Newfag here. does this board ever talk about good movies or..?

newfag here. does this board ever talk about good movies or..?

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lmao nah dude. just shitty capeshit news that gets repeated over and over and over again like a fever dream.

someone recommend me some good kino to watch tonight

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No, Yea Forums is for celebrity gossip, capeshit, and baneposting. Any good or serious film discussion will be ignored.

Watch Millers Crossing. It is the best Coen Brothers movie. I cannot recommend it enough.

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Das Weisse Band.

Rescue Dawn is the best Herzog kino of the past 30 years.

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It happens randomly in unrelated threads. Stay vigilant! you'll run into a discussion eventually

im not a huge fan of the coen brothers. seen most of their films and only liked the big lebowski, raising arizona and buster scruggs. they're good but not my style of film.

most everyone here (who cares) has already seen everything good and found that all "discussion" is simply idiots needing what they just saw explained to them, and failing to understand now matter how it is phrased.

Thus, all that remains to discuss is what is new.

I've had this on my watchlist for a WHILE now so I'll watch this now actually. i still have to see amour and caché but i adore funny games. haneke is phenomenal

Try Rescue Dawn like posted. It is a great movie pure Bale Kino.

anything made before 1995 is shit, and anything made before 1985 is reddit shit

You could try making a thread about one instead of lazily attaching a screenshot from one to a thread complaining about a lack of good movie threads

retard alert retard alert

Eight or nine years ago, maybe. You're honestly better off browsing the archives than trying to start a thread here. This board is so fast that no one will see it in the first place and it'll die within an hour.

I made a Herzog thread and no one gives a shit. This board just does not want to talk about movies unless they hate them it seems.

>This board is so fast that no one will see it in the first place and it'll die within an hour.
only if you're a redditor who expects this place to function like reddit
make good posts and you'll get good replies
but you wouldn\t know anything about that
would you
because that woyld require effort
and leftist cucks like you are allergic to that
aren't you
god i wish you were in jail
fuck you
you fucking p[seud
die in reddit you sperg
you do not belong here
get the FUCK out of here

no, the reason nobody wants to talk about Herzog is because he's a hack for reddit pseuds only and also shit

guzzle my cum you fucking ape

What did he mean by this?

Pic unrelated.

Could you give examples? I am willing to be convinced to your side. In my opinion though if you can make Bad Lieutenant, Rescue Dawn, Fitzcarraldo, and Grizzly Man then I would say he is a pretty good director. What about those films do you dislike?

I bet you post sneed. Kill yourself.

it's capeshit 24/7


Started coming to this board a few days ago. It's mostly shit but there are good threads here and there..

Thanks for improving the board quality man, really top tier stuff.

>waaaaaaah I'm so weak and full of soi I get triggered like a snowflake by EVERYTHING
fuck off

But why do you dislike Herzog? Please be specific.

We talk about Sneed, but we used to talk about Chuck too

This board is shit during US hours, you can easily tell when shills start their shifts

the jews

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>Enters thread about how Yea Forums wont discuss movies
>insults everyone
>acts self rightous
Are you actually a retard in real life, or just online?

Look into this man's eyes and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. He is the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creature in the world.

>But why do you dislike Chuckzog? Please be seedcific.

>Any good or serious film discussion will be ignored.
This. Its sad

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Watched High and Low this weekend. Some real good police work in that film.

cry moar ya redditor, you should go back to /rflicks
you too, pseud boi

The problem with talking about actually good movies is that most people agree they're good, which doesn't make for a very interesting conversation. The only time it happens is when some contrarian or a capeshit lover zoomer faggot with no taste who's salty that so many people hate superhero movies here makes a weak bait thread calling a particular movie shit.

There is still hope

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uh oh, the redditors have arrived! take cover everyone! they might try to juzz at you from their moms basement

Cringe underage detected

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sneedfag here. does this chuck ever talk about seed & feed or..?

>does this board ever talk about good movies
Only capeshit and politically loathed bait threads get traction here

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Try again during non business hours. Only neets, capeshitters, and Russians payed by the "kill yourself discord tranny" post around now.

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Volume 3 is a coup de grace

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Yea Forums is for people who either have never even heard the name Herzog, and for people who know that Herzog/Coens/Haneke/Fellini are all shit you should know and have integrated already. For instance, I do not know anything about the poster behind , but I have a physical copy of that dvd with a drawing by Robin Bougie on the disc. I stopped following Bougie back in 2009 when I realized he was an attention whore without any opinions of his own. All of the "real movies" being mentioned in this thread are entry level titles that anyone browsing here seriously should've familiarized themselves with very early on. You should be watching Chuck Vincent movies and Takashi Ito shorts and Roger Watkins' adult movies and Ron Ormond's christian films and Unarius propaganda.

Yea Forums is purposely being turned to shit by underage Yea Forumsedditors and autistic mods, who felt diminished when elitists made fun of their shit taste
why else would they allow so many awful threads of the same tired flicks at the same time, but needlessly erase threads discussing the state of the board, requesting it gets split into smaller boards, asking for better moderation or even attempting to have proper film discussion?

100% true.
sometimes after watching a good movie, i'll make a thread about it and open up the topic to whatever else people recently saw.
it gets a couple replies, but it's usually nice discussion.

>the virgin "great films" viewer vs. The Chad Deep Cut aficionado.

>Yea Forums is for people who either have never even heard the name Herzog
But can repeat this webm verbatim

Attached: but why penguin?.webm (994x560, 2.99M)

that is possibly the best example you could have given
THIS is the heart of Yea Forums


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what movie is this?

But, why?

The USA is notorious for shitting up public spaces on the internet and Yea Forums is no exception. Avoid using USA hours and this board is mildly better (yet still utter shit)

I don't get it. I'm the biggest of plebs, I haven't even seen most Golden Age Hollywood classics let alone many path-to-patrician films recommended by the elitists. I think it's GOOD when people tell me what shit taste I have and what I should be watching instead. Even if I hate the movie at least I'll have seen something I wouldn't have watched otherwise. It's just a part of learning about the possibilities of film beyond the narrow bubble of Hollywood. Why would anyone be protective of their shit taste when they haven't even tried to expand their horizons? (I guess the same person who would become a Yea Forums janitor.)

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yeah fucking right every goddamn dicknigger constantly making things about race and gender and spamming bait threads about identity politics is some fucking mudslime LARPing gook from the third world that either thinks that is what American culture is, or is literally being paid to make it what American culture is.

You LARPing gooks using Yea Forums as your ESL learning board are the wurst. Get your own boards with your own incomprehensible gibberish gooksprecht.

like the poster who posted it said, it can be quoted verbatim by the Yea Forums poster who doesn't even know who Herzog is. It has deep meaning and no meaning. It is a reflection of a large community, but a community composed of lost, lonely individuals who are part of no community at all. It speaks equally for the poster who has seen everything and the one who has seen nothing. It is the ultimate in tragedy and the ultimate in comedy. It is the anguish felt for the directionless incel and the anger felt toward him for existing, and it's the confusion felt by the subject and by it's observer. It's a tiny instance in time, and also the experiences of hundreds and hundreds of thousands compounded and reproduced endlessly.
It's Yea Forums.

you're a fucking try-hard mate

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>read it in his voice

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>L - Look guys I'm an oldfag

But why?

But why?

You are welcome to make as movie threads as you want you piece of shit