I'm writing an article on the mixed response to Captain Marvel...

I'm writing an article on the mixed response to Captain Marvel. What would you want a more left-leaning audience to know/understand about the film/controversy?

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The constant shilling of antagonistic propaganda directed at traditional American values by the forces of ignorance and evil is tiresome.

Tell them we have massive dicks lol

the military propaganda
the media pretending it's BREAKING NEW GROUND (like that Variety article saying it FINALLY disproved the myth that women led films don't sell)
the media lying about the RT scores
the audience demographics being mostly white male in contrast with films like Wonder Woman and Aquaman, despite the claims that the film is made for women

women were main characters in movies since the 1890s and they need to stop acting like it's something new

I want them to know that right-wingers are truly sorry for an outrage they caused

The movie was alright, but since everyone needs to be outraged about something here we are.

remind them that the main actor is a racist and a sexist

most don't give a shit about the movie or the sjw shit represented but a lot of us care about the death of cinema to turn it into the chinese money launder sceheme of releasing awful poorly produced films in which most of the budget money is sent to ancillary corporate shell companies which are then shown to have huge profits cause they're working with disney, those stocks rise, then it's all dumped and repeated
then they buy out theaters to get sales numbers up which drives stock of the main corporate entity thus making them all money 3 (or who knows) ways instead of just one way

if you really want to be a journalist how about you do some investigative research and write your own piece on it instead of regurgitating shit from both sides which might just be a marketing campaign in of itself to drive interest

t- wage cuck working in the industry who gets to hear these rich fuckers gloat all day

That dismissing all criticism of the film as “man-babies”, “virgins”, “incels”, “trolls” or “alt-right” is what is ultimately damaging to your films and your brand. There is indeed an immaturity problem in the internet, to put it lightly. But there are also massive, legitimate complaints about the film, and pretending they don’t exist with ad hominems will make your movies suck and fail. That’s really what happened with Ghostbusters - it was bad, and so people didn’t see it. The same happened to Star Wars, in its way - TLJ was bad, so they weren’t hyped for Solo, which was also bad, so they didn’t see it.

Essentially: stop branding anyone who doesn’t agree with you as the Enemy. Filter out the noise to get to the legitimate complaints.

Define traditional American values?

not him but: Traditional American family of husband, wife and children as one big example.

What massive legitimate complaints are there about the movie?

Brie is vocally anti-white.

Based knowing about things poster

Incels are in favour of the thing they're actively choosing not to have?
She IS white retard

If she would have said she didn't want black men seeing or reviewing her movies, the left would have crucified her. She would have been black listed and banished from hollywood forever. But she said it about whites. Never even had to apologize. Nothing happened to her at all. Imagine if in scenario one, she got away with saying something about blacks in the same manner as in real life. People would be losing their fucking minds over that shit. That's why people got so mad about this. They had a legitimate complaint about something she said/did and they were ignored so they got even madder.

All the aspects of white christian western European culture that made the USA a place everyone wanted to live in because their country is shit by comparison. I still don't understand why they wanna come here and turn it into the shithole they left because it was a shithole.

1) most incels want families
2) the "in" in incel stands for involuntary, it means it's not their choice
3) the incel ad hominem-meme needs to die
(and no, I am not an incel myself)

it's apparently riddled with plot-holes. I didn't see it but a normie MCU-fan colleague of mine did and even he called this out.

Basically, the fact that racism and sexism goes both ways.
Something, something hipocrisy of SJW shits as they feel free to promote hate speech and misandry as it's somehow ok.

Altogether irrelevant.
The context is that Wrinkle in Time flopped big-time, and in order to make nice with Disney she reinforced the "white male critics on RT" strawman excuse that the mouse was no doubt using to damage control the failure with.
Now she's become the obnoxious face of that. I don't actually think Brie Larson believes in anything and just echoes whatever buzzword to virtue signal for that will help her career.

Like what?

Oh so you have no actual complaints. Interesting.

They are involuntarily celibate like how a big guy is called tiny. These manchildren choose the most unlikable personality (redpilled) and act like they're victims (ie act like women).

If you're over 20 and unmarried, you're part of this destruction of traditionalism.

Best thing to know is that only 39% of the attending audience was female. The audience was primarily incels/manbabies (men over 25), the largest group of women was 25+, not younger girls who they hoped to inspire.

Also remind them this is corporate trash created with the sole purpose of tricking people to buy tickets and merchandise, it's not some social commentary or cause.

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Carol’s backstory is poorly delivered - the climax of her standing up after falling down shows clips of moments in her past that were barely covered, if at all.

Why the Lightspeed engine is important at all given that we see other ships in the film travel at FTL speeds.

The film implies that Carol’s laser beams are not unique to her, since Jude Law suggests it can be taken away. It isn’t suggested to be special, yet it contradicts that by the later revelation that her powers are unique from the accident.

I accept she can shoot lasers, that’s fine, but how does that translate into flying in space and going FTL?

The jokes in the film are flat and don’t land. This is partially Larson’s delivery, but also the writing and editing are poor.

Vers is criticized for being overly emotional, yet never displays an abundance of emotion during her tenure with Jude Law. It’s not unbelievable that a soldier like her would be collected, but the film tells us she is “emotional”, which isn’t supported by the performance.

That’s just the ones I came up with in the moment. The point is, there are legitimate criticisms to be made, and dismissing them based on an accusation of my political affiliation is a fallacy.

>Oh so you have no actual complaints. Interesting.
I haven't seen it, so no. The trailers were trash though and everyone I know and trust didn't like the movie.

Stop making movies a political statement and then acting shocked that people are less interested in them. If the film was good, it would get people to watch it. This tactic of trying to create a cultural movement around this shit is so fucking slimy. And to criticize us for calling it out? That's fucking rich.

>involuntary celibate

please kys yourself

>Like what?

Evidence based rationality over feels and personal responsibility are the two biggies.

So many movies are written purely as a vehicle to advance social justice issues. Plot, dialogue and character development become secondary considerations. The movies become like those educational programs some of us were forced to watch in school where they try to turn the subject of germs and the immune system into a cute cartoon to entertain everyone while delivering a valuable message. On top of it all they try to pretend that the movie is an absolute cracker and anyone who finds this shit painful just hates minorities

>you don't understand, she's not a REAL racist sexist

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>op completely glosses over the only post that matters to fall into sjw bait marketing again

I'm guessing this piece you're writing is for a company who's investors have an awful lot of ties to other investors in hollywood

>They are involuntarily celibate like how a big guy is called tiny.
what does that even mean? So they are called involuntary celibate because they are voluntary? No means no and yes means no as well?

>These manchildren choose the most unlikable personality
The research is clear, you can't change your core-personality after puberty for the most part and even small personality changes take years.

>oh so you have no actual complaints. Interesting
That user is not me, who wrote the previous post. My reply is

Tell them that Alita is miles better and they should watch that film instead.

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Shoving CM into the MCU this way is obnoxious writing given how they want to use her. Gender is irrelevant, it's bad writing.

She is a terrible actress, why can't everyone see that?
I remember watching her in Kong, Skull Island, every scene with her ruined my immersion. The scene where she is photographing the natives has numerous moment's where she is "smiling", it easily was the least charismatic and earnest smile I've seen in a long while. She she was delivering dialogue she was sometimes pause intermittently at strange times or her tone was flat and emotionless. I just don't "get" why they cast her.

yeah, that () was me, sorry.

We need thread-IDs on every board...

tell your audience FUCK NIGGERS

Ask your audience why Brie Larson is so concerned with white male overrepresenation in Hollywood but not Jewish overrepresenation.

its very mediocre capeshit
and the mc is an obnoxious woman which offends me as a fragile male who finds obnoxious women obnoxious.

Everything short of having children at pride parades I think is a pretty lenient interpretation.

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*When she

talk about the RT stuff and call everybody retard , the comicsgaters but also the fems, that they are doing the promo for free, talk about the numbers but include that has been released in China at the same time, no like the other movies, that it's just a kids movie to sell toys and that culturally all the MCU, and all the other comic book movies, are a piece of shit.

I don't hate the movie because a woman is the main character. I don't care about Brie Larson "controversy" or anything like that. I don't care that the movie was marketed as a feminist icon movie.

The movie just isn't good, it's so damn average and I don't care about her involvement in Endgame. Maybe the Russos will fix her like they did with Thor and Tony somewhat.

I'm actually interested in hearing more about this.
Do you have any example of the gloating leading to what you explained?

It's a bad movie, and anyone could have played that character and it still would have been bad. People just have more of an incentive now to not see it because the lead actress is also a spoiled entitled cunt.

Bad movie + cunt = I'll keep my shabbos shekels, thank you

the nuclear family

marriage between a man and a woman

the biggest meme right now is hiring out "consulting" companies which are just friends/family of executives who get paid to literally exist and "consult" on the project
that's probably the easiest place to start

working for one of these prop up consulting companies which come and go as often as the days pass

Tell them I've definitely had sex.

>you can't be both white and be an anti-white propagandist at the same time
Do you not understand the nature of acting?

That they are just corporate shills if they think it's anything more than a popcorn flick. It's not some great statement on society, it's about a wooden flying woman who shoots lasers out of her hands at aliens.

Well, there are two completely separate issues for starters. One is Brie Larson and the writers/directors using a now-beloved franchise as a vehicle for regressive leftist identitarianism, and the other - which should be obvious to the reds too - is that the movie just isn't very good. It's unimaginative, bland and it takes an approach to subtext that is as much cowardly as it is obnoxious. They didn't have the balls to make the story about gender discrimination or the talent to make the rhetoric subtextual or allegorical instead of on the nose. It doesn't help that Brie Larson is an unbearable cunt in real life either.

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Talos has one. He is also proud working dad supporting his wife and child. And played by guy typecasted as nazi to kill spaceniggers in this movie.

Crippled people, autistic people, and people with birth defects are also "incels". It's nice to see leftoids embracing eugenics now, though.

Of course we both know your carefully-constructed stereotype supplied to you by corporate media is one of a pimply white male. It's easy to hate something when billionaire Semites tell you it's okay :)

that incels will die alone and this is the natural way, like feces

This sentence made no sense, feces isn't alive.

Everyone dies alone and turn to worm shit.
That's the beauty of the world, it runs despite your political view.

>it means it's not their choice

military propaganda is kino. At least it promotes the right sort of values. Hollywood propaganda is just destructive and annoying

Individualism over identitarianism, femininity over feminism, masculinity over metrosexuality. The strength of a woman is not the things she can do that men can do, but the things she can do that men can't. There is nothing remotely womanly about Captain Marvel other than the fact that she has a pair of tits and a vagina under her ill-fitting costume. Even when she turns into a faux goddess of light she still doesn't have an elegant bone in her body.

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>Crippled people
i know cripples with families

Do they actually consult in the project like one of those people hire to find "microaggressions" in projects and point it to the creators, or more like a "ghost company"?

you are a voluntary non-billionaire. Because there is some way for you to become a billionaire in 10 years. Just invent the successor to facebook. Easy.

Congrats, it's exceptionally rare. They're also usually crippled *after* having the kids. Aka taking an IED for Israel.

That's child pornography!!!

this was the only good response to that question. Good work user.

Captain Marvel isn't against any of these. Nor did Brie Larson ever make a statement against any of these.


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people with loving families do not die alone, incel
but since your mom will die first, you will die alone

she is a single woman living with a cat who needs no man.

Why? Do they kill their loved ones so they die together?

Aside from being single (which is the last thing incels should accuse anyone of), none of this happens in the movie. You clearly didn't watch it and are just imagining it filled with things that trigger you.

So she doesn't have a cat and she is married in the movie, got it.

half-true, I am just here to shitpost and waste your time.

This thread isn't about the movie but the response to the movie. This response is based more on the pre-release marketing and news coverage than the film itself.

Why does these kinds of posts always avoid the one actual answer and only target bait or ones that are easy as fuck to poke holes in?

see you stupid faggot

The anti-incel thing is an interesting development. I don't think it will be remembered kindly. I realise the left are trying to conflate nationalists with no-kiss virgins because it's effective political rhetoric, but whenever I've seen any kind of investigation into real-life incels they are exclusively people with pretty serious mental health problems and very high suicide rates. It's going to be difficult for """progressives""" to reconcile this with their other beliefs, assuming they are genuine.

Let 4channel write the article for you 1 word per post

>What would you want a more left-leaning audience to know
that you are subhuman scum, and by the grace of god i'll hang every last one of you from a lampost.

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> In simplest terms, they feel rejected by Brie, and because Brie is the new center of the MCU, they feel rejected by the MCU. All of their anger, confusion, feelings of abandonment and angst are placed squarely on Brie Larson.


>assuming they are genuine

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they are masters of double-think for decades, they will never see the irony.

My entire life I see them clapping on their own back for their work they do for the working class while absolutely hating everyone in the working class.

Nothing in the marketing or any statement Brie made was against the nuclear family, either.

Some super rich mofos really need to move money off the books so they do these money laundering schemes. Most of them are done via charity which no surprise was also done by Disney twice - Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Why use charities? Because it is tax deductible and inconspicuous.

wow imagine supporting the literal devil by buying Disney tickets

This movie deserves no publicity or controversy. Fuck off.

You're right it was just all white men of western european origin which could never be considered an attack on white western european culture...fucking mong lol

Not counting hardware and internet service cost I haven't spent a dime on any form of media in over a decade.

Brie Larson is not performing the traditional role of a woman. She is performing the role of a soldier. She is teaching little girls that they too can be soldiers. This is bad influence on women because women are not soldiers and no military deliberately risks them. They do everything they can to prevent actual combat or capture because they know it’s just for goodboi progressive points and they need the bodies in non-combatant roles but they can’t just outright say “women are second class citizens in the military” even though it’s true

then how do you know what the movie is like?

>women are second class citizens

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It's uninspired capeshit #887 made by people that hate the country that made it possible for them to even make a fucking movie. Who gives two fucks what it's like?

in the military, yes. Having a female soldier get captured and put in an ISIS video would be more effective than capturing 20 male soldiers because people are going to sympathize with the girl whereas men getting tortured is “all part of the plan”

Again, none of this is in the movie, which you clearly didn't watch. The message is "you can succeed even if everyone tries to bring you down", not "girls can be soldiers".

the movie is literally about a female soldier m8

>t. fatty who sits in his mom's house jacking off to loli porn

no, its about a person who fell down, but then rose up again

>The message is "penis bad vagina good"

it's not about an incel who got rejected once and then ran off crying forever

Unironically they covered the controversy really well. youtu.be/9pQNYeOEFJc

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So according to you nutjobs, every movie that features a female military officer is literally telling little girls to not get married and become a soldier.
No wonder no one takes you seriously and the entire world mocks you.

No every movie where the main actress makes a point to single out white males for exclusion and derision is going to color the opinions of the content of the film. If she had shut her cock holster and smiled and waved we wouldn't be talking about anything but the dismal box office numbers because without the marketing strategy of outrage this would have been just one more forgettable superhero movie. Now fucking KYS.

I realize you’re pumping out word salad that doesn’t mean anything is response to OBVIOUS UNDENIABLE TRUTH so I’m going to calm down and remember that you’re a shill contrarian so you’ll defend a piece of shit if your corporate masters told you to.

Idk, it is the FIRST movie to ever star a female so we can't really complain

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White women without children are usually disgusting traitors to their people after a certain age. Sad but true.

Their moral values are being used for making money.
These companies don't care about them or their values.

Curious that OP never actually addressed these. Guess they don’t actually care about genuine research.

That's not an though is it argument user.

That the selling point revolved around so-called "female empowerment" and that such movies actually objectify women.

>COMPLETELY ignores the context of the discussion and situation
>incredibly hostile behaviour over a marvel film
Don't you have some disingenuous virtue signaling to do on your tumblr blog?

white supremacists review bombed captain marvel because they saw that brie larson is openly having sex with men of african descent (if you don't know why that's a bad thing, they believe race mixing is the worst thing to ever happen)

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their skin is the color of poop. It's disgusting.

Which traditional American Values are being attacked by this movie user?

American Values = Things I like!

I know they don't teach things in school anymore but there are actual ideological precepts associated with the phrase "traditional American values". You could do some research and maybe learn something. Oh sorry I forgot the conditioning makes you incapable of in-depth research because you can't concentrate long enough to actually read things like books. Sad.

I saw the movie because I get the chance to see free movies often through family who manage an Edwards. It sucked to me, and the RedLetterMedia video on it hits the nail on the head while also discussing their choice of lead actress who is a literally who to me as I'm not really into keeping up with modern releases short of seeing things people who matter me want to go see.

I would like you to touch on corporate entities being "woke" or stirring reactions from Blue Donkeys or Red Elephants sports fans to antagonize PR out of people in our every day lives because it is an effective way to advertise something abroad and afar through tainting meaningful interactions with otherwise reasonable and pleasant people we get along with.

Traditional American Values = empty box you can put stuff in which you don't want to have questioned.


Shit skins and npcs can't into American Values.

>brainlets projecting their inadequacy on everyone because they're too stupid to know how stupid they are

Or just a troll. even money.

That's pretty harsh on 90% of /pol/tards

Blame moral relativism and the absolutely retarded liberal idea that all cultures are equal and have equal value.

The importance and virtue of proper gender roles.

>proper gender roles
Those adapt to changes in society, economy, politics etc. They are proper to their context.

t. discord tranny

Ssshhhh...Incel here.

There's a reason why I keep mentioning it :)

Diversity, feminism and progressivism etc have become nothing more but marketing gimmicks to Hollywood and the big movie companies
They use it to make their films seem like super important mile stones to make people feel obligated to see it and like it and to deflect criticisms and bad press
Captain marvel is a prime example of this

We didn’t like it because we hate women and minorities

based and redpilled

capeshit is capeshit, that's it

Explain to the kids what Money Laundering is. Provide pics of Sold Out but empty theaters.

What difference does it make? They're NPCs. Any thoughts they have are provided to them by their political and corporate overlords.

They should know that you have entirely too much sex with entirely too many people, roastie.

Are you by any chance, an involantary cellibite?

For them to stop politicizing everything.


The main character is an cheap carbon copy of an grumpy, stoic MALE hero, but without understanding what makes such a character likeable. She isn't likeable, she isn't interesting, she has no real character arc and all the conflict she is in are boring because there is no buildup and no tension.
All of her problems comes from bad man trying to hold her back.
This is basically cheap intersectional feminism propaganda, pretending to have to say something about the female condition, but it really doesn't have to say anything because its written so formulaic, and directed so boring.

progressives don't actually have any values which is why they have zero qualms holding so many hypocritical positions, they have no actual beliefs other than the dogma

She's also a massive mary sue with more of the traditional mary sue tropes than most of the actual mary sues in fan fiction.

All she's missing is Captain Kirk to fall in love with her. There's always endgame I suppose.

a WASP who works 9-5 every weekday, and goes deer hunting on his jeep with a shotgun on weekends

one day a mainstream journalist will call out the Jews and WW3 will have officially begun

it will be glorious

That's rich. WASPs have done more to destroy traditional American values than almost any other group.

that they and you should kys

That picture makes me laugh every time I see it. In the same way I would laugh at some fat kid in a fedora holding a katana. That's what she is, the multibilllion franchise backed fat kid with a katana trying to look cool. One difference being that a fat kid with a katana might actually be able to hurt me, whereas some dummy from California could only hurt me with lawsuits

based and redpilled

checked + based and redpilled

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That I'm sick to death of the culture war. In my youth I thought I could embrace it. When it rejected me, I thought I could ignore it. When it forced itself into every avenue of my life and began to antagonize me I found myself against, a complete inversion of my original position.

You want to talk nonstop about making my life and the lives of my children worse? Fine, I'll vote against you every single time.

You won't be voting out way out of what's coming. Harden your heart.

1. Disney buying tickets to their own movie should not be tolerated.
2. ~50% of the fan base does not appreciate Marvel Studios dredging up this nobody character and trying to force them as the next biggest thing for the MCU (let the fans decide which characters they like)
3. The whole rotten tomatoes issue, which was completely misrepresented by clickbait journalists, was solved by silencing people’s opinions. Nobody should be okay with this approach.

I’m sure I’m missing one or two things here, but this is what readily jumps to mind

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how they made up records to make the movie sound good, when no other movie gets shilling like this,
>Captain marvel was the 3rd best may opening!
>2nd best tuesday for captain marvel!
and shit like that, it's pathetic

pic related. acting like kfc and mc dicks isn't part of everyones diet is straight.up disrespectful

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What? They literally do that for every blockbuster that breaks some kind of pointless box office record nobody cares about

I haven't had a hamburger or fried chicken once yet this year and I'm as American as mutually assured destruction.



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I am an actual femdom fetishist, I absolutely want to see movies with strong unapologetic women crushing men, and I cannot stand any of this crop of soulless wimpering shoehorned wallflowers that has been plaguing movies lately. Yelling is not dominant. Nagging is not dominant. The attempt to dismiss a widely attested and observed phenomenon by namecalling is self-defeating, be it pretending that only Russians had any problem with the disastrous former administration or pretending that Fridge Larson's only problem is with inexplicable non-Muslim patriarchal censors.

To this point, we are seeing all establishment social media moving very rapidly to censorship, with the result that people trust it less.

>women are not soldiers
Correct. Pic related has facts that people won't read because I'm incel so facts don't matter.

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>everybody doesn't like you
The inferior female brain.