Are there any movies that portray the vibrant diversity of african-americans?
Are there any movies that portray the vibrant diversity of african-americans?
Shouldn't have said the n-word, to be honest.
No good thread has ever started with "Are there any movies that" on this board ever. The moderation team must word filter this. It is constantly used by shitposters to post off topic crap.
just a prank, bro
Planet of the Apes Trilogy
he should've pulled a Bane
No, I was saying NAGGERS
This, and if often leads to horrific hate speech. A shame, this is my favourite subchan otherwise.
You mean nigger?
there are lots of great movies about pavement apes don't be facetious. wakanda forever reparations now
Actually the best threads tend to spawn from garbage bait OP text like that
Have sex.
save hex
Should I do what this gentleman does?