place.
The funny part is the book is very anti-war but Rambo ended up becoming a conservative hawk idol.
TL;DR He thought Rambo was a hippie

>police force
>using military ranks like lieutenant or captain

Gee, they're not even trying to hide their fascist agenda, are they.

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Precious snowflake detected.

You ever hear of the Chosin Reservoir?

only officers, that was always a weird line.

Yes they were, you have no knowledge of American history, why are you even commenting.

>respect me because I was stupid enough to go to war

no such thing as a war criminal.

That's why user only gave 50 cents instead of a buck.

Watch the anti-war docs or look ups ome of Tom Haydens memoirs of the time.. Youll be surprised.

Oh no, don't tell us Muslim terrorist attacks are justified! That would be horrendous!

When I read about that battle, I got so angry at how poorly that war was run and how stupid McArthur was. Those poor soldiers were basically left to fend for themselves with no support to fight their way out of hell. Truman should have shit canned McArthur a lot sooner. How do you ignore Intel that 500,000 chinks are amassing at the border ready to push your shit in? How could the Chinese not respond to american "imperialists" amassing at their doorstep?

He just wanted to work and to get something to eat.

Vietnam fucking shit have to be human first

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>creating the meme that vets were spat on and called babykiller
If you mean did the movie make this known to most Americans, probably. If you mean did the movie make it up, Stallone said he talked to a lot of Vietnam vets to learn their experiences, frustrations, etc. when they came back. So either it happened or the vets were lying.

Go to MacDonald's. You get both there without being a crybaby.

The country used to be a nicer place.

Whatever you say edgelord.

Many furing that time were made to go to war.

the bleeding heart liberals convinced everyone that nam vets stabbed babies

Would unironically curb stomp you, even if you are batting

Become a conscientious objector.

The sheriff had vietnam war shit in his office
He had a vendetta

just like you guys curb stomped the vc?

War in and of itself is criminal
Every soldier who is not participating in explicit self-defense is a criminal

The army is nothing but traitorous cowards that sing like a bird at the slightest bit of torture. Just look at McCain. That sherrif is a hero

>must self-defend my country 5000 miles away against countries that never attacked us

Well, through the movies he both drives a tank and flies a chopper, so at least we know he wasn't bullshitting.

McArthur was the worst leader in US history. He left his men behind in WW2 in the Phillipines to get captured and die also.At the time they thought the war was pretty much over and there was no way he could fuck it up but he found a way.

>just commit treason lol
reddit af

Unless ameripussie pows are being waterboarded by japs. Waterboarding is not a torture when USA does it btw.

... but the sheriff was also an army vet?

You have to be able to support your claim that you are a contientious objector. You can’t just pull that out of your ass. And it still doesn’t stop you from being drafted.

Those guys at Guantanamo Bay who got brought up on charges for waterboarding Iraqis will tell you different.

Vets always lie.

This happened a lot, there's a ton of footage of returning soldiers and marines getting fucked with.

How do you figure?

>kill people
>get accused of killing people
Oh no!!

>you have to believe a woman but don't you DARE believe a vet
Liberals disgust me

What kind of pussy can't stand a little torture? Why is it even wrong? People have been torturing each other for all of history

The US pretty much did. The war was lost because the govt. pulled out to appease the rioters not because they got their asses kicked like the french. None of the major battles were won by the VC/NVA. Watch that PBS documentary on Netflix they talk to alot of VC and they say at the end they were running on fumes and glad it was over because they were hurting and had to resort to drafting old men and kids to keep going.

Some guys hate other guys for no reason

Are you a retard? Libs fucking love vets, always trying to give them more and more gibs, if you ask me, the military is nothing but tranny freaks looking for free surgery and socialism. Just as bad as niggers and twice as whiny. Trump knew more than any general about isis and he's never even been in the military

>Chaim angry that this particular war was not fought for Israel

Its easy for you to think that posting all safe from your moms basement.

>Libs fucking love vets
not even good bait.

>conscientious objector

Don't be ungrateful cowards, goys. Israel made the USA great, so it is only fair that you guys die defending our interests.

It's also easy because I'm not crippled war vet who's lost all use for society but still for some reason needs to be supported

Who votes to increase their socialised healthcare every year. I'll wait.

>there's a cut of first blood where rambo has tons of lines and cracks jokes

>I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. Back here, I can't even hold a job parking cars!

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I go through torture infinitely worse everyday just by living in our society than any marine goes through.

Exactly user
Most wars are fought for the benefit of oligarchs and plutocrats and have nothing to do with self-defense, therefore the wars are criminal

This movie might have been realistic if Rambo had been black.


>Those guys at Guantanamo Bay who got brought up on charges for waterboarding Iraqis will tell you different.

Are you mixing up Guantanamo Bay with Abu Ghraib?

Waterboarding happens in Guantanamo
Bestiality, electroshock therapy, flaying and other shit happened at Abu

Yet the american public adored him. Leave it to the U.S war propaganda machine to turn a retard into a war hero.

lol did we make the ragheads fuck pigs or something?

It clearly takes place in Hope, British Columbia; they're pretending to be American for tax purposes.

No, it was stories we heard from our fathers about getting spat and on called baby killer.

>sundreds of first person testimonials
>”but where are the proofs?”
based NYT

He was a powerful dago warrior and the racist bowtie anglo-saxon establishment wanted to keep him down

Vietnam veterans were considered blood-thirsty monsters who lost the war. They were hated by everyone: by progressists because they were killers, by conservatives because they didn't win.

>"Do you need... a hand?"

What is the fucking origin of that meme? I've seen this shit since forever and still don't know.

Rambo was a stolen valor faggot who didn’t know shit about what real soldiers do.

Mark Walberg beat the shit out of Vietnamese in his youth. Look it up.

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Nobody cares. It’s just a job taken by desperate or naïve people.

First Blood is one of those movies that doesn't make sense outside America

I mean, how the fuck can cops can arrest A MAN just by simply walking around the town? Is fucking walking illegal in US? No wonder you people are so fucking fat. Jesus....


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Exactly, he probably raped and murdered hundreds of civiians

Lmao haven’t seen that image before.

Mark Wahlburg said he could have stopped 9/11. He also beat the shit out of a Vietnamese guy when he was younger. Put the two together and presto.

If you allow even 1 bum to hang out in your city then soon you get San Francisco

Bums deserve to be culled

Still doesn’t void my point. The police had little else to do during that time and place in history.

Vagrancy is illegal in some places, which is the pretense for Rambos arrest.

These nigger bums that hide behind war trauma override small towns if you dont deal with them.

Ive personally bought over 20 one way bus tickets to California for homeless people in my town.
You're welcome califags.

woman always win, you sexist pig

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>Mark Wahlburg said he could have stopped 9/11.
He did?

This right here. Obviously they didn't want to ugly up Stallone too much for the flick, so he looks pretty clean cut (aside from the length of his hair, which is still recently washed and under control) but for the movie to make sense you should imagine he looked like pic related.

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marky mark was in a white street gang growing up in dustah. He went to jail for attempted murder of an old Vietnamese man.

found the califag.
anymore bums that show up ill be sending your way

>flood San Fagcisco with bums

based and bumpilled.

Things that never happened

I did nothing to deserve this

>that kike on the right

Ask some of your local bums how they got there. Its more common than you think.

>He fought and served in Vietnam...
thats the point. the police unironically represent america and rambo the soldiers coming home. don't you remember all the protests?

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Yeah the culture of the country is completely unrecognizable since the 70s, try watching Andy Griffith sometime and ask yourself what the fuck happened.

>SOME FOLKS ARE BORN starts playing

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your problem is that you're looking at a lame tv show for your reference on what culture was. TV was even more separated from reality back then than it is now.

Not normally, but when your loader got medivaced last week, and your gunner is in having his foot amputated as we speak, you pick the best crayon eater of the bunch to fill in.

dude stop this shit. I can't go to SF anymore because of all those bums. SF is such a disgrace and to think it supposed to be a world class city.

the real Mayberry(Mt Airy, NC) has a bunch of nigs in it now. On the show a black dude came into town once and everybody freaked out.


The fact that people could even relate to something like Andy Griffith is the thing. People would not have watched it if it was completely unrelatable. We today are just so far removed from that culture that you can't even comprehend that it was what an idealized vision of America looked like in its day.
Nowadays criminality and lack of public trust is just so ingrained that you can't even process it.

How many battles did the VC win?

if america is so good at wars then how come they cry up a fagstorm any time some jarhead gets hit by a rock and chips his nail

Take that up with your mom creampuff or better yet move out of her basement.

No major ones.

Lol, how many blacks or natives did you see in that small town? Yea that sheriff had a nice easy job. Thats kinda the point, the sheriff thought he was more of a hard case than anyone, but he picked on someone who could eat stuff that would make a billygoat puke.

Also, Hope, British Columbia was alot nicer than any small mountain town in USA

Faggot was trying to sneak into Glorious Cascadia on foot. Fuck that invader. Deputy Teasle did nothing wrong.

They raped the towelboys with dogs yes

Read a fucking book you retarded zoomer

lol. Police by definition are a Para-military force and have been using military ranks for 100+ years.

perhaps the reason he has so much free time is because he is so proactive in preventing crime.

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art imitating life. how could those racist white kids have mistreated him so poorly?

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>come home from nam
>have PTSD
>can't hold down a job
>end up on the street
>people think you're a lazy bum and spit on you

Yeah they should have just chilled in prison with Jamal

based. What was the movie that got Trump elected?

Batman V Superman obviously

The Alex Jones Show

Yeah, the implication was that if he was in one of the planes, he would have killed the (((terrorists))) and stopped the plane from flying into WTC.

>live in Napa, CA
>friends want to go to San Francisco for a day
>mite b cool
>5 of us packed in a jeep cherokee
>drive for an hour and 20 minutes
>visit the wharf like basic bitch tourists
>get the world famous sourdough bread bowl with clam chowder
>seagull shit everywhere
>homeless walking around like zombies
>literally asked if I had change about 2 times a minute
>sourdough bread bowl was bland

The only good experience out of the trip was Chinatown because based chinks don't allow homeless people and will harass them until they leave.

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Santino wasn't around anymore, why would he miss the chance?

Lol this thread just proves how cucked Cuckmericans really are. They like to think they're against the status quo but just talk shit about their precious killing machines ant they get fucking triggered. I have to laugh at the respect they feel for literal brainwashed idiots they think fight "for them" when in reality they are just disposable tools for the shadow people in power

Why? It's such a liberal paradise. Way better than those "flyover" states.


It is though. It only sucks if you are a poorfag.

That shouldn't matter in the wonderful utopia that they've built for themselves. After all, liberals are looking out for everyone, right?

Look here, Trump is a bitch who pretended to have bone spurs in order to dodge serving his country and then go on to conspire against the U.S. with the same country that supplied Vietnam with the weapons that killed and wounded thousands of Americans


I rewatched Rambo 3 recently. What does red, white and blue americans think of it? It talks of resisting foreign occupiers in a holy war.
Do they look at it as a warning or are they deeply ashamed?

It didn't age well

>welfare nigger works a busywork meme job
Who'd've thought it

because it happened you zoomer
>day you graduate highschool you get bus'd down to MEPs for the draft
>by a poor fuck who gets forcibly sent to kill or die in a jungle
>come back either crippled and/or mentally scarred
>get spat on by college kids and democrats who got to stay home while you were forced across the world to kill in a shitty jungle
>get fucked out of vet rights after
>never get mental care after
Part of the reason the military by and large doesn't like Democrats

he and his whole family was white trash except for their borderline retarded burger making brother
like multiple of them are dead due to like gang violence

Drifters are always up to no good.
He was just trying to protect his community.

Only 30% of the Vietnam guys got drafted

5 years in Leavenworth is EZ mode dude. And about as long as you’d get sent to Vietnam.

Based and redpilled. Military is just a bunch of welfare niggers chimping for gibs

>He fought and served in Vietnam...
Who cares.
You should always treat everyone well, no matter who they are. Except when they're openly hostile and threat you.

>What was the movie that got Trump elected?

Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die

This was not the norm, usually police were a little bit more soft-hearted in regards to veterans after Vietnam. My uncle did a couple tours and was a bit messed up. A lot messed up. As a result, he was pretty well known among local law enforcement and they would call us and say they had picked him up or someone complained and he was down with them hanging out and they'd try to get him cleaned up so we could get him. He stole a Jaguar, once, somehow. He managed to talk the dealership into letting him test drive the thing, so he drove the goddamn Jag all the way to Tennessee, stealing gas all the way.

When he died, at a VA facility no less, we never got his remains. I kinda think now he was part of some testing, since we never could get his medical records from the government or any information about his purple hearts and he refused to tell anyone what he was up to over there or why he volunteered to go back. It's March 13, it has been three months and we do not have his remains.

First Blood isn't the norm in terms of how vets were treated. At least in the "South".

this, the philippines campaign was a disaster and somehow he got a pass

Cops do that to me and I’m white they pull you over for no reason and ask for Id


>ask yourself what the fuck happened.
Immigration from shitskin countries.

just call the cops and say he's got a knife on his persons. guaranteed kill or your money back

>TV was even more separated from reality back then than it is now.
Absolute horseshit. Television was very selective. Nice white neighborhoods existed. Its the niggers and faggots that rightfully got left out. Now that is all we have left.

Based love and tolerance poster

prototype "don't trust white males in authority" movie. stallone is a fag who picked up machismo as a fashion accessory. he really wants to be a ballerina.


He was a wandering vagrant walking into a small town so he made people nervous. The sheriff didnt want homeless people in his town, as a person like that is liable to want to steal things or otherwise be a nuisance.

Maybe. I'm not much of the tinfoil type, but it is fishy as hell and I'm not so naive to think the government doesn't do shady shit on the regular.

Nonsense, the US government would never do anything to betray our trust.

Cannon fodder.

Government is the true enemy

the documentary idiocracy

>Trump is a bitch who pretended to have bone spurs in order to dodge serving his country
His number was never called, he didn't have to dodge anything.
If you are going to hate Trump for something, limit to what Trump has actually done and not a fictional story about him.

I had just got done with my last spicy rotation to Afghanistan in Regiment when I ETS'd out of The Army. Doing 4 years with the Rangers, I've seen every horror you could probably imagine. Sights are one thing, but it's the smell that really sticks with you. Humans smell like bbq when they're on fire. I'll just be walking downtown or something and get a whiff and it brings me right back to Helmand. Shit's wild.

Also most Green Berets are bitch made faggots. Only their CIF team counterparts are worth a damn in a firefight.

So what? I don't get it. Animals are living being just like humans, do people never think of this?

I think it's because Pig flesh is the closest thing to Human flesh. And most bbq is pork. It's just a shock I guess. Seeing a little girl on fire deep into rigor mortis and it smelling good crosses the wires a little bit. Whoever thinks we dont hang WP rounds anymore is delusional.

I thought SF mainly recruited from the 75th?

Good goy


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That's SFOD-D or CAG or Delta

No proof. You need to show me the proof.

did you ever get into a firefight against rambo?

All the same thing, just different names btw. Rangers are JV (Expert Infantrymen that are extremely well funded and considered a Tier 1 unit during deployments), But the D-Boys are Pros. Highly Athletic, highly intelligent, highly trained, experimental tech, blank check, you name it. They're what every Ranger and GB want to be. I got to see them operate a couple times so I cant tell too much because NDA's, but let's say the US is in very good hands. The Grim Reaper is very real.

I mean, i wasn't there, I dunno how I would react but I imagine seeing a little girl burning would affect me more than smelling meat.
Honestly I already know this shit and worse is happening as we're typing this but what can you do? You need to go on with your life as best as you can, that's how we're wired, if you start dwelling on all the crap that goes on you can't function anymore. I don't need to experience that kind of shit first hand to realize that much. If you think you can't deal with it you should just end your life, no point in dragging on a meaningless existence rationally speaking, as sad as it sounds.

lmao no. Nice neighborhoods existed but it wasn't all hunky dory everything is rainbows and sunshine friendly neighborhood cop nice

none of them. all of them.

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Are you retarded? There are countless declassified files that prove the CIA tested LSD on people back in the day. They even fucking went to court lol.

Every SAW gunner we had was a Rambo. Don't even get me started on the 240-L Gunners.

not a fucking word, why capitalize it like it is one?
a lot is two separate words
is everybody on this website a fucking idiot except me?

>American wars against communism meaning anything

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Lies and propaganda. We never did anything wrong. USA is the greatest nation on earth.

rambos on the other team, chief.

But dont you have to go q course before going ODD?

This movie was incredible desu, especially the intro, Ridley knows how to do medieval Europe right

>the culture of the country is completely unrecognizable since the 70s

Nope. It's pretty much the same, my man.

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No. Q course is part of the 2 year pipeline ( 3 if you go 18D) for SF. Only Green Berets are SF. CAG recruits most of its guys from the 75th because all the 75th does is Direct Action. Any MOS can attend CAG selection. Check your military email from time to time (You have to be an E-5 or higher and rumor is 30+ in age) . We call it "The Long Walk" because it's super Top Secret and the only thing we know is that you ruck with heavy weight over multiple states having to meet certain time hacks and hitting objectives with precision. They're not looking for the smartest or the strongest, they're looking for the "right" ones, whatever that means. Their body types range from super short and jacked to really tall and lanky. They dont really fit any mold.

eyyy yoo she aint retarted ok she just shy ok u no wat im sayin ok